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Equipment Manual


Operation of Automatic Lapping Plate Flatness Control on the PM5 Precision Lapping & Polishing Machine Original English Version

Ref: BE-01-52-7




Logitech Limited Erskine Ferry Road, Old Kilpatrick, Glasgow G60 5EU, Scotland, UK Tel: +44 (0) 1389 875444 Fax: +44 (0) 1389 879042 Fax: +44 (0) 1389 890856 (Sales) e-mail:

inaccordancewiththefollowingdirective(s): BSENISO9001:2008 BS8888:2008 2004/108/EC 2006/95/EC 2006/42/EC QualityManagementSystems TPSTechnicalProductSpecification 2008 2008 2004 2006 2006

TheElectromagneticCompatibilityDirective TheLowVoltageDirective TheMachineryDirective

herebydeclarethat: Equipment: ModelNumber(s): variants SerialNumber: PM5xandLA5xrangeoflappingandpolishingmachines 1PM5x1;1AL5x1;1AP5x1;1LP5x1and1LA5x1plus

From 56xxx05onwards Where56x=denotesthemodelnumber xxdenotesthenumberbuiltintheyeartodateand05 denotestheyear2005

isinconformitywiththeapplicablerequirementsofthefollowingdocuments/standards: BSENISO138491:2008 SafetyofMachinery.Safetyrelatedpartsofcontrol systems.Generalprinciplesfordesign. 2008 SafetyofMachinery.Guards.Generalrequirementsforthe designandconstructionoffixedandmovableguards. 1997/09 SafetyofMachinery.Electricalequipmentofmachines. Generalguidelines. 2006/09 SafetyofMachinery.Safetydistancestopreventhazard zonesbeingreachedbyupperandlowerlimbs. 2008 ANDEMCStandard(s): BSEN613261:2006 Electricalequipmentformeasurement,controland laboratoryuse 2006




Iherebydeclarethattheequipmentnamedabovehasbeendesignedtocomplywiththerelevant sectionsoftheabovereferencedspecifications.TheunitcomplieswithallapplicableEssential RequirementsoftheDirectives. Doneat:LogitechLtd On13thJanuary2011 Documentref.No.5600112



Monitor cable socket

Plate flatness monitor

Support pill ar for m oni tor

Monitor rol ler arm

Figure C1: Elements of PM5 auto lapping plat e f latness control syst em

The i nnovative Logitech l apping plate flatness control system is controlled from the "Process Data" section of the machine contr ol panel. The system al lows the operator to set a target value for the shape of the lappi ng pl ate, which i s then constantly checked by the pl ate flatness moni tor and displayed on the "Process Data" screen. Any var iations from this plate shape ar e automaticall y corr ected by the machines contr ol system whi le pr ocessi ng continues.
Intendeduse: ThePM5autolapisasingleworkstationlappingand/orpolishingmachine,designedforsmallscale productionworkorresearchanddevelopmentapplications.ItisintendedforusewithLogitech consumablesforthelappingandpolishingofawiderangeofmaterials.Thismustbecarriedoutasper theinstructionsforuseprovidedinthismanualinordertopreventdamagetotheequipmentor materialsbeingprocessed. Itisnotintendedforanyotheruseorwithconsumablesnotapprovedbythemanufacturer.

BE-01-52-7 V0211 P age 2 of 10



(For operati on of the basi c PM5 machine, and di agram s indicating the location of other machine par ts, see the rel evant equipment manual, ref. no. BE- 01-50.)

Specialrequirements: Itisintendedthatthemachinebelocatedinaroomnotsubjectedtoextremeenvironmental conditionssuchashighhumidityortemperatureasthismayadverselyaffecttheelectricaland electroniccomponentsoftheunit. Themachineisnotsensitivetovibrationandcanbelocatedonastandardworkbenchortable sufficienttoholditsweightasspecifiedinsection3.1 Thesystemshouldbesituatedawayfromareasofdustorparticlecontaminationasthismayaffectthe qualityofthesurfaceifairborneparticulatesbecometrappedintheabrasivelayer. Nospeciallightingisrequiredforthesystemandthemachinemaybeoperatedfrom200luxorabove environmentwithnoflickerorglare.Thecontroldisplayisawhiteonbluebacklitdisplaytoaid visibility. ThePM5x1andLA5x1seriesofmachinesinnormaloperationrunatanoiselevelbelow70dB(A). ThemachinewastestedusingacalibratedISOTECHSLM52Nsoundlevelgaugeoveraonehourperiod andaveragedbelow70dB(A).Backgroundlevelswererecordedat52dB(A)+/2dBbeforeandafter thetests.Thesoundmeterwasplaced1mfromtheunitandfacingtheunitdirectlyataheight1.6m fromthefloor. Potentialfailuresorbreakdowns a) Caremustbetakenwhenoperatingthejoysticksoasnottodamagetheuniversalmovement. Gentlepressureissufficienttomovethejoystickinanydirectionandexcessiveforcewill prematurelydamagethemechanism TheSlurryfeedchuteangleadjustmentwiremustbebentslowlytothedirectionandangle requiredtoplacetheslurryontheplate.Excessforcecanbreakthejoinandrequireittobe rebondedintothechutebody Themachineoperationsoftwareisstoredwithinthemainprocessorofthefrontpaneland althoughthemainsinletlineisfusedanyexternalpowersurgeorelectricalstormetcmay scramblethemachinememoryandrequireasystemreset.AUPSunitinlinewouldreducethe chanceofthisoccurring





Upon initial switch- on of the PM5 auto, the Logitech l ogo will appear, followed by the "Checking System Resources" screen. At thi s point the machine will ver ify that each of the r esources listed are present and available for use. Should each r esource be in working or der a tick wi ll appear next to them al l i n turn. In the unlikely event that the machine di scover s a fault with any of the resour ces listed, a cr oss (x) will appear next to the faul ty resource. It is recommended that should thi s occur you contact your near est Logitech representati ve.
BE-01-52-7 V0211 P age 3 of 10

Once these initial checks ar e compl ete the m achi ne will move to a screen w ith the machine serial number and softwar e versi on displayed at the top. Below this infor mation ar e two choices:
l l Process Screen Machine Set up

Using the joystick, the operator should select "Machine Setup".



The plate flatness monitor is calibrated at Logitech pri or to despatch of the machine. However, as it is a precision instrument, it is necessar y for the oper ator to check this calibrati on prior to the first use of the monitor in his or her own laboratory. If correctl y calibrated, it should al ways be possibl e to obtai n a monitor readi ng of between +/-10 m icrons, which should then be offset by zer oing the m onitor. If, however, after carr ying out the fol lowi ng steps it is outwith these tolerances, see section 2.3 "Initial Cali brati on of Plate Flatness Monitor". After selecting "Machine Setup", the screen wil l change to show a screen sim ilar to "A" bel ow. To set up your PM5 for Automati c Lapping Plate Flatness Control, ensure that the "Process Type" display reads "Lapping", that the "Jig Type" display r eads as the correct jig being used and that the "Ar m C ontrol" display is changed to show "Flatness". At this point the scr een ("B") wil l displ ay an option for zeroing the monitor and a warning message telling the operator to remove the r oll er arm assembli es fr om the wor kstati on and m oni tor ar m.

A. Typical ini ti al machine setup screen

B. Screen after selecting the Fl atness option



P age 4 of 10

Thoroughly clean the bearing surfaces of the Plate Flatness Monitor; cl ean the Granite Master Fl at Block supplied equally thoroughly. Attach the long monitor cable to the sockets on the monitor and the machine.

To zero the Plate Flatness Monitor, sel ect "Monitor Set-up" using the joystick. The scr een should change to display the "Raw Plate Shape" reading ("C ").

C. Averaging the monitor reading

D. Show ing the "Actual Plate Shape" reading

E. Selecting "Auto Zero"

F. "Zeroing" the monitor reading

The "Raw Plate Shape" repr esents a snapshot reading taken fr om the M oni tor whi ch is then aver aged against the "Actual Plate Shape" reading which is read from the monitor over a 30 second interval. During this time the operator i s not abl e to navigate away from this screen as the machine r equires to collect data fr om acr oss the m onitor. This informati on is then assi milated and processed before the readi ng is show n as in screen "D".

Once the "Raw Plate Shape" and the "Actual Plate Shape" information have been displ ayed, the operator should navigate to the "Auto Zero" option shown in screen "E". NB If the reading i s not between +/-10 microns it w ill be necessary to recalibrate the monitor as described in the next section of this manual.

Select the "Auto Zero" option by pressi ng the button on top of the joysti ck and the m achine will "Zero" the monitor, as show n in screen "F". Thi s operation involves the machine taking the averaged reading from the "Actual Plate Shape" and recognising it as being the offi ci al zero readi ng, i .e. a completely flat reading whi ch will be used throughout the lappi ng process. At this point the monitor has been zer oed and the oper ator can exit this screen, returning to the "Machine Setup" screen. The l ong monitor cable should be removed from the monitor.
BE-01-52-7 V0211 P age 5 of 10

This procedure for zeroi ng the monitor is all that should be required on a day-to-day basis. H owever, if when usi ng the machine for the first ti me, a reading between +/-10 microns cannot be obtained, it is necessar y to calibr ate the monitor.



The procedure for re- calibrati on of the plate fl atness moni tor is detailed in the fl ow chart ( Figure C3). Letters refer to the parts i n Figure C 2 below.

Figure C2: Plate Flatness Monitor



P age 6 of 10

Clean diamond face on th e flat ness monitor & on the mast er flat block.

Figure C 3: Adjust ment of Plate Flat ness Monitor


Place monitor gen tly on master fla t blo ck. Move slow ly across the m aster flat. Is the re ading within t he +/- 10 micr ons limit?

Select "Exit"

NO Disconnect mon itor cable. Remove loading weight ( A).

Loosen the two sid e clamp screw s ( C) . Connect mon itor cable between m onito r and m achine; switch on machine and navigate to "Machine Set-up ", "Monitor Se t-up".

Loosen the thr ee top holding scre ws (B). Pr ess dow n on top of the mo nitor to simu late th e load ing w eig ht. Wind th e adju stme nt collar to a reading of 2 con cave to 2 convex micr ons (clockwise to convex & anti-clo ckwise to conca ve) .

Fully re- tig hten the thr ee holding scr ews (B) - this will r esult in the rea dout movin g towar ds convex & ideally to within 4-6 micr ons convex. Tighten th e two side clamp screw s (C) .

Remo ve cable, re place we ight ( A) and reconnect cable. Is the monitor read ing w ith in the +/- 1 0 micr ons limit?


R e-assemble monitor

Select "Exit"

NO Is the value high er than 10 micr ons Vex? NO YES

Remove we ight and wind the ad justment collar (D ) anti-clockw ise to a r eading mor e concave than the or iginal setting.

Is the value low er than 10 micr ons Cave? YES

Rem ove weight and w ind t he adjustm ent collar (D) clockwise to a r eading of a litt le more concave than the original setting.

Fully re -tighten the screw s ( B); the concavity will r educe and come back tow ard th e +/-1 0 micr on range . Replace weight. Is t he monitor r eading within the 4- 6 micr ons Vex?



Select "Exit"

Re- assem ble monit or



P age 7 of 10

When re-assembling the monitor, tighten the si de clamp screws (C), and recheck the settings agai n on the Process D ata Display screen, in order to ensure that no movement has taken place.

Once cali brati on of the monitor has been completed, i.e. the reading shows a value between 10 microns concave and convex (i deally ar ound 4 to 6 m convex), and the monitor has been re- assembled, reset the monitor using the procedure detai led in section 2.2. It should be noted that, in or der to maintain the accuracy of the autol ap system, it is necessary to recalibrate the external moni tor on a r egular basis. Logitech recommend that this acti on should be carri ed out if the error is more than 5 micron concave when the monitor is checked using the "Monitor set up screen". Follow the steps for recalibrati ng the m onitor and set i t to approximately 4 to 6 m icron convex. This will lengthen the time that the monitor wil l remain in range without having to recalibrate it m ore often than 4 to 6 weeks.



Having returned to the "Machi ne Setup" screen, the operator should now select "Exit", havi ng ensured that al l r oll er arms have been r emoved from each of the workstations and monitor support pil lar. The machine will now display a "Confirm Action" scr een whi ch will ask the operator whether the jig shown is indeed the correct one. If the jig shown is correct, select "OK" whi ch wi ll lead to a further "Confi rm Action" screen being displayed warni ng that the pil lar arm is about to be moved to the process posi tion. Select "OK" only i f the roll er arms have been r emoved from both the workstation and monitor pillars. The machi ne wil l carry out a short series of internal system checks, and set the wor kstati on and monitor support pillar to thei r mid positions, allowing the roller arm s to be cor rectly positioned. NB This only occurs after i nitial switch-on of the machine; it does not recur at any point during processing. However, shoul d the emer gency stop button be pressed, it will be necessar y to switch the machine on again.



(Refer to Figure C4.) This i s car ried out w ith the aid of the Positi oning Tool supplied and the l apping jig to be used, after the machine has carried out i ts system checks. NB This procedure applies w hen ini tially setting up the machine for use or if the roller arm s have been removed for any reason, such as cleani ng or mai ntenance. If the arms have previously been set, there should be no need to re-position them.

Firstly, place the Posi tioni ng Tool i n the centre r ecess of the l apping plate. Loosely position the roller arm for the Plate Flatness Monitor on the suppor t pi llar ; do not fully ti ghten the clam p scr ew until the arm has been positioned. Place the Pl ate Flatness M onitor in its appr oximate posi ti on in the monitor r oller arm . Ensure that the r im of the monitor s outer stop ring is positioned against the raised secti on of the Positioning Too and tighten the clamp screw.



P age 8 of 10

Plate Flatness M onit or

Positioning tool

Lapp ing jig

Roller ar m bearings

Lapping plate

Po sitionin g tool

Plate Flatness Monitor

Roller arm bearings

Lapping jig

Figure C4: Posit ioning of Roller Arms

Repeat the above procedure for the other roller arm, but using the j ig placed against the Posi tioni ng Tool for pr ecise l ocation before ti ghtening the cl amp scr ew on the ar m.

Finally, attach the short m onitor cable between the Plate Flatness Monitor and the monitor cable socket.



P age 9 of 10




After the m achi ne has completed its internal system checks, select the "Process Screen" option and the machine wi ll allow the oper ator to star t pr ocessing - wi th a zero flatness target. Alternatively, the operator can choose to set a specifi c target value. The tar get can be altered by selecting the "Flatness" option w ith the j oystick on the "Process Scr een", as shown below. From thi s screen the oper ator can choose to make the plate convex, concave or return i t to a flat target. The position of the T on the line denotes the val ue being set in r elati on to the zero value.

(i) Target set to zero

(ii) Target set convex

(ii i) Target set con cave

Figure C5: Setting Target Plate Shape

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The actual plate value is shown by the arrow sym bol directl y above the T and duri ng processing this symbol will shi ft toward the T symbol as the plate shape changes to reflect the target value. This allow s the operator to moni tor the plate shape throughout processing and to observe how any i nitial devi ations fr om the target shape ar e automati cally cor rected by the auto functi on. Logitech recommended tol erances are +/-2 mi crons, i.e. al though the machine will work to the pr ecise target, a value within 2 microns of this shoul d also be considered as acceptable.



When lapping par ti cularly hard materials on the PM5 auto, the operator may find that the deviation from the target value remains, even though the machine has moved to cor rect this. This is quite normal when lappi ng hard samples. The deviation from the zero tar get will onl y be in the order of a few microns over the plate track, and therefore the individual sampl es will hardly be affected. To help return the plate to a flat shape, pl ace the lapping plate test bl ock supplied in the ri ght- hand roller arm and r un thi s, with the l oading weight on top and with a supply of lappi ng abrasive from the autofeed cylinder, until the shape displayed on the Process Scr een is within 2 microns of flat.



P age 11 of 10

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