Assignment of Advertisement & Sales Management

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Assignment Of Advertisement & Sales Management

Topic- Advertising Agencies Date 26th January, 2013

SUBMITTED BY: Deepika Roshan Kumar ROLL NO. 111 MBA 4th


(Session 2011-13)


Advertising Agency
Advertising agency is a firm that: (1) Creates new promotional ideas, (2) Designs print, radio, television, and internet advertisements, (3) Books advertisement space and time, (4) Plans and conducts advertising campaigns, (5) Commissions research and surveys, and (6) Provides other In general, such services that help a client advertising agencies are because in entering and succeeding in a chosen market. not deemed agents of the services the advertisers, they act as principals for

they buy on behalf of their clients.

Advertising Agencies in India

1. Akshara Advertising agency History: Company is a reputed National Advertising Agency, thats been in the business of building brands for over 3 decades. Established in 1975 as a proprietorship firm, today Akshara Advertising is a Limited Company. Company are a fully Accredited Agency with the Indian Newspaper Society, Prasar Bharati (AIR & DDN) and recognized by all Channels. Akshara is also a member of the Advertising Clubs. At Akshara youll be working with a team thats a rare blend of experienced values and youthful zest. A dynamic set of professionals, who constantly strive to be the best at what they do, while always on the lookout for out-of-the-box solutions in every challenge that they tackle. Working: As a company adhere to the principals of legal, decent, honest and transparent advertising.

Company believe our work reflects a strong sense of social responsibility,



as Company as the ethics of fair competition, that is acceptable in our business. The Work Company do should not impair public confidence in advertising. Company like to earn the trust of our clients and not demand it, and Company do so with our constant endeavour to be disciplined, dedicated and accountable. Above all Company value transparency while dealing with our clients at every level and across all transactions. Capabilities: Company have in place a full-fledged team in every agency space that includes Client Management, Planning, Creative, Media, Production Our go proprietary beyond tactical and Brand & communication Public Communication into tools behavioural Relations. enable us to with changes

measurable results. Our in-house facilities include:

e-generation office, with digital facilities Net savvy operations for faster working Completely self-reliant scanning, photo-retouching, digital camera and printing facilities Industry-specific software confirming to international benchmarks including Photoshop, CorelDraw, PageMaker etc. Language Adaptation facility at our doorstep

Top Brands: Intel: WORLD AHEAD PROGRAM Aditya Birla Group Aroma: Feel the most beautiful Woman in the world BHARAT HEAVY ELECTRICAL LTD. Grasim GRAVIERA SUITING INDIAN AIRLINES

2. Pressman Advertising Agency:


Company are one of India's leading independent full service advertising agencies with wide capabilities and a substantial reputation built over more than four decades. Company provide advertising, design, media planning and buying, market research, digital and public relations services to hundreds of clients. Company have an extensive network of offices in India. Our offices are located in Mumbai, Kolkata, Delhi, Bangalore, Hyderabad, Chennai, Bhubaneswar, Nagpur, Siliguri, Guwahati and Patna. At Pressman, Company don't just rely on conventional wisdom. Company listen. Company take time to understand the clients' business and goals. And then Company deliver in the most effective way using our wealth of specialist knowledge and experience. Our work is characterized by a determination to achieve excellence in our mission: creating competitive advantages for our clients, enhancing brand values and enriching client equity. TOP BRANDS: GlaxoSmithKline Pharmaceutical Ltd. Finolex Pipes Ltd. Union Bank of India Bombay Stock Exchange

Ethics in Advertising
Ethics means Good Conduct or Conduct which is right in view of the society and the time period. By common consent, various modes of behaviour and conduct are viewed as good or bad. In other word, Company can say that Ethics are moral principles and values that govern the actions and decisions of an individual group. Ethics is a choice between good and bad, between right and wrong. It is governed by a set of principles of morality at a given time and at a given place and in a


given society. Ethics is related to group behaviour in ultimate analysis, thus setting norms for an individual to follow in consistence with the group norms. A particular action may be within the law and still not be ethical; Target Marketing is a good example for this. There is no law to restrict tobacco companies from promoting their brands to Africans & American, though it is in India but for Doordarshan only. Similarly the alcoholic beverage companies promote their brands & target not only college students but underage drinkers as well. These advertisements have increased alcohol related problems. Advertisements exposing pornography is another serious issue in advertising industry today. Advertisements promoting permissiveness & objectifying women are heavily criticized in the society. Therefore, even advertising has ethical value. The mixing of Art and facts in advertising communication are subservient to ethical principles. In todays competitive and buyers market, an advertisement has to be truthful and ethical. If an advertisement is misleading, the credibility of the organization is lost. To view the truth in advertisement, it has to be seen from to consumers point of view rather than from legal point. The advertising industry has been frequently criticized for putting out misleading or exaggerated claims in respect of product, goods and services advertised. It is also perceived as guilty of glorifying certain habits or tendencies regarded as undesirable and encouraging consume rest culture. However, it is very difficult to demarcate a clear line of difference between what is true and what is untrue. But the advertisement as such is judged by its impact and by its acceptance by the consumers. The product must fulfil its advertised claims. Advertisements should be decent and not be obscene. It must be truthful. Gambling is also unethical. Sometimes, celebrities endorsing the product and spreading falsehood is also criticized. Advertising is a social process, thus it must follow the time-tested norms of social behaviour and should not affront our moral sense.


In short ethics are rules of conduct or principles of morality that point us towards the right or best way to act in a situation. Ethics vary from person to person, society-to-society point of view. Remember that the various people have different backgrounds, values and interests. You may see nothing wrong with the advertisements for cigarettes or beer or sexually suggestive ads, but other students; many oppose these actions on moral and ethical grounds. You will have to draw your own conclusions as to what is right and what is wrong!

The Advertising Standard Council of India (ASCI)

THE CODE FOR SELF-REGULATION IN ADVERTISING PERTINENT EXTRACTS Adopted by THE ADVERTISING STANDARDS COUNCIL OF INDIA under Article 2(ii) f of its Articles of Association at the first meeting of the Board of Governors held on November 20, 1985 and amended in February 1995 and in June 1999.

Declaration of Fundamental Principles This Code for Self-Regulation has been drawn up by people in professions and industries in or connected with advertising, in consultation with representatives of people affected by advertising and has been accepted by individuals, corporate bodies and associations engaged in or otherwise concerned with the practice of advertising with the following as basic guidelines with a view to achieve the acceptance of fair advertising practices in the best interests of the ultimate consumer:

To ensure the truthfulness and honesty of representations and claims made by advertisements and to safeguard against misleading advertisements.


To ensure that advertisements are not offensive to generally accepted standards of public decency. Advertisements should contain nothing indecent, vulgar or repulsive which is likely, in the light of generally prevailing standards of decency and propriety, to cause grave or widespread offence

To safeguard against the indiscriminate use of Advertising in situations or of the promotion of products which are regarded as hazardous or harmful to society or to individuals, particularly minors, to a degree or of a type which is unacceptable to society at large.

To ensure that advertisements observe fairness in competition. Both the general public and an advertisers competitors have an equal right to expect the content of advertisements to be presented fairly, intelligibly and responsibly. The Code applies to advertisers, advertising agencies and media.

Responsibility for the Observance of this Code The responsibility for the observance of this Code for Self-Regulation in Advertising lies with all who commission, create, place or publish any advertisement or assist in the creation or publishing of any advertisement. All advertisers, advertising agencies and media are expected not to commission, create, place or publish any advertisement which is in contravention of this Code. This is a self-imposed discipline required under this Code for Self-Regulation in Advertising from all involved in the commissioning, creation, placement or publishing of advertisements. This Code applies to advertisements read, heard or viewed in India even if they originate or are published abroad so long as they are directed to consumers in India or are exposed to significant number of consumers in India. Standards of Conduct Advertising are an important and legitimate means for the seller to


awaken interest in his products. The success of advertising depends on public confidence. Hence no practice should be permitted which tends to impair this confidence.

Importance of ASCI
The main objects to be pursued by the Company on its incorporation are to monitor, administer and promote standards of advertising practices in India with a view to

Ensuring the truthfulness and honesty of representations and claims made through advertising and safeguarding against misleading advertising

Ensuring that Advertising is not offensive to generally accepted norms and standards of public decency Safeguarding against the indiscriminate use of advertising for the promotion of products or services which are generally regarded as hazardous to society or to individuals or which are unacceptable to society as a whole

Ensuring that advertisements observe fairness in competition and the canons of generally accepted competitive behaviour

To codify adopt and from time to time modify the code of advertising practices in India and implement, administer and promote and publicize such a code. To provide facilities and machinery in the form of one or more Consumer Complaints Councils having such composition and with such powers as may be prescribed from time to time to examine complaints against advertisements in terms of the Code of Advertising practices and report thereon. To give wide publicity to the Code and seek adherence to it of as many as possible of those engaged in advertising. To print and publish pamphlets, leaflets, circulars or other literature or material, that may be considered desirable for the promotion of or carrying out of the objects of the Company and disseminate it through any medium of communication.


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