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Um Kerfa

There was an old wise respectable lady (120 years old*) named Um Kerfa (mother of
Kerfa or Qirfa), she was one of the wise Arabs
*90 years old according to some sources
She expressed her opinion opposing Muhammad the Prophet of Islam...
A squad, with the leadership of Zayd, Muhammads adopted son, caught the old woman,
undressed her, turned her upside down. And then tied each of her feet by a rope, the other
end of which was tied to a camel. And they beat the camels
The two camels ran in two opposite directions so she was split into two.
Her head was severed as proof to all that she had died. Her beautiful daughter was given
to Muhammad.
Biography of the Prophet, Ibn Hisham


Biography of the Prophet, Ibn Ishaq p.665

Umm Qirfa Fatima d. Rabi'a b. Badr was taken prisoner. She was a very old
woman, wife of Malik. Her daughter and 'Abdullah b. Mas'ada were also taken.
Zayd ordered Qays b. al-Musahhar to kill Umm Qirfa and he killed her cruelly (T.
by putting a rope to her two legs and to two camels and driving them until they rent
her in two). Then they brought Umm Qirfa's daughter and Mas'ada's son to the
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The Major Classes, by Ibn Sa'd 2/90


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She (Um Kerfa) was a very old lady, and he killed her violently: he tied a rope
between her feet then he tied her between two camels, then he hit the camels so they
cut her.
The History of the Prophets and Kings, al-Tabari 2/127

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Then he ordered Zayd bin Haritha to kill Um Kerfa, so he killed her violently, he
tied two ropes to her feet then he tied them to two camels till they split her. Then
they came to the messenger of Allah with the daughter of Um Kerfa..
History of Damascus, Ibn 'Asakir 19/364
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The messenger of Allah sent Zayd Bin Haritha to them, so he killed them and he
killed Um Kerfa and sent her robe to the messenger of Allah who erected it in the
city between two spears.
Muhammad's Reaction
Sira, al-Maghazi, al-Waqidi
The raid of Zayd bin Haritha to Um Kerfa

Narrated Aisha:Zayd came and knocked on the door, so the prophet rose up to meet
him, dragging his robe, naked. I've never seen him naked before. He hugged him,
kissed him and asked him (for the news). So he told him about the victory granted to
him by Allah (the death of Um Kerfa).
The day Muhammad arrived in Mecca he had the slave singer Sarah summarily
executed for singing songs against him.
Other women had their hands and tongues cut out.

And We have not sent you except as a Mercy to mankind.
Qu'ran 21:107
"Blessed are the merciful: for they shall obtain mercy."
Matthew 5:7
MUSLIMS, keep your heads down.
The world has read your books and history,
theres no place for fairy tales or lies.
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See also: The Prophet of Mercy



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