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Tongue Sucker Muhammad

Muhammad, the Prophet of Islam, used to suck on the tongues of little boys and
little girls !!!
He gave al-Hasan* and al-Hussein* his tongue to suck !!!
*Muhammad's grandsons
Ash-Shifa, Qadi 'Iyad (arabic) p. 131 (Microsoft Word)
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Ash-Shifa, Qadi 'Iyad (english) p. 159 (Acrobat Reader)
He gave al-Hasan and al-Husayn his tongue to suck. They had been weeping from
thirst and upon this they became quiet.
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He sucked on Hasan's tongue or lip !!!
Musnad Ahmad 16406
Narrated Muawiya: "I saw the prophet (pbuh) sucking on his tongue or his lip, he
meant Al-Hasan son of Ali, may the prayers of Allah be upon him. For no tongue or
lips that the prophet sucked on will be tormented (by hell fire)."

He put his tongue in his mouth !!!
Al-Adab al-Mufrad, Al-Bukhari (arabic) 1/404
." " :

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Al-Adab al-Mufrad, Al-Bukhari (english) # 1183
'Where is the little one? Call the little one to me.' Hasan came running and jumped
into his lap. Then he put his hand in his beard. Then the Prophet, may Allah bless
him and grant him peace, opened his mouth and put his tongue in his mouth.
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As one would suck on a date !!!
History of Damascus, Ibn 'Asakir 13/223 & 14/169
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Narrated Abi Hurayra: I saw the messenger of Allah (pbuh) sucking on the tongue
of al-Hussein son of Ali as a boy would suck on a date.
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Narrated Abi Hurayra: I saw the messenger of Allah (pbuh) sucking the saliva of alHasan and al-Hussein as a man would suck on a date.
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He kissed her and sucked her tongue while he was fasting !!!
Musnad Ahmad 25435
Aisha said that the Prophet (pbuh) used to kiss her when he was fasting, and suck
on her tongue.
Muhammad used to suck on the tongue of his own daughter Fatima !!!
Fayd al-Qadir, Al-Munawi 5/7178
7178 - ( (
He (Muhammad) used to suck on the tongue of Fatima (his daughter).
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And Ali sucked on the Prophet's tongue !!!
Al-Sira al-Halabiya, Al-Halabi (p. 380 Microsoft Word) 1/431

Al Zamakhshari mentioned that the prophet took charge of naming him 'Ali' and
feeding him many days from his blessed saliva by having Ali suck on his tongue.
Till he fell asleep !!!

For it was narrated by Fatimah Bint Asad, the mother of Ali may Allah be pleased
with her who related that when she gave birth to her son, it was the prophet who
named him Ali and the prophet spat in his mouth then he let him suck on his tongue
till he fell asleep.
Better than a wet nurse !!!

She also said, "The next day we requested a wet nurse for him (Ali) but he refused
her breast so we called Muhammad (pbuh) for him, he then placed his tongue in
Ali's mouth and he (Ali) fell asleep. This is the way it was as Allah willed it."
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And thou (standest) on an exalted standard of character.
Qur'an 68:4
MUSLIMS, keep your heads down.
The world has read your books and history,
theres no place for fairy tales or lies.
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See also: Grandpa Muhammad

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