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Adopted 26th May 1986


ARTICLES I. NAME The name of the Association shall be THE JAMAICAN ASSOCIATION.


OBJECTIVES The objectives of the Association shall be: i. To act as a forum for Jamaicans, their families and friends who are living in Barbados and to disseminate information pertinent to such persons; To rally to the assistance of Jamaicans and their families who are in need; To liaise with Jamaican Associations in other countries; and To bring Jamaicans together socially and to act as a body to promote some community service.

ii. iii. iv.


MEMBERSHIP A. Membership is open to all Jamaicans and their spouses living in Barbados. For this purpose, a Jamaican is defined as any citizen, resident or person of Jamaican lineage. Any member may terminate his/her membership at any time by notice in writing to the Secretary. ASSOCIATE MEMBERSHIP Any non-Jamaican (not being a spouse of a Jamaican) who wishes to affiliate with this Association may be an Association Member.



OFFICERS AND EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE A. The officers of the Association shall be: i. A President ii. A Vice-President iii. A Secretary iv. An Assistant Secretary/Public Relations Officer and v. A Treasurer

B. The Executive Committee shall consist of: i. The Officers of the Association; ii. The immediate Past President (except in the first year of the Association); and iii. One member of the Association appointed by the Officers of the Association. V. DUTIES OF OFFICERS The President shall take the chair at meetings of the Executive Committee and of the Association and perform such other duties as may be necessary for the proper functioning of the Association and/or authorized by the Executive Committee. The Vice President shall preside over meetings of the Association and the Executive Committee in the absence of the President. The Secretary shall: i. Take minutes of the meetings of the Association and of the Executive Committee. ii. Summon meetings of the Association and of the Executive Committee. iii. Present the Annual Report at the Annual General Meeting. iv. Deal with correspondence and all other matters related to the office of the Secretary. The Assistant Secretary/Public Relations Officer shall: i. Assist the Secretary and deputise in the absence of the Secretary. ii. Plan, implement and supervise all public relations of the Association within the community to various news media, other organizations and the public in general; and iii. Comply with the general directives of the Executive Committee in respect of public relations activities. The Treasurer shall: i. ii. Receive subscriptions, record them in a book kept for that purpose, and give appropriate receipts therefor. Lodge all monies received in the bank appointed by the Association.

iii. Keep an account of all receipts and expenditure. iv. Withdraw money from the Associations bank Account when so authorized by the Executive Committee, provided that all withdrawal slips and cheques shall be signed by the officers designated for that purpose by the Executive Committee. v. Submit a financial report at the Annual General Meeting of the Association, and produce the Associations bank book for inspection after the accounts have been certified.

3 VI. SUBSCRIPTIONS, DONATIONS AND APPEALS The subscriptions payable for membership shall be determined by the Executive Committee subject to the ratification by the general body. The Association shall have the power accept donations and make special appeals for funds which shall be used solely for the furtherance of its objects. VII. MANAGEMENT The Management of the Association shall be vested in the Executive Committee. The Executive Committee shall have the right to establish sub-committees for special purposes and shall have the power to appoint members to such sub-committees. Notwithstanding the above, all subcommittees shall include at least one member of the Executive Committee. VIII. ELECTION OF OFFICERS AND COMMITTEE i. The officers of the Association shall be elected annually at the Annual General Meeting. ii. No officer or other member of the Executive Committee shall hold the same office for more than three consecutive years. iii. The other member of the Executive Committee (other than the Immediate Past President) shall be elected by the officers. IX. REMOVAL OF OFFICERS AND COMMITTEE MEMBERS i. The Association may at an Extraordinary General Meeting remove any officer or member of the Executive Committee for failure to attend three consecutive meetings of the Association or the Executive Committee respectively without reasonable excuse, or for conduct prejudicial to the interest of the Association. ii. Any vacancy may be filled by the members at the same meeting. iii. The Executive Committee may fill, for the period up to the next Annual General Meeting any vacancy on such Committee that may arise other than removal under the sub-paragraph IX .i above. X. MEETINGS i. The financial year of the Association shall end on the 31st day of December and the Annual General Meeting shall be convened by the last week in February of each year or such later date as the Executive Committee deems suitable for its members. ii. At least fourteen (14) days notice of such meeting shall be sent to all members. One third (1/3) of the financial members of the Association, or twenty such members, which ever is less, shall constitute a quorum at the Annual general Meeting. In the event of a quorum not being present, the Meeting shall be adjourned to such place, date and time within the following fourteen days as the President shall decide, and the financial members at such meeting shall constitute a quorum. Seven days notice of such meeting shall be given to members.

4 iii. An Extraordinary General Meeting may be convened at any time by a resolution of the Executive Committee or on the written request of at least six financial members of the Association. A meeting held on such request shall be held within fourteen of the receipt of such request by the Secretary and the Secretary shall give the other members of the Association at least seven days notice of such meeting. The quorum at such meeting shall be the same as the quorum at the Annual General Meeting. The Executive Committee shall have the right to call the Association for any other activity in addition to the aforesaid meetings.



VOTING i. At all General Meetings of the Association every financial member, not including the President shall have one vote and in case of equality of votes the President shall have a casting vote. ii. An un-financial member and an Associate member shall not be entitled to hold office. An un-financial member is one whose subscription has not been paid for the current year. iii. Voting shall be by show of hands or by ballots.


EXCUTIVE COMMITTEE MEETINGS The Executive Committee shall meet as required but not less tan four times per year. Four members of the Executive Committee shall constitute a quorum. Each member shall have one vote but in the case of equality of votes the President or the Chairperson of such meeting shall have a casting vote.


AMMENDMENT OF THE CONSTITUTION i. The Association in an Annual General Meeting, by a resolution passed by not less than two thirds of financial members present and voting, my amend this Constitution, save that amendments to this clause may only be made by resolution passed by not less than 4/5ths of the financial members of the Association. ii. The proposed resolution shall be submitted in writing to the Secretary and shall be circulated with the notice convening the meeting.

XIV. RATIFICATION This Constitution will become effective upon its ratification by two thirds of the financial members.


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