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10 theSun | TUESDAY MARCH 3 2009

media and marketing

Branding more
Consistency and
and serve overseas or why did you take
part in this march, and as soon as you
start looking at those dynamics, you are

significant now automatically looking at the term yester-

day,” he said.
Fisk said the usage of new media
attracted many young people who by
by Tan Yi Liang

THE importance of branding

does not diminish in the face of
a global economic crisis.
to a company’s strengths while
downplaying its weaknesses.
“Good brands can significant-
ly differentiate products, reduce
transaction costs and attract
consumer loyalty in ways that
credibility key in any definition are “much more interested in
tomorrow, and here comes a candidate
(Obama), the first viable candidate who
is liberated from the social baggage of
the 60s”.
“He added a whole fresh sense, a

If anything, it increases, the are both measurable and mean- special reporting and investigation editor willingness to look more into the 21st
Raja Muda of Perak, Raja Nazrin ingful. In special cases, brands R. Nadeswaran. century rather than the 20th. The market
Shah said, stressing that the chal- can even become synonymous Tan noted that new media had greatly power that transcends the whole world,
lenge of effective brand building with a generic product. helped the Obama campaign. it’s about being ‘cool’ and Obama is a
has to be embraced if businesses “This is not the preserve of “However, if you don’t have credibil- cool guy. He’s fun and interesting.”
are to be competitive in the cur- multinationals, but something ity and consistency, new media cannot Fisk said Obama’s willingness to
rent economic climate. “With small and medium enterprises by Hemananthani Sivanandam help you,” he said. embrace new technologies started a
even blue-ribbon names falling can also take a leaf out of. SMEs “The real issue is credibility and whole new chapter in American history
victim to the crisis, there seems must appreciate the role that consistency. Obama’s campaign was because of the online tool and fund rais-
to be a clear need for companies branding has to play. They can- CONSISTENCY, credibility and use consistent through out, so people knew ing, and the confluence of circumstances
to instil a sense of confidence and not afford to just be concerned of the new media were key factors in exactly what he stood for.” and presidency of candidate.
value in the products and services about short-term profitability Senator Barack Obama’s campaign for Nadeswaran, who pointed out that However, he was quick to stress that
they offer,” he said in his keynote and must be prepared to invest, United States president last year. many politicians had set up their own while a good campaign can be stronger
address at the soft launch of the even modestly, towards promot- “Our messaging strategy from day blogs in the aftermath of the March 8 with new media, new media alone can-
National Mark and Brand Entre- ing their brands. A great deal of one was the same. We knew exactly general election last year, agreed. not make a strong campaign.
preneur Conference yesterday. thought has to be given to mar- what we were going out to present to “If your core message is not there and “It’s just another tool to reach out to
Raja Nazrin said that al- ketable brand names since the the country,” his former national special there is no continuity, it’s of no use,” he people, to create relationships with them.
though challenges of branding audience is primarily foreign.” events director Roger Fisk said. said, noting that “some politicians not New media is important, but if anyone
are considerable as consumer In urging local SMEs to invest “The question was much about how only cannot talk and write, but cannot thinks that is the core of the campaign, it
markets continuously shift and more in building an international to reach out to the people. We never had even think!” would be a mistake.
change, brand building in the brand name, Raja Nazrin said a doubt a single moment on what we “Embracing new media is one thing, “No matter what technology comes
current environment, while more Malaysia has the advantage of had to present to the voters of America,” keeping it going is the core message.” around, in American politics, it will
difficult, is not impossible. brand building still being in its he said at a seminar entitled “Obama Fisk concurred, saying that from day never replace human interaction.”
“Branding requires a great relatively early stages. Magic in KL” yesterday. one of the Obama campaign, the sena-
deal of commitment but its However, he warned that The session focused on ideas and tor, now president, knew exactly what
payoffs can be substantial. It SMEs should not depend solely thoughts that went into the Obama he wanted to do and what he believed
is useful not only to attract on government aid in brand presidential campaign as well as the in.
and retain customers, but also building. “While the government utilisation of new media strategies such “No matter who worked for
managers and workers, bankers can help, it must be remembered as blogging, email alerts, text messaging, Obama, he is a phenomenal
and investors. What is required that brand building is a private the internet and developing online and candidate. If the candidate
is the ability to identify a par- entrepreneurial activity and offline strategies. and the movement
ticular market niche and the responsibility of the The one-day event organised by (campaign) is in sync,
implement brand owner.” Marketing magazine and The London then the message gets
strate- Speaker Bureau saw about 350 people across,” he said.
g i e s from the marketing and advertising Fisk explained
t h a t industry and the media attend. that during the cam-
p l a y Fisk, 41, began the session by talking paign for the 2004
about “The Road to The White House”, presidential elec-
sharing his experience and providing tion between Sena-
tips on how he orchestrated media tor John Kerry and
exposure for the Obama campaign road- former president
show in 32 states. George Bush, the
A panel discussion on “The Power candidates were
of New Media” followed, with R3 Asia driven by where
Pacific principal Greg Paull as modera- they were in the late
tor and invited guests Astro chief operat- 60s and 70s.
Raja Nazrin confers with International Trade and Industry Minister ing officer Henry Tan, Carat Malaysia “It was much about Fisk speaks at the “Obama Magic in KL”
Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin. managing director Roy Tan and theSun’s why didn’t you sign up seminar yesterday.

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