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Introduction to Spatial Design II

Julian Koschwitz, Free University of BozenBolzano, 2013


Introduction to Spatial Design I, 4.3.: Scenography Exhibition Spaces Events, Trade Fair & Retail Spaces

Introduction to Spatial Design II, 11.3.: Interactive & Responsive Spaces Installations & Objects Mobility

HumanComputer Interaction

Vannevar Bush, Memex, 1945 (As we may think in:Atlantic Monthly, July 1945

CERN, The First Website, 1990

SAGE Defense System, 1948

SAGE Defense System, 1948

SAGE, Control Room, 1948

John Badham, War Games, 1983

Henry Dreyfuss, Designing for People, 1955 Relevant: Klaus Krippendor and Reinhart Buttery, Product Semantics: Exploring the Symbolic Quali ties of Form, 1984

Ivan Sutherland, Head Mounted Display, 1964 Read: Ivan Sutherland, The Ultimate Display, 1965

Douglas Engelbart, ComputerMouse, 1962

Ivan Sutherland, Sketchpad, 1963

Olivetti Programma 101, 1965 (Designed by Mario Bellini)

Grid, Compass, 1982

Apple Lisa, 1984

Apple Lisa, Graphical User Interface, 1984 ( )

Apple,OSX Mountain Lion, 2012

Apple, iPhone and iPhone 5, 2005, 2012 (Designer: Jonathan Ive)

Gabriele Meldaikyte, Multi-touch gestures, 2013

Steven Spielberg, Minority Report, 2002

John Underkoffler, Chief Scientist on Minority Report

Oblong Industries, Mezzanine, 2012

Microsoft, xbox kinect, 2010

Daniel Frank, Unnamed Sound Sculpture, 2012

Google, Glass, 2012

Deutsche Telekom Laboratories Design Research Lab, Skintimacy:Exploring Interpersonal Boundaries through Musical Interactions, 2010

Deutsche Telekom Laboratories Design Research Lab, Skintimacy:Exploring Interpersonal Boundaries through Musical Interactions, 2010

Bill Moggridge, Designing Interactions, 2006

Interactive & Responsive Spaces

Fabrica, We are the time we are the Famous, 2007

Fabrica at Victoria and Albert Museum in London, 2010

IBM Think Exhibition, 2012 /

Art+Com, Salz Weltweit, 2010 /

Studio Roosegaarde, CRYSTAL, 2012

Studio Roosegaarde, Lotus Dome, 2012

Studio Roosegaarde, Interview, 2012

Janet Cardiff, Her long black hair, 2004

Methods: ID Lab, RFID Mon Amour at Triennale di Milano, 2010

Methods: ID Lab, RFID Mon Amour at Triennale di Milano, 2010

Methods: ID Lab, RFID Mon Amour at Triennale di Milano, 2010

Installations & Objects: Writing & Drawing & Machines

Robotlab, BIOS (Bible), 2009

Jurg Lehni, Viktor (5000 Years of Chairs), 2008

Julius Popp, Bitfalls, 2007

Jurg Lehni, Apple Talk, 2002 / 2007

Jean Tinguely, Meta-matics,


Peter Vogel, Sound Sculpture, 1980

Peter Vogel, Shadow Orchestra III, 1999

Exhibition Art Machines Machine Art at Museum Tinguely, 2008 / more:


Streetmuseum, Museum of London, 2010

The Artvertiser, Julian Oliver, 2010

Idea & Invention: Head-mounted display, Ivan Sutherland, 1966

Fictional application: Terminator 2: Judgement Day, 1991

Design study: Sapienza - Universit di Roma, AR Goggles, 2010

Design study: Sapienza - Universit di Roma, AR Goggles, 2010

Product: Google, Glass, 2013 / Review & Video by

SPATIAL DESIGN: EVERY MONDAY, 10.30 17.00 what we do: three weeks research & concept phase two Lectures (Introduction I & II) (10.30 12.00) one concept session Spatial design concepts (11.3., 14.30 16.30) one Workshop Interactive Spaces (18.3., 10.00 18.00) texts for reading will be provided research & reading discussion (13.3014.30) what you will have to do: define your project (mobile exhibition) written concept (12 pages) for your mobile exhibition and how it is part of the overall branding of the typewriter museum projectplan and schedule for the project phase material: Server: smb:// -> projects -> B1:Der Schne Schein lectures & texts on the blog: Deadline 27.3 (Concept-presentation)

TO DO 4.3.: research online: spatial design, environmental design, kommunikation im raum spatial design agencies, designer and projects spatial design awards & conferences most interestingly designed exhibitions of 2012 read exhibition concepts until next week: Lucy Bullivant, Playing with Art, in: Architectural Design: 4DSocial (text is on our blog, we will discuss it on the 18.3.) watch 2001: Minority Report (Steven Spielber, 2002) material: Server: smb:// -> projects -> B1:Der Schne Schein

lectures & texts on the blog:


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