AP-T200-12 Bridge Design Guidelines For EQ

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Bridge Design Guidelines for Earthquakes

Bridge Design Guidelines for Earthquakes

Bridge Design Guidelines for Earthquakes

Published May 2012

Austroads Ltd 2012

This work is copyright. Apart from any use as permitted under the Copyright Act 1968,
no part may be reproduced by any process without the prior written permission of Austroads.

Bridge Design Guidelines for Earthquakes

ISBN 978-1-921991-25-7

Austroads Project No. TS1599

Austroads Publication No. APT200-12

Project Manager
Phil Molloy DPTI SA

Prepared by
Lory Noya, Dr Nigel Priestly, Dr Neal Lake
ARRB Group

Published by Austroads Ltd
Level 9, Robell House
287 Elizabeth Street
Sydney NSW 2000 Australia
Phone: +61 2 9264 7088
Fax: +61 2 9264 1657
Email: austroads@austroads.com.au

Austroads believes this publication to be correct at the time of printing and does not accept
responsibility for any consequences arising from the use of information herein. Readers should
rely on their own skill and judgement to apply information to particular issues.

Bridge Design Guidelines for Earthquakes

Sydney 2012

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A u s t r o a d s 2 0 1 2
1 INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................................. 1
1.1 Background ........................................................................................................................... 1
1.2 Purpose ................................................................................................................................ 1
1.3 Scope ................................................................................................................................... 1
1.4 Structure of the Guidelines .................................................................................................... 1
2.1 Overview of Bridge Design Steps for Earthquakes ................................................................ 3
2.2 Importance Factor and Return Period ................................................................................... 4
2.3 Site Hazard Factor (Acceleration Coefficient) ........................................................................ 4
2.4 Site Subsoil Class ................................................................................................................. 5
2.5 Bridge Earthquake Design Category (BEDC) ........................................................................ 5
2.5.1 Review of BEDC Determination ............................................................................... 5
2.5.2 Proposed Solution to Determine BEDC .................................................................... 7
2.6 Assessment of Required Analysis ......................................................................................... 8
2.6.1 Required Analysis in AS 5100.2 ............................................................................... 8
2.6.2 Proposed Analysis Requirements ............................................................................ 8
2.7 Static Analysis ...................................................................................................................... 8
2.7.1 Fundamental Period of the Bridge .......................................................................... 10
2.7.2 Spectral Shape Factor ............................................................................................ 10
2.7.3 Bridge Ductility and Structural Performance Factors .............................................. 11
2.7.4 Vertical Earthquake Force ...................................................................................... 12
2.7.5 Horizontal Earthquake Force Distribution ............................................................... 12
2.8 Dynamic Analysis ................................................................................................................ 12
2.9 Provision for Displacement-based Analysis......................................................................... 12
3 REVIEW OF APPROACHES IN OTHER COUNTRIES ...................................................... 15
3.1 Design Philosophy, Procedure and Approach ..................................................................... 15
3.2 Importance Factor in Each Code ......................................................................................... 16
3.3 Design Earthquake (Return Period) .................................................................................... 17
3.4 Methods of Analysis ............................................................................................................ 18
3.4.1 No Analysis Provision............................................................................................. 19
3.4.2 Elastic Static Analysis (ESA) .................................................................................. 19
3.4.3 Elastic Dynamic Analysis (EDA) ............................................................................. 19
3.4.4 Inelastic Static Analysis (ISA) Push Over Analysis .............................................. 19
3.4.5 Inelastic Dynamic Analysis (IDA) ............................................................................ 20
3.4.6 Developments in Analysis Method.......................................................................... 20
3.5 Bridge Regularity Definition ................................................................................................. 20
4 PROPOSED CHANGES TO SECTION 14 OF AS 5100.2 .................................................. 21
4.1 General ............................................................................................................................... 21
4.2 Bridge Classification and Importance Level......................................................................... 22
4.3 Design Limit States ............................................................................................................. 23
4.4 Bridge Earthquake Design Category ................................................................................... 23
4.4.1 General .................................................................................................................. 23
4.4.2 Annual Probability of Exceedance of Design Earthquake (P) .................................. 24
4.4.3 Probability Factor (k
) ............................................................................................. 24
4.4.4 Design Seismic Hazard Factor (Z) .......................................................................... 24
4.4.5 Spectral Shape Factor (C
(T)) ................................................................................ 24

A u s t r o a d s 2 0 1 2
4.4.6 Site Subsoil Class .................................................................................................. 24
4.5 Design Acceleration Spectrum for Earthquake Response ................................................... 25
4.5.1 Elastic Design Spectrum for Horizontal Earthquake Response .............................. 25
4.5.2 Elastic Design Spectrum for Vertical Earthquake Response................................... 25
4.5.3 Reduced Design Forces for Ductile Response ....................................................... 25
4.6 Methods of Analysis for Earthquake Effects ........................................................................ 26
4.6.1 General .................................................................................................................. 26
4.6.2 Requirements for BEDC-1 ...................................................................................... 27
4.6.3 Requirements for BEDC-2 ...................................................................................... 27
4.6.4 Requirements for BEDC-3 ...................................................................................... 27
4.6.5 Requirements for BEDC-4 ...................................................................................... 27
4.7 Earthquake Horizontal Forces Determined from Static Analysis .......................................... 27
4.7.1 Seismic Mass Distribution ...................................................................................... 27
4.7.2 Lateral Stiffness ..................................................................................................... 28
4.7.3 Frame Fundamental Period in the Transverse Direction ......................................... 28
4.7.4 Frame Design Horizontal Earthquake Force ........................................................... 29
4.7.5 Distribution of Design Horizontal Earthquake Force ............................................... 29
4.7.6 Design Earthquake Moments for Potential Plastic Hinges ...................................... 29
4.7.7 Design Abutment Reactions ................................................................................... 29
4.7.8 Vertical Seismic Response ..................................................................................... 30
4.7.9 Soil Behaviour ........................................................................................................ 30
4.7.10 Ductile Behaviour ................................................................................................... 30
4.8 Earthquake Horizontal Forces Determined from Dynamic Analysis ..................................... 30
4.9 Required Moment Capacity ................................................................................................. 31
4.9.1 At Potential Plastic Hinge Locations ....................................................................... 31
4.9.2 At Other Locations ................................................................................................. 31
4.10 Seismic Displacements ....................................................................................................... 31
4.11 P- Effects .......................................................................................................................... 31
4.12 Capacity Design .................................................................................................................. 31
4.13 Structural Detailing Requirements for Earthquake Effects ................................................... 32
4.13.1 General .................................................................................................................. 32
4.13.2 Restraining Devices ............................................................................................... 32
4.13.3 Provision for Horizontal Movements ....................................................................... 32
4.13.4 Grade L Reinforcement .......................................................................................... 33
4.13.5 Column Detailing .................................................................................................... 33
5.1 General ............................................................................................................................... 39
5.2 Bridge Classification and Importance Level......................................................................... 42
5.3 Ultimate Limit State ............................................................................................................. 42
5.4 Bridge Earthquake Design Category ................................................................................... 42
5.4.1 General .................................................................................................................. 42
5.4.2 Annual Probability of Exceedance of Design Earthquake (P) .................................. 42
5.4.3 Probability Factor (k
) ............................................................................................. 42
5.4.4 Design Seismic Hazard Factor (Z) .......................................................................... 42
5.4.5 Elastic Displacement Spectral Shape Factor
(T) ................................................. 42
5.5 Design Displacement Spectrum for Earthquake Response ................................................. 44
5.5.1 Elastic Design Spectrum for Horizontal Earthquake Response .............................. 44
5.5.2 Elastic Design Spectrum for Vertical Response...................................................... 44
5.5.3 Reduced Design Displacement Spectrum for Ductile Response ............................ 44
5.6 Seismic Mass Distribution ................................................................................................... 45
5.7 Pier Yield Displacement Check ........................................................................................... 45
5.7.1 Yield Displacement Capacity of Piers ..................................................................... 45
5.7.2 Criteria for Exemption from Specific Earthquake Design ........................................ 46

A u s t r o a d s 2 0 1 2
5.8 Methods of Analysis for Earthquake Effects ........................................................................ 47
5.8.1 General .................................................................................................................. 47
5.8.2 Requirements for BEDC-1 ...................................................................................... 47
5.8.3 Requirements for BEDC-2 ...................................................................................... 47
5.8.4 Requirements for BEDC-3 ...................................................................................... 48
5.8.5 Requirements for BEDC-4 ...................................................................................... 48
5.9 Representation of a Bridge Frame as SDOF Structure ....................................................... 48
5.9.1 Design Horizontal Earthquake Force from Displacement-Based Design
Analysis ................................................................................................................. 48
5.9.2 Frame Characteristic Horizontal Displacement in the Transverse Direction ............ 49
5.9.3 Equivalent Frame Stiffness .................................................................................... 49
5.9.4 Frame Effective Mass ............................................................................................. 49
5.9.5 Frame Equivalent Natural Period ........................................................................... 49
5.9.6 Frame Equivalent Viscous Damping ....................................................................... 49
5.9.7 Equivalent Viscous Damping of Component Actions .............................................. 50
5.10 Ductile Displacement Capacity ............................................................................................ 51
5.10.1 Lateral Displacement Profile of a Frame in the Transverse Direction ..................... 51
5.10.2 Strain Limits for Serviceability Limit State ............................................................... 51
5.10.3 Strain Limits for Ultimate Limit State ....................................................................... 51
5.11 Distribution of Design Horizontal Force (in the Transverse Direction).................................. 52
5.12 Design Seismic Moments in Potential Plastic Hinges .......................................................... 52
5.13 Vertical Seismic Response ................................................................................................. 52
5.14 Required Moment Capacity ................................................................................................. 52
5.14.1 At Potential Plastic Hinge Locations ....................................................................... 52
5.14.2 At Other Locations ................................................................................................. 53
5.15 P- Effects .......................................................................................................................... 53
5.16 Design Abutment Forces ..................................................................................................... 53
5.17 Capacity Design .................................................................................................................. 53
5.18 Structural Detailing Requirements for Earthquake Effects ................................................... 53
REFERENCES ............................................................................................................................. 55
APPENDIX A DISPLACEMENT-BASED DESIGN EXAMPLES ..................................... 57
APPENDIX B COMMENTS ON AS 5100.5:2004 COLUMN DESIGN .......................... 94
APPENDIX C SYMBOLS AND DEFINITIONS ................................................................ 97

A u s t r o a d s 2 0 1 2
Table 2.1: Selection of earthquake design category in AS 1170.4:2007 .................................... 6
Table 2.2: Selection of bridge earthquake design category in AS 5100.2 .................................. 6
Table 2.3: Bridge design actions for earthquakes in AS 5100.2 ................................................ 8
Table 2.4: Proposed analysis requirement ................................................................................ 8
Table 3.1: One-level earthquake design procedure ................................................................. 15
Table 3.2: Two-level design procedure example ..................................................................... 16
Table 3.3: Performance limit state ........................................................................................... 16
Table 4.1: Bridge earthquake design category (BEDC) ........................................................... 24
Table 4.2: Design ductility level ............................................................................................... 26
Table 5.1: Bridge Earthquake Design Category (BEDC) displacement-based ...................... 42
Table 5.2: Elastic displacement spectral shape factor
(T) (mm) ........................................... 43

Figure 2.1: Comparison of processes to determine BEDC ......................................................... 5
Figure 2.2: Response spectra used in AS 1170.4:1993 ............................................................ 10
Figure 2.3: Response spectra by site subsoil class, in AS 1170.4:2007 ................................... 11
Figure 2.4: ADRS of design response spectra for Z = 0.08 ...................................................... 13
Figure 2.5: An example of superimposing capacity and demand displacement ........................ 13
Figure 3.1: Ratio of spectral acceleration of return period to 500 year return period ................. 18
Figure 4.1: Seismic design of bridges using the force-based design method ........................... 22
Figure 4.2: Typical details of overlapping rectangular ties ........................................................ 35
Figure 4.3: Overlapping spiral reinforcement ............................................................................ 37
Figure 5.1: Seismic design of bridges using the displacement-based design method............... 40
Figure 5.2: Specific seismic design using the displacement-based design method .................. 41
Figure 5.3: Elastic displacement spectral shape factors
(T) for different subsoil
classes ................................................................................................................... 44

A u s t r o a d s 2 0 1 2
Despite the fact that the occurrence of large earthquakes in Australia is rare, the consequences
can be fatal and costly. The performance of bridges during and after earthquake events is critical
in ensuring that road networks remain operational and importantly provide access for emergency
services. The project investigated current Australian and international seismic design practices and
formulates new force-based and displacement-based code provisions for the design of bridges to
earthquake loads suitable for inclusion in current Australian design codes.
In Australia, bridges are designed to prevent collapse while allowing some damage to be
sustained. The level of damage depends on the function and importance of the structure as
determined by a number of Australian Standards. It is important to ensure that bridge design
standards in Australia are kept up to date and reflect world best practice.
A literature review identified the need to address compatibility issues between relevant existing
Australian Standards governing seismic design as well as alternative design methodologies.
The key outcomes based on the findings of the report are:
Recommended changes, with specific clause wordings to AS 5100.2:2004 Bridge design Part
2. Design loads, to ensure compatibility with AS 1170.4:2007 Minimum design loads on
structures Part 4: Earthquake loads.
Development of an alternative displacement-based design method suitable for inclusion in
AS 5100.2, presented in the form of recommended code clauses. Design examples illustrating
the use of this method are provided for typical bridge configurations.
The key outcomes of this report not only ensure national consistency in bridge design for
earthquakes in Australia but also provide bridge design practitioners with extensive background
information and an alternative design methodology in line with world best practice.

A u s t r o a d s 2 0 1 2
1.1 Background
Seismic activity in Australia is relatively small compared to other countries located at the
boundaries of tectonic plates. Australia is subjected to intra-plate earthquakes which are less
frequent and harder to predict. The largest earthquake magnitude recorded of 6.8 has occurred
twice in Australia, first in Meckering in 1968, then later near Tennant Creek in 1988. The most
devastating earthquake in Australia was a 5.6 magnitude earthquake that occurred in Newcastle in
1989 which resulted in 11 deaths and caused around $2 billion damage. Although earthquake
occurrence is rare especially in highly populated areas, the consequences can be fatal and costly.
When designing for earthquakes in Australia, the general design philosophy is to prevent collapse
while allowing some damage to be sustained. The level of damage depends on the intended
function and the importance of the structure.
The provision for earthquake loads in bridge design is covered by Section 14 of AS 5100.2:2004
Bridge design Part 2. Design loads. This section is based on AS 1170.4:1993 Minimum design
loads on structures Part 4: Earthquake loads, which was updated in 2007 rendering most of the
references in AS 5100.2:2004 incompatible.
1.2 Purpose
These guidelines review the latest seismic studies, developments and codes from other countries
update AS 5100.2:2004 in line with the recent changes in AS 1170.4
provide an alternative displacement-based design method suitable for inclusion in
AS 5100.2.
1.3 Scope
The provisions for earthquake design in these guidelines are applicable to bridges of conventional
superstructure and support types, such as slab, beam and slab, box-girder and truss bridges
supported on single or multi-column piers and/or abutments, with spans not greater than 100 m,
with angular change of the direction of the longitudinal axis of the bridge between abutments less
than 90
and skew angles less than 35
, maximum concrete strength f
of 65 MPa and maximum
pier height of 40 m.
For other bridges, specialist advice should be sought for the assessment of earthquake effects.
For taller piers, particularly those in the range of 25 m to 40 m, the influence of pier mass inertia on
the seismic response of the pier responding as a vertical beam should be considered.
1.4 Structure of the Guidelines
These guidelines firstly examine the compatibility of AS 5100.2:2004 with the new earthquake
design code, AS 1170.4:2007. This includes highlighting areas where changes are required and
outlining proposed solutions (Section 2).
A literature review of the development and practices adopted in the area of bridge design for
earthquakes around the world is provided in Section 3.
Section 4 and Section 5 are intended to be considered by the relevant Australian Standards
committee for inclusion in AS5100.2.

A u s t r o a d s 2 0 1 2
Section 4 has been written as a draft replacement for Section 14 of AS 5100.2. Section 5 has
been written as an alternative displacement-based design procedure as compatible as possible
with the proposed changes to Section 14. This section could be incorporated in AS 5100.2 as an
Appendix to Section 14 or incorporated as a replacement for it.
The rationale and the basis of the work in Section 4 and Section 5 are provided in Commentaries 1
and 2 respectively at the end of the document.
The displacement-based design method is illustrated by the inclusion of four design examples in
Appendix A, two for a multi-span bridge on a single column and the other two for a multi-span
bridge on three piers of different heights.

A u s t r o a d s 2 0 1 2
The design of structures for earthquakes is covered by AS 1170.4:2007 Structural design actions
Part 4: Earthquake actions in Australia. This standard was originally published in 1993 before
being re-written in 2007. However, the scope of these standards does not include the design of
bridges for earthquakes.
The current practice for earthquake design for bridges is governed by Section 14 of AS 5100.2 first
published in 2004. The overall design process is similar to that in AS 1170.4:1993 but focusing
more on the effect of earthquakes on bridges rather than buildings. Some of the design factors in
AS 5100.2 are directly referenced to AS 1170.4:1993. However, due to the recent changes in
AS 1170.4:2007, these references are now out-of-date.
To temporarily address the incompatibilities between the new earthquake loading code and the
bridge design code, some state road authorities in Australia have issued their own interim design
This section highlights the revision of AS 1170.4, the effect of the changes on AS 5100.2, the
temporary design rules adopted by some state road authorities and the proposed design rules
introduced in these guidelines.
2.1 Overview of Bridge Design Steps for Earthquakes
Although there are extensive incompatibilities between AS 5100.2:2004 and AS 1170.4:2007, the
design steps generally remain unaffected.
The procedures to design a bridge for earthquake actions are:
1 Determine bridge importance level.
2 Determine probability factor.
3 Determine site hazard factor.
4 Determine site subsoil class.
5 Using the outcomes of steps 1, 2 and 3, determine bridge earthquake design category
6 Based on the BEDC, determine the required analysis effort.
7 Determine equivalent horizontal and/or vertical design earthquake force (either by static or
dynamic analysis).
8 Detail the structural members, restraining devices, bearings and deck joints.
This is the force-based approach. The proposed changes to Section 14 of AS 5100.2, as detailed
in Section 4 of these guidelines, follow the same approach.
AS 1170.4:2007 allows for an alternative displacement-based approach to be used. This
alternative approach, however, is not detailed in the code.
These guidelines introduce a detailed procedure to carry out the alternative displacement-based
design as described in Section 5.

A u s t r o a d s 2 0 1 2
The design procedure is as follows:
1 Determine the site seismicity in terms of the elastic design displacement spectrum.
2 Determine the yield displacements of internal piers.
3 Check whether yield displacements exceed the elastic corner-period displacement. If so, no
further earthquake design is needed.
4 If the check in step 3 fails, determine the fundamental period of the bridge in the direction
5 Determine the elastic displacement response of the fundamental period.
6 Check whether yield displacements exceed elastic displacements for fundamental period. If
so, no further earthquake design is needed.
7 If ductile earthquake design is indicated by the above steps, carry out displacement-based
earthquake design to determine required lateral strength of piers and abutments.
2.2 Importance Factor and Return Period
The bridge importance factor (I) in AS 5100.2 is used in the determination of BEDC and the
calculation of horizontal earthquake forces. Bridges which play a key post-earthquake role in
maintaining communication and recovery are given a factor of 1.25 (which corresponds to a return
period of around 800 years). Every other bridge has a factor of 1.0 (return period of 500 years).
In AS 1170.4:2007, the concept of an importance factor is replaced by a risk factor, expressed by
annual probability of exceedance of the design event (in this case, intensity of seismic action). The
probability factor (k
) is dependent on the building importance levels specified in the Building Code
Australia (BCA) with an associated return period of 500 years for importance level 2 structures (k
1.0) up to 1500 years for importance level 4 structures (k
= 1.5).
Some state road authorities (SRA), in their interim bridge design rules suggest the use of the
2000 year return period to be in line with the ultimate limit state for strength in AS 5100.2. For
earthquakes, the forces calculated in Section 14 of AS5100.2 were to be used.
In some countries there is a concern with using the 500 year return period for earthquake design.
This return period is regarded as inadequate to cope with a rare but more severe earthquake (2500
year return period). This issue drives the move to extend the design earthquake to the 2500 year
return period. Section 3.3 of these guidelines provides further details on the issue.
These guidelines propose the use of the importance factor and the return period as specified in
AS 1170.4:2007 with modifications for bridge design as outlined in Cl. 0 and Cl. 4.4.3.
2.3 Site Hazard Factor (Acceleration Coefficient)
Both AS 5100.2 and AS 1170.4:2007 use this factor to account for the potential earthquake
hazards a bridge might have depending on its geographical location in accordance with the
Australian seismic zone map. This map is constructed based on a 500 year return period of
effective peak ground acceleration. The site hazard factor (Z) and the acceleration coefficient (a)
are identical. Therefore the updated version of the seismic zone map in AS 1170.4:2007 shall be
This approach is adopted by most state road authorities and also by Cl. 4.4.4 of these Guidelines.

A u s t r o a d s 2 0 1 2
2.4 Site Subsoil Class
The influence of the site subsoil conditions has been expanded in the provisions of
AS 1170.2:2007 by replacing the old soil profile descriptor with five new subsoil classes. It is also
expressed in the updated spectral shape suitable for Australia, rather than a standard spectral
shape developed for use in the USA. The subsoil classes range from hard rock (site class A) to
very soft soil (site class E). This classification is similar to the recommendations in the National
Earthquake Hazard Reduction Program (NEHRP) in the US (Lam & Wilson 2008).
The approach adopted by the SRAs varies between using the values stipulated in AS 5100.2 and
the new set of values aimed to match the new description introduced by AS 1170.4:2007.
Cl. 4.4.6 uses the same approach as in AS 1170.4:2007.
2.5 Bridge Earthquake Design Category (BEDC)
2.5.1 Review of BEDC Determination
Figure 2.1 illustrates the sequence of steps required to determine the BEDC in AS 5100.2 as
compared to AS 1170.4:2007.

Figure 2.1: Comparison of processes to determine BEDC
There are no significant changes in the way AS 1170.4:2007 addresses the structure level of
importance. The classification is based on the functionality of the structure and the potential
hazard level to life when failure occurs but is now referenced to the classification in Appendix F of
AS 1170.0:2002.

A u s t r o a d s 2 0 1 2
Other parameters, however, such as the use of influence factors to determine the bridge or
structure design category differ between AS 5100.2 and AS 1170.4:2007.
AS 1170.4:2007 uses the product of the probability factor (k
) and hazard factor (Z), subsoil
condition, and importance level as shown in Table 2.1 whereas the bridge design code, following
the AS 1170.4:1993 method, utilises the product of the acceleration coefficient (a) and the site
factor (S) in combination with bridge importance as shown in Table 2.2.
Table 2.1: Selection of earthquake design category in AS 1170.4:2007
level, type of
Mapped hazard (kpZ) for site subsoil class Structure
height hm
1 - -
Not required
to be
designed for
Top of roof
8.5 m
Appendix A
Top of roof
> 8.5 m
Select design
method as for
level 2
0.05 0.08 0.11 0.14
> 12, < 50
> 0.05 to
> 0.08 to
> 0.012 to
> 0.17 to
< 50
> 0.08 > 0.12 > 0.17 > 0.21
< 25
0.08 0.12 0.17 0.21
< 50
> 0.08 > 0.12 > 0.17 > 0.21
< 25
4 -
< 12
Source: AS 1170.42007, Table 2.1.
Table 2.2: Selection of bridge earthquake design category in AS 5100.2
Product of acceleration
coefficient and site factor (aS)
Bridge classification
Type III Type II Type I
0.1 aS < 0.2 BEDC3 BEDC2 BEDC1
aS < 0.1 BEDC2 BEDC1 BEDC1
Source: AS 5100.2:2004, Table 14.3.1.

A u s t r o a d s 2 0 1 2
When determining BEDC, Main Roads Western Australia (MRWA 2008) issued the following
internal design rules:
recommends using the hazard factor (Z) from AS 1170.4:2007 as acceleration coefficient (a)
recommends retaining the site factor (S) from AS 5100.2, Cl. 14.3.4 which refers to
AS 1170.4:1993 values
recommends using Table 14.3.1 of AS 5100.2 to determine the BEDC using the product of
aS and bridge classification in Cl. 14.3.1 of AS 5100.2.
A similar approach is taken by the Department of Planning, Transport and Infrastructure, (DPTI) of
South Australia with an exception that all bridges are Type II bridges in accordance with Cl. 14.3.2
of AS 5100.2 unless otherwise specified.
In Victoria, VicRoads issued its own interim bridge design guidelines which are similar to those
from MRWA but with a multiplier of 1.7 applied to the acceleration coefficient (a). The 1.7 factor is
used as an adjustment for a higher return period of 2000 years.
The Department of Transport and Main Roads, Queensland (TMR) retains the reference to
AS 1107.4:1993 when using AS 5100.2 to design for earthquake.
In summary, the areas in AS 5100.2 which require clarification and adjustment in order to
determine BEDC are:
the bridge level of importance
the use of the hazard factor
influence of structure height
subsoil class influence and
bridge earthquake design category matrix table.
2.5.2 Proposed Solution to Determine BEDC
Section 4 of these guidelines is provided to resolve the issue of determining BEDC in Section 14 of
AS 5100.2. In general, the procedure is similar to that in AS 1170.4:2007 where the following
steps are required:
1 Determine importance level of the bridge, (Cl. 4.3). This is similar to the classification given in
AS 1170.4:2007 where structures are classified into four importance levels.
2 Based on the bridge importance level and its design working life, determine the annual
probability of exceedance (P) which is then used to determine the probability factor (k
), (Cl. 0
and Cl. 4.4.3).
3 Determine seismic hazard factor (Z), (Cl. 4.4.4). This factor replaces the acceleration
coefficient (a) and is determined based on the earthquake hazard table and map in
AS 1170.4:2007.
4 Determine site subsoil class, (Cl. 4.4.6). The subsoil class in AS 1170.4:2007 is used to
replace the site factor in AS 5100.2.
5 BEDC for a bridge is determined based on the new matrix table (Table 4.1). This table is
similar to the BEDC matrix table in AS 1170.4:2007 (Figure 2.1) with pier height being
considered instead of structure height.

A u s t r o a d s 2 0 1 2
2.6 Assessment of Required Analysis
2.6.1 Required Analysis in AS 5100.2
The current bridge design code provides two alternatives when determining earthquake forces on
bridges, using either static or dynamic analysis. The appropriate analysis method depends on the
BEDC and its structural configuration as summarised in Table 2.3. The BEDC also indicates
whether or not consideration of the vertical earthquake component is warranted.
Table 2.3: Bridge design actions for earthquakes in AS 5100.2
Structural configuration &
Analysis Earthquake forces to consider
Span 20 m No action N/A
Span > 20 m Static analysis Horizontal
Span 35 m Static analysis Horizontal
Span > 35 m Static analysis Horizontal and vertical
One dominant mode of free
Static analysis Horizontal
More than one dominant mode of
free vibration
Dynamic analysis Horizontal and/or vertical
Irregular mass Dynamic analysis Horizontal and/or vertical
Irregular stiffness
BEDC-4 All bridges Dynamic analysis Horizontal and/or vertical
Source: AS 5100.2:2004, Cl. 14.4.
The minimum lateral restraint provisions of Cl. 9 of AS 5100.2 apply to all BEDC1 bridges.
2.6.2 Proposed Analysis Requirements
The proposed requirements for earthquake design in Section 4 have been simplified as
summarised in Table 2.4.
Table 2.4: Proposed analysis requirement
Category Structural configuration Minimumrequired analysis
Earthquake forces to
BEDC-1 All bridges No action N/A
BEDC-2 All bridges Static analysis Horizontal

One dominant mode of free vibration Static analysis Horizontal and Vertical
More than one dominant mode of free
Dynamic analysis Horizontal and Vertical
BEDC-4 All bridges Dynamic analysis Horizontal and Vertical
The minimum lateral restraint provisions of Cl. 9 of AS 5100.2 still apply to BEDC-1 bridges and for
bridges in other BEDC, the detailing of structural members, restraining devices, bearings and deck
joints shall be in accordance with Cl. 4.13.
2.7 Static Analysis
Static analysis for earthquake design is a simplified process to determine equivalent horizontal
force and is limited to an elastic response of the bridge. It depends on the weight, the dynamic

A u s t r o a d s 2 0 1 2
characteristics of the bridge expressed in the form of its natural period, the earthquake hazard
zone, the type of bridge structure, the geology of the site and the importance of the bridge. In
AS 5100.2 the horizontal earthquake force for bridges is calculated using Equation 14.5.2(1) from
The same equation is also used in AS 1170.4:1993 with the difference being in the way structural
periods (T) for buildings and bridges are determined.
AS 1170.4:2007 uses a similar methodology when determining horizontal earthquake forces by
reducing the weight of the structure by a fraction made up of almost similar variables as shown in
Equation 6.2(3) of AS 1170.4:2007 (see Equation 1).

p h 1 p
( ) k ZC T S
V W =


= probability factor

Z = hazard factor

) = spectral shape factor for the fundamental natural period

= structural performance factor

= design ductility level

= seismic weight of the structure.

MRWA adopts a modified equation to that in AS 1170.4:2007 where importance factor (I) and the
probability factor (k
) are used. The importance factor (I) is 1.0 unless otherwise stated by the road
authority and k
is equal to 1.7 for a 2000 year return period.
DPTI South Australia uses the new equation to calculate the horizontal earthquake force but every
bridge is designed for the 2000 year return period by using k
= 1.7. This seems to be the case
also for VicRoads.
The proposed design rules in Section 4 of these guidelines adopt a similar approach to
Equation 6.2(3) of AS 1170.4:2007. In addition, the following factors are considered or revised for
bridge design purposes:
fundamental period
spectral shape factor
bridge ductility and structural performance factor
horizontal earthquake design force distribution.
Equation 8 is used to calculate the horizontal earthquake design force which is then distributed in
accordance to Cl. 4.7.5.

A u s t r o a d s 2 0 1 2
2.7.1 Fundamental Period of the Bridge
The structural period of buildings of uniform vertical distribution of mass and stiffness was
approximated using Equation 6.2.4 of AS 1170.4:1993. This has been superseded by Equation
6.2 (7) of AS 1170.4:2007 but is not applicable for bridges.
AS 5100.2 provides two different formulae to determine the fundamental period of bridges but only
for bridges in BEDC-1. This is expanded in Cl. 4.7.3 where calculation of the fundamental period of
bridges in all BEDC is provided. Considerations are made for bridges with uniform or non-uniform
mass and stiffness distribution as well as retaining the simplified formula from AS 5100.2 (Equation
2.7.2 Spectral Shape Factor
The bridge fundamental period is then used to determine the earthquake design coefficient factor,
C, in AS 5100.2, now termed the response spectral shape factor, C
), in AS 1170.4:2007.
AS 5100.2 uses the following equation to determine the earthquake design coefficient factor (C)
(see Equation 2):
3 2
25 . 1
C =
This factor is then multiplied by the site factor (S) to account for the sites subsoil condition. The
response spectra produced are shown in Figure 2.2, which is based on small to medium
earthquake data from California.

Source: AS 1170.4:1993, Figure 7.2.
Figure 2.2: Response spectra used in AS 1170.4:1993
One of the features of AS 1170.4:2007 is the improvement of the response spectrum which now
uses data associated with low to medium seismic events in Australia (Lam & Wilson 2008) as
illustrated in Figure 2.3.

A u s t r o a d s 2 0 1 2
Notice that the response spectrum is specific to each subsoil condition and hence eliminates the
need to use a site factor, S.
Cl. 4.4.5 uses the same soil-dependent response spectra as in AS 1170.4:2007.

Source: AS 1170.4:2007, Figure 6.4.
Figure 2.3: Response spectra by site subsoil class, in AS 1170.4:2007
2.7.3 Bridge Ductility and Structural Performance Factors
All of the previously discussed factors either in the 1993 or 2007 version of AS 1170.4, namely the
importance category (probability factor), structure fundamental period, response spectra and site
hazard factor (acceleration coefficient), define the elastic earthquake response of the bridge.
The variable, R
, in the bridge design code is then used as the denominator to approximately
account for the bridge capability to dissipate energy through inelastic behaviour.
Table 14.5.5 of AS 5100.2 rationalised the R
values into four categories according to the bridge
structural system. These R
values range from 3.0 for non-ductile structures to 6.0 for ductile
There is no change in the way ductility and structure performance is accounted for in the new
earthquake loading code. It has been expanded as a ratio of ductility, , and structural
performance, S
, components.
In essence, the ratio /S
= R
Table 6.5(A) of AS 1170.4:2007 tabulates /S
values for a number of structural systems. This
table, however, is not intended to be used for bridge design.
For this reason, MRWA and VicRoads retained R
in Table 14.5.5 of AS 5100.2 in their interim
provisions. DPTI, South Australia also retains the use of R
but for some reason not explained in its
interim design rule, reduced it by a factor of 0.7.
The proposed design solution in these guidelines uses the ductility factor, , as a denominator and
the structural performance factor, S
= 1.0. It is based on the consideration that unlike in buildings,
excess strength in bridges (S
greater than 1.0) varies and is sometimes non-existent. The values

A u s t r o a d s 2 0 1 2
of the ductility factor in AS 5100.2 have been replaced by the values in Table 4.2 for different
bridge structural systems.
2.7.4 Vertical Earthquake Force
AS 5100.2 specifies that the vertical earthquake force shall not be less than 50% of the horizontal
earthquake force. These guidelines tentatively suggest the commonly accepted ratio of 2/3
of the
horizontal force with guidance on how the analysis is to be carried out in Cl. 4.7.8. Table 4.2 also
provides the ductility factor to be considered when designing bridges for vertical earthquake force.
2.7.5 Horizontal Earthquake Force Distribution
The distribution of the design horizontal earthquake force to the mass location, similar to the
distribution of base shear distribution of the earthquake force to higher levels in buildings, is
currently not well defined in AS 5100.2. This has been resolved with the inclusion of Cl. 4.7.5 in
the proposed revision of AS 5100.2.
2.8 Dynamic Analysis
When simple static analysis is inadequate due to a more complex response characteristic or the
higher importance of a bridge, dynamic analysis is to be used. Table 2.4 indicates that most
structures in BEDC-3 with the exception of bridges with only one dominant vibration mode and all
bridges in BECD-4 will require dynamic analysis.
Dynamic analysis of bridges is conducted in accordance with Cl. 14.6 of AS 5100.2. This clause
mostly refers to the dynamic analysis of structures according to AS 1170.4:1993 with some
exceptions of scaling of results, directional effects and torsion which are deemed not applicable for
Cl. 4.8 makes reference to AS 1170.4:2007 when determining horizontal earthquake forces for
dynamic analysis. The methods of dynamic analysis specified in AS 1170.4:2007 are:
modal-response-spectrum-analysis using either the general design spectrum for Australia,
as shown in Figure 2.3, or site specific design response spectra
inelastic time history analysis.
2.9 Provision for Displacement-based Analysis
AS 1170.4:2007 provides an updated response spectrum developed for Australia. These response
spectra, for each subsoil condition, can be represented in other graphical formats namely the
acceleration displacement response spectra (ADRS) format as shown in Figure 2.4.
This provides designers with the option to compare the displacement demand with the estimated
structural capacity. The capacity displacement is obtained by inelastic (non-linear) static analysis
also known as the push over analysis described in Wilson et al. (2008) as where designer
calculates the displacement as a function of increasing horizontal force until the structure is
deemed to have failed.

A u s t r o a d s 2 0 1 2

Source: Wilson et al. (2008).
Figure 2.4: ADRS of design response spectra for Z =0.08
The checking procedure is achieved by superimposing the calculated displacement capacity curve
onto the demand diagram, (example shown in Figure 2.5). The bridge is deemed satisfactory if the
capacity curve intersects the demand diagram which gives an estimate of the actual maximum
displacement and acceleration demand on the bridge at the point of intersection. This procedure is
also known as the Capacity Spectrum Method (CSM).

Source: Kappos et al. (2005).
Figure 2.5: An example of superimposing capacity and demand displacement
AS 1170.4:2007, however, does not give step-by-step guidance on how to carry out a
displacement-based analysis.
Whilst the application of displacement-based design for buildings has been widely studied and
verified, the observations and conclusions from these studies cannot really be extrapolated to
bridge applications. This is mainly due to the nature of bridges which extend horizontally rather
than vertically. For bridge design, currently there is no formal guidance for the displacement-based
design method.

A u s t r o a d s 2 0 1 2
The displacement-based design method is introduced in Section 5 as an alternative bridge
earthquake design method. It is based on the extensive work conducted in this area by
Priestley et al. (Priestley 1996, 2007 and Priestley & Caloi 2003). This is complemented by design
examples in Appendix A of these guidelines.

A u s t r o a d s 2 0 1 2
A review of practices in a number of countries known for earthquakes was undertaken in order to
have a better understanding of the effect of earthquakes on bridge design and to keep up with
recent seismic design developments. This section highlights the findings in terms of similarities
and differences among the design codes and their applicability in Australia.
The standards reviewed were from the United States (AASHTO LRFD 2007), Canada (CSA 2006),
Japan (Japan Road Association 2002), New Zealand (Transit New Zealand 1994) and European
Union (CEN, Eurocode 8 Part 2: 2004). The earthquake design codes for these countries are
intended for both inter-plate and intra-plate earthquakes, unlike Australia where only intra-plate
earthquakes are considered.
3.1 Design Philosophy, Procedure and Approach
The underlying design philosophy and earthquake performance requirements are very similar
between codes i.e. to prevent bridges from collapsing in the event of a large earthquake and with
minimal structural damage after a small to medium size earthquake.
This simple philosophy is translated into a design method which is categorised as either a
one-level or two-level design procedure with examples shown in Table 3.1 and Table 3.2
respectively. Most countries adopted a one-level procedure where bridges are simply categorised
into two to three classes of importance with expected performance for each class.
Some countries are moving toward adopting a two-level design procedure, notably in the USA
where some states in the Western USA have done so either entirely (Applied Technology Council
1996) or partially for the evaluation of their important bridges (South Carolina Department Of
Transportation 2001), while in Japan this approach has been adopted for some time nationally
(Kawashima 2006).
The two-level procedures involve analysing the bridge based on elastic design principles to ensure
that there is no damage in the event of a high probability earthquake, and a second level analysis,
performed to ensure that the bridge will not collapse in the event of a low probability, high severity
earthquake. This is often a deformation-based procedure using a non-linear static analysis. The
level 1 and the level 2 analyses are also referred to as function and safety evaluation.
Table 3.1: One-level earthquake design procedure
Return period
Lifeline Emergency-route Other
Small to moderate earthquake
All traffic All traffic All traffic
Immediate use Immediate use Immediate use
Design earthquake
(475-year return period)
All traffic Emergency vehicles Repairable damage
Immediate use Immediate use
Large earthquake
(1000-year return period)
Emergency vehicles Repairable damage No collapse
Immediate use
Source: CSA (2006).

A u s t r o a d s 2 0 1 2
Table 3.2: Two-level design procedure example
Ground motion (GM) Ordinary bridges Important bridges
GM with high probability of occurrence Functional Functional
GM with low probability of
Type I GM (Plate-boundary earthquakes)
Prevent critical damage
Retain limited
Type II GM (Intra-plate earthquakes)
Source: Japan Road Association (1996).
The international trend in design approach is moving towards performance-based criteria where
descriptive performance principles are matched with definitive deformation descriptions (Sheikh et
al. 2007) as shown in Table 3.3. This approach recognises deformation as a more critical
parameter for defining performance and hence is typically associated with provisions for
displacement-based analysis.
Among the codes reviewed, only Japan has integrated the performance-based approach into its
code. In the USA, recommendations have been put forward to AASHTO to adopt the same
approach but have yet to be adopted. In other countries, such as Canada and in the European
Union, provision has been made for displacement-based analysis to be used in the move towards
the performance-based approach.
Table 3.3: Performance limit state
Limit states
Qualitative performance
performance description
Fully operational Full service
Onset of hairline cracks
Cracks barely visible;
crack width <0.5 mm
No repair
Yielding of longitudinal
Crack width <1mm
Limited epoxy
Limited service
Initiation of inelastic
deformation; onset of concrete
spalling; development of
longitudinal cracks
Crack width 1-2 mm
c = -0.004
Epoxy injection;
concrete patching
3 Stability Closed
Wide crack width/spalling over
full local mechanism regions;
buckling of main
reinforcement; fracture of
transverse hoops; crushing of
concrete core concrete;
strength degradation
Crack width > 2 mm
c = cc50 (initial core
c = cu (fracture of hoops)
s < 0.06 (longitudinal
reinforcement fracture)
Extensive repair /
c = axial strain of concrete; cc50 = post peak axial strain in concrete when capacity drops to 50% of confined strength; cu ultimate strain of the concrete; s = tensile
strain at fracture.
Source: Sheikh et al. (2007).

The current Australian bridge design code is not a performance-based code. In order to move in
the same direction as other countries, it will need to incorporate provisions for displacement-based
design, as introduced in Section 5 of these guidelines.
3.2 Importance Factor in Each Code
The expectation of a bridge to resist earthquake forces depends on its importance. This is
acknowledged in every code reviewed with variations in the application.

A u s t r o a d s 2 0 1 2
The use of bridge importance can be categorised into two approaches. The first uses a response
modification factor (R) as adopted in the USA and Japan. The second uses an importance factor
explicitly in the calculation of the design forces, as used in the EU, NZ and Canada where bridges
are usually categorised in two to three importance levels. This approach is adopted in AS 5100.2.
Bridges which are deemed least important in terms of function are assigned an importance factor
of 1.0 corresponding to the 500 year return period whilst bridges in the highest importance level
are assigned a factor of 1.3 which corresponds to the 1000 year event in NZ and for Australia a
factor of 1.25 (800 year event) was adopted in AS 5100.2.
The provision in Table 3.1 in AS 1170.4:2007 allows for the use of the 2500 year return period
which has a probability factor (k
) of 1.8. The same return period is used in the US bridges
categorised as Critical. This is the equivalent of bridge Type III in AS 5100.2.
A recent study comparing the performance of the two approaches using the US and the Canadian
design codes concludes that both approaches produced almost identical performance for bridges
with low importance. However, for bridges with higher importance, for large earthquake events
(1000 year or 2500 year return period), the Canadian and the US codes have significant
differences in safety as reported by Sheikh (2007).
The determination of the importance factor in NZ (known as the Risk Factor) uses specific traffic
and road classes which reduce the ambiguity of classification. This practice could be considered
for use in Australia. AS 5100.2 uses general traffic volume descriptions without the specific daily
count when classifying bridge importance.
3.3 Design Earthquake (Return Period)
The design earthquake is usually determined from an acceptable risk of earthquake occurrence in
the lifetime of the bridge. For an assumed design life of 50 years at a 90% confidence level
(i.e. 10% chance of exceedance in the design life) the return period is 475 years which is rounded
up to 500 years. This is equivalent to a 15% chance of exceedance for a bridge with a 75 year
design life. All codes including AS 5100 use a 500 year return period as the baseline for the
design earthquake.
The return period is reflected in the calculation of the design horizontal earthquake load using the
location-dependent hazard factor as adopted in the US, Canadian, Japan, NZ and Australian
codes. This factor represents a design ground motion obtained from the 500 year return period
seismic map developed using historical data for each country.
In recent years, countries such as the USA and Canada have moved from a 500 year return period
(10% chance of exceedance in 50 years). In the USA, AASHTO (2009) uses 7% chance of
exceedance in 75 years which corresponds to a 1000 year return period for the earthquake design
of bridges.
In 1990, the US Geological Survey (USGS) developed the existing probabilistic ground motion map
used by AASHTO which provides contours of Peak Ground Acceleration for a probability of
exceedance of 10% in 50 years. This has since been updated with a set of probabilistic maps
published in 1996 which covered three different probabilities of exceedance, 10% probability of
exceedance in 50 years (10/50), 5/50 and 2/50.
This new development has been proposed for incorporation into the AASHTO LRFD specification
due to a concern about the adequacy of the existing 500 year return period for preventing collapse
in some areas of the USA known to have experienced large events. This is supported by the result
of detailed analysis of the USGS 1996 map shown in Figure 3.1 as extracted from NCHRP report

A u s t r o a d s 2 0 1 2
472, (NCHRP 2002) which shows the ratio of the maximum potential earthquake to the current
AASHTO design earthquake (500 year return period) in regions of conterminous USA (CEUS),
western USA (WUS) and California. This can be used for multiplication factors of forces which
may exceed the 500-year earthquake. The factor ranges from around 1.5 in California to about 4.5
in Charleston. A 4.5 times the design earthquake is very likely to cause collapse even after
consideration of the reserve capacity of a bridge from conservative design provisions.

Source: NCHRP Report 472.
Figure 3.1: Ratio of spectral acceleration of return period to 500 year return period
The Canadians who closely follow seismic code developments in the US have also developed a
2% in 50 years probabilistic hazard map in 2005 with the same intention of achieving uniform
reliability of collapse prevention across the country (Adams & Atkinson 2003, Heidebrecht 2003).
These proposals are yet to be adopted into both the AASHTO LRFD design code and the
Canadian bridge design code. However, some state road authorities in the USA such as the
States of California and South Carolina (South Carolina Department of Transportation 2002) have
adopted the new earthquake return period (2% in 50 years) in their specifications for bridge design.
Before following international trends in extending the return period of the design earthquake, it is
recommended that sufficient research and studies be conducted similar to those in the USA and
Canada which are specific to Australia. It should be noted that the recommended move to a 2500
return period is provided by the development of a seismic hazard map (ground motion) for 2%
chance of exceedance in 50 years and not by use of a deterministic multiplication factor.
3.4 Methods of Analysis
The force-based analysis approach for either static or dynamic analysis is commonly used in all the
codes. Some countries such as Canada, Japan and those in the EU, have also integrated the use
of the displacement-based approach in their analysis in addition to the force-based approach. In

A u s t r o a d s 2 0 1 2
all codes the analysis method is dependent on the importance of the bridge and other bridge
parameters such as configuration, stiffness and mass distribution.
The following summarises the types of analyses used in other countries in the order of the least to
the most rigorous analysis.
3.4.1 No Analysis Provision
The provision for No analysis is in AASHTO for single span bridges or bridges in seismic zones
with the lowest hazard (AASHTO seismic zone 1), for which bridges are only designed for non-
seismic loads.
The current Australian bridge design code allows for bridges not be analysed for earthquake forces
if the bridge is in the BECD-1 category with spans less than or equal to 20 metres.
3.4.2 Elastic Static Analysis (ESA)
ESA is required as a minimum for bridges which are less important with simple configurations
(regular bridges). This is often expressed as the shear base equation adopted in NZ and
Australian or the uniform elastic method and single mode elastic method adopted in the AASHTO
and Canada codes, respectively.
In general, the elastic earthquake force is determined based on the bridge elastic response as a
function of its effective dead weight. This force is then divided by a reduction factor to account for
inelastic behaviour.
3.4.3 Elastic Dynamic Analysis (EDA)
EDA is used when the level of importance of a bridge increases and/or the bridge configuration is
irregular, which means the structure can no longer be represented by a single-degree-of-freedom
(SDOF) system. The multi-modal elastic analysis is adopted in AASHTO, Canada, EU, NZ and
When the bridge earthquake excitation results in several modes of vibration, the elastic response
(response spectrum) of each relevant mode is found. The bridge is then analysed for several sets
of earthquake forces and the results are combined using acceptable methods such as the
complete quadratic combination method.
The Australian code specifies two methods of determining the response spectra for a bridge. The
first method is by using the general response spectrum, similar to that used in ESA and the second
uses site-specific response spectrum.
3.4.4 Inelastic Static Analysis (ISA) Push Over Analysis
The countries which have made provision for ISA in their codes are the EU, Canada and Japan.
This is also known as the push over analysis and is a displacement-based approach. Elastic
analysis can only be effective in representing bridge responses when a structure is behaving in the
elastic range. It can indicate location of first yielding but cannot predict failure mechanisms.
Inelastic procedures on the other hand can be used to show the bridge performance at any loading
This method appears to be restricted to a fundamental mode scenario where a bridge response
can be referenced as by a single-degree-of-freedom (SDOF) system.
These guidelines include an alternative displacement-based design method in Section 5.

A u s t r o a d s 2 0 1 2
3.4.5 Inelastic Dynamic Analysis (IDA)
This design method is mainly associated with time history analysis. This is the most rigorous type
of analysis and is reserved in every code for bridges with the highest importance and/or most
complicated configuration in high seismic areas. Some countries have this as an alternative to
dynamic analysis but in Japan and the USA (AASHTO) this is the only specified analysis for
important bridges.
3.4.6 Developments in Analysis Method
In the last 10 years there have been a number of analysis methods developed which aim to
balance the reduction in design conservatism in the elastic static approach and the cost and
complexity of design using the inelastic dynamic approach (time history analysis).
The following details some developments in analysis methods for earthquake design of bridges.
Modal Push Over Analysis (MPA) this analysis is an extension of the standard push over
analysis that considers higher modes of bridge vibration. Studies have been conducted to
investigate the extension of the modal push over method to bridges and determine how well
it matches to the results of inelastic time history analysis. Kappos et al. (2005) developed the
MPA procedure which has a high degree of agreement when checked against a time history
analysis for a particular bridge configuration.
Adaptive Capacity Spectrum Method (Pinho & Casorotti 2007) is a response spectrum-
based approach which uses the substitute structure methodology to model an inelastic
system with equivalent elastic properties. It combines elements from the direct displacement-
based design method (e.g. Priestly & Calvi 2003) and the capacity spectrum method
(Freeman 1998, Applied Technology Council 1996).
3.5 Bridge Regularity Definition
The Australian code uses bridge regularity in terms of configuration, stiffness and mass distribution
to help determine the need for dynamic analysis. The definition of regular bridges however is not
clearly defined unlike those in the Canadian code where bridge regularity is defined based on an
extensive parametric study.
AASTHO has also specified a clear definition of bridge regularity which can be used as a model for
practice in Australia.
The proposed change to AS 5100.2 as provided in Section 4 of this report includes consideration
of mass and stiffness distributions when determining a bridges fundamental period.

A u s t r o a d s 2 0 1 2
4.1 General
Earthquake effects on bridges shall be considered in accordance with this section. In general,
earthquake design actions are determined in accordance with AS 1170.4, with minor modifications
as defined in this section. Only those clauses of AS 1170.4 specifically referenced in this section
shall be applied to the earthquake design of bridges. Design in accordance with AS 1170.4
requires that the design life of the bridge, the importance level, the bridge design earthquake level,
the site soil-dependent hazard, the design earthquake annual probability of exceedance, and the
probability factor all be defined.
The provisions for earthquake design in these guidelines are applicable to bridges of conventional
superstructure and support types, such as slab, beam and slab, box-girder and truss bridges
supported on single or multi-column piers and/or abutments, with spans not greater than 100
metres, with angular change of the direction of the longitudinal axis of the bridge between
abutments less than 90
and skew angles less than 35
, maximum characteristic concrete
compressive strength f
of 65 MPa and maximum pier heights not more than 40 m.
For other bridges, specialist advice shall be sought for the assessment of earthquake effects.
For taller piers, particularly those in the range of 25 m to 40 m, the influence of pier mass inertia on
the seismic response of the pier responding as a vertical beam should be considered.
Not all bridges are required to be designed for earthquake actions. Bridges in regions of low
seismicity, where traffic is light and consequences of damage are minor are exempt from specific
earthquake design. In other regions it will often be possible to show that bridges designed for self-
weight and live load will respond elastically to the design level of seismicity, without further
consideration of earthquake actions.
Where required, earthquake actions shall be determined using appropriate levels of static or
dynamic analysis, as defined in this section. Consideration shall be given to the effects of
foundation, abutment, and bearing flexibility in determining earthquake actions.
Where seismic design is based on ductile response, plastic hinges shall be at locations accessible
for inspection and repair.
Earthquake actions may be determined using conventional force-based principles using
acceleration spectra in accordance with AS 1170.4 and this section, or by displacement-based
principles, using displacement spectra compatible with AS 1170.4 acceleration spectra, in
accordance with Section 5. Displacement-based earthquake design is particularly useful in
determining which structures will be exempt from specific earthquake design.
The method of analysis for force-based earthquake design depends on the Bridge Earthquake
Design Category (BEDC) and the bridge structural configuration, as specified in Cl. 4.6. The
BEDC depends on the following:
the bridge classification and importance level (Cl. 4.2)
the seismic hazard coefficient (Cl. 4.4.3 and Cl. 4.4.4)
the site soil classification (Cl. 4.4.6).

A u s t r o a d s 2 0 1 2
Figure 4.1 shows the overall process of utilising the force-based approach.

Figure 4.1: Seismic design of bridges using the force-based design method
4.2 Bridge Classification and Importance Level
Bridges and associated structures, such as approach retaining walls, shall be classified as follows:
(a) Importance Level 4: Bridges and associated structures that are essential to post-earthquake
recovery, as determined by the relevant authority, and major bridges whose operation is
essential to economic viability at state or national levels.

Determine hazard factor Z (Cl. 4.4.4)
Annual probability of exceedance P = 1/2000 (Cl. 4.4.2)
Probability factor kp = 1.7
(Cl. 4.4.3)
Look up soil class (Ae / Be / Ce / De / Ee)
(Section 4 of AS 1170.4)
Determine BEDC (Table 4.1)
Apply Cl. 4.6.2
No need for seismic
Apply minimum
restraint and bearing
seat length provisions
Apply minimum
detailing provisions
for concrete per Cl. 9
of AS 5100.2
Apply Cl. 4.6.3
Use static or dynamic analysis
No need to include vertical
seismic forces
Apply detailing provisions for
concrete as per Cl. 4.13
Ensure adequate restraints
and bearing seat lengths
Analyse abutments as per
Cl. 4.7.7

Apply Cl. 4.6.4
Apply Cl. 4.6.5
Use dynamic analysis
Combine horizontal and
vertical seismic forces
Add P- effects as per
Cl. 4.11
Apply detailing provisions
for concrete as per Cl. 4.13
Ensure adequate restraints
and bearing seat lengths
Analyse abutments as per
Cl. 4.7.7
Use static or dynamic
Combine horizontal and
vertical seismic forces
Add P- effects as per
Cl. 4.11
Apply detailing provisions for
concrete as per Cl. 4.13
Ensure adequate restraints
and bearing seat lengths
Analyse abutments as per
Cl. 4.7.7
Do 2 or
more modes of excitation
each contribute more than
10% to bridge
Use dynamic analysis to handle
complexity of bridge response
Combine horizontal and vertical
seismic forces
Apply detailing provisions for
concrete as per Cl. 4.13
Add P- effects as per Cl. 4.11
Ensure adequate restraints and
bearing seat lengths
Analyse abutments as per
Cl. 4.7.7

A u s t r o a d s 2 0 1 2
(b) Importance Level 3: Bridges that are designed to carry large volumes of traffic or bridges
over other roadways, railways or buildings.
(c) Importance Level 2: Minor bridges of two or more spans, not covered by Importance Levels 3
and 4.
(d) Importance Level 1: Minor single span bridges carrying infrequent traffic, and not covered by
Importance levels 2, 3, or 4, e.g. farm bridges.
(e) In situations where a bridge spans a road of a higher importance level, the higher
performance level shall be adopted for the bridge design.
4.3 Design Limit States
Unless otherwise specified by the relevant Authority, bridges shall be designed for the ultimate
(damage control) limit state under the design (1 in 2000 years) earthquake. After the occurrence of
the design earthquake, the bridge shall retain its structural integrity. Although some parts of the
bridge may incur considerable damage the bridge should be damage-tolerant, i.e. those parts of
the bridge susceptible to damage by their contribution to energy dissipation during the design
earthquake shall be designed in such a manner that the structure can sustain the actions resulting
from use by emergency traffic, and inspection/repairs can easily be performed.
Where specified by the relevant Authority, Importance Level 4 bridges shall be designed for the
serviceability limit state under the design (1 in 2000 years) earthquake. This is to ensure that the
design earthquake will cause only minor damage to the bridge elements intended to contribute to
energy dissipation. The bridge should be able to be used immediately by vehicles and plant for
immediate disaster recovery operations and evacuation of the populace, as necessary. There
should be no need to reduce ordinary traffic over the bridge, nor to carry out immediate repairs.
4.4 Bridge Earthquake Design Category
4.4.1 General
The bridge earthquake design category (BEDC) shall be as defined in Table 4.1 as a function of
probability factor (k
, Cl. 4.4.3), seismic hazard factor (Z, Cl. 4.4.4), site subsoil class and maximum
pier height and maximum span length. The BEDC should be selected based upon all parameters
being met for the category.
Where the relevant authority considers that a bridge structure has importance beyond the BEDC
level defined in Table 4.1, it may require that the bridge be re-classified to a higher category.

A u s t r o a d s 2 0 1 2
Table 4.1: Bridge earthquake design category (BEDC)
(kpZ) for site subsoil class Either of
Bridge earthquake
design category
Ee or De Ce Be Ae
Max. pier clear
height (m)
Max. span length
1 - - - - - - BEDC-1
2 0.07 0.11 0.15 0.19
< 15
> 40
2 > 0.07 > 0.11 > 0.15 > 0.19 - - BEDC-3
3 0.07 0.11 0.15 0.19
< 15
> 40
3 > 0.07 > 0.11 > 0.15 > 0.19 - - BEDC-4
4 - - - - - - BEDC-4

4.4.2 Annual Probability of Exceedance of Design Earthquake (P)
Unless otherwise advised by the relevant authority, bridges shall be designed for an annual
probability of exceedance of 1/2000.
NOTE: For other values of the probability of exceedance refer to Table F3 of AS 1170.0:2002.
4.4.3 Probability Factor (k
The probability factor k
shall be 1.7 for a probability of exceedance of 1/2000.
NOTE: For other values of the probability factor refer to Table 3.1 of AS 1170.4:2007.
4.4.4 Design Seismic Hazard Factor (Z)
The seismic hazard factor Z shall comply with AS 1170.4 Cl. 3.2, unless determined by an
approved site-specific seismology study.
4.4.5 Spectral Shape Factor (C
The value of the spectral shape factor at the fundamental natural period of the structure C
(T) shall
depend on the site subsoil class in compliance with Table 6.4 of AS 1170.4, unless determined by
an approved site-specific seismology study.
4.4.6 Site Subsoil Class
The site subsoil class shall be determined in compliance with Cls. 4.1 and 4.2 of AS 1170.4. For
bridges with pile-supported foundations, the site subsoil class shall be based on the upper layers of
the soil profile, unless the soil/structure interaction between piles and soil over the length of the pile
is explicitly modelled, and variation of soil deformation with depth is considered.

A u s t r o a d s 2 0 1 2
4.5 Design Acceleration Spectrum for Earthquake Response
4.5.1 Elastic Design Spectrum for Horizontal Earthquake Response
The design elastic acceleration spectrum for horizontal earthquake response shall be defined by
the product of probability factor k
, earthquake hazard factor Z, and the spectral shape factor, C
(See Equation 3):
) ( ) ( T ZC k T C
h p

C(T) = elastic design spectrum for horizontal earthquake

= defined in Cl. 4.4.3

Z = defined in Cl. 4.4.4

(T) = defined in Cl. 4.4.5.

Equation 3 shall be used to determine elastic design forces and design-level displacements for the
4.5.2 Elastic Design Spectrum for Vertical Earthquake Response
The design elastic acceleration spectrum for vertical earthquake response shall be taken equal to
the horizontal design spectrum given by Equation 3.
4.5.3 Reduced Design Forces for Ductile Response
Design forces for ductile seismic response shall be calculated from the ductile acceleration
spectrum defined by Equation 4 where is the design ductility level. The value of adopted for
design shall not exceed the value listed in Table 4.2, unless a higher value is supported by special
studies. (See Equation 4):

) (
) (
) (
T ZC k
h p
= =

(T) =
reduced design earthquake coefficient for ductile response at the
fundamental natural period of the structure

C(T) = defined in Cl. 4.5.1

= design ductility factor, given in Table 4.2.

Where more than one of the structural systems in Table 4.2 applies, the value with the lowest
permitted ductility factor shall be adopted for design.

A u s t r o a d s 2 0 1 2
Table 4.2: Design ductility level
Bridge structural system
Design ductility factor ()
serviceability limit state
Design ductility factor ()
ultimate limit state
Deck and abutments form a continuous frame 1.25 2.0
Monolithic pier/superstructure designs 2.0 4.0
Continuous decks supported on elastomeric bearings 1.5 3.0
Continuous decks supported on sliding bearings 1.25 2.5
Cantilever columns on stiff foundations pinned to superstructure 2.0 4.0
Cantilever columns on flexible foundations that contribute more than
30% to yield displacement
1.5 3.0
Pile/column pier designs 1.25 2.0
Ductile steel columns 1.25 2.0
Hollow columns 1.25 2.0
Steel superstructure, vertical response 1.0 1.0
Concrete superstructure, vertical response 1.5 2.0
Composite steel/concrete superstructure, vertical response 1.25 1.5
Bridge decks comprising simply supported girders on elastomeric bearings will normally have a design ductility level of 1.0.
Simple abutments will normally have a design ductility level of 1.0.
Continuous decks include simply supported girder spans made continuous using link slabs.

4.6 Methods of Analysis for Earthquake Effects
4.6.1 General
The requirements for analysis for earthquake effects shall be as specified in Cls. 4.6.2 to 4.6.5
dependent on the BEDC.
Estimates of stiffness and displacement of supporting reinforced concrete members such as piers
and/or piles shall consider the effects of cracking, where appropriate, and the influence of bearing
and soil flexibility.
Seismic response in orthogonal directions may be considered independently, for both forces and
displacements, without any form of vectorial combination.
When a bridge contains superstructure movement joints and where the distance between
abutments is such that coherent seismic input at all abutments and internal piers is improbable, the
bridge may be subdivided into frames between designed movement joints or abutments for
earthquake design purposes.
Torsion resulting from accidental eccentricity of mass need not be considered in seismic design of
Where consideration of vertical seismic effects is required, material capacity reduction factors shall
be used in the design of all sections outside potential plastic hinge zones to ensure their intended
elastic behaviour. Vertical and horizontal seismic effects need not be combined when design of
potential plastic hinges is considered.

A u s t r o a d s 2 0 1 2
4.6.2 Requirements for BEDC-1
Bridge structures in BEDC-1 need not be analysed for earthquake forces. The minimum lateral
restraint provisions of Cl. 9 of AS 5100.2 shall apply to BEDC-1 bridges.
4.6.3 Requirements for BEDC-2
For bridge structures in BEDC-2, the effects of earthquake actions shall be determined using either
static analysis in accordance with Cl. 4.7 or dynamic analysis in accordance with Cl. 4.8. Effects of
vertical accelerations need not be considered for class BEDC-2 structures.
For all bridges in BEDC-2, the detailing of structural members, restraining devices, bearings and
deck joints shall be in accordance with Cl. 4.13.
4.6.4 Requirements for BEDC-3
For all structures in BEDC-3, the effects of both horizontal and vertical earthquake actions shall be
Where there is a clear dominant mode of response in a particular direction, horizontal or vertical,
the effects of earthquake actions shall be determined using either static analysis in accordance
with Cl. 4.7, or dynamic analysis in accordance with Cl. 4.8.
Where two or more modes each contribute at least 10% to response displacements or forces in a
particular direction, the effects of earthquake actions may be determined using a dynamic analysis
in accordance with Cl. 4.8.
Detailing of structural members, restraining devices, bearings and deck joints of bridges in BEDC-3
shall be in accordance with Cl. 4.13.
4.6.5 Requirements for BEDC-4
For bridge structures in BEDC-4, the effects of both horizontal and vertical earthquake actions shall
be determined using a dynamic analysis in accordance with Cl. 4.8, and the detailing of structural
members, restraining devices, bearings and deck joints shall be in accordance with Cl. 4.13.
4.7 Earthquake Horizontal Forces Determined from Static Analysis
For longitudinal seismic response, each frame shall be analysed separately (stand-alone analysis)
and results compared with a further analysis where all joints are considered to be fully closed. For
transverse response, each frame shall be considered separately, with the mass and stiffness of
adjacent frames modelled at the movement joint where the fundamental period of the adjacent
frame differs by more than 25% from that of the frame under consideration.
4.7.1 Seismic Mass Distribution
As a minimum representation of the seismic mass distribution, tributary superstructure mass,
including mass of superimposed dead load, mass of headstocks and tributary mass of piers shall
be combined as a single mass acting in the plane of the pier, and at the resultant height of the
combined masses. In this context, the tributary mass of the piers may be taken as 33% of the total
pier mass, positioned at the top of the pier.
Where the superstructure is supported on bearings whose flexibility in the direction considered is
such that superstructure seismic response displacements are expected to exceed headstock
displacements by at least 200%, headstock and pier mass may be ignored.

A u s t r o a d s 2 0 1 2
For bridges with spans longer than 40 m and with significant transverse flexibility of superstructure,
it is advisable to represent the superstructure mass distribution by at least four masses along the
span length.
For bridges with tall piers of significant mass, the pier mass distribution should be represented by
at least four concentrated sub-masses up the pier height.
4.7.2 Lateral Stiffness
(a) Piers: Lateral stiffness of piers shall include the influence of foundation and bearing
flexibility, where appropriate, and where constructed in reinforced concrete shall include
the effects of cracking on lateral stiffness.
(b) Superstructure: The stiffness of reinforced concrete superstructures shall be based on
the effective stiffness of the cracked section. Prestressed concrete superstructures
should be modelled by the gross section stiffness.
4.7.3 Frame Fundamental Period in the Transverse Direction
(a) Frames with uniform mass and stiffness distributions: Where the mass and lateral
stiffness distributions of the spans and piers comprising a frame are essentially uniform,
and frame mass is concentrated at pier locations, the fundamental period of the frame T

may be determined from Equation 5:


the individual masses of n piers of the frame, determined in accordance
with Cl. 4.7.1

individual pier lateral stiffness, expressed as force per unit lateral
displacement at the mass locations.

(b) Frames with non-uniform mass and stiffness distributions: Where the mass and/or the
lateral stiffness distributions of the spans and piers comprising a frame cannot be
considered as essentially uniform, the fundamental period of the frame T
shall be
determined from lateral displacements,
, resulting from application of a vector of lateral
forces, F
, proportional to the product of mass m
and fundamental displacement mode
, as given by Equation 6:

i i


A u s t r o a d s 2 0 1 2
design lateral force of frame component, proportional to m

lateral displacements of frame component due to the application of F

(c) Simplified formula for frames in BEDC-2: For frames in BEDC-2 the Rayleigh Equation,
given in Equation 7, which is a simplified version of Equation 6 may be used to estimate
the fundamental period. In the Rayleigh Equation lateral forces equal to the product of
mass, m
, and acceleration of gravity, g, are applied at the mass locations, inducing
lateral displacements
. The fundamental period is then approximately given by:
i i
i i
g m


g = gravity acceleration (m/s

4.7.4 Frame Design Horizontal Earthquake Force
The frame horizontal earthquake design force F
shall be determined from Equation 8.
F d f i
( )
F C T m


= defined in Cl. 4.7.1

) = defined in Equation 4.

4.7.5 Distribution of Design Horizontal Earthquake Force
The frame horizontal earthquake design force F
shall be distributed to the localised frame
masses, m
, in accordance with Equation 9:
i i
i F
i i

4.7.6 Design Earthquake Moments for Potential Plastic Hinges
Design earthquake moments in potential plastic hinge regions of a frame shall be determined from
the horizontal forces, F
, using accepted methods of structural analysis.
4.7.7 Design Abutment Reactions
Unless subject to special study, the abutment reactions shall be determined from the structural
analysis specified in Cl. 4.6 or from dynamic analysis, as applicable, and shall be multiplied by the
adopted ductility factor, , to obtain the design reactions. Gravity loads and material capacity
reduction factors shall be accounted for in the earthquake design of abutments.

A u s t r o a d s 2 0 1 2
4.7.8 Vertical Seismic Response
Where analysis of vertical seismic response is required by Cl. 4.6.2 to Cl. 4.6.4, a span-by-span
static analysis may be used, where the span under consideration is modelled together with
adjacent continuous spans, if any, at either end of the span. End support conditions at the far end
of the adjacent span shall be considered fixed, if continuous over the support, or pinned, as
appropriate (e.g. if the end of the adjacent span is simply supported at an abutment).
The mass of the span under consideration, and of the adjacent spans, if any, should be distributed
to not less than four locations along the span. Vertical seismic response moments shall be
determined from the spectrum defined by Cl. 4.5.2 and Cl. 4.5.3, using the procedure described for
lateral response using Cl. 4.7.3, Cl. 4.7.4, Cl. 4.7.5 and Cl. 4.7.6.
4.7.9 Soil Behaviour
For soil behaviour, the following shall be taken into consideration:
(a) The effects of excessive settlement of approach embankments with allowances made for
increased earth pressure on earth retaining structures.
(b) Loose granular soils, when subjected to seismic loading of sufficient duration and
intensity, may suddenly lose their strength and behave as viscous liquids. This possibility
of soil liquefaction shall be investigated where saturated sandy and silty soils within 10 m
of the ground surface have a standard penetration test value of 10 or less.
4.7.10 Ductile Behaviour
(a) General requirements: For bridge structures in BEDC-2, BEDC-3 and BEDC-4, a clearly
defined collapse mechanism shall be established. The structural members shall be
ductile at the potential plastic hinge locations defined in the mechanism.
The minimum ductility requirements for the design of these structural members under
earthquake design loads shall be as specified in Cl 4.13 to ensure that the required
ductility at potential plastic hinges can be achieved. If a bridge or frame has different
types of seismic resisting elements, the ductility factor adopted for design shall be the
lowest of the different elements, unless a higher value is supported by special studies.
(b) Pile-to-pile cap connection: For bridge structures in BEDC-2, BEDC-3 and BEDC-4, the
connection between each pile and its pile cap shall be designed to resist a tensile force
of not less than 10% of the pile factored axial force N*.
(c) Design welded connections to capacity design principles, where the bridge is designed
for reduced forces associated with ductile action. In lieu of a more detailed assessment
of the over-strength capacity of ductile steel members, an over-strength factor of 1.4 may
be used for the design of welded connections, i.e. welded connections shall be capable
of resisting force levels corresponding to 1.4 x the yield strength of the ductile steel
elements of the connection.
4.8 Earthquake Horizontal Forces Determined from Dynamic Analysis
Dynamic analysis, where required or used, shall be carried out in accordance with AS 1170.4,
Section 7, except as noted in this section. The dynamic analysis procedure may be either a
modal-response-spectrum analysis or a time-history analysis.
When modal-response-spectrum analysis is adopted, actions at potential plastic hinges shall be
determined from modal combination of the elastic actions determined from the elastic acceleration
spectrum defined in Cl. 4.5.1, divided by the ductility factor, .
When abutment reactions are determined by modal combination, the design ductility factor, , shall
not be applied. Abutment reactions shall be based on the unreduced elastic spectrum values.

A u s t r o a d s 2 0 1 2
Both elastic and inelastic time-history analysis approaches are permitted. When inelastic
time-history analysis is adopted, hysteretic rules must be appropriate for the materials and sections
Regardless of which dynamic analysis method is adopted, mass distribution and member stiffness
shall comply with Cl. 4.7.1 and Cl. 4.7.2 respectively.
Results from dynamic analysis should not be scaled to the base shear determined from an
arbitrary static analysis.
4.9 Required Moment Capacity
4.9.1 At Potential Plastic Hinge Locations
Moment capacity at plastic hinge locations shall be determined using maximum feasible material
strengths (f
and f
). Flexural strength reduction factors need not be used for determination of
seismic moment capacity. Moment capacity shall not be less than the moment required from static
or dynamic analysis calculated in accordance with Cl. 4.7 or Cl. 4.8. Seismic moment demands of
ductile members resulting from horizontal and vertical response need not be added when
comparing with moment capacity. Seismic moment demands in ductile members need not be
combined with gravity moment demands when determining required moment capacity of plastic
4.9.2 At Other Locations
At locations other than potential plastic hinges, moments resulting from seismic actions, including
vertical accelerations where required by Cl. 4.6, shall be combined with moments resulting from
self weight of the structure. Unintended plastic hinging shall be avoided by capacity design in
accordance with Cl. 4.12.
4.10 Seismic Displacements
Design seismic displacements shall be calculated from the elastic design spectrum defined in
Cl. 4.5.1.
4.11 P- Effects
Seismic moments resulting from the weight supported by a pier acting through the maximum pier
response displacements calculated in accordance with Cl. 4.10 (P- moments) shall be calculated
for BEDC-3 and BEDC-4 structures. P- moments shall not exceed 30% of the pier-base moment
capacity, calculated in accordance with Cl. 4.9.1.
For concrete piers, the required seismic design moment shall be increased by 50% of the
calculated P- moment when the P- moment exceeds 10% of the pier-base moment capacity.
For steel piers, the required seismic design moment shall be increased by 100% of the calculated
P- moment when the P- moment exceeds 5% of the pier-base moment capacity.
4.12 Capacity Design
Shear failure and the formation of unintended plastic hinges shall be avoided by ensuring the
dependable strength of such locations exceeds the value of the action corresponding to
development of maximum feasible flexural strength in the intended plastic hinges. In lieu of a
detailed analysis, the flexural strength at the plastic hinge locations may be assumed to be 1.4
times the design strength. Equilibrium considerations shall be used to determine the moments and
shear forces at sections to be capacity protected.

A u s t r o a d s 2 0 1 2
4.13 Structural Detailing Requirements for Earthquake Effects
4.13.1 General
Care shall be taken to ensure that detailing practices recognise the potential for ductile response
even when the bridge is designed to respond elastically to the design-level earthquake, as a
consequence of the possibility of the bridge being subject to excitation exceeding the design level.
Particular attention shall be given to the prevention of dislodgement of the superstructure from its
support system, and the provision of viable, continuous and direct load paths from the level of the
bridge deck to the foundation system.
Where vertical accelerations are required to be considered, ensure that a dependable load path for
induced seismic force exists.
Potential plastic hinge locations in columns shall take into account the consequence of the
possibility of the bridge being subject to excitation exceeding the design level.
4.13.2 Restraining Devices
Where the horizontal restraints of conventional bearings are inadequate under earthquake effects,
restraining devices, such as ties, shear keys, stops and dowels, shall be provided with the specific
aim of preventing dislodgment of the superstructure from the support structure. Restraining
devices and connections shall be designed to withstand the horizontal design earthquake forces
calculated in accordance with Cl. 4.7 or Cl. 4.8, but shall not be less than the minimum lateral
restraint force specified in Cl. 9 of AS 5100.2. Vertical restraint devices shall be provided at all
supports where the vertical design earthquake force opposes and is greater than 50% of the static
reaction under permanent loads. The vertical restraint device shall be designed to resist not less
than 10% of the vertical reaction from the permanent effects of the support.
Due to the nature of earthquake loads, horizontal restraints cannot be assumed to rely on any
component of friction. For assessment of the structure under any load combination which includes
earthquake effects, the friction coefficient between any material types shall be equal to zero.
4.13.3 Provision for Horizontal Movements
Bearings and deck joints shall be capable of accommodating relative displacements of at least 1.5
times the displacements predicted by analyses in accordance with Cl. 4.7 or Cl. 4.8.
Where movements which are outside the range of conventional bearings or deck joints are
expected, additional devices may be used to limit movements under earthquake loading only.
These special devices, such as buffer bearings, shall be designed to be activated only by large
displacements, or by high relative velocities. The influence of such devices on the distribution and
magnitude of earthquake force in the bridge shall be fully evaluated and considered in the design
of all structural elements.
Bearing seats supporting expansion ends of the superstructure shall be designed to provide a
minimum support length measured normal to the face of an abutment or pier, expressed in
Equation 10.
bs d d
(1.5) 0.0004 0.007 0.005 0.3 L L h W m = + + +

(1.5) = corner-period elastic spectral displacement (Section 5)

A u s t r o a d s 2 0 1 2
= length of the superstructure to the next expansion joint

= average height of piers supporting the superstructure length, L

W = width of the seating transverse to bridge axis.

4.13.4 Grade L Reinforcement
Grade L reinforcement shall not be used as flexural or lateral reinforcement in ductile members.
4.13.5 Column Detailing
For bridge structures in BEDC-2, BEDC-3 and BEDC-4, special consideration shall be given to the
detailing of concrete compression members, bearing in mind the manner in which earthquake-
induced energy will be dissipated and the desirability of avoiding brittle failures, especially in shear.
In particular, the ultimate shear capacity shall be assessed and additional capacity provided, where
necessary, to ensure that premature failure does not occur.
NOTE: This Clause does not apply to bridge structures in BEDC-1.
Unless demonstrated by analysis in accordance with Cl. 4.6 or Cl. 5.8 that plastic hinges will not
form in the pier columns of bridges in BEDC-2 to BEDC-4, columns shall be presumed to behave
in a ductile manner, in which case seismic detailing in accordance with this Clause shall apply to
the potential plastic hinge zones of the columns. Plastic Hinges
For the force based design method a potential plastic hinge is the end region equal to the larger of
the column dimension in the direction considered, or the region over which the moment exceeds
80% of the moment in the column at the support.
For the displacement based design method the plastic hinge is the length of the mathematical
region over which the plastic curvature is considered to be equal to the maximum curvature at the
support, giving the same plastic displacement as the actual curvature distribution. Longitudinal Reinforcement
In reinforced and prestressed concrete compression members the cross-sectional area of the
longitudinal reinforcement shall be not less than 0.008A
and not be greater than 0.04A
, where A

is area of the gross cross-section of the member.
For circular columns provide a minimum of 8 vertical bars for column diameters larger than
500 mm, and a minimum of 6 vertical bars for smaller diameters.
For rectangular columns, provide a minimum of 8 vertical bars.
The maximum distance of any bar to a laterally restrained bar shall be 150 mm.
Groups of bundled parallel longitudinal bars shall have not more than 2 bars in any one bundle.
Bundled bars shall be tied together in contact. Splicing and Anchoring of Longitudinal Reinforcement
Splice and anchor longitudinal reinforcement as follows:
(a) Lap splicing of column longitudinal reinforcement is not permitted in the potential plastic
hinge regions. Welding or mechanical splicing of column longitudinal flexural

A u s t r o a d s 2 0 1 2
reinforcement is permitted in potential plastic hinge regions provided that testing of the
splice has proven satisfactory behaviour for the design earthquake event.
(b) For ductile columns (where a plastic hinge may form) extend the longitudinal
reinforcement at least to the outer layer of reinforcement of the other face of the
supporting member (e.g. bottom reinforcement of footing, top reinforcement of
headstock), to provide adequate moment transfer between the column and the
supporting member. Ensure that the longitudinal reinforcement is adequately anchored. Sizing of Lateral Reinforcement
The lateral (confinement) reinforcement in potential plastic hinge zones shall restrain the
longitudinal reinforcement against buckling and ensure that shear (brittle) failure will not occur
during the design seismic event.
The diameter of the lateral reinforcement shall be at least that of longitudinal reinforcement.
Deformed bars shall be used for all lateral reinforcement, including stirrups, ties, helices and
The following shall apply:
(a) In potential plastic hinge zones of circular columns, the volumetric ratio of the spirals or
circular hoops,
, shall be the greater of:
t sy
10 . 0


005 . 0 =


volume of spiral or hoop divided by concrete volume per unit length of
column, calculated as
s D

= cross-sectional area of spiral or hoop reinforcement

D =
diameter of the confined concrete column core, taken as the largest
distance between the axis of the spirals or hoops

s = pitch of spirals or circular hoops along the column axis

characteristic 28 day compressive strength of the concrete


= yield strength of the helical reinforcement.

(b) In potential plastic hinge zones of rectangular columns, the lateral reinforcement shall be
the greater of:
) / ( 07 . 0
1 t sy c s
f f sy A = and

A u s t r o a d s 2 0 1 2

006 . 0 =



volume of stirrups or ties divided by concrete volume per unit length of

total cross-sectional area of the stirrups or ties including supplementary

core dimension of the closed rectangular stirrup or tie in the direction under
consideration (refer to Figure 4.2)

s = spacing of stirrups or ties along the column axis
characteristic 28 day compressive strength of the concrete

= yield strength of the stirrups or ties.

Figure 4.2: Typical details of overlapping rectangular ties
(c) Outside potential plastic hinge zones, or where the columns are expected to respond
elastically, the volumetric ratio of the lateral reinforcement,
, need not exceed 0.005
for circular, and 0.006 for rectangular, columns. Spacing of Lateral Reinforcement
The spacing of the lateral (confinement) reinforcement shall be as follows:
(a) In potential plastic hinge zones, the spacing, s, of the lateral reinforcement shall be not
greater than the smaller of:
D s 2 . 0 = and

A u s t r o a d s 2 0 1 2

l u

+ = ) 1 ( 6 3

the depth of the rectangular column in the direction under consideration or
the diameter of circular columns

= ultimate strength of the longitudinal reinforcement

= yield strength of the longitudinal reinforcement

= diameter of longitudinal reinforcement steel.

Cross-ties must not be located more than 150 mm horizontally from a laterally restrained
longitudinal bar, as illustrated in Figure 4.2.
(b) Outside potential plastic hinge zones, or for columns expected to remain elastic under
the design earthquake, the spacing, s, of the lateral reinforcement must not exceed
and 15d
. Splicing and Anchoring of Lateral Reinforcement
Splice and anchor lateral (confinement) reinforcement as follows:
(a) Splicing of helices in potential plastic hinge zones should be avoided. Where necessary,
splice helices by lapping the helix one turn and anchor each end of the helix with a 135
hook. Alternatively, splice helices by extending the helix ends into the column core for
the development length, provided that an anchorage resistance of at least 1.25 x yield
strength of the helix has been proven.
(b) For closed ties in potential plastic hinge zones do not anchor the lateral reinforcement by
welding it to the longitudinal reinforcement.
(c) Supplementary cross-ties used as seismic confinement in potential plastic hinge zones
in columns with rectangular cross-sections may comprise a straight bar with a 135 hook
at one end and 90 hook at the other end, provided the ends are alternated on alternate
(d) Lateral reinforcement in potential plastic hinge zones shall be extended into the footing,
pilecap or superstructure, as applicable, for a length not less than half the maximum
dimension of the column or 400 mm, whichever is greater.
The lateral reinforcement shall also be extended from the top and bottom of framed
columns, or from the bottom of cantilever columns, for a distance equal to the cross-
section dimension in the direction under consideration or the region where the moment
exceeds 80% of the maximum moment at the support, whichever is greater.
In pile-type pier columns, for potential plastic hinge zones at the bottom of the column or
below the mud line, the lateral reinforcement shall be extended above and below the
maximum moment region for at least the cross-section dimension in the direction under
consideration or the region where the moment exceeds 80% of the maximum moment at
the support, whichever is greater.
The extended length in the column shall be increased by 50% where the column axial
load exceeds 0.3f
, where A
is the gross area of the column cross-section.

A u s t r o a d s 2 0 1 2
(e) For helices outside potential plastic hinge zones and in columns that remain elastic for
the design seismic event, lap splices should not be used, to avoid brittle failure if seismic
events larger than the design earthquake occur. Hooks for Seismic Design
Hooks for closed rectangular ties, hoops and helices in plastic hinge zones shall be at least 135

with a length the greater of 6d
or 75 mm, to anchor the lateral reinforcement in the column core.
hooks with a length the greater of 6d
or 75 mm and 135
hooks with a length the greater of
or 75 mm are permissible outside plastic hinge zones and for columns expected to behave
elastically during the design earthquake. Additional Provisions for Rectangular/Elliptical Shaped Piers
Where interlocking spirals are used, the overlap of the spirals should be at least 40% of the column
diameter, as shown in Figure 4.3.

Figure 4.3: Overlapping spiral reinforcement Blade and Wall Type Piers
Blade and wall type piers have a width to thickness ratio of 4 or greater.
The requirements of this Clause apply to the design of blade and wall type piers for the strong
The weak direction may be designed as a column in accordance with this Clause.
The reinforcement ratios
longitudinally and
laterally shall not be less than 0.0025 and
not be less than
For blade or wall type columns, the centre-to-centre spacing between vertical bars shall not be
greater than 450 mm or 1.5 times the wall thickness, whichever is the lesser.
Provide a layer of effectively orthogonal reinforcement on each face of the pier.
Lateral reinforcement shall be continuous and uniformly distributed.
Splices for the vertical and lateral reinforcement shall be staggered.

A u s t r o a d s 2 0 1 2
38 Hollow Columns
The longitudinal reinforcement for hollow columns shall be not less than 0.01A
and not be greater
than 0.06A
, where A
is area of the concrete in the cross-section of the column.
For hollow rectangular columns provide a layer of effectively orthogonal reinforcement on each
internal and external face, with detailing in accordance with this Clause.
For hollow circular columns, a single layer only of effectively orthogonal reinforcement is permitted.
[see Commentary 1]

A u s t r o a d s 2 0 1 2
5.1 General
This section provides an alternative approach for determining earthquake actions for bridges, using
displacement-based considerations, and is to be read in conjunction with Section 4 of these
guidelines. Seismicity is represented by displacement, rather than acceleration spectra, and is
completely compatible with the seismic hazard as defined in AS 1170.4.
As with force-based earthquake design, not all bridges will be required to be designed for
earthquake actions. Bridges in regions of low seismicity, where traffic is light and consequences of
damage are minor, are exempt from specific seismic design. In other regions it will often be
possible to show that bridges designed for self-weight and traffic load will respond elastically to the
design level of seismicity, without further consideration of earthquake actions. Information allowing
this check to be carried out is provided in this section.
The procedure for displacement-based earthquake design will generally proceed in accordance
with the following steps:
1 Determine the site seismicity in terms of the elastic design displacement spectrum.
2 Determine the yield displacements of internal piers.
3 Check whether yield displacements exceed the elastic corner-period displacement. If so, no
further earthquake design is needed.
4 If the check in Step 3 fails, determine the fundamental period of the bridge in the direction
5 Determine the elastic displacement response at the fundamental period.
6 Check whether yield displacements exceed elastic displacements for the fundamental period.
If so, no further earthquake design is needed.
7 If ductile earthquake design is indicated by the above steps, carry out displacement-based
earthquake design to determine required lateral strength of piers and abutments.
More complete information on the procedure is available in Priestley et al. (1996 & 2007).
Figure 5.1 and Figure 5.2 show flow charts of the overall displacement-based design method.

A u s t r o a d s 2 0 1 2

Figure 5.1: Seismic design of bridges using the displacement-based design method

Determine hazard factor Z (Cl. 5.4.4)
Probability factor kp = 1.7 (Cl. 5.4.3)
Look up soil class (Ae / Be / Ce / De / Ee) from Section 4 of AS 1170.4
Apply minimum ties for concrete piers as per Item 11 of Appendix B
Calculate yield displacement of piers y (Cl. 5.7.1)
Determine the elastic corner period displacement (1.5) (Cl. 5.5.1)
y (1.5)?
Determine fundamental period T (Cl. 4.7.3)
Determine pier elastic displacement demand (T) (Eq. 5.5.1)

y (T)?
Determine BEDC (Table 5.1)
Apply Cl. 5.8.2
No need for seismic
Apply minimum restraints
and bearing seat length
Apply minimum detailing
provisions for concrete per
Cl. 9 of AS 5100.2

No need for
seismic design
Apply Cl. 5.8.3
Ensure adequate restraints and
bearing seat lengths
Design abutments as per Cl. 5.16
Where specific seismic design applies:
No need to include vertical seismic

Apply Cl. 5.8.4
Apply Cl. 5.8.5
Design abutments as per Cl. 5.16
Ensure adequate restraints and bearing
seat lengths
Where specific seismic design applies:
Check design using dynamic analysis
Combine horizontal and vertical
seismic forces
Account for P- effects as per Cl. 5.15

Design abutments as per Cl. 5.16
Ensure adequate restraints and bearing seat lengths
Where specific seismic design applies:
Combine horizontal and vertical seismic forces
Account for P- effects as per Cl. 5.15
Is the
bridge significantly
Design abutments as per Cl. 5.16
Ensure adequate restraints and bearing seat lengths
Where specific seismic design applies:
Check design using dynamic analysis
Combine horizontal and vertical seismic forces
Account for P- effects as per Cl. 5.15
Annual probability of exceedance P = 1/2000 (Cl. 5.4.2)

Calculate limit state pier displacement ls
Calculate corresponding ductility factor , equivalent viscous
damping , damping modifier R and effective period Teff
Calculate pier ductile displacement d(Teff)
ls d(Teff)?
NO design is


Carry out specific seismic
design refer to Fig. 5.2

A u s t r o a d s 2 0 1 2

Figure 5.2: Specific seismic design using the displacement-based design method

For the critical pier, knowing the yield strain y, calculate:
Corresponding limit state curvature ls , plastic curvature p, length of
plastic hinge Lp and plastic displacement p strain limit (Cl. C5.10.3)
limit state displacement lsc= p + y
Calculate the corresponding ductility of all piers i= i/yi

Calculate equivalent viscous damping of the frame e (Cl. 5.9.6)
Calculate frame damping modifier R (Eq. 5.5.3(a))
d d(Teff)?
Calculate pier ductile displacement response d(Teff) (Eq. 5.5.3(b))
Determine strain limits for the critical (usually shortest) pier (Cl. 5.10.3 or Cl. 5.10.2)
Calculate effective period Teff
For transverse direction, calculate Teff to Eq. 4.7.3 (b) / (c) / (d)
For longitudinal direction, calculate Teff to Eqs. 5.9.1 & 5.9.2












Determine displacements of the other piers:
For longitudinal direction, i = lsc
For transverse direction, i = lsc (i/c) (Eq. 5.10.1)
Calculate shear forces for frame components Vi
For transverse direction, analyse the frame using horizontal forces
proportional to i , and effective moment of inertia Ieff of each pier
For longitudinal direction, calculate Vi as proportional to i, or analyse
the frame as for the transverse direction
Calculate corresponding viscous damping i for each pier (Cl. 5.9.7)
Calculate the design force on the frame Ff from d(Teff) (Eq. 5.9.1)
Distribute the force to the mass locations Fi (Eq. 5.11)
Add P- effects, where applicable (Cl. 5.15)
Analyse the frame subject to horizontal forces Fi and using the effective moment of inertia Ie values of different components
Calculate characteristic displacement capacity d
For transverse direction, calculate d to Cl. 5.9.2
For longitudinal direction, d = i
Check all piers have sufficient moment and shear resistance strength/capacity
Convert to single
degree of freedom
(SDOF) structure

A u s t r o a d s 2 0 1 2
5.2 Bridge Classification and Importance Level
Refer to Cl. 4.2.
5.3 Ultimate Limit State
Refer to Cl. 4.3.
5.4 Bridge Earthquake Design Category
5.4.1 General
The Bridge Earthquake Design Category (BEDC) shall be as defined in Table 5.1, as a function of
the elastic corner-period displacement, (1.5) of the design displacement spectrum for earthquake
response, defined in Cl. 5.5.1.
Table 5.1: Bridge Earthquake Design Category (BEDC) displacement-based
Bridge importance
(1.5) (mm)
Either of
Bridge earthquake
design category
1 - - - BEDC1
2 50
< 15m
> 40m
2 > 50 - - BEDC3
3 50
< 15m
> 40m
3 > 50 - - BEDC4
4 - - - BEDC4

5.4.2 Annual Probability of Exceedance of Design Earthquake (P)
The annual probability of exceedance of the design earthquake, P, shall be as defined in Cl. 0.
NOTE: For other values of the probability of exceedance refer to Table F3 from AS 1170.0:2002.
5.4.3 Probability Factor (k
The probability factor, k
, shall be as defined in Cl. 4.4.3.
NOTE: For other values of the probability factor refer to Table 3.1 from AS 1170.4:2007.
5.4.4 Design Seismic Hazard Factor (Z)
The design seismic hazard factor, Z, shall conform to Cl. 4.4.4.
5.4.5 Elastic Displacement Spectral Shape Factor
The period-dependent elastic displacement spectral shape factor
(T) shall depend on the site
subsoil class in compliance with Cls. 4.1 and 4.2 from AS 1170.4, unless determined by an
approved site-specific seismology study.

A u s t r o a d s 2 0 1 2
The displacement spectral shape factor may be obtained from the acceleration spectral shape
factor of Table 6.4 from AS 1170.4, by the use of Equation 17 when approved site-specific
seismology studies defining the displacement spectra shape are not available:
h h 2
( ) ( )
T C T =


(T) =
acceleration spectral shape factor at the fundamental natural period, given
in Table 6.4 of AS 1170.4:2007.

The displacement spectral shapes for different subsoil classes resulting from Equation 17, with
minor rounding, are listed in Table 5.2 and are plotted in Figure 5.3.
Table 5.2: Elastic displacement spectral shape factor
(T) (mm)
Strong rock
Deep or soft soil
Very soft soil
0 0 0 0 0 0
0.1 5.8 7.2 9.0 9.0 9.0
0.2 23.0 28.8 36.1 36.1 36.1
0.3 51.8 64.9 81.2 81.2 81.2
0.4 69.0 86.3 122.4 144.3 144.3
0.5 86.4 107.9 153.2 225.5 225.5
0.6 103.2 129.7 183.5 291.2 324.7
0.7 121.3 151.3 215.0 339.9 442.0
0.8 138.1 172.6 244.7 389.1 577.3
0.9 154.9 194.6 276.0 436.8 679.0
1 171.6 215.7 306.4 485.3 754.0
1.2 208.3 257.7 367.1 582.4 907.2
1.5 260 325 460 730 1130
1.7 260 325 460 730 1130
2 260 325 460 730 1130
2.5 260 325 460 730 1130
3 260 325 460 730 1130

A u s t r o a d s 2 0 1 2
0 1 2 3
Period (sec)

Soil E
Soil D
Soil C
Soil B
Soil A

Figure 5.3: Elastic displacement spectral shape factors
(T) for different subsoil classes
5.5 Design Displacement Spectrum for Earthquake Response
5.5.1 Elastic Design Spectrum for Horizontal Earthquake Response
The design elastic displacement spectrum for horizontal earthquake response, (T) , shall be
defined by the product of probability factor, k
, seismic hazard factor, Z , and the elastic
displacement spectral shape factor,
(T) (see Equation 18):
p h
( ) ( ) T k Z T =

= probability factor, given in Cl. 4.4.3

Z = design seismic hazard factor, given in Cl. 4.4.4

(T) =
elastic displacement spectral shape factor at fundamental period, T, given in
Equation 17.

The corner-period elastic spectral displacement, (1.5) , is defined as the value of Equation 18 at a
period of 1.5 second.
5.5.2 Elastic Design Spectrum for Vertical Response
The design elastic displacement spectrum for vertical earthquake response shall be taken as equal
to 2/3
the horizontal design spectrum given by Equation 18 for periods less than or equal to 1.0
sec. For periods greater than 1.0 second, the displacement ordinate shall be taken equal to 2/3

the horizontal value at a period of 1.0 second.
5.5.3 Reduced Design Displacement Spectrum for Ductile Response
The equivalent viscous damping
for the bridge or bridge sub-frame, corresponding to the design
ductility level of response shall be calculated in accordance with Cl. 5.9.6. Allowance shall be
made for elastic and hysteretic damping associated with pier ductility, superstructure flexure,
foundation flexibility and abutment displacement, as appropriate, in accordance with Cl. 5.9.7.

A u s t r o a d s 2 0 1 2
The reduced design displacement spectrum
(T) for ductile response shall be found by modifying
the elastic displacement spectrum given by Equation 18 by the damping modifier R

defined by
Equation 19:


| |
\ .


0.25 for near-field situations, within 10 km of a known active fault, where
forward-directivity is considered likely; and in all other situations is 0.5

= frame equivalent viscous damping, given in Cl. 5.9.6.


5.6 Seismic Mass Distribution
The seismic mass distribution for analysis purposes shall comply with Cl. 4.7.1.
5.7 Pier Yield Displacement Check
5.7.1 Yield Displacement Capacity of Piers
The yield displacement capacity of a pier will depend on the yield curvature and the end fixity
conditions at the base and top and for prismatic piers may be expressed as (Equation 21):


= coefficient dependent on the end fixity conditions

= displacement at superstructure resulting from foundation deformation

= displacement of the pier-cap bearing, if any

= strain penetration length given by Equation C11


yield curvature.

The yield curvature,
, depends on the section depth in the direction considered, D, and the
flexural reinforcement (or structural steel) yield strain,
, as approximated by Equation 22.
2 15 .


d p h
( ) ( ) T R k Z T =
( )
y 1 y sp yf b
C H L = + + +

A u s t r o a d s 2 0 1 2

= yield strain of longitudinal reinforcement steel (or structural steel)

= section depth in the direction considered.

For piers with non-prismatic or complex prismatic section shapes the yield curvature may be
determined by finite-element analysis or other means recognizing the non-linear behaviour of
materials and the influence of cracking, where appropriate.
5.7.2 Criteria for Exemption from Specific Earthquake Design
For determining whether the bridge may be exempt from specific seismic analysis, the bridge
should be subdivided into frames between designed movement joints or abutments. For
longitudinal seismic response, each frame shall be considered separately (stand-alone analysis)
and results compared with a further analysis where all joints are considered to be fully closed. For
transverse response, each frame shall be considered separately.
When any of the criteria of Cl. 5.7.2 are satisfied for all frames of a bridge, the bridge shall be
exempted from specific seismic analysis, except that abutment forces must be determined in
accordance with Cl. 5.16. For all bridges, whether or not exempt from specific seismic analysis,
the detailing of structural members, restraining devices, bearings and deck joints shall be in
accordance with Cl. 4.13. Frames with Uniform Mass and Stiffness Distributions
(a) Yield displacement capacity
exceeds elastic corner-period displacement (1.5).
When the yield displacement capacity of all piers given by Equation 21 and 22 exceeds
the elastic spectrum displacement given by Equation 18 for T = 1.5 seconds (the
corner-period) the frame shall be exempted from specific earthquake design.
(b) Yield displacement capacity
exceeds the elastic design displacement for the frame
fundamental period (T
). If the criterion defined by Cl. is not satisfied, the
frame fundamental natural period, T
, shall be calculated using Equation 5 . When the
yield displacement of all piers given by Equation 21 exceeds the elastic spectrum
displacement given by Equation 18 for the frame fundamental period, T
, the frame
shall be exempted from specific earthquake design. Frames with Non-uniform Mass and Stiffness Distributions
(a) Yield displacement capacity
exceeds elastic corner-period displacement: When the
yield displacements of all piers, given by Equation 21 exceed the design displacement
of frame components
at the

corner-period displacement, given by Equation 23, the
frame shall be exempted from specific earthquake design.

1.1 (1.5) =


(1.5) =
the corner-period elastic response displacement given by Equation 18 for
T = 1.5 seconds

fundamental displacement mode shape at the pier or abutment

A u s t r o a d s 2 0 1 2
the characteristic value of the fundamental mode shape of the frame, given
by Equation 24.


(b) Yield displacement capacity
exceeds the elastic displacement for the frame
fundamental period. If the criterion defined by Cl. is not satisfied, the frame
fundamental period, T
, shall be calculated using Equation 6, except as permitted by
Cl. 4.7.3(c). When the yield displacements (capacity) of all piers, given by Equation 21
exceed the design displacements of frame components,
, given by Equation 25 the
frame shall be exempted from specific earthquake design.


(T) =
elastic response displacement given by Equation 18 for the fundamental
period T

fundamental displacement mode shape at pier or abutment

the characteristic value of the fundamental mode shape of the frame, given
by Equation 24.

5.8 Methods of Analysis for Earthquake Effects
5.8.1 General
The requirements for analysis for earthquake effects shall be as specified in Cls. 5.8.2 to 5.8.5
dependent on the BEDC.
5.8.2 Requirements for BEDC-1
Bridge structures in BEDC-1 need not be analysed for earthquake forces. The minimum lateral
restraint provisions of Cl. 9 of AS 5100.2 shall apply to BEDC-1 bridges.
5.8.3 Requirements for BEDC-2
When Cl. 5.8 implies a requirement for specific earthquake design for bridge structures in BEDC-2,
the effects of earthquake actions shall be determined using the procedure defined in Cl. 5.9.
Consideration of vertical earthquake effects need not be made. Abutment forces may be
determined using the procedure in Cl. 5.16.
For all bridges in BEDC-2, the detailing of structural members, restraining devices, bearings and
deck joints shall be in accordance with Cl. 4.13.
i i
i i

( )
1.1 . T =

A u s t r o a d s 2 0 1 2
5.8.4 Requirements for BEDC-3
For all structures in BEDC-3, the effects of both horizontal and vertical earthquake actions shall be
considered. When Cl. 5.8 implies a requirement for specific earthquake design for bridge
structures in BEDC-3, the effects of earthquake actions shall be determined using the procedure
defined in Cl. 5.9. The final design of bridge structures with significant irregularity in structural form
should be verified by dynamic analysis in accordance with either a modal-response-spectrum
analysis, using effective member stiffnesses at expected maximum displacement demand or an
inelastic time-history analysis in accordance with Cl. 4.8.
For all bridges in BEDC-3, the detailing of structural members, restraining devices, bearings and
deck joints shall be in accordance with Cl. 4.13.
5.8.5 Requirements for BEDC-4
For all structures in BEDC-4, the effects of both horizontal and vertical earthquake actions shall be
considered. When Cl. Section 5.8 implies a requirement for specific earthquake design for bridge
structures in BEDC-4, the effects of earthquake actions shall be determined using the procedure
defined in Cl. 5.9. In addition, the final design should be verified by inelastic time history analysis
in accordance with Section 7 of AS 1170.4. Hysteretic rules adopted for the analysis shall be
appropriate for the materials and sections modelled. Accidental torsion effects need not be
considered in dynamic analysis of bridges.
For all bridges in BEDC-4, the detailing of structural members, restraining devices, bearings and
deck joints shall be in accordance with Cl. 4.13.
5.9 Representation of a Bridge Frame as SDOF Structure
Where Cls. 5.7.2 and 5.8 imply a requirement for specific earthquake design, the design horizontal
earthquake force shall be determined in accordance with the provisions of this section. Where the
length between abutments is such that it is improbable that coherent seismic input will occur at the
abutments and at the base of all piers, the bridge may be divided, for design purposes, into frames
extending between bridge deck movement joints, or between abutments and movement joints.
Abutment design horizontal forces shall be calculated in accordance with Cl. 5.16.
5.9.1 Design Horizontal Earthquake Force from Displacement-Based Design Analysis
The horizontal earthquake force for a bridge frame, F
, shall be determined from Equation 26.
F e d
F k =

the characteristic design displacement of the frame, calculated in
accordance with Cl. 5.9.2

equivalent effective stiffness of the frame, calculated in accordance with
Cl. 5.9.3.

A u s t r o a d s 2 0 1 2
5.9.2 Frame Characteristic Horizontal Displacement in the Transverse Direction
The characteristic horizontal displacement of the frame is defined by Equation 27.
( ) ( )
d i i i i
1 1

n n
i i
m m
= =


horizontal displacements of the n masses describing the frame, given in
Cl. 5.10

= n masses describing the frame.

5.9.3 Equivalent Frame Stiffness
The equivalent frame stiffness is defined by Equation 28.
e 2
4 m


= equivalent natural period of the frame, defined in Cl. 5.9.5

= effective mass of the frame defined in Cl. 5.9.4.

5.9.4 Frame Effective Mass
The frame effective mass is defined by Equation 29.


= frame characteristic displacement, as defined by Equation 27.

5.9.5 Frame Equivalent Natural Period
The frame natural period T
at peak displacement response is found from the displacement spectra
defined in Cl. 5.5.3 corresponding to the characteristic design displacement defined by
Equation 27, and the calculated equivalent viscous damping defined in Cl. 5.9.6.
5.9.6 Frame Equivalent Viscous Damping
The frame equivalent viscous damping shall be related to the shear force V
, the displacement
and the elastic viscous damping
of the structural components (including the superstructure,
abutments and bearings where applicable) of the frame according to Equation 30 , noting that V
taken as the shear force at the top of a pier or abutment.
( )
i i


A u s t r o a d s 2 0 1 2
Equation 30 is applicable to the transverse and longitudinal directions.
( ) ( )
e i i i i i
1 1

n n
i i
= =


= shear force of structural components of the frame

= horizontal displacement of structural components of the frame

equivalent viscous damping of structural components of the frame given in
Cl. 5.9.7.

5.9.7 Equivalent Viscous Damping of Component Actions
(a) Reinforced concrete piers: The equivalent viscous damping of reinforced concrete piers
shall be related to the pier ductility factor by Equation 31.
0.05 0.444

| |
= +
\ .


= pier member ductility.

(b) Structural steel piers: The equivalent viscous damping of reinforced concrete piers
shall be related to the pier ductility factor by Equation 32:
0.02 0.577

| |
= +
\ .


(c) Foundation rotation effect: In lieu of more accurate determination, the equivalent
viscous damping associated with rotation of spread footings on dense or medium
dense sand or alluvium shall be given by Equations 33 and 34 respectively:
For dense sand
0.372 0.123log = +
For medium-dense sand =
0.640 0.222log = +

= the foundation rotation in radians.

(d) Superstructure transverse flexural deformation: When a reinforced or prestressed
concrete superstructure is subjected to horizontal deformation involving abutment
reactions without significant abutment displacement, the superstructure damping shall
be taken as = 0.05. The value for a structural steel superstructure shall be 0.02.
(e) Abutment deformation: The equivalent viscous damping associated with soil
deformation at an abutment will depend on the abutment soil material and shear strain.

A u s t r o a d s 2 0 1 2
Where the abutment is supported by piles, behaviour is further complicated. In lieu of a
more accurate determination, adopt a conservatively low value of = 0.12 for analysis.
5.10 Ductile Displacement Capacity
5.10.1 Lateral Displacement Profile of a Frame in the Transverse Direction
The lateral displacement capacity of a bridge frame element
shall be related to the normalised
fundamental displacement mode shape
and the displacement capacity
of the critical inelastic
frame structural element by the relationship (Equation 35):
i c

| |
\ .


= fundamental displacement mode shape at pier or abutment

= fundamental displacement mode shape of critical structural element

= displacement capacity of the critical inelastic frame structural element.

In Equation 35, the displacement capacities of inelastic structural elements shall be based on the
strain limits defined in Cls. 5.10.2 and 5.10.3.
5.10.2 Strain Limits for Serviceability Limit State
(a) Reinforcing steel: Tensile strain in reinforcing steel
in plastic hinges shall not exceed
(b) Concrete compressive strain: Compressive strain of concrete
in plastic hinges shall
not exceed 0.004.
(c) Structural steel strain: Compressive and tensile strain in ductile structural steel piers

shall not exceed 0.01.
5.10.3 Strain Limits for Ultimate Limit State
(a) Reinforcing steel: Tensile strain in flexural reinforcing steel,
, in plastic hinges shall
be related to the volumetric ratio of lateral reinforcement,
, in accordance with
Equation 36, and shall not exceed 50% of the strain,
, at maximum stress:
sd s sul
0.015 6( 0.005) 0.5 = +

= volumetric ratio of lateral reinforcement

= the strain at maximum stress of longitudinal reinforcement.

(b) Concrete compressive strain: Compressive strain of concrete
in plastic hinges shall
be related to the volumetric ratio of lateral reinforcement,
, and shall not exceed the
value given by Equation 37:

A u s t r o a d s 2 0 1 2
s sy.f sut
sd '

0.004 1.4
= +

fcc =
confined compressive strength of concrete, which may be taken as 1.5fc if
not calculated by a rational analysis

fsy.t = yield strength of lateral reinforcement steel

sut = strain at maximum stress of lateral reinforcement.

(c) Structural steel strain: Compressive and tensile strain in ductile structural steel piers
shall not exceed values corresponding to the onset of buckling under cyclic reversals of
moment. In the absence of definitive design information, assume a value of
= 0.02.
(d) Hollow concrete piers: The maximum concrete compressive strain for hollow reinforced
or prestressed piers shall not exceed the value given by Equation 36 or 0.006.
5.11 Distribution of Design Horizontal Force (in the Transverse
The horizontal design force F
given by Equation 26 shall be distributed to the n frame mass
locations m
in accordance with Equation 38:
i F i i i i

F F m m

5.12 Design Seismic Moments in Potential Plastic Hinges
Design seismic moments in potential plastic hinge regions of a frame shall be determined from the
horizontal frame forces F
using accepted methods of structural analysis, and shall include
consideration of P- moments in accordance with Cl. 5.15. Stiffness of ductile elements shall be
based on the secant (effective) stiffness at the design displacement
5.13 Vertical Seismic Response
Where analysis of vertical seismic response is required by Cl. 5.8, a span-by-span static analysis
may be used, where the span under consideration is modelled together with adjacent continuous
spans, if any, at either end of the span. End support conditions at the far end of the adjacent span
shall be considered fixed, if continuous over the support, or pinned, as appropriate (e.g. if the end
of the adjacent span is simply supported at an abutment).
The mass of the span under consideration, and of the adjacent spans, if any, should be distributed
to not less than four locations along the span. Vertical seismic response moments shall be
determined from the spectrum defined by Cls. 4.5.2 and 4.5.3, using the procedure described for
lateral response using Cls. 4.7.3, 4.7.4, 4.7.5 and 4.7.6.
5.14 Required Moment Capacity
5.14.1 At Potential Plastic Hinge Locations
The moment capacity at plastic hinge locations shall be determined using maximum feasible
material strengths (f
and f
). Flexural strength reduction factors need not be used for

A u s t r o a d s 2 0 1 2
determination of seismic moment capacity. Moment capacity shall not be less than the moment
required from analysis in accordance with Cl. 5.12 or Cl. 5.13. Seismic moment demands resulting
from horizontal and vertical response need not be combined when comparing with seismic moment
capacity. Seismic moment demands in ductile members need not be combined with gravity
moment demands when determining required moment capacity of plastic hinges.
5.14.2 At Other Locations
At locations other than potential plastic hinges, moments resulting from seismic actions, including
vertical accelerations, where required by Cl. 5.8, shall be combined with moments resulting from
self weight of the structure. Formation of unintended plastic hinges shall be avoided by capacity
design in accordance with Cl. 5.17.
5.15 P- Effects
Seismic moments resulting from the weight supported by a pier acting through the maximum pier
response displacements (P- moments) shall be calculated for BEDC-3 and BEDC-4 structures.
P- moments shall not exceed 30% of the pier-base moment capacity, calculated in accordance
with Cl. 5.14.
For concrete piers, the required seismic design moment shall be increased by 50% of the
calculated P- moment when the P- moment exceeds 10% of the pier-base moment capacity.
For steel piers, the required seismic design moment shall be increased by 100% of the calculated
P- moment when the P- moment exceeds 5% of the pier-base moment capacity.
5.16 Design Abutment Forces
Design abutment reactions shall be determined by one of the following approaches:
(a) Where Cl. 5.7 indicates that elastic response of the frame is assured, design abutment
forces may be determined by elastic modal analysis.
(b) Where ductile response is adopted for design in accordance with Cl. 5.9, the abutment
forces shall be determined by one of the following procedures:
forces determined in accordance with Cl. 5.11 multiplied by the system ductility
factor, .
forces determined by effective modal superposition under the design seismicity,
where the stiffness of ductile elements is the secant (effective) stiffness at design
displacement response
inelastic time-history analysis under the design seismicity.
5.17 Capacity Design
Shear failure and the formation of unintended plastic hinges shall be avoided by ensuring that the
dependable strength of such locations exceeds the value of the action corresponding to the
development of maximum feasible flexural strength in the intended plastic hinges. In lieu of a
detailed analysis, the flexural strength at the plastic hinge locations may be assumed to be 1.4
times the design strength. Equilibrium considerations shall be used to determine the moments and
shear forces at sections to be capacity-protected.
5.18 Structural Detailing Requirements for Earthquake Effects
Structural detailing requirements shall comply with Cl. 4.13.

A u s t r o a d s 2 0 1 2
[see Commentary 2]

A u s t r o a d s 2 0 1 2
AASHTO 2007, AASHTO LRFD bridge design specifications (SI), 4
edn, American Association of State
Highway and Transportation Officials, Washington, DC, USA.
AASHTO 2009, AASHTO guide specifications for LRFD seismic bridge design, American Association of
State Highway and Transportation Officials, Washington, DC, USA.
Adams, J & Atkinson, G 2003, Development of seismic hazard maps for the proposed 2005 edition of the
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Applied Technology Council 1996, Improved seismic design criteria for California bridges: provisional
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Applied Technology Council 2003, Recommended LRFD guidelines for the seismic design of highway
bridges: part 2: commentary and appendices, Applied Technology Council & Multidisciplinary Center
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Caltrans 1992, Bridge memo to designers manual, California Department of Transportation, Division of
Structures, Sacramento, CA, USA.
Department of Transport and Main Roads Queensland 2010, Design criteria for bridge and other structures,
p-29, Department of Transport and Main Roads Queensland, Brisbane, Qld.
Freeman, SA 1998, Development and use of capacity spectrum method, US national conference in
earthquake engineering, 6
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Heidebrecht, AC 2003, Overview of seismic provisions of the proposed 2005 edition of the National Building
Code of Canada, Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering, vol. 30, no. 2, pp. 241-54.
Japan Road Association 2002, Design specifications of highway bridges, (in Japanese) Tokyo, Japan.
Kappos, AJ, Paraskeva, TS & Sextos, AG 2005, Modal pushover analysis as a means for the seismic
assessment of bridge structure, European workshop on seismic behaviour of irregular and complex
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vol.1, no. 2, pp. 262-71.
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Structural Engineering, special issue 1: Earthquake engineering in the low and moderate seismic
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Main Roads Western Australia 2008, Earthquake interim design rule, Senior Engineer Structures Circular,
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to earthquake action, Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering, vol. 5, no. 3, pp. 377-90.

A u s t r o a d s 2 0 1 2
Priestley, MJN & Calvi, GM 2003, Direct displacement-based seismic design of concrete bridges, ACI
international conference of seismic bridge design and retrofit for earthquake resistance, 5
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Priestley, MJN, Calvi, GM & Kowalsky, MJ 2007, Displacement-based seismic design of structure, IUSS
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Priestley, MJN, Seible, F & Calvi, GM 1996, Seismic design and retrofit of bridges, Wiley, New York, USA.
Priestley, MJN, Seible, F & Chai, YM 1992, Design guidelines for assessment retrofit and repair of bridges
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Transit New Zealand 1994, Bridge manual, Transit New Zealand, Wellington, NZ.
Transportation Research Board 2002, Comprehensive specification for the seismic design of bridges,
National Cooperative Highway Research Program (NCHRP) Report 479, Redwood City, CA, USA.
VicRoads, AS 5100.2 Earthquake design: background, Bridge Technical Note, no. 2005/004, VicRoads,
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AS 1170.4:2007, Structural design actions: part 4: earthquake actions in Australia.
AS 5100.2:2004, Bridge design.

A u s t r o a d s 2 0 1 2
A.1 Design Example 1: Multi-Span Bridge, Regular Column Heights,
Pinned to SS, Return Period 2000 Years

Figure A 1: Design Example 1 Column Illustration
The bridge illustrated in Figure A 1 consists of regular spans supported on 1.5 m diameter piers.
The superstructure is supported on bearings with shear keys on the pier head, allowing freedom of
movement longitudinally, but restrained transversely. The effective height from the effective centre
of superstructure/pier head mass to the top of the footing is 7.5 m. Longitudinal restraint is
provided at the abutments, and seismic design is only required for transverse response. The piers
are supported on spread footings, which may be considered rigid under horizontal response.
Design for non-seismic conditions results in a longitudinal reinforcement ratio of 1.5%, provided by
26 300 mm
of 40 mm dia. rebar. Lateral rebar is set at the minimum recommended value of
0.005, provided by D500N20 @150 mm centres (Note: deformed bars are recommended for lateral
rebars in circular bridge columns). Cover to longitudinal bars = 50 mm.
Material properties are:
Concrete f
= 40 MPa;
Reinforcement f
= 500 MPa.
Consider transverse seismic design for 3 cases:
Soil C
; 2000 yr return period, Z = 0.08 (e.g. Sydney, Melbourne, Canberra)
Soil C
; 2000 yr return period, Z = 0.20 (e.g. Meckering)
Soil D
; 2000 yr return period (ignore the fact that a spread footing is unlikely)

A u s t r o a d s 2 0 1 2
CASE 1: Z = 0.08, Soil C
, 2000 year return period
The procedure defined in Cl. is followed to determine whether specific seismic design is
Determine corner-period elastic displacement:
= 1.7; From Table 5.2 for Soil C
(1.5) = 460 mm
Hence from Equation 18:
p h
(1.5) (1.5) 1.7 0.08 460 62.5 k Z mm = = =

Determine yield displacement:
Maximum feasible material strengths: f
= 1.1 f
= 550 MPa; Hence yield strain
= 0.00275
= 1.3 f
= 52 MPa.
Yield curvature (Equation 22):
y y c
2.15 / D =
= 2.15x0.00275/1.5
= 3.94x10
Yield displacement: (Equation 21). The effective increase in pier height due to strain penetration
into the footing, L
, is required. From Equation C11:
sp ye bl
0.022 0.022 550 40 484 L f d mm = = =

The yield displacement is given by Equation 21:
( )
y 1 y sp sf b
(1/ 3) 0.00394 (7.5 0.48) 0.084 C H L m = + + + = + =

The pier yield displacement of 84 mm exceeds the maximum possible elastic displacement
response of 62.5 mm (corresponding to the elastic displacement spectrum plateau), and elastic
response is assured, regardless of the fundamental period. It is not necessary to calculate the
natural period. No specific seismic design is required, and simplified detailing may be adopted.
CASE 2: Z = 0.20, Soil C
, 2000 year return period
Determine corner-period elastic displacement:
Scaling from Case 1:
mm 3 . 156 08 . 0 / 2 . 0 5 . 62 ) 5 . 1 ( = =

The corner-period elastic displacement exceeds the pier yield displacement capacity, Cl.
requires the fundamental period of the bridge to be calculated, and the elastic design displacement
(demand) at this period to be compared with the yield displacement capacity.
A moment-curvature analysis (e.g. CUMBIA, on CD provided with Priestley et al (2007) is carried
out to determine the expected flexural strength of a typical pier corresponding to the expected
material strengths (see Case 1 above) and an extreme compression fibre strain of 0.004. Note that
in accordance with Cl. 5.14.1, no flexural strength reduction factor is used. Although a
moment-curvature analysis is used, any conventional flexural strength analysis may be used, but
will give a flexural strength slightly lower than that from the moment-curvature analysis.

A u s t r o a d s 2 0 1 2
Flexural Strength M
= 10,870 kNm
Shear force, V = M
/H = 10870/7.5 = 1449 kN
Elastic stiffness, k = V/
= 1449/0.084 = 17.3x10
Elastic Period (Equation 5):
sec 91 . 0
300 , 17 8 . 9
2 2 =

= =
Elastic design displacement at T=0.91 sec:
From Figure 5.2, the elastic displacement spectrum is proportional to the period between T = 0.3
seconds and T=1.5 seconds. Hence the elastic design displacement demand can be determined
from the corner-period elastic displacement as:
mm 8 . 94 5 . 1 / 91 . 0 3 . 156 5 . 1 / 91 . 0 ) 5 . 1 ( ) 91 . 0 ( = = =

This is more than the pier yield displacement capacity of 84 mm, with specific seismic design
needed for this case and hence some ductility demand (approximately = 94.8/84 =1.13) required.
Calculate strain limits for plastic hinge rotation: (Note
= 0.005)
Reinforcement limit from Equation 36:
sd s sul
0.015 6( 0.005) 0.5 0.015 = + =
Concrete limit from Equation 37:
s sy.f sut
cd '

= +
With f
=500/52, and
= 0.005, f
1.4 0.005 500 0.1
0.004 0.0099
1.15 52

= + =

(Note: if the default option of f
= 1.5 f
is adopted a conservatively low value of
= 0.0085

is expected to govern. From Priestley (2007) Fig. 10.9(a), or from moment-curvature analysis,
the neutral axis depth is c/D = 0.21. Hence c = 0.21x1500 = 315 mm. The distance from the
extreme bar in tension to the neutral axis is (D-c-co-d
/2) = 1500-315-50-20 = 1115 mm. (co =
cover = 50 mm). The concrete strain corresponding to the reinforcement strain limit of 0.015 is:
0.015 315 / 1115 0.00424 0.0099 = = <

governs as expected.
The corresponding limit state curvature in accordance with Equation C7 is:
ls sd c bl
2 0 015 1 115 13 4 10 / ( D c co d / ) . / . . / m

= = =

Plastic curvature:
From Case 1, the yield curvature is 3.94x10
/m. Hence the plastic curvature is:
3 3
p ls y
13 4 3 9 10 9 5 10 ( . . ) . / m

= = =

A u s t r o a d s 2 0 1 2
Plastic hinge length:
From the equations in Cl. C5.10.3, with f
= 1.3, and with L
= 0.48 m (Case 1):
p u y c sp sp
0 2 1 2 0 2 0 3 7 5 0 48 2 0 48 0 96 L . ( f / f )L L L . . . . . . m = + = + =

Plastic rotation:
From Equation C6:
p p p
0 0095 0 96 0 0091 L . . . rad = = =

Plastic Displacement:
The plastic displacement at the height of mass centre is:
p p
0 0091 7 5 0 0683 H . . . m = = =

Total displacement capacity:
The limit state displacement capacity is the sum of elastic and plastic displacements. Hence:
ls y p
84 68 152mm = + = + =

Ductility capacity:
The ductility factor corresponding to the displacement capacity is
ls y
152 84 1 81 / / . = = =

This is much higher than the approximate ductility demand of 1.13, so design will be OK. No need
for further calculation of the effect of damping.
CASE 3: Z=0.2, Soil D
, 2000 year return period
As noted in the problem description, it is assumed, for simplicity and conservatism, that the footing
is rigid (no translation or rotation) which is unlikely with a soft D
soil. However for illustration
purposes, the elastic period is unchanged from Case 2, at T=0.91sec.
Check elastic design displacement at T=0.91 sec:
From Table 5.2, the corner-period displacement shape factor
(1.5) is 730 mm. The
corresponding corner-period displacement, applying for T=1.5 sec in Equation 18 is:
mm 2 . 248 730 2 . 0 7 . 1 ) 5 . 1 ( = =

By proportion, the elastic design displacement at T = 0.91 sec is:
mm 6 . 150 5 . 1 / 91 . 0 2 . 248 ) 91 . 0 ( = =

This exceeds the yield displacement capacity of 84 mm, and hence some ductility demand
(approximately = 150.6/84 =1.8 based on the equal displacement approximation). Specific
seismic design (or at least analysis) is required.
Calculate strain limits for plastic hinge rotation: (Note
= 0.005):
Reinforcement limit from Equation 36:
sd s sul
0 015 6 0 005 0 5 0 015 . ( . ) . . = + =

A u s t r o a d s 2 0 1 2
Concrete limit from Equation 37:
s sy.f sut
1 4
0 004
. f

= +

With f
=500/52, and
= 0.005, f
1 4 0 005 500 0 1
0 004 0 0099
1 15 52
. . .
. .

= + =

(Note: if the default option of f
= 1.5 f
was adopted a conservatively low value of
= 0.0085
would result)

is expected to govern. From Priestley (2007) Fig. 10.9(a), or from moment-curvature analysis,
the neutral axis depth is c/D = 0.21. Hence c = 0.21x1500 = 315 mm. The distance from the
extreme bar in tension to the neutral axis is (D-c-co-d
/2) = 1500-315-50-20 = 1115 mm. (co =
cover = 50 mm). The concrete strain corresponding to the reinforcement strain limit of 0.015 is:
0 015 315 1115 0 00424 0 0099 . / . . = = <

governs as expected. The corresponding limit state curvature is:
ls sd c bl
2 0 015 1 115 13 4 10 / ( D c co d / ) . / . . / m

= = =

Plastic curvature:
From Case 1, the yield curvature is 3.94x10
/m. Hence the plastic curvature is
3 3
p ls y
13 4 3 9 10 9 5 10 ( . . ) . / m

= = =

Plastic hinge length:
From the equations in Cl. C5.10.3, with f
= 1.3, and with L
= 0.48 m (Case 1):
p u y c sp sp
0 2 1 2 0 2 0 3 7 5 0 48 2 0 48 0 96 L . ( f / f )L L L . . . . . . m = + = + =

Plastic rotation:
From Equation C8:
p p p
0 0095 0 96 0 0091 L . . . rad = = =

Plastic Displacement:
The plastic displacement at the height of mass centre is:
p p
0 0091 7 5 0 0683 H . . . m = = =

Total displacement capacity:
The limit state displacement capacity is the sum of elastic and plastic displacements. Hence:
ls y p
84 68 152mm = + = + =

Ductility capacity:
The ductility factor corresponding to the displacement capacity is:
ls y
152 84 1 81 / / . = = =

A u s t r o a d s 2 0 1 2
This is approximately equal to the ductility demand of 1.8, so design is probably OK. However,
confirm this directly by displacement-based principles:
Damping at displacement capacity:
From Cl. 5.9.7 the corresponding viscous damping at the displacement capacity will be:
1 0 81
0 05 0 444 0 05 0 444 0 113
1 81
. . . . .
| |
= + = + =

\ .

Damping modifier:
From Equation 19 the damping modifier is:
0 5
0 5

0 07 0 07
0 725
0 02 0 02 0 113
. .
R .
. . .
| |
| |
= = =
| |
+ +
\ .
\ .

Check effective period:
The elastic period is 0.91 sec. Conservatively assuming elasto-plastic response, the equivalent
stiffness at displacement capacity is k
/, and the effective period will be:
0 91 1 81 1 22 T T . . . sec = = =

Check ductile design displacement.
At this period, the elastic design displacement, (1.22) = 248.2x1.22/1.5 = 202 mm
From Equation 20, the design ductile displacement is:
(1 22) (1 22) 0 725 202 146 4 . R . . . mm = = =

This is less than the displacement capacity of 152 mm, and hence the design is satisfactory with
the current flexural strength of 10,870 kNm, provided by a longitudinal reinforcement content of
Alternative: Determine required flexural strength to satisfy design seismic response:
It may be of interest to determine what would be the required strength if the reinforcement content
could be reduced below the value of 1.5% corresponding to gravity load design. In pursuing this,
an interesting, and quite common dilemma will be discovered: Given the ductility factor at the
displacement capacity, = 1.81, and the corresponding damping modifier of

R = 0.725 as
calculated above, the corner period design displacement, reduced for ductility is
(1.5) =
0.725x190 =137.8 mm. This is less than the ductile displacement capacity of 152 mm. In other
words there is no intersection between the displacement demand and displacement capacity, as is
implied by Figure C2 4(d).
It is apparent that the pier design displacement is lower than its ductile displacement capacity. The
appropriate design procedure requires an iterative approach to determine a ductility demand where
the displacement demand and capacity are compatible, at the corner period. The procedure is
defined in Priestley et al (2007) Cl. 3.4.6, and is illustrated below.
Try ductile displacement capacity
= 150 mm
An initial estimate of
= 150 mm is assumed.

A u s t r o a d s 2 0 1 2
Corresponding ductility factor = 150/84 = 1.786
Corresponding viscous damping:
0 786
0 05 0 444 0 11
1 786
. . .
= + =

Damping modifier:
0 5

0 07
0 734
0 02 0 11
R .
. .
| |
= =
\ .

Ductile design displacement:
1 5 0 734 202 148 3 ( . ) . . mm = =

The displacement capacity is larger than the design displacement. Not OK.
Try ductile displacement capacity
= 148 mm
Corresponding ductility factor = 148/84 = 1.76
Corresponding viscous damping:
0 76
0 05 0 444 0 11
1 76
. . .
= + =

Damping modifier:
0 5

0 07
0 734
0 02 0 11
R .
. .
| |
= =
\ .

Ductile design displacement:
1 5 0 734 202 148 ( . ) . mm = = OK
The displacement capacity and design (demand) are thus compatible at the corner period.
Now any structural period T
1.5 sec will have the same design displacement. Thus a solution
with T = 1.5 sec and a solution with T = 3 sec (e.g.) would be equally valid. However, P- effects
will be more significant for the longer period solution, since required strength will be less. Try a
solution with T =1.5 sec:
Equivalent stiffness:
From Equation 28:
2 2 2 2
4 4 3533 9 81 1 5 6319 k m / T ( / . ) / . kN / m = = =

Design horizontal earthquake force from Equation 26:
e d
6319 0 148 935 F k . kN = = =

Required moment capacity:
M = 7.5F = 7.5 x 935 = 7014 kNm
This is less than the strength provided by 1.5% reinforcement, of 1449 kN. Hence a reduction in
reinforcement content is possible. Moment-curvature analysis (or any flexural strength analysis)
indicates that with the minimum recommended reinforcement ratio of 1.0%, flexural strength will
still exceed 7014 kNm. Use minimum flexural rebar ratio.
Check P-

A u s t r o a d s 2 0 1 2
It can be argued that a P- check is not necessary for structures responding at the plateau
displacement, as there should be no modification to the displacement demand. Conservatively
check in accordance with Cl. 5.15.
3533 0 148 523 M . kNm = =

This is 7.5% of the required moment capacity of 7014 kNm. No increase in moment capacity is

A u s t r o a d s 2 0 1 2
A.2 Design Example 2: Four-Span Bridge with Lateral Restraint at
Abutments, Return Period 2000 Years

Figure A 2: Design Example 2 Column Configuration
The bridge in Figure A 2 is supported on 2.0 m diameter single-column piers, with monolithic
connections between piers and superstructure. The superstructure is 1.8 m deep and is free to
move longitudinally at abutments, but is restrained transversely by shear keys. The abutments are
stiff, and transverse displacements under seismic loads may be considered to be zero. The
superstructure flexural stiffness about the transverse axis is sufficiently high that the piers can be
considered fully fixed at top and at bottom. The superstructure is a beam and slab design without
intermediate diaphragms, and it is reasonable to consider the superstructure to be torsionally
flexible about the longitudinal axis. Consequently the piers may be considered as simple
cantilevers under transverse response. The superstructure effective weight, including an
allowance for contribution of headstocks and columns is 200 kN/m. The superstructure transverse
moment of inertia is 40m
. Concrete modulus of elasticity is taken as 40 GPa.
Material properties:
= 500 MPa; (d
= 40 mm, d
= 20 mm).
= 40 MPa
Initially assume the lateral reinforcement has a vertical spacing of 130 mm, to give the minimum
lateral reinforcement ratio of 0.005. Longitudinal reinforcement for non-seismic design is 1.2%.
Design (or check) seismic performance for the same three cases considered for Example 1. This
example is designed to show how piers of different heights are handled, and how a non-uniform
transverse displacement shape is considered in seismic design.
CASE 1: Z = 0.08, Soil C
, 2000 year return period
Corner-period elastic displacement
Same as for Example 1, Case 1: (1.5) = 62.5 mm
Expected material properties: as for Example 1.
(a) Transverse response
Yield curvature:
y y c
2.15 / 2.15 0.00275 / 2.0 0.00296 / D m = = =

A u s t r o a d s 2 0 1 2
Piers 2 and 4 Effective height: H
= 7.0+1.8/2+(L
= 0.48m) =8.38m
Piers 2 and 4 Yield displacement:
2 2
y y e
/ 3 0.00296 8.38 / 3 0.0693 H m = = =
Since this displacement (69.3 mm) exceeds the corner period elastic displacement these piers will
respond elastically. The central pier is longer, hence its yield displacement will exceed that of Piers
2 and 4. Since the yield displacements of all piers exceed the elastic plateau displacement, elastic
response is assured.
(b) Longitudinal response
Piers 2 and 4 yield displacement: Since the piers are fixed top and bottom, strain penetration
needs to be considered at both ends. The effective height is 7.0+ 2(0.48) = 7.96 m. Considering
fixity top and bottom, the yield displacement is:
2 2
y2 y e
/ 6 0.00296 7.96 / 6 0.0313 H m = = =

This is less than the elastic corner period design displacement of 62.5 mm, and hence further
consideration is required.
Pier 3 yield displacement: H
= 12.96m. Hence:
0.00296 12.96 / 6 0.0828m = =

Check the natural period, which requires determining the moment capacities of the 3 columns.
With 1.2% reinforcement, the flexural steel area is 37,500 mm
per column. Axial loads, based on
tributary areas of superstructure, are P
= P
= 45 x 200 = 9000 kN; P
= 50 x 200 = 10,000 kN.
Pier stiffness:
From section analysis (moment-curvature, in this case), the moment capacities of the columns,
and hence the shear force, and stiffness values are as given below:
Pier 2,4: M
= 24,000 kNm; V
= 24,000/3.5 = 6860 kN; k
= 6860/0.0313 = 219 MN/m
Pier 3: M
= 24,500 kNm; V
= 24,500/6.0 = 4080 kN; k
= 4080/0.0828 = 49 MN/m
Total longitudinal stiffness: k
+ k
+ k
= 2x219 + 49 = 487 MN/m
Elastic period:
180 200
2 2 0.545sec
9.8 487000

= = =

Elastic design displacement at T = 0.545 sec:
By proportion
mm 8 . 22 5 . 1 / 545 . 0 9 . 62 5 . 1 / 545 . 0 ) 5 . 1 ( ) 545 . 0 ( = = =

This is less than the yield displacement of Piers 2 and 4 of 31.3 mm, and hence the bridge will
respond elastically, both transversely and longitudinally. No specific seismic design is needed,
though abutment forces will need to be checked.

A u s t r o a d s 2 0 1 2
CASE 2: Z = 0.20, Soil C
; 2000 year return period
It will be evident that as in Case 1, design displacement in the longitudinal direction will be more
critical than for transverse direction. However, both cases will be considered to illustrate different
aspects of displacement-based assessment/design.
Elastic corner-period design displacement
As with Example 1, Case 2 the elastic corner-period design displacement is:
mm 156 ) 5 . 1 ( =

(a) Transverse response
From Case 1 above, the yield displacement capacity of Piers 2 and 4 are
= 69.3 mm.
The yield displacement capacity of Pier 3, with an effective height to the centre of mass of H
12.0 + 0.9 + 0.48 = 13.38 m will be:
2 2
y3 y e3
/ 3 0.00296 13.38 / 3 0.177 H m = = =

Thus the yield displacement capacity of pier 3 exceeds the design displacement (1.5)= 120 mm,
while the yield displacement capacities of Piers 2 and 4 are less than the design displacement
(1.5). It is not clear, however, at this stage whether the pier yield displacement capacities exceed
the elastic corner-period design displacements when the lateral displacement shape factor (i.e. as
frame components) is considered (see Figure C1 1). Use Cl. to determine whether the
displacements of all piers exceed the demand corresponding to the elastic corner-period
displacement and the shape factor. Assume a parabolic shape factor, with a value of
= 1.0.
Hence the relative shape factors at Piers 2 and 4 corresponding to a parabolic shape are:
691 . 0
1 0 . 1
4 , 2



The mass associated with each pier can be approximated by the tributary superstructure weight:
= m
=9000/g tonnes; m
= 10000/g tonnes. From Equation 24 recognizing that it is only the
relative magnitudes of the pier masses that are important, the characteristic value of the frame
fundamental mode shape displacement is:
2 2 i i
e 4
i i
(2 9 0.691 10 1.0 )
(2 9 0.691 10 1)

= = =

The design displacement for Piers 2 and 4 corresponding to the elastic corner-period design
displacement of 120 mm is, from Equation 23:
2 4
1.1 (1.5) 1.1 156 143 69.3
mm mm

= = = = >

i.e. Required displacement > pier capacity (Not acceptable)
For Pier 3, the corresponding design displacement is:
1.1 (1.5) 1.1 156 207 177
mm mm

= = = >

A u s t r o a d s 2 0 1 2
i.e. Required displacement > pier capacity (Not acceptable)
Thus, the displacements of all piers do not satisfy Cl. Check using Cl. which
requires the determination of the natural period using Equation 6. A vector of horizontal forces
proportional to the product of mass x fundamental mode shape displacement is applied to the
bridge at the top of Piers 2, 3 and 4:
Piers 2 and 4: F 9000 x 0.691 = 6219 (622 used)
Pier 3: F 10000 x 1.0 = 10000 (1000 used).
A simple space-frame analysis of the bridge is carried out with the above transverse forces applied
at the top of the piers. Although the superstructure moment of inertia is defined in the problem
statement, the effective moment of inertia values for the piers are needed. These are calculated
from knowledge of the yield moment and yield curvature:
Piers 2 and 4:
y 2 4 e
e e
24000 8108
8108 ; 0.203
0.00296 40000
EI MNm I m
= = = = = =

Pier 3:
2 4
e e
24500 8277
8277 ; 0.207
0.00296 40000
EI MNm I m = = = =

The frame analysis, using values of I
, results in transverse displacements of 0.0195 m at Piers 2
and 4, and 0.0327 m at pier 3.
From Equation 6:
i i i i
i i i
2 2
m m
m F

= =

where F
are the forces producing displacements
. Using the above data:
18000 0.0195 10000 0.0327
2 1.103
9.8(2 622 1000)
T sec
= =

The Rayleigh Equation 7 results in a very similar value for T
With T
= 1.103sec, the elastic characteristic displacement is:
(1.103) = 156 x 1.103/1.5=114 mm
Hence, from Equation 25 the elastic design displacements at the piers are:

= 1.1 x 114 x 0.691/0.83 = 104.8 mm > 69.3 mm (Not acceptable)

= 1.1 x 114 x 1.0/0.83 = 152 mm <177 mm
Thus again, the yield displacement is exceeded (by a ductility of = 1.51 at Piers 2 and 4).

A u s t r o a d s 2 0 1 2
Clearly Piers 2 and 4 will be critical. Check the ductility capacity of Piers 2 and 4. As for
Example 1, the strain limit states are:

= 0.015;
= 0.0099
From Priestley et al 2007 (Fig. 10.9(a)) or from moment-curvature analysis c/D = 0.205. Hence the
depth of the compression zone to the neutral axis is c = 0.205 x 2000 = 410 mm. The distance from
the extreme tension rebar to the neutral axis is:
c co d
/2) = 2000 410 50 20 = 1520 mm
The concrete strain corresponding to the rebar strain limit is:
= 0.015 x 410/1520 = 0.00405 <

Hence the rebar strain limit again governs, and the limit state curvature is:
ls sd c bl
/ ( / 2) 0.015 / 1.52 0.00987 / D c co d m = = =

From Case 1 (Example 2) the yield curvature is 0.00296/m, and hence the plastic curvature is:
p ls y
0.00987 0.00296 0.00691/ m = = =

Plastic hinge length
Assuming f
= 1.3, L
= 0.48m and with L
= 7.9 m Equation C9 the plastic hinge length is:
p c sp sp
0.2 1 2 0.2 0.3 7.9 0.48 0.954 0.96 0.96
L L L L m
| |
= + = + = = |
\ .

From Equation C8 the plastic rotation is:
p p p
0.00691 0.96 0.00663 L rad = = =

Effective height to centre of superstructure = 7.9 m, hence
p = p x 7.9 = 0.0524m
Piers 2 and 4 displacement capacity

= 69.3 + 52.4 = 121.7 mm; =1.76
Using the shape factor adopted above (this will be subsequently modified), the corresponding
displacement at Pier 3 would be:

/0.691 = 121.7/0.691 = 176 mm
This is just equal to the yield displacement capacity of 177 mm, and hence Pier 3 is expected to
respond elastically.
Structural analysis to determine displacements, shear forces and horizontal forces
At the displacement capacity, the effective moment of inertia of Piers 2 and 4, (secant (effective)
stiffness), in accordance with Equation C13 will be:
eff,2 el
/ 0.203 / 1.76 0.115 I I m = = =

A u s t r o a d s 2 0 1 2
Re-analyse the frame under the same horizontal forces (622 kN, 1000 kN) used for Case 2, since
the forces are in proportion to the product of mass and (assumed) displacement profile. The results
of the analysis give displacements at the top of Piers 2 (and 4) and 3 of 23 mm and 39 mm
respectively. The ratio of these (0.62:1.00) is rather different to the ratio of 0.59:1.00 resulting from
the assumed shape factor. Modify the applied loads accordingly, resulting in loads of 590 kN at
Piers 2 and 4, and 1000 kN at Pier 3. The structure is reanalysed under these revised forces,
resulting in displacements of 23 mm and 38 mm at the top of Piers 2 and 3 respectively.
The resulting displacements at Piers 2 and 4 are much lower than the limit states, so factor up all
displacements and forces by the ratio of 121.7/23 = 5.29. The displacement at the top of Pier 3 is
5.29 x 38 = 201 mm. This exceeds the yield displacement of 177 mm, indicating a ductility demand
of = 1.14. The stiffness of Pier 3 needs to be reduced in proportion to the ductility demand,
resulting in I
= 0.207/1.14 = 0.182 m
. The displacement ratio at the pier tops is essentially
unchanged, so re-analyse with the same horizontal forces, with the changed stiffness of Pier 3,
resulting in final displacements of
= 24 mm;
= 40 mm.
The factor required to increase the response to the limit state deflection at Piers 2 and 4 is
121.7/24 = 5.07. The following are the design parameters corresponding to the displacement
capacity of Piers 2 and 4:
= 121.7 mm;
= 202.8 mm
Corresponding ductility factors
= 121.7/69.3 = 1.76 ;
= 202.8/177 = 1.14
Pier shear forces: V
= V
= 3935 kN; V
= 1978 kN
Abutment horizontal reactions: R
= R
= 597 kN
Horizontal Forces: F
= F
= 2992 kN; F
= 5070 kN
Note that the values of pier shear forces and abutment reactions above were obtained from the
structural analysis magnified by the factor 5.07.
Characteristic displacement:
From Equation 27, the characteristic displacement capacity of the frame is:
i i
i i
16 . 0
203 . 0 10 122 . 0 9 2
203 . 0 10 122 . 0 9 2 (
2 2

Frame period:
As in Case 2 the frame period may be found from:
i i
18000 0.122 10000 0.203
2 2 1.24sec
9.81 (2 2992 5070)

= = =

Effective Damping:
The horizontal forces are carried by Piers 2, 3 and 4 with inelastic displacement, and by the
superstructure with elastic bending back to the abutments.
Pier 2:
1.76 1
0.05 0.444 0.110
| |
= + =

\ .

A u s t r o a d s 2 0 1 2
Pier 3:
1.14 1
0.05 0.444 0.067
| |
= + =

\ .

0.05 =
From Equation 30 the system damping is given by:
i i i
i i
( )
(2 3935 0.122 0.11 1978 0.203 0.067 2 597 0.161 0.05)
(2 3935 0.122 1978 0.203 2 597 0.161) ( )

+ +
= = =
+ +

Damping modifier:
From Equation 19:

0.02 0.0915
| |
= =
\ .

Displacement Demand:
The elastic design displacement for a period of T = 1.29 sec is, by proportion:
(1.24) = 156 x 1.24/1.5 = 129 mm
The ductile design displacement is:

(1.24) = 0.792 x 129 = 102.1 mm
This is less than the characteristic displacement capacity of 161 mm, and hence the response is
satisfactory. Note that the displacement demand at Piers 2 and 4, for a period of T = 1.24 sec will
be 102.1 x 121.7/161 = 77 mm, and the displacement demand at Pier 3, for a period of T =
1.24 sec will be 102.1 x 202.8/161 = 129 mm.
(b) Longitudinal response
As with Case 1, the elastic period of the frame in the longitudinal direction is T
= 0.545 sec. Since
the corner-period elastic design displacement is 156 mm, the elastic design displacement for
0.545 sec is, by proportion:
(0.545) = 156 x 0.545/1.5 = 56.7 mm > 31.3
Hence some ductility (about = 1.8) is required of Piers 2 and 4. Check the ductility capacity of
Piers 2 and 4 as for the transverse response, with
= 0.00691
With L
= 3.5 m in Equation C9 it is found that L
= 2 L
governs. Hence L
= 2 x 0.48 = 0.96 m.
From Equation C8 the plastic rotation is:
p p p
0.00691 0.96 0.0063 L rad = = =

The corresponding plastic displacement capacity is:
p p
0.00663 7.0 0.0464 H m = = =

A u s t r o a d s 2 0 1 2
Note that in this case the height H is the clear height of the pier, not the height to the centre of
superstructure mass. The total displacement capacity is:
ls y p
31.3 46.4 77.7mm = + = + =

with a corresponding displacement ductility capacity of = 77.7/31.3 = 2.5. This so far exceeds the
required design ductility displacement of about 1.8 that there is no need for further checking.
However, if needed, the procedure would follow that used for Example 1, Case 3, with the damping
for the different piers separately calculated. This will be carried out for Case 3 below.
CASE 3: Z = 0.2, Soil De, 2000 year return period
Corner-period elastic displacement response:
As with Example 1, Case 3, the corner-period elastic displacement response is (1.5) = 248 mm.
(a) Longitudinal response
Check the displacement capacity against the required design displacement for ductile longitudinal
response. As above, with the lateral reinforcement as defined in the problem statement, the
displacement capacity of Piers 2 and 4 is 77.7 mm, with a corresponding ductility factor of 2.5.
From Case 1, the required design displacement of Pier 3 is 82.8 mm, which exceeds the
displacement capacity of Piers 2 and 4. Since the longitudinal displacements of all piers will be the
same, Pier 3 will remain elastic when Piers 2 and 4 reach their displacement capacity.
Viscous damping for piers:
From Equation 31:
135 . 0
5 . 2
1 5 . 2
444 . 0 05 . 0
= |

+ =

05 . 0
Frame damping
The frame damping is found from Equation 30 noting that the displacements of all piers are
identical, and that the shear force carried by Piers 2 and 4 is 6860 kN (as in Case 1) each, while
Pier 3, which is at less than yield displacement will carry 4080 x 77.7/82.8 = 3834 kN:
( ) ( )
4 4
e i i i i i
2 2
(2 6860 0.135 3834 0.05) / (2 6860 3834) 0.116 V V = = + + =

From Equation 19 the damping modifier is:

0.02 0.116
| |
= =
\ .

Equivalent stiffness:
At the displacement capacity of 77.7 mm, the total horizontal resisting force is F=2 x 6860 + 3834 =
17550 kN. Hence the effective (secant) stiffness in accordance with Equation 26 is:
e d
/ 17550 / 0.0777 225 / k F MN m = = =

A u s t r o a d s 2 0 1 2
As before, the bridge total mass is 36000/g tonnes. The natural period is:
2 0.802sec
9.81 225000
T = =

The elastic design displacement at T = 0.802 sec is, by proportion: (0.802) = 248 x 0.802/1.5 =
132.7 mm. Modifying for increased damping associated with ductility:
( ) ( ) 0.718 132.7 95.3 T R T mm = = =
This is greater than the displacement capacity of 77.7 mm, and greater than the value of 69 mm
which would be predicted by the equal displacement approximation (as in Case 1) using the
elastic period of 0.545 sec.
Therefore, the simplest, and most economical option is to decrease the spacing of the lateral
reinforcement, hence increasing the confining steel ratio and the limit strains.
Try decreasing lateral reinforcement to a vertical spacing s of 90 mm, or use D500N24@125 to
of 0.0065
Calculate the new strain limits for plastic hinge rotation: (Note
= 0.0065)
Reinforcement limit from Equation 36:
sd s sul
0.015 6( 0.005) 0.5 0.024 = + =
Concrete limit from Equation 37:
t yt sut
= +
With f
=500/52, and
= 0.0065, f
1.4 0.0065 500 0.1
0.004 0.0116
1.15 52

= + =

is expected to govern. From Fig. 10.9(a) of Priestley (2007), or from moment-curvature analysis,
the neutral axis depth is c/D = 0.20. Hence c = 0.20x2000 = 400 mm. The distance from the
extreme bar in tension to the neutral axis is (D-c-co-d
/2) = 2000-400-50-20 = 1530 mm. (co =
cover = 50 mm). The concrete strain corresponding to the reinforcement strain limit of 0.024 is:
0.024 400 / 1530 0.00627 0.0116 = = <
governs as expected. The corresponding limit state curvature is:
ls sd c bl
= / ( / 2) 0.024 / 1.530 15.7 10 / D c co d m

= =
Plastic curvature:
From Case 1, the yield curvature is 2.96x10
/m. Hence the plastic curvature is:
3 3
p ls y
= - (15.7 2.96) 10 12.74 10 / m

= =
With L
= 2 x 0.48 = 0.96 m (as in Case 2). From Equation C8 the plastic rotation is

p p p
= 0.01274 0.96 0.0122 L rad = =

A u s t r o a d s 2 0 1 2
The corresponding plastic displacement capacity is

p p
= 0.0122 7.0 0.086 H m = =
Note that in this case the height H is the clear height of the column, not the height to the centre of
superstructure mass. The total displacement capacity of Piers 2 and 4 is

ls y p
= + 31.3 86 117mm = + =
With the increased lateral reinforcement (
= 0.0065), the displacement capacity of Piers 2 and 4
is 117 mm, with a corresponding ductility factor of 3.74. Since the longitudinal displacements of all
piers will be the same, the ductility factor of pier 3 is 117/82.8= 1.41.
Viscous damping for piers:
From Equation 31:

3.74 1
0.05 0.444 0.153
| |
= + =

\ .

1.41 1
0.05 0.444 0.091
| |
= + =
\ .

Frame damping
The frame damping is found from Equation 30 noting that the displacement of all piers are
identical, and that the shear force carried by Piers 2 and 4 is 6860 kN (as in Case 1) each, while
Pier 3 will carry 4080 kN:

( ) ( )
4 4
e i i i i i
2 2
(2 6860 0.153 4080 0.091) / (2 6860 4080) 0.139 V V = = + + =

From Equation 19 the damping modifier is:


R 0.664
0.02 0.139
| |
= =
\ .

Equivalent stiffness:
At the displacement capacity of 177 mm, the total horizontal resisting force is F=2 x 6860 + 4080 =
17800 kN. Hence the effective (secant) stiffness is

e d
/ 17800 / 0.117 152 / k F MN m = = =
As before, the bridge total mass is 36000/g tonnes. The natural period is

2 0.976sec
9.81 152000
T = =

The elastic design displacement at T = 0.976 sec is, by proportion: (0.976) = 248 x 0.976/1.5 =
161.4 mm. Modifying for increased damping associated with ductility:

( ) ( ) 0.664 161.4 107.1 T R T mm = = =

A u s t r o a d s 2 0 1 2
This is less than the displacement capacity of Piers 2 and 4 of 117 mm. As Piers 2 and 4 are the
critical piers, no need to check Pier 3.
(b) Transverse response
From Case 2, the elastic period is T = 1.10 sec. The corresponding elastic design displacement
response would be, by proportion, (1.10) = 248 x 1.1/1.5 = 181.9 mm. This is greater than the
yield displacement capacity of Piers 2 and 4 (69.3 mm) but and the yield displacement capacity of
Pier 3 (177 mm). However, Piers 2 and 4 will be critical. Check the ductility capacity of Piers 2 and
4. The limit state strains and plastic curvatures, corresponding to
of 0.0065, will be the same as
for longitudinal response. Hence
= 0.01274/m.
Plastic hinge length for Piers 2 and 4:
Assuming f
= 1.3, the plastic hinge length, from Equation C9 is:
96 . 0 96 . 0 48 . 0 9 . 7 3 . 0 2 . 0 2 1 2 . 0 = + = +

sp sp c
Plastic rotation

= 0.01274 x 0.96 = 0.0122 rad.
Plastic displacement or Piers 2 and 4:
Effective height to centre of superstructure = 7.9 m, hence

x 7.9 = 0.097 m
Piers 2 and 4 displacement capacity

= 69.3 + 97 = 166 mm;
= 166/69.3 = 2.4
Using the ratio of pier displacements of Case 2 (this will be subsequently modified), the
corresponding displacement at Pier 3 would be:

= 166*129/77 = 278 mm;
= 278/177 = 1.57
Structural analysis to determine displacements, shear forces and horizontal forces
The effective moment of inertia of Piers 2 and 4 will be:

eff,2 el
/ 0.203 / 2.4 0.0846 I I m = = =

The effective moment of inertia of Pier 3 will be:

eff,3 el
/ 0.207 / 1.57 0.1318 I I m = = =

Re-analyse the frame under the horizontal forces (F
= F
= 2992 kN and F
= 5070 kN) in Case 2,
since the forces are in proportion to the product of mass and (assumed) displacement profile. The
analysis resulted in the following:
= 152 mm;
= 252 mm
Pier shear forces: V
= V
= 3752 kN; V
= 1733 kN
Abutment horizontal reactions: R
= R
= 924 kN

A u s t r o a d s 2 0 1 2
Since the Pier 2 and 4 displacements from the analysis are less than the displacement capacity,
factor the forces and displacements by 166/152 = 1.092 to give the design parameters
corresponding to the displacement capacity of Piers 2 and 4:
= 166 mm;
= 275 mm
Pier shear forces: V
= V
= 4098 kN; V
= 1892 kN
Abutment horizontal reactions: R
= R
= 1009 kN
Horizontal Forces: F
= F
= 3267 kN; F
= 5537 kN
Characteristic displacement:
From Equation 27, the characteristic displacement capacity of the frame is:

i i
2 2
i i
(2 9 0.166 10 0.275 )
= 0.223
(2 9 0.166 10 0.275)
= =

Frame period:
As in Case 2 the frame period may be found from

i i
18000 0.166 10000 0.275
2 2 1.52sec
9.81 (2 2650 4631)

= = =

Effective Damping:
The horizontal forces are carried by Piers 2, 3 and 4 with inelastic displacement, and by the
superstructure with elastic bending back to the abutments. Using
= 166/69.3 = 2.4 and

= 275/177 =1.55
Pier 2:
2.4 1
0.05 0.444 0.132
| |
= + =

\ .

Pier 3:
1.55 1
0.05 0.444 0.10
| |
= + =

\ .

Superstructure: 05 . 0 =

From Equation 30 the system damping is given by:
i i i
i i
( )
(2 4098 0.166 0.132 1892 0.275 0.10 2 1009 0.223 0.05)

(2 4098 0.166 1892 0.275 2 1009 0.223) ( )

+ +
= =
+ +

109 . 0 =
Damping modifier:
From Equation 19:


R 0.737
0.02 0.109
| |
= =
\ .

Displacement demand:

A u s t r o a d s 2 0 1 2
As T>1.5 sec, the ductile design displacement is

(1.5) = 0.737 x 248 = 182.8 mm
This is less than the characteristic displacement capacity of 223 mm, and hence response is
The shear strength of the piers will have to be amplified above the maximum values determined
from the displacement-based design. The most consistent (and most economical) way is to carry
out a flexural strength analysis using upper-bound values for material properties (f
= 1.1f
= 1.3f
), and selecting the strength at the design curvature response as the design for
dependable shear strength. Alternatively, the conservative default value of 1.4 x design lateral
shear may be used.
Abutment forces should ideally be determined by a modified modal superposition approach, using
effective stiffness of piers at the design displacement response. Alternatively, the design abutment
horizontal forces may be amplified by the design frame ductility to give design abutment force

A u s t r o a d s 2 0 1 2
A.3 Design Example 3: Multi-Span Bridge, Regular Column Heights,
Pinned to SS, Return Period 1000 Years

Figure A 3: Design Example 3 Column Illustration
The bridge illustrated in consists of regular spans supported on 1.5 m diameter piers. The
superstructure is supported on bearings and shear keys on the pier head, allowing freedom of
movement longitudinally, but restraint transversely. The effective height from the effective centre
of superstructure/pier head mass to the top of the footing is 7.5 m. Longitudinal restraint is
provided at the abutments, and seismic design is only required for transverse response. The piers
are supported on spread footings, which may be considered rigid under horizontal response.
Design for non-seismic conditions has resulted in a requirement for a longitudinal reinforcement
ratio of 1.5%, provided by 26300 mm
of 40 mm dia. rebar. Lateral rebar is set at the minimum
recommended value of
= 0.005, provided by D500N20@150 mm centres (note deformed bars
are recommended for lateral rebar in circular bridge columns). Cover to longitudinal bars = 50 mm.
Material properties are:
Concrete f
= 40 MPa;
Reinforcement f
= 500 MPa.
Consider transverse seismic design for 3 cases:
1 Soil C
; 1000 yr return period, Z = 0.08 (e.g. Sydney, Melbourne, Canberra)
2 Soil C
; 1000 yr return period, Z = 0.20
3 Soil D
; 1000 yr return period (ignore the fact that a spread footing is unlikely!)
CASE 1: Z = 0.08, Soil C
, 1000 year return period
The procedure defined in Cl. is followed to determine whether specific seismic design is
Determine corner-period elastic displacement:
= 1.3; From Table 5.2 for Soil C
(1.5) = 460 mm

A u s t r o a d s 2 0 1 2
Hence from Equation 18:
mm Z k
h p
8 . 47 460 08 . 0 3 . 1 ) 5 . 1 ( ) 5 . 1 ( = = =
Determine yield displacement:
Maximum feasible material strengths: f
= 1.1 f
= 550 MPa; Hence yield strain
= 0.00275
= 1.3 f
= 52 MPa.
Yield curvature (Equation 22):
/ 15 . 2 D
y y
= 2.15x0.00275/1.5
= 3.94x10
Yield displacement: The effective increase in pier height due to strain penetration into the footing,
, is required. From Equation C11:
mm d f L
bl ye sp
484 40 550 022 . 0 022 . 0 = = =
The yield displacement is given by Equation 21 as
( ) m L H C
b sf sp y y
084 . 0 ) 48 . 0 5 . 7 ( 00394 . 0 ) 3 / 1 (
2 2
= + = + + + =
Thus the pier yield displacement of 84 mm exceeds the maximum possible elastic displacement
response of 47.8 mm (corresponding to the elastic displacement spectrum plateau), and elastic
response is assured, regardless of the fundamental period. It is not necessary to calculate the
natural period. No specific seismic design is required, and simplified detailing may be adopted.
CASE 2: Z = 0.20, Soil C
, 1000 year return period
Determine corner-period elastic displacement:
Scaling from Case 1:
mm 6 . 119 08 . 0 / 2 . 0 8 . 47 ) 5 . 1 ( = =
Thus the corner-period elastic displacement exceeds the pier yield displacement capacity.
Cl. requires the fundamental period of the bridge to be calculated, and the elastic design
displacement (demand) at this period to be compared with the yield displacement capacity.
A moment-curvature analysis (e.g. CUMBIA, on CD provided with Priestley et al (2007) is carried
out to determine the expected flexural strength of a typical pier corresponding to the expected
material strengths (see Case 1 above) and an extreme compression fibre strain of 0.004. Note
that in accordance with Cl. 5.14.1, no flexural strength reduction factor is used. Although a
moment-curvature analysis is used, any conventional flexural strength analysis may be used, but
will give a flexural strength slightly lower than that from the moment-curvature analysis.
Flexural Strength, M
= 10,870 kNm
Shear force, V = M
/H = 10870/7.5 = 1449 kN
Elastic stiffness, k = V/
= 1449/0.084 = 17.3x10

A u s t r o a d s 2 0 1 2
Elastic Period,
sec 91 . 0
300 , 17 8 . 9
2 2 =

= =
Elastic design displacement at T=0.91 sec:
The elastic displacement spectrum is proportional to period between T = 0.3 seconds and T=1.5
seconds. Hence the elastic design displacement demand can be determined from the corner-
period elastic displacement as:
mm 6 . 72 5 . 1 / 91 . 0 6 . 119 5 . 1 / 91 . 0 ) 5 . 1 ( ) 91 . 0 ( = = =
This is again less than the pier yield displacement capacity of 84 mm, and hence specific seismic
design is not needed for this case, despite the high (for Australia) seismic hazard factor of Z = 0.2,
and the long return period of 1000 year.
CASE 3: Z=0.2, Soil D
, 1000 year return period
As noted in the problem description, it is assumed, for simplicity and conservatism, that the footing
is rigid (no translation or rotation) which is unlikely with a soft D
soil. However for illustration
purposes, the elastic period is unchanged from Case 2, at T=0.91 sec.
Check elastic design displacement at T=0.91 sec:
From Figure 5.3, the corner-period displacement shape factor
(1.5) is 730 mm. The
corresponding corner-period displacement, applying for T=1.5 sec in Equation 18 is:
mm 190 730 2 . 0 3 . 1 ) 5 . 1 ( = =
By proportion, the elastic design displacement at T = 0.91 sec is:
mm 115 5 . 1 / 91 . 0 190 ) 91 . 0 ( = =
This exceeds the yield displacement capacity of 84 mm, and hence some ductility (approximately
= 115/84 =1.4 based on the equal displacement approximation). Specific seismic design (or at
least analysis) is required.
Calculate strain limits for plastic hinge rotation: (Note
= 0.005)
Reinforcement limit from Equation 36: 015 . 0 5 . 0 ) 005 . 0 ( 6 015 . 0 = + =
sul s sd

Concrete limit from Equation 37:
4 . 1
004 . 0
sut yt t
+ =
From Equation 37, with f
=500/5210, and
= 0.005, f
=1.15. Hence
0099 . 0
52 15 . 1
1 . 0 500 005 . 0 4 . 1
004 . 0 =

+ =

(Note: if the default option of f
= 1.5 f
was adopted a conservatively low value of
= 0.0085
would result)

A u s t r o a d s 2 0 1 2

is expected to govern. From Fig. 10.9(a) of Priestley (2007), or from moment-curvature analysis,
the neutral axis depth is c/D
= 0.21. Hence c = 0.21x1500 = 315 mm. The distance from the
extreme bar in tension to the neutral axis is (D
/2) = 1500-315-50-20 = 1115 mm. (co =
cover = 50 mm). The concrete strain corresponding to the reinforcement strain limit of 0.015 is:
0099 . 0 00424 . 0 1115 / 315 015 . 0 < = =

governs as expected. The corresponding limit state curvature in accordance with
Equation C7 :
m d co c D
bl c sd ls
/ 10 4 . 13 115 . 1 / 015 . 0 ) 2 / /(
= = =
Plastic curvature:
From Case 1, the yield curvature is 3.94x10
/m. Hence the plastic curvature is
y ls p
/ 10 5 . 9 10 ) 9 . 3 4 . 13 (
3 3
= = =
Plastic hinge length:
From Cl. C5.10.3, with f
= 1.3, and with L
= 0.48 m (Case 1):
m L L L f f L
sp sp c y u p
96 . 0 48 . 0 2 48 . 0 5 . 7 3 . 0 2 . 0 2 ) 1 / ( 2 . 0 = + = + =
Plastic rotation:
From Equation C8:
rad L
p p p
0091 . 0 96 . 0 0095 . 0 = = =
Plastic Displacement:
The plastic displacement at the height of mass centre is:
m H
p p
0683 . 0 5 . 7 0091 . 0 = = =
Total displacement capacity:
The limit state displacement capacity is the sum of elastic and plastic displacements. Hence:
p y ls
152 68 84 = + = + =
Ductility factor:
The ductility factor corresponding to the displacement capacity is
81 . 1 84 / 152 / = = =
y ls

This exceeds the approximate ductility demand of 1.4, so design is probably OK. However, confirm
this directly by displacement-based principles:
Damping at displacement capacity:
From Cl. 5.9.7 the corresponding viscous damping at the displacement capacity will be:
113 . 0
81 . 1
81 . 0
444 . 0 05 . 0
444 . 0 05 . 0 =

+ =

+ =

Damping modifier:

A u s t r o a d s 2 0 1 2
From Equation 19 the damping modifier is
725 . 0
113 . 0 02 . 0
07 . 0
02 . 0
07 . 0
5 . 0
5 . 0
= |



Check effective period:
The elastic period is 0.91 sec. Conservatively assuming elasto-plastic response, the equivalent
stiffness at displacement capacity is k
/, and the effective period will be
sec 22 . 1 81 . 1 91 . 0 = = =
Check ductile design displacement.
At this period, the elastic design displacement, (1.22) = 190x1.22/1.5 = 154.5 mm
From Equation 20, the design ductile displacement is
mm R
112 5 . 154 725 . 0 ) 22 . 1 ( ) 22 . 1 ( = = =

This is less than the displacement capacity of 152 mm, and hence the design is satisfactory with
the current flexural strength of 10,870 kNm, provided by a longitudinal reinforcement content of
Alternative: Determine required flexural strength to satisfy design seismic response:
It may be of interest to determine what would be the required strength if the reinforcement content
could be reduced below the value of 1.5% corresponding to gravity load design. In pursuing this,
an interesting, and quite common dilemma will be discovered: Given the ductility factor at the
displacement capacity, = 1.81, and the corresponding damping modifier of

R = 0.725 as
calculated above, the corner period design displacement, reduced for ductility is
(1.5) =
0.725x190 =137.8 mm. This is less than the ductile displacement capacity of 152 mm. In other
words there is no intersection between the displacement demand and displacement capacity, as is
implied by Figure C2 4(d).
It is apparent that the pier design displacement is lower than its ductile displacement capacity. The
appropriate design procedure requires an iterative approach to determine a ductility demand where
the displacement demand and capacity are compatible, at the corner period. The procedure is
defined in Priestley et al (2007), Cl. 3.4.6, and is illustrated below.
Try ductile displacement capacity
= 145 mm
An initial estimate of
= 145 mm is assumed.
Corresponding ductility factor = 145/84 = 1.73
Corresponding viscous damping: 11 . 0
73 . 1
73 . 0
444 . 0 05 . 0 =

+ =

Damping modifier: 734 . 0
11 . 0 02 . 0
07 . 0
5 . 0
= |


Ductile design displacement: mm
5 . 139 190 734 . 0 ) 5 . 1 ( = =

The displacement capacity is larger than the design displacement. Not OK.

A u s t r o a d s 2 0 1 2
Try ductile displacement capacity
= 141 mm
Corresponding ductility factor = 141/84 = 1.68
Corresponding viscous damping: 107 . 0
68 . 1
68 . 0
444 . 0 05 . 0 =

+ =

Damping modifier: 742 . 0
107 . 0 02 . 0
07 . 0
5 . 0
= |


Ductile design displacement: mm
141 190 742 . 0 ) 5 . 1 ( = = OK
The displacement capacity and design (demand) are thus compatible at the corner period.
Now any structural period T
1.5 sec will have the same design displacement. Thus a solution
with T = 1.5 sec and a solution with T = 3 sec (e.g.) would be equally valid. However, P- effects
will be more significant for the longer period solution, since required strength will be less. Try a
solution with T =1.5 sec:
Equivalent stiffness:
From Equation 28:

m kN T m k
/ 6319 5 . 1 / ) 81 . 9 / 3533 ( 4 / 4
2 2 2 2
= = =

Design horizontal earthquake force from Equation 26:
kN k F
d e
981 141 . 0 6319 = = =

Required moment capacity:
M = 7.5F = 7.5 x 891 = 6683 kNm
This is less than the strength provided by 1.5% reinforcement, of 1449 kN. Hence a reduction in
reinforcement content is possible. Moment-curvature analysis (or any flexural strength analysis)
indicates that with the minimum recommended reinforcement ratio of 0.8%, flexural strength will
still exceed 6683 kNm. Use minimum flexural rebar ratio.
Check P-
It can be argued that a P- check is not necessary for structures responding at the plateau
displacement, as there should be no modification to the displacement demand. Conservatively
check in accordance with Cl. 5.15.
kNm M
498 141 . 0 3533 = =

This is 7.5% of the required moment capacity of 6683 kNm. No increase in moment capacity is
This example illustrates several different aspects of displacement-based design and assessment.
It will be appreciated that the example appears to be rather stocky, with short and comparatively
wide piers. Despite this, seismic design does not govern even for Case 3, where minimum flexural

A u s t r o a d s 2 0 1 2
steel is sufficient to satisfy strength requirements. Clearly regular bridges with more slender piers
will be even less critical.

A u s t r o a d s 2 0 1 2
A.4 Design Example 4: Four-Span Bridge with Lateral Restraint at
Abutments, Return Period 1000 Years

Figure A 4: Design Example 4 Column Configuration
The bridge in Figure A 4 is supported on 2.0 m diameter single-column piers, with monolithic
connection between pier and superstructure. The superstructure is 1.8 m deep and is free to move
longitudinally at abutments, but is restrained transversely by shear keys. The abutments are stiff,
and transverse displacements under seismic loads may be considered to be zero. The
superstructure flexural stiffness about the transverse axis is sufficiently high that the piers can be
considered fully fixed at top and at bottom. The superstructure is a beam and slab design without
intermediate diaphragms, and it is reasonable to consider the superstructure to be torsionally
flexible about the longitudinal axis. Consequently the piers may be considered as simple
cantilevers under transverse response. The superstructure effective weight, including an
allowance for contribution of headstocks and columns is 200 kN/m. The superstructure transverse
moment of inertia is 40m
. Concrete modulus of elasticity is taken as 40 GPa.
Material properties: f
= 500 MPa; (d
= 40 mm, d
= 20 mm).
= 40 MPa
Initially assume lateral reinforcement has a vertical spacing of 130 mm, to give the minimum lateral
reinforcement ratio of 0.005. Longitudinal reinforcement for non-seismic design is 1.2%.
Design (or check) seismic performance for the same three cases considered for Example 1. This
example is designed to show how piers of different heights are handled, and how a non-uniform
transverse displacement shape is considered in seismic design.
CASE 1: Z = 0.08, Soil C
, 1000 year return period
Corner-period elastic displacement demand
Same as for Example 1, Case 1: (1.5) = 47.8 mm
Expected material properties: as for Example 3.
(a) Transverse
Yield curvature: m D
c y y
/ 00296 . 0 0 . 2 / 00275 . 0 15 . 2 / 15 . 2 = = =
Piers 2 and 4 Effective height: H
= 7.0+1.8/2+(L
= 0.48m) =8.38m

A u s t r o a d s 2 0 1 2
Piers 2 and 4 Yield displacement: m H
e y y
0693 . 0 3 / 38 . 8 00296 . 0 3 /
2 2
= = =
Since this displacement (69.3 mm) exceeds the corner period elastic displacement these piers will
respond elastically. The central pier is longer, hence its yield displacement will exceed that of
Piers 2 and 4. Since the yield displacements of all piers exceed the elastic plateau displacement,
elastic response is assured.
(b) Longitudinal
Piers 2 and 4 yield displacement: Since the piers are fixed top and bottom, strain penetration
needs to be considered at both ends. The effective height is 7.0+ 2(0.48) = 7.96 m. Considering
fixity top and bottom, the yield displacement is:
m H
e y y
0313 . 0 6 / 96 . 7 00296 . 0 6 /
2 2
= = =
This is less than the elastic corner period design displacement of 47.8 mm, and hence further
consideration is required.
Pier 3 yield displacement: H
= 12.96m. Hence:
0828 . 0 6 / 96 . 12 00296 . 0
= =
Check the natural period, which requires determining the moment capacities of the 3 columns.
With 1.2% reinforcement, the flexural steel area is 37,500 mm
per column. Axial loads, based on
tributary areas of superstructure are P
= P
= 45 x 200 = 9000 kN; P
= 50 x 200 = 10,000 kN.
Pier stiffness:
From section analysis (moment-curvature, in this case), the moment capacities of the columns,
and hence the shear force, and stiffness values are as given below:
Pier 2,4: M
= 24,000 kNm; V
= 24,000/3.5 = 6860 kN; k
= 6860/0.0313 = 219 MN/m
Pier 3: M
= 24,500 kNm; V
= 24,500/6.0 = 4080 kN; k
= 4080/0.0828 = 49 MN/m
Total longitudinal stiffness: k
+ k
= 2x219+49 = 487 MN/m
Elastic period:

sec 545 . 0
487000 8 . 9
200 180
2 2 =

= =

Elastic design displacement at T = 0.545 sec:
By proportion,
mm 3 . 17 5 . 1 / 545 . 0 8 . 47 5 . 1 / 545 . 0 ) 5 . 1 ( ) 545 . 0 ( = = =
This is less than the yield displacement of Piers 2 and 4 of 31.3 mm, and hence the bridge will
respond elastically, both transversely and longitudinally. No specific seismic design is needed,
though abutment forces will need to be checked.
CASE 2: Z = 0.20, Soil C
; 1000 year return period

A u s t r o a d s 2 0 1 2
It will be evident that as in Case 1, design displacement in the longitudinal direction will be more
critical than for transverse direction. However, both cases will be considered to illustrate different
aspects of displacement-based assessment/design.
Elastic corner-period design displacement
As with Example 1, Case 2 the elastic corner-period design displacement is:
mm 120 ) 5 . 1 ( =
(a) Transverse response
From Case 1 above, the yield displacement capacity of Piers 2 and 4 are
= 69.3 mm.
The yield displacement capacity of Pier 3, with an effective height to the centre of mass of H
12.0 + 0.9 + 0.48 = 13.38 m will be:
m H
e y y
177 . 0 3 / 38 . 13 00296 . 0 3 /
2 2
3 3
= = =
Thus the yield displacement capacity of Pier 3 exceeds the design displacement (1.5)= 120 mm,
while the yield displacement capacity of Piers 2 and 4 are less than the design displacement
(1.5). It is not clear, however, at this stage whether the pier yield displacement capacities exceed
the elastic corner-period design displacements when the lateral displacement shape factor (i.e. as
frame components) is considered (see Figure C1 1). Use Cl. to determine whether the
displacements of all piers exceed the demand corresponding to the elastic corner-period
displacement and the shape factor. Assume a parabolic shape factor, with a value of
= 1.0.
Hence the relative shape factors at Piers 2 and 4 corresponding to a parabolic shape are:
691 . 0
1 0 . 1
4 , 2


The mass associated with each pier can be approximated by the tributary superstructure weight:
= m
=9000/g tonnes; m
= 10000/g tonnes. From Equation 24, recognizing that it is only the
relative magnitudes of the pier masses that are important, the characteristic value of the frame
fundamental mode shape displacement is:
830 . 0
) 1 10 691 . 0 9 2 (
) 0 . 1 10 691 . 0 9 2 (
2 2
= =

i i
i i

The design displacement for Piers 2 and 4 corresponding to the elastic corner-period design
displacement of 120 mm is, from Equation 23:
3 . 69 110
830 . 0
691 . 0
120 1 . 1 ) 5 . 1 ( 1 . 1
4 2
> = = = = mm

i.e. Required displacement > pier capacity (No good)
For Pier 3, the corresponding design displacement is
177 159
830 . 0
0 . 1
120 1 . 1 ) 5 . 1 ( 1 . 1
4 2
< = = = = mm

A u s t r o a d s 2 0 1 2
i.e. Required displacement < pier capacity (OK)
Thus, although the displacement demand on the central pier is satisfactory, the response of Piers 2
and 4 do not satisfy Cl. Check using Cl. which requires determination of the
natural period using Equation 6. A vector of horizontal forces proportional to the product of mass x
fundamental mode shape displacement is applied to the bridge at the top of Piers 2, 3 and 4:
Piers 2 and 4: F 9000 x 0.691 = 6219 (622 used)
Pier 3: F 10000 x 1.0 = 10000 (1000 used).
A simple space-frame analysis of the bridge is carried out with the above transverse forces applied
at the top of the piers. Although the superstructure moment of inertia is defined in the problem
statement, the effective moment of inertia values for the piers are needed. These are calculated
from knowledge of the yield moment and yield curvature:
Piers 2 and 4:

4 2
203 . 0
; 8108
00296 . 0
= = = = = =

Pier 3:

4 2
207 . 0
; 8277
00296 . 0
m I MNm EI
e e
= = = =
The frame analysis, using values of I
, results in transverse displacements of 0.0195 m at Piers 2
and 4, and 0.0327 m at Pier 3.
From Equation 6:

i i
i i
i i

2 2
where F
are the forces producing displacements
. Using the above data:

sec 103 . 1
) 1000 622 2 ( 8 . 9
0327 . 0 10000 0195 . 0 18000
2 =

The Rayleigh Equation 7 results in a very similar value for T

With T
= 1.103 sec, the elastic characteristic displacement is:
(1.103) = 120 x 1.103/1.5=88 mm.
Hence, from Equation 25 the elastic design displacements at the piers are:

= 1.1 x 88 x 0.691/0.83 = 80.6 mm > 69.3 mm (No good!)

= 1.1 x 88 x 1.0/0.83 = 117 mm <177 mm
Thus again, the yield displacement is exceeded (but only by a ductility of = 1.16 at Piers 2 and 4.
Most of this is due to the 1.1 factor in Equation 25, which is intended to compensate for possibly
non-conservative estimates of the fundamental period. In fact, it will be shown in Case 3 that the

A u s t r o a d s 2 0 1 2
parabolic shape factor is a little conservative in this case. If the results of the structural analysis
were used to refine the mode shape, it would be reasonable to drop the 1.1 factor resulting in
essentially elastic response.
(b) Longitudinal response
As with Case 1, the elastic period of the frame n the longitudinal direction is T
= 0.545 sec. Since
the corner-period elastic design displacement is 120 m, the elastic design displacement for
0.545 sec is, by proportion:
(0.545) = 120 x 0.545/1.5 = 43.6 mm > 31.3
Hence some ductility (about = 1.4) is required of Piers 2 and 4. Check the ductility capacity of
Piers 2 and 4. As for Example 1, the strain limit states are:

= 0.015;
= 0.0099
From Figure 10.9(a) of Priestley et al. 2007 or from moment-curvature analysis c/D
= 0.205.
Hence the depth of the compression zone to the neutral axis is c = 0.205 x 2000 = 410 mm. The
distance from the extreme tension rebar to the neutral axis is:
c c
/2) = 2000 410 50 20 = 1520 mm
The concrete strain corresponding to the rebar strain limit is
= 0.05 x 410/1520 = 0.00405 <

Hence the rebar strain limit again governs, and the limit state curvature is
m d c c D
bl o c sd ls
/ 00987 . 0 52 . 1 / 015 . 0 ) 2 / /( = = =
From Case 1 (Example 2) the yield curvature is 0.00296/m, and hence the plastic curvature is
y ls p
/ 00691 . 0 00296 . 0 00987 . 0 = = =
With L
= 3.5 m in Equation C9 it is found that L
= 2 L
governs. Hence L
= 2 x 0.48 = 0.96 m.
From Equation C8 the plastic rotation is
rad L
p p p
00663 . 0 96 . 0 00691 . 0 = = =
The corresponding plastic displacement capacity is
m H
p p
0464 . 0 0 . 7 00663 . 0 = = =
Note that in this case the height H is the clear height of the column, not the height to the centre of
superstructure mass. The total displacement capacity is
p y ls
7 . 77 4 . 46 3 . 31 = + = + =
with a corresponding displacement ductility capacity of = 77.7/31.3 = 2.5. This so far exceeds the
required design ductility displacement of about 1.4 that there is no need for further checking.
However, the procedure would follow that used for Example 1, Case 3, with the damping for the
different piers separately calculated. This will be carried out for Case 3 below.
CASE 3: Z = 0.2, Soil D
, 1000 year return period
Corner-period elastic displacement response:

A u s t r o a d s 2 0 1 2
As with Example 1, Case 3, the corner-period elastic displacement response is (1.5) = 190 mm.
(a) Longitudinal response
Check the displacement capacity against the required design displacement for ductile longitudinal
response. As above, with the lateral reinforcement as defined in the problem statement, the
displacement capacity of Piers 2 and 4 is 77.7 mm, with a corresponding ductility factor of 2.5.
From Case 1, the yield required design displacement of Pier 3 is 82.8 mm, which exceeds the
displacement capacity of Piers 2 and 4. Since the longitudinal displacements of all piers will be the
same, Pier 3 will remain elastic when Piers 2 and 4 reach their displacement capacity.
Viscous damping for piers:
From Equation 31:
135 . 0
5 . 2
1 5 . 2
444 . 0 05 . 0
= |

+ =

05 . 0
Frame damping
The frame damping is found from Equation 30, noting that the displacement of all piers are
identical, and that the shear force carried by Piers 2 and 4 is 6860 kN (as in Case 1) each, while
Pier 3, which is at less than yield displacement will carry 4080 x 77.7/82.8 = 3834 kN:
( ) ( ) 116 . 0 ) 3834 6860 2 /( ) 05 . 0 3834 135 . 0 6860 2 (
= + + = =
i i i i i e
From Equation 19 the damping modifier is:
718 . 0
116 . 0 02 . 0
07 . 0
5 . 0


Equivalent stiffness:
At the displacement capacity of 77.7 mm, the total horizontal resisting force is F=2 x 6860 + 3834 =
17550 kN. Hence the effective (secant) stiffness in accordance with Equation 26 is:
m MN F k
d e
/ 225 0777 . 0 / 17550 / = = =

As before, the bridge total mass is 36000/g tonnes. The natural period is
sec 802 . 0
225000 81 . 9
2 =

The elastic design displacement at T = 0.802 sec is, by proportion: (0.802) = 190 x 0.802/1.5 =
101.6 mm. Modifying for increased damping associated with ductility:
mm T R T
73 6 . 101 718 . 0 ) ( ) ( = = =

This is less than the displacement capacity of 77.7 mm, but greater than the value of 69 mm which
would be predicted by the equal displacement approximation (as in Case 1) using the elastic
period of 0.545 sec.

A u s t r o a d s 2 0 1 2
Note that if the displacement capacity had been found to be insufficient, the simplest, and most
economical option would have been to decrease the spacing of the lateral reinforcement, hence
increasing the confining steel ratio, and the limit strains.
(b) Transverse response
From Case 2, the elastic period is T = 1.10 sec. The corresponding elastic design displacement
response would be, by proportion, (1.10) = 190 x 1.1/1.5 = 139 mm. This exceeds the yield
displacement capacity of Piers 2 and 4 (69.3 mm) but is less than the yield displacement capacity
of Pier 3 (177 mm). Clearly Piers 2 and 4 will be critical. Check the ductility capacity of Piers 2 and
4. The limit state strains and plastic curvatures will be the same as for longitudinal response.
= 0.00691/m.
Plastic hinge length
Assuming f
= 1.3, the plastic hinge length, from Cl. C5.10.3 is:
96 . 0 96 . 0 48 . 0 9 . 7 3 . 0 2 . 0 2 1 2 . 0 = + = +

sp sp c
Plastic rotation

= 0.00691 x 0.96 = 0.00663 rad.
Plastic displacement
Effective height to centre of superstructure = 7.9 m, hence

x 7.9 = 0.0524m
Pier 2,4 displacement capacity

= 69.3 + 52.4 = 121.7.3 mm; =1.76
Using the shape factor adopted for Case 2 (this will be subsequently modified), the corresponding
displacement at Pier 3 would be:

/0.691 = 121.7/0.691 = 176 mm
This is less than the yield displacement capacity, and hence Pier 3 is expected to respond
Structural analysis to determine displacements, shear forces and horizontal forces
At the displacement capacity, the effective moment of inertia of Piers 2 and 4 will be:

2 ,
115 . 0 76 . 1 / 203 . 0 / m I I
el eff
= = =
Re-analyse the frame under the same horizontal forces (622 kN, 1000 kN) used for Case 2, since
the forces are in proportion to the product of mass and (assumed) displacement profile. The results
of the analysis give displacements at the top of columns 2 (and 4) and 3 of 26.2 mm and 42.2 mm
respectively. The ratio of these (0.621:1.00) is rather different to the ratio of 0.691:100 resulting
from the assumed shape factor. Modify the applied loads accordingly, resulting in loads of 559 kN
at Piers 2 and 4, and 1000 kN at Pier 3. The structure is reanalysed under these revised forces,
resulting in displacements of 25.0 mm and 40.4 mm at the top of Piers 2 and 3 respectively.

A u s t r o a d s 2 0 1 2
The resulting displacements at Piers 2 and 4 are much lower than the limit states, so factor up all
displacements and forces by the ratio of 121.7/25.0 = 4.87. The displacement at the top of Pier 3 is
4.87 x 40.4 = 197 mm. This exceeds the yield displacement of 177 mm, indicating a ductility
demand of = 1.11. The stiffness of Pier 3 needs to be reduces in proportion to the ductility
demand, resulting in I
= 0.203/1.11 = 0.182 m
. The displacement ratio at the pier tops is
essentially unchanged, so re-analyse with the same horizontal forces, with the changed stiffness of
Pier 3, resulting in final displacements of
= 25.5 mm;
= 41.3 mm.
The factor required to increase the response to the limit state deflection at Piers 2 and 4 is
121.7/25.5 = 4.77. The following are the design parameters corresponding to the displacement
capacity of Piers 2 and 4:
= 121.7 mm;
= 197 mm
Pier shear forces: V
= V
= 2859 kN; V
= 1841 kN
Abutment horizontal reactions: R
= R
= 1186 kN
Horizontal Forces: F
= F
= 2621 kN; F
= 4689 kN.
Noting that the values of pier shear forces and abutment reactions above were obtained from the
structural analysis and magnified by the factor 4.69.
Characteristic Displacement:
From Equation 27, the characteristic displacement capacity of the frame is:
i i
i i
157 . 0
) 197 . 0 10 122 . 0 9 2 (
) 197 . 0 10 122 . 0 9 2 (
2 2

Frame period:
As in Case 2 the frame period may be found from
sec 29 . 1
) 4689 2621 2 ( 81 . 9
197 . 0 10000 122 . 0 18000
2 2 =

i i
Effective Damping:
The horizontal forces are carried by Piers 2, 3 and 4 with inelastic displacement, and by the
superstructure with elastic bending back to the abutments.
Pier 2: 110 . 0
76 . 1
1 76 . 1
444 . 0 05 . 0
= |

+ =

Pier 3: 064 . 0
11 . 1
1 11 . 1
444 . 0 05 . 0
= |

+ =

Superstructure: 05 . 0 =

From Equation 30 the system damping is given by:
0827 . 0
) 157 . 0 1186 2 197 . 0 1841 122 . 0 2859 2 (
) 05 . 0 157 . 0 1186 2 067 . 0 197 . 0 1841 11 . 0 122 . 0 2859 2 (
) (
) (
+ +
+ +

i i
i i i

Damping modifier:

A u s t r o a d s 2 0 1 2
From Equation 19:
825 . 0
0827 . 0 02 . 0
07 . 0
5 . 0
= |


Displacement Demand:
The elastic design displacement for a period of T = 1.29 sec is, by proportion:
(1.29) = 190 x 1.29/1.5 = 163.4 mm
The ductile design displacement is

(1.29) = 0.825 x 163.4 = 134.8 mm
This is less than the characteristic displacement capacity of 157 mm, and hence response is
satisfactory. Note that the displacement demand at Piers 2 and 4, for a period of T = 1.29 sec will
be 134.8 x 121.7/157 = 104.5 mm.
Shear strength of the piers will have to be amplified above the maximum values determined from
the displacement-based design. The most consistent (and most economical) way is to carry out a
flexural strength analysis using upper-bound values for material properties (f
= 1.1f
; f
= 1.3f
and selecting the strength at the design curvature response as the design for dependable shear
strength. Alternatively, the conservative default value of 1.4 x design lateral shear may be used.
Abutment forces should ideally be determined by a modified modal superposition approach, using
effective stiffness of piers at the design displacement response. Alternatively, the design abutment
horizontal forces (1186 kN) may be amplified by the design frame ductility (approximately = 1.23
in this case) to give design abutment force levels of 1460 kN.
In order to have an example with at least reasonable ductility demand, it has been necessary to
choose a structure with very stiff piers, a high hazard factor (Z), and a 1000 year return period. It
will be appreciated that most Australian bridges will be more flexible, and hence less critical.
Despite the stiff structure adopted for the example, ductility capacity was adequate with the low
default values for lateral reinforcement in all cases.

A u s t r o a d s 2 0 1 2
10.2 Table 2.2 Capacity Reduction Factors
As discussed in the recommendations for changes to force-based design, and for new
displacement-based design considerations, capacity reduction factors should not be used for
estimating flexural strength of column members at potential plastic hinge zones subject to
combined axial force and flexure. This would require some modification to Cl. 2.2.
In contrast to flexural strength, capacity reduction factors should be used for shear, since the
consequence of the shear strength being reached is rapid failure, whereas the consequence of
flexural strength being reached is ductility demand.
10.6 Strength of columns in combined bending and compression
The provisions are generally conservative for seismic design. There needs to be an exemption for
seismic design to cover the following points:
1. Stress strain relationships for concrete should recognize the influence of confinement on
enhancing compression strength, and extending ultimate compressive strain (10.6.1(c)).
Reinforcement stress strain relationship should allow the strain-hardening portion of the
curve to be utilized for ductile design (10.6.1(c)).
2. Design compression strength for unconfined concrete should be 1.3f
to recognize probable
strength at time of seismic loading. This recognizes strength enhancement due to
conservative batching design, and aging at time of loading. This value is incorporated in
Applied Technology Council 32, and Caltrans design, and is recommended in Priestley et al.
(1996 and 2007). Design yield strength for column flexural reinforcement should be 1.1f
recognize probable strength. Note that since the flexural strength of the column is likely to be
developed in the design level earthquake (particularly for ductile design) there is no point in
artificial conservatism - the column will still reach moment capacity.
3. Strain in compression reinforcement should not be limited to 0.003, when the columns are
confined for ductile response. (10.6.1(d))
4. Rectangular stress block: Should not apply to seismic design. Advanced models taking into
account confinement, and strength enhancement, as above, may be used (10.6.2(b)).
5. Ultimate strength in compression (10.6.3): Very conservative for seismic columns, but
never an issue for bridges.
6. 10.6.4 Design based on each bending moment acting separately. Acceptable, but the
limit on line of action need not be considered for seismic design.
7. 10.7 Reinforcement for Columns , 10.7.1 Limitations on Longitudinal Steel. Limits
should be 0.008Ag to 0.04A
. Note that in seismic parts of Europe a lower limit of 0.005A

is commonly specified (EC8), and tests at UCSD have shown this to be satisfactory. Priestley
(1996) recommends 0.005 for circular columns and 0.008 for rectangular columns. A column
with reinforcement near the lower reinforcement ratio limit and with increased diameter will
perform better than a smaller column with larger reinforcement ratio due to the higher
damping and smaller P- effects associated with the larger column diameter.
8. 10.7.2 Bundled Bars: For seismic design no more than 2 bars/bundle is advisable.
9. Restraint of longitudinal reinforcement: This clause is suitable for fully ductile
columns, but is conservative (perhaps unnecessarily so) for columns which are expected to
respond elastically to design level excitation. Note that the clause, as is, does not provide

A u s t r o a d s 2 0 1 2
adequate definition, since the out provided by iii) will almost always apply, and
no guidance is given as to what restraint is then required. Lateral Restraint: Acceptable. A form of confinement for circular columns that has
been tested at UCSD uses unstressed prestressing strand wound as a helix on the column.
This works very well for both confinement and shear strength, and allows a smaller diameter
of confinement, or larger spacing, since a larger confining stress may be utilized.
The detailing requirements of hollow circular columns are essentially the same as for solid
columns, which comprise a single layer of reinforcement.
For rectangular columns provide lateral ties at horizontal spacings not greater than 350 mm
and at horizontal distances from restrained longitudinal bars not exceeding 150 mm.
For hollow rectangular columns provide two layers of orthogonal reinforcement on each
internal and external face.
10. Diameter and Spacing of Ties and Helices: It is understood that this clause is
intended for non-seismic applications, but in AS 5100, that would only mean BEDC-1
bridges. The requirements of this section are severely non-conservative for ductile columns.
For ductile columns, the limits should be:
(3 + 6(f

where f
and f
are the ultimate and yield strengths of the longitudinal reinforcement of
diameter d
Note that it is recommended that the arbitrary 300 mm spacing be ignored, as it has no
scientific basis. The second equation above recognized the increased propensity for buckling
of longitudinal reinforcement when the strain-hardening section is very flat (low effective
For columns expected to remain elastic under seismic response the limits could be relaxed to
and 15 d
11. The bar sizes in Table 10.7.3 are reasonable, but not strictly necessary, in that it is the
confining force that is most important, and this is governed by volumetric ratio of
confinement, which depends on spacing AND bar size. The bar size of 12 mm for bundled
bars seems inconsistent with a requirement of 16 mm for single 40 mm longitudinal bars.
Earlier clauses do not seem to prohibit bundled 40 mm bars, and surely the bar size should
be at least as big as for the single bar.
12. (c) Presumably a helix can also be anchored at its end by a 135 hook. 135 hook
for helices are acceptable for earthquake detailing and could be applied to BEDC2-4. A note
that ties must not be anchored by welding to longitudinal reinforcement should be provided.
13. Requirements for Earthquake Resistance. (a) This clause should also apply to
circular ties. The equation can be transformed into an equivalent volumetric ratio of confining
steel of
t sy c s
f f
/ 1 . 0 = which is a familiar ACI expression. This is adequate, but
conservative, for displacement ductilities of up to = 6. Priestley (1996) suggests a slightly
less conservative approach, which considers the influence of axial load and reinforcement
content, and which typically requires about 25% less confinement than the codified equation.
If displacement-based design is used, the confinement ratio would depend on the geometry
and ductility chosen. In other words, the confinement amount defines the design
compressive strain. For force-based design, it is recommended that the numerator be

A u s t r o a d s 2 0 1 2
reduced from 0.03 to 0.025, or the more precise equation in Priestley (1996) be used. For
elastic response to seismic attack, a blanket value of confining steel ratio
= 0.005 for
circular columns is recommended.
14. (cont): (b) Equation is intended to maintain the ultimate compressive
capacity of a column after spalling of all cover concrete. Since bridge columns typically have
axial loads less than 0.15x ultimate, this is an unnecessary requirement. This requirement is
suggested to be deleted. Equation requires the total area of ties in a hoop set to
be based on the larger column cross section dimension. Thus, if the column dimensions are
1200 x 400, the 400 side will have the same number of hoop legs as the longer side, and
hence 3 times the area ratio of confinement. This is not logical. The confinement ratios
should be the same in each direction, and thus y
should refer to the width under
consideration (different for each orthogonal direction). The numerator in the equation is
again rather high for the potential levels of ductility for Australian bridges. For force-based
design of ductile columns, 0.07 would be satisfactory. For elastically responding rectangular
columns, an area ratio of confinement of 0.003 (corresponding to a volumetric ratio of 0.006)
would be adequate for unexpected ductility demands. Note that comments made in relation
to apply to the requirements of this clause, sections (c) and (d).
15. It is common in New Zealand, and perhaps also Australia to use plain round bar reinforcing
steel for hoops. In California and many other countries deformed bar is preferred. Particularly
for large bridge columns there are sound reasons for using deformed bar in preference to
plain round bar for lateral reinforcement: In particular the improved bond tends to provide
better control of the width of diagonal cracks. See also point 10 above.
16. 10.7.4 Welding or mechanical splicing of column flexural reinforcement should not be
permitted in the potential plastic hinge regions of ductile columns, unless sufficient testing is
carried out to ensure satisfactory behaviour during earthquake events.

A u s t r o a d s 2 0 1 2
Symbol Description Clause reference
cross-sectional area of a column or a pier bounded by the centre-line of the outermost
lateral reinforcement/fitment

cross-sectional area of lateral reinforcement in spacing s 4.13
c distance from extreme compression fibre of a concrete section to the neutral axis C5.10.3

reinforcement cover C5.10.3
coefficient dependent on end fixity conditions 5.7.1, C5.7.1
(T) reduced design earthquake coefficient for ductile response at the fundamental natural
(T) acceleration spectral shape factor at the fundamental natural period 4.4.5, 4.5.1
C(T) elastic design spectrum for horizontal earthquake response 4.5.1, 4.5.3
d distance from extreme compression fibre to the reinforcing bar furthest from the neutral
section depth in the direction considered (i.e. diameter if circular and dimension if
4.13.5, 5.7.1
diameter of longitudinal reinforcement steel 4.13.5, C5.10.3
diameter of lateral reinforcement steel App A
effective flexural rigidity of a member, calculated as the nominal moment capacity divided
by the yield curvature (i.e. EIeff = Mn/y)
characteristic 28 day concrete compressive strength 4.13.5
confined compression strength of the concrete 5.10.3
design compressive concrete strength at plastic hinges, taken as 1.3fc 4.9.1, 5.14.1
ultimate strength of longitudinal reinforcement steel 4.13.5, C5.10.3
yield strength of longitudinal reinforcement steel 4.13.5, C5.10.3
design yield strength of longitudinal reinforcement steel at plastic hinges, taken as 1.1fy 4.9.1, 5.14.1
yield strength of lateral reinforcement 5.10.3

horizontal earthquake force
horizontal forces of the n masses describing the frame 4.7.3, 4.7.5, 4.7.6, 5.11, 5.12
frame horizontal earthquake design force 4.7.4, 4.7.5, 5.9.1
g gravity acceleration (m/s
) 4.7.3
average height of piers supporting superstructure length Ld 4.13.3
pier effective height
effective moment of inertia, calculated as the gross moment of inertia divided by the
ductility factor (i.e. Iel/)

k elastic stiffness
equivalent effective stiffness of a bridge frame 4.7.3, 5.9.1
effective stiffness of cracked section
individual pier lateral stiffness 4.7.3
probability factor 4.4.3, 4.5.1, 5.4.3, 5.5.1
minimum support length measured normal to the face of an abutment or pier 4.13.3

A u s t r o a d s 2 0 1 2
Symbol Description Clause reference
distance from the critical section to the point of contraflexure in the column C5.10.3
length of the superstructure to the next expansion joint 4.13.3
plastic hinge length C5.10.3
strain penetration length 5.7.1, C5.10.3
effective mass of a frame 4.7.3, 5.9.3, 5.9.4
individual masses of n piers of the frame 4.7.3, 4.7.5, 5.9.2
nominal moment capacity of the cross-section, at which the cover concrete compression
strain is 0.004

design axial force at a cross-section 4.7.10
P annual probability of exceedance of design earthquake 4.4.2, 5.4.2

damping modifier 5.5.3
s Centre-to-centre spacing of lateral reinforcement/fitments measured parallel to the
longitudinal axis of a member

T fundamental/natural period
elastic period
fundamental/natural period of a frame 4.7.3, 5.9.3, 5.9.5
V shear force
shear force of structural components of a bridge frame 5.9.6
W width of the seating perpendicular to bridge axis 4.13.3
Z seismic hazard factor 4.4.4, 4.5.1, 5.4.4, 5.5.1
coefficient in Equation 19 5.5.3

the characteristic value of the fundamental mode shape of the frame

equivalent fundamental displacement mode shape of the frame

fundamental displacement mode shape at pier or abutment 5.7.2, 5.10.1, C4.7.3,


compressive strain limit of concrete in plastic hinges for the specified limit state 5.10.2, 5.10.3

tensile strain limit of flexural reinforcing steel (or tensile and compressive strain of
structural steel) in plastic hinges for the specified limit state
5.10.2, 5.10.3

strain at maximum stress of lateral reinforcement 5.10.3

yield strain of longitudinal reinforcement steel or yield strength of structural steel 5.7.1

curvature at limit state strain C5.10.3

plastic curvature C5.10.3

curvature at yield 5.7.1, C4.7.2, C5.10.3
ductility factor, calculated as the ratio between ductile and yield displacements 4.5.3, Table 4.2, 4.7.7, 4.8, 5.9.7, 5.16
foundation rotation in radians 5.9.7

plastic rotation C5.10.3

volumetric ratio of lateral (confinement) reinforcement relative to the column core
calculated as:

4.13.5, 5.10.3
equivalent viscous damping of structural component of bridge frame 5.9.6, 5.9.7

A u s t r o a d s 2 0 1 2
Symbol Description Clause reference

equivalent viscous damping of bridge frame 5.5.3
(1.5) corner-period elastic displacement 4.13.3, 5.5.1, 5.7.2

horizontal displacement of headstock bearing 5.7.1, C5.10.3

design displacement capacity of the critical inelastic structural element 5.10.1

characteristic design displacement of the frame; or ductile displacement 5.9.1, 5.9.4

(1.5) corner-period reduced displacement for ductility

(T) reduced (ductile) design displacement for horizontal earthquake response at the
fundamental period T

(T) elastic displacement spectral shape factor at fundamental period T 5.4.5, 5.5.1

horizontal displacement of the n masses describing a frame 4.7.3, 5.9.2, 5.9.6, 5.10.1, 5.12

displacement at limit state

plastic displacement
(T) elastic design displacement for horizontal earthquake response at the fundamental period

yield displacement 5.7.1, C5.10.3

horizontal displacement at superstructure resulting from foundation deformation 5.7.1, C5.10.3

A u s t r o a d s 2 0 1 2
C1.1 Commentary to Proposed Changes to Section 14 of AS 5100.2
All commentary clauses listed below match to the headings/clauses in the main body of the report.
C4.1 General
This section retains much of the material in the current Cl. 14.1 of AS 5100.2, but is expanded on
the lines discussed in Section 4 of this report. It makes specific reference to Section 5 which
describes the alternative displacement-based design (DBD).
C4.2 Design Limit States
Damage at the ultimate limit state is expected to be such that the bridge can economically be
repaired after the design-level earthquake. There may be some spalling of cover concrete in plastic
hinge regions, and residual crack widths might require grouting. However, in most cases the bridge
will remain serviceable during repair operations.
The ultimate limit state is defined as ultimate for compatibility with AS 5100. However, ductility
limits for bridges designed to Section 4, and strain limits for bridges designed to Section 5
correspond more to a damage-control limit state, implying that structures so designed are capable
of withstanding higher levels (typically about 50%) of seismic excitation without collapse.
For the serviceability limit state, ductility factors are set such that only minor inelastic action should
occur during the design level of seismic excitation. Residual crack widths should be sufficiently
small so that remedial action should not be required. Strains in cover concrete should not reach a
level where incipient spalling might occur. Residual displacements will be negligible, and will not
impede normal operations of the bridge.
C4.3 Bridge Classification and Importance Level
The existing Cl. 14.3 is incompatible with AS 1170.4. The changes suggested here preserve the
intent of the existing clauses, but rephrase the information in a form compatible with AS 1170.4
C4.4 Bridge Earthquake Design Category
This clause redefines the BEDC categories of existing Section 14 in AS 1170.4 compatible form.
C4.4.1 General
Table 4.1 is similar to existing Table 14.3.1, but is compatible with AS 1170.4, which includes a
similar table, with a height limitation providing a break between BEDC levels for similar seismicity.
Height limit for bridges has tentatively been included since taller bridges are more prone to
unseating etc. However, they are also more likely to respond elastically to the design seismicity
level, which is an argument against a punitive limit. There is no strong push for the height limit, and
the BTRP might feel that it should be removed in interests of simplicity.
C4.4.2 Annual Probability of Exceedance of Design Earthquake (P)
This is copied straight from AS 1170.4, with the modification that all BEDC categories are designed
for a 1 in 2000 year event for bridging.
C4.4.3 Probability Factor (k
This is copied from AS 1170.4.

A u s t r o a d s 2 0 1 2
C4.4.4 Design Seismic Hazard Factor (Z)
This section references AS 1170.4 as the document defining seismicity of different regions in
Australia. However, a site-specific seismology study is approved as an alternative. Note that this is
not included in AS 1170.4 Cl. 3.2, but is implicitly accepted in Cl. 7.2(b).
C4.4.5 Spectral Shape Factor (C
This section references AS 1170.4 for the shape of the acceleration response spectrum (Note: this
seems to be located in an illogical order in AS 1170.4). Again, provision is made for site-specific
seismicity studies.
C4.4.6 Design Acceleration Spectrum for Earthquake Response
The existing Section 14 defines the spectral shape within the section on Static Analysis. It is
incompatible with AS 1170.4, and also should apply, in the compatible form, for dynamic modal
analysis. This section attempts to correct both problems.
C4.5.1 Elastic Design Spectrum for Horizontal Earthquake Response
This section is compatible with AS 1170.4. It is mentioned that this spectrum should be used to
calculate displacement demand.
C4.5.2 Elastic Design Spectrum for Vertical Earthquake Response
The existing Section 14 requires consideration of vertical response in some cases, but gives no
guidance on how this is to be carried out. AS 1170.4 states that vertical response need not be
considered for buildings. This section has tentatively suggested that the design spectrum for
vertical response be taken as 2/3
the value for horizontal response. This is a commonly accepted
ratio, but is conservative in the medium to long period range. This is partly resolved in Section 5,
by limiting the vertical displacement plateau to the value at 1.0 sec., instead of the value at 1.5 sec.
Advice should be sought by the BTRP. Note that it is highly unlikely that vertical response will ever
be critical in Australia.
C4.5.3 Reduced Seismic Forces for Ductile Response
The section presents the design equation given in Equation 6.2(3) from AS 1170.4. However, the
factor has been omitted, and the clause states that S
= 1.0 for bridges. In buildings there is
generally excess strength provided due to the combination of gravity and seismic moments in
plastic hinge locations, leading to conservatism when inelastic time history analyses are used to
determine displacement demand. This is not generally the case in bridge design.
The use of S
values for building design is potentially unsafe, since the degree of conservatism
from combination of seismic and gravity moments is variable and occasionally non-existent (as in
the case, e.g. of wall buildings).
Table 4.2 sets default ductility capacities for different bridge structural systems, and is a
replacement for the Structural Response Factors of Table 14.5.5 in AS 5100.2. Note that the
values listed are generally lower than in the existing document particularly for the serviceability limit
state, but that higher values can be used if substantiated by analysis. It has been found that
ductility capacity is not uniquely defined by structural type, but is strongly dependent on geometry
(Priestley 1996). The current numbers in Section 14 of AS 5100.2 are potentially unsafe. Note
however that though design forces may appear to be increased as a consequence of this revision,
it is required that periods be based on realistic member stiffness (see Cl. 4.7.2), which will
generally mean that the periods are significantly longer than currently estimated, and hence design
forces are reduced. Note also that Cl. 4.9.1 allows a less conservative approach to estimating
moment capacity in plastic hinges.

A u s t r o a d s 2 0 1 2
Note further that ductility values have been suggested for superstructure vertical response. These
are conservative safe values, and act to reduce the importance of vertical seismic response.
The serviceability limit state may imply much higher seismic design forces than currently adopted
for Australian bridge design. However, the checks for elastic response provided in Section 5 of this
report will often establish that specific seismic design is not required.
C4.6 Methods of Analysis for Earthquake Effects
This is essentially a re-write of existing Cl. 14.4 of AS 5100.2, with comparatively minor
modifications. Note that no seismic design is required for BEDC-1 bridges, as a consequence of
the redefinition of the design class.
C4.7 Seismic Horizontal Forces Determined from Static Analysis
This replaces Cl. 14.5 of AS 5100.2, which is incompatible with AS 1170.4, and also does not
provide enough direction to the designer to enable them to carry out the analysis. It is suggested
for long bridges that instead of attempting to analyse the entire bridge as an entity, it should be
subdivided into frames delimited by movement joints. This simplifies the analysis, avoids the
inherent difficulty in modelling the movement joints, and recognizes that for long bridges coherent
seismic excitation over the length of the bridge is impossible. This being the case, there is little
point in attempting an analysis of the entire bridge as a coherent entity. Further, since the static
analysis method is essentially a single-mode method, determining the appropriate period can be
problematic when adjacent frames have similar, but not identical periods. This approach has been
adopted for similar levels of analysis in California for many years. Guidance is given to cope with
situations where the stiffness and mass of adjacent frames differ significantly.
C4.7.1 Seismic Mass Distribution
No guidance is given in the existing Section 14 of AS 5100.2 on how to discretise the distributed
mass. The recommendations here are taken from Chapters 4 and 10 of Priestley et al. (2007).
C4.7.2 Lateral Stiffness
(a) Piers: It is common in regions of low seismicity to represent the stiffness of reinforced
concrete piers by the gross cross-section value. This is only appropriate for very low
levels of seismic response. At design levels of seismic excitation the lateral supporting
elements (e.g. the piers) will be cracked and the stiffness will be significantly reduced.
The appropriate value to be used in force-based seismic design is the effective stiffness
at first yield. The effective flexural rigidity EI
can be calculated by dividing the nominal
moment capacity M
by the yield curvature
determined in accordance with Equation
5.7.2, i.e. EI
= M
. Guidance is given in Chapter 4 of Priestley et al. (2007).
(b) Superstructures: Uncracked stiffness should only be used for fully prestressed
superstructures. Some consideration of the effects of cracking should be made for
partially-prestressed superstructures (e.g. precast prestressed beams with in-situ
reinforced concrete deck.
C4.7.3 Frame Fundamental Natural Period in the Transverse Direction
When the structure of a considered frame is rather regular, (piers of similar height, spans of similar
length and mass, unconstrained ends to the frame), then the simple SDOF equation given by
Equation 5 is adequate for determination of the fundamental period.
When the frame (which may be the entire bridge between abutments) is irregular, either as a
consequence of different pier heights, different span lengths or mass distribution, or constrained
end conditions, then Equation 5 is inappropriate. The current Equation 14.5.4(3) in AS 5100.2

A u s t r o a d s 2 0 1 2
presents the Rayleigh equation which assumes a force vector proportional to mass. This is
duplicated in Equation 7 of this document, and is permitted as an approximation for BEDC-2
bridges only. Where there is doubt whether a frame or bridge should be considered regular or
irregular, it should be considered irregular.
A more accurate approach is presented in Cl. 4.7.3 (b), where the horizontal forces are made
proportional to the product of mass and displaced shape. Since the displaced shape, and in
particular the magnitude of the displacements will not be known with any accuracy at the start of
the design process, it is suggested that a displacement modal shape, of arbitrary magnitude, be
adopted. Note that the designer will generally have a good idea of the shape. For example,
horizontal displacement of a bridge constrained by shear keys at abutments with internal flexible
piers can be approximated with adequate accuracy by a sine or parabolic shape. The influence of
minor errors in the shape will be insignificant in the determination of the period, but the result will
be more accurate than given by the Rayleigh equation. Chapter 10 of Priestley et al. (2007) gives
advice on displacement shapes for bridges. Examples of possible transverse displacement shapes
are presented in Figure C1 1 for bridges with both stiff and flexible superstructures.

Figure C1 1: Different Possible Transverse Displacement Profiles in Bridges (Priestley 2007)
Note that Equation 6 can be derived as follows:

T 2 =

(a) Symm., Free at abuts. (b) Asymm., Free at
abuts. (c) Symm., free at abuts.


(d) Symm,. Restrained at abuts. (e) Internal movement joint
(f) Int. movement joint,

(a) Symm., free at abuts. (b) Asymm., free at abuts. (c) Symm., free at abuts.
(d) Symm., restrained at abuts. (e) Int. movement joint (f) Int. movement joint

A u s t r o a d s 2 0 1 2

m = the effective mass, given by

i i
i i


the equivalent stiffness, given by


n i
i i
n i
i i
n i
i i
, 1
, 1
, 1

F = proportional to
i i

= displacements resulting from the application of

C4.7.4 Frame Horizontal Seismic Design Force
Note that the usual assumption for single-mode analysis is made, namely that the entire seismic
mass contributes to first mode response. In buildings this tends to be a rather conservative
assumption, since only about 67-75% of the mass is associated with fundamental mode response.
However, for bridges the approach tends to be less conservative since the proportion of total mass
responding in the fundamental mode is typically higher than 90%, and may, for regular bridges,
reach 100%.
C4.7.5 Distribution of Horizontal Seismic Design Force
This section provides guidance, currently missing from Section 14 of AS 5100.2, as to how the
seismic design force for the frame is to be distributed to the mass locations. Note that with flexible
support at abutments, mass will be allocated at these locations.
C4.7.6 Seismic Design Moments
Again, the structural analysis should be based on cracked-section stiffness of reinforced concrete
piers, when these form the bridge support.
C4.7.7 Design Abutment Reactions
The static analysis procedure is a single mode approach, using design horizontal forces reduced
for ductility. Although this is suitable, and conservative for determining the design moments in
plastic hinges, it is non-conservative when abutment reactions are considered, since the analysis
approach implies that these will also be reduced by the ductility factor. In fact, higher mode effects,
which have only minor significance to plastic hinge moments, can significantly increase the
abutment reactions above the value predicted from the lateral analysis using ductility-reduced
horizontal forces. This is the reason that failures of abutments and shear keys are the most
common form of damage to bridges in earthquakes.
Unless special studies are carried out to determine the magnitude of abutment forces, these
should conservatively be assumed to be equal to the unreduced elastic spectrum forces. This
implies multiplying the reactions determined from the analysis defined in Cl. 4.7.6 by the design
system ductility factor.

A u s t r o a d s 2 0 1 2
C4.7.8 Vertical Seismic Response
Guidance is given on how to carry out a static analysis for vertical seismic response. The
procedure is essentially similar to that for horizontal response. Note that ductility is permitted for
vertical response of concrete and composite superstructures in Table 4.2.
C4.7.9 Soil Behaviour
For regular structures, assume the soil comprises the type found at the surface or at shallow depth.
For critical structures, carry out detailed modelling of soil/structure interaction based on
geotechnical site investigations.
C4.7.10 Ductile Behaviour
To illustrate this clause, consider a multi-span bridge comprising simply supported Super-T girders
supported on elastomeric bearings made continuous for live load using link slabs, with twin-column
piers supported on pilecaps on piles. The superstructure is fixed/pinned at the central pier. The
reinforced concrete abutments are founded on rock.
From Table 4.2, the ductility factors, , for the ultimate limit state associated with the different
systems would be:
For the central pier/superstructure: = 4.0 (assuming foundation flexibility contributes less than
30% to deformation)
For the other piers/superstructure: = 3.0 (due to additional flexibility resulting from elastomeric
Adopt the ductility factor for seismic analysis as the more severe of = 3.0 or = 4.0, so = 3.0.
However, the abutments must be designed for the full elastic response, so multiply the calculated
forces on the abutments from the analysis by 3.0.
The design moments in the piers, including the central pier, are directly given by the seismic
analysis using = 3.0.
The design of capacity protected elements (bearings, superstructure connection for the central
pier) shall be based on the pier over-strength capacity.
C4.8 Seismic Horizontal Forces Determined from Dynamic Analysis
Section 7 of AS 1170.4 provides generally adequate information on dynamic analysis. This clause
reinforces and adds to that information, and references earlier clauses relating to mass distribution
and stiffness estimation.
However, as with the static analysis procedure, modification is needed to determine abutment
reaction forces. Analysis described in Priestley et al. (2007) indicate that a reasonable approach is
to only apply the ductility factor, , to the fundamental mode, in which ductility is expected, and to
combine this with the unreduced modal reactions from the higher modes. An improved approach is
discussed in Section 5.
C4.9 Required Moment Capacity
C4.9.1 At Potential Plastic Hinges
This is a significant deviation from current seismic design practice in Australia. For force-based
design for (say) gravity loads, the use of flexural strength reduction factors is essential to provide

A u s t r o a d s 2 0 1 2
protection for the unlikely case that material strengths are less than specified, for errors in
dimensions and placement of reinforcing steel, and for errors in analytical procedures. Uncertainty
in load values is accounted for mainly by load factors associated with (e.g.) dead and live load
values. The consequences of strength being less than applied load are certain failure.
In seismic response these arguments do not apply. The flexural strength of the bridge is expected
to be reached under design excitation when design permits ductility. Hence load factors are
currently not applied to seismic forces since the requirement that moment capacity must exceed
moment demand is meaningless. The same argument applies to flexural strength reduction factors.
There is no point in using a conservative estimate of moment capacity, since the actual capacity
will be achieved in design-level response. All that will be achieved by use of flexural strength
reduction factors is a (possible, though not certain) reduction in ductility demand below the adopted
design level. Protection against failure is increased only marginally, if at all.
As a consequence Priestley et al. (1996 & 2007) have argued that flexural strength reduction
factors should not be used for estimating flexural strength of potential plastic hinge regions. This
approach has also been recommended by Applied Technology Council 32 (1996), and has been
standard practice for the California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) for almost 20 years.
Recently AASHTO (2009) has also adopted this approach.
Using probable material strengths and eliminating flexural strength reduction factors for design,
results in obvious design efficiencies. It has a secondary economic advantage when capacity
design (Cl. 4.12) is considered. Note that Priestley (1996 & 2007) and Applied Technology Council
32 (1996), also permit the consideration of strain-hardening of flexural reinforcement and
enhanced compression strength of concrete from confinement by lateral reinforcement to be
considered when estimating flexural strength in potential plastic hinges.
It may be that changes will need to be made to earlier sections of AS 5100.2 where flexural
strength of concrete sections is outlined, to permit this approach, which only applies to plastic
hinges in seismic design.
C4.9.2 At Other Locations
In regions where plastic hinges must not develop, the dependable moment capacity, determined
using conservative estimates of material strengths, and strength reduction factors as used for
gravity-load design, should exceed the moment demand corresponding to formation of over
strength capacity in plastic hinge locations. This is illustrated in more detail in C4.12.
C4.10 Seismic Displacements
This requirement has already been stated in Cl. 4.5.1 but included as a separate section for clarity.
C4.11 P- Effects
The provisions here are taken from Priestley et al. (2007), and result from extensive inelastic time-
history analyses of reinforced concrete and structural steel structures. Because seismic
displacements will generally be low for Australian conditions, it is expected that P- effects will
rarely be significant.
C4.12 Capacity Design
It is essential that inelastic deformations only occur in intended plastic hinges, and the non-ductile
inelastic modes be avoided. To ensure this is the case, a hierarchy of failure is required where
(e.g.) the dependable shear strength of a bridge pier exceeds the shear associated with maximum
feasible flexural strength, noting that with ductile design, it is the maximum feasible, not design
level of flexural strength that will be developed. If the flexural strength is high because material

A u s t r o a d s 2 0 1 2
strengths exceed the expected values (the normal situation) then the corresponding elevated shear
force, rather than the design level shear force will be developed. Similar arguments apply to the
required flexural strength of sections that must not form plastic hinges (e.g. headstock sections).
The best and least conservative way to determine the maximum feasible moment capacity of
potential plastic hinges is to carry out a moment-curvature analysis, using maximum feasible
material strengths, with strain-hardening of reinforcement and confinement of concrete modelled.
This will almost always result in a moment amplification factor significantly lower than the default
option of 1.4. Maximum feasible material strengths should be based on local information.
Commonly used values are 1.1f
for reinforcement and 1.3f
for concrete, where f
and f
are the
nominal strengths.
Equilibrium considerations are illustrated in Figure C1 2 which represents a simple two-column
bent, subjected to horizontal seismic force and applied vertical loads from superstructure beams.
The design seismic moments for the left column are shown by the dashed line, and will have been
calculated without considering any contribution from gravity loads P, in accordance with clause 4.9.
The maximum feasible moments in the column (overstrength moments) are shown by the solid
line, and have a value of M
at the bottom and M
at the top. Note that the sketch shows column-
top moments at the beam centre line, which requires extrapolation from the critical moment at the
soffit of the headstock.

Figure C1 2: Equilibriumconsiderations for Capacity Design of a bridge bent
The column overstrength moments are found from moment-curvature analyses using maximum
feasible material strengths, or by multiplying the design moments by 1.4, as above. The design
shear force for the column is:
b c
/ ) ( + = C2


A u s t r o a d s 2 0 1 2
At the joint between the column and the headstock, the moments must be in equilibrium. For
convenience of illustration, assume that the moment at the top of the right column is also M
will not generally be the case, because of different axial force levels between left and right
columns). Hence the maximum design positive headstock moment, which occurs under the left
point load P, is:
t cb
+ = )
1 (
The maximum headstock shear, which occurs between the right column and the right point load P
+ =

Note that in the above example it has been assumed that vertical seismic response need not be
considered. If the BED classification required consideration of vertical acceleration this would
cause an increase in the free headstock moments (Pa) that would be added to Equation C3.
C4.13 Structural Detailing Requirements for Earthquake Effects
Minor changes have been made to wording of some sections here. A major change is suggested
for Equation 14.7.3 from AS5100.2 (Equation 10 in this document). The existing equation is too
strongly dependent on length of the bridge, yielding excessive seating lengths for long bridges. It is
becoming common to have lengths as high as 1000 m between movement joints. This would result
in a required seating length of 1.7 m just due to this component alone. It is difficult to imagine what
seismic actions could result in such a required seating, and in fact why the bridge length should be
a critical component. Surface waves may result in out-of-phase displacements at abutments, but
this will be more related to the seismic wave length and pier height, rather than bridge length. The
seismic half wave-length (critical for maximum out-of-phase displacement) is likely to be much
shorter than 1000 m (i.e. wave length = 2000 m).
It is important to have a length component, for thermal and creep and shrinkage effects. The
current value seems too high by a factor of about 4; hence the modified value.
The 200 mm component is arbitrary, and it is not clear what it is meant to represent. It would seem
more logical to relate this to maximum feasible response displacement of the frame. A simple
expression would be the corner period elastic displacement, (1.5) found from the displacement
spectrum (see Section 5). Generally this will be smaller than 200 mm, but not always. Note that
this will always be conservative, and will exceed the peak ground displacement.
The third component, related to average pier height is generally felt to be related to rotation of the
foundation of a pier due to travelling surface waves. The value suggested in Equation 10 is set at
A fourth component related to bridge width is also suggested. If the seating is wide, transverse
displacement will inevitable involve rotation about the vertical axis, inducing a longitudinal
component at the ends of the seating. The suggested value of 0.005 W is conservative, particularly
since peak transverse and longitudinal response are not expected to occur simultaneously.
Finally, there is the question of skew, which is included in Equation 10, and most seismic bridge
codes. It does not seem that this should be a modifier to the bridge length or bridge height
components, and in fact is only significant for skew angles above about 40. It could be applied to
the (1.5) component. Skew response is thought to occur under transverse excitation, and is
limited to a value dictated by the gap between bridge end diaphragm and abutment. It will not

A u s t r o a d s 2 0 1 2
normally occur simultaneously with peak longitudinal response. Unseating of skew bridges has
generally occurred at the acute corner, with very small seating lengths and short spans. The
science behind the equation is questionable, and that it is better to have a conservative seating
length that will cope with all reasonable skew angles.
Finally, a minimum seating length of 300 mm in all cases is adopted.
A more complete discussion of the issues is provided in Priestley et al. (1996), pp 418-421.
Experiments and observations of bridge piers in earthquakes have shown that column detailing is
one of the most critical issues in ensuring satisfactory response. The provisions for column
detailing in this section are intended to provide satisfactory performance without being unduly
conservative or onerous. They are similar to, but rather less restrictive than requirements in other
seismic design codes.
[Back to body text]

A u s t r o a d s 2 0 1 2
C2.1 Commentary to Proposed Provisions for Displacement-based
Design (DBD)
All commentary clauses listed below match to the headings/clauses in the main body of the report.
C5.1 General
The approach in this section has been provided as an alternative to the force-based approach in
Section 4 and is based on displacement-based principles. As noted in the commentary to
Section 4, the force-based section has been formulated to be as compatible as possible with this
displacement-based appendix. This should result in reasonably similar design forces, regardless
as to which approach is adopted, though the somewhat arbitrary nature of the ductility values
specified for the force-based approach will result in some inconsistencies.
The compatibility between the two approaches should mean that it is acceptable for a designer to
use some of the requirements of the displacement based design approach and still adopt the more
familiar force-based approach, if the designer so chooses. This is particularly likely to be the case
for determining whether the bridge can be exempt from specific seismic design on the basis that
displacement capacity exceeds maximum feasible displacement demand.
C5.2 Ultimate Limit State and C5.3 Bridge Classification and Importance Level
The approach has been to avoid duplication by referencing clauses of Section 4, where
C5.4.1 Bridge Earthquake Design Category
The information in Table 5.1 is directly equivalent to Table 4.1, but is expressed in displacement
terms. By doing this, the table is simplified considerably.
C5.4.5 Elastic Displacement Spectral Shape Factor (h(T))
Section 4 references the acceleration spectral shape factor in AS 1170.4, but does not duplicate
that information by direct inclusion in the section. The appendix provides the identical information
transformed into displacement spectral shapes for the five soil types.
Figure C2 1 graphically illustrates the extreme difference in spectral displacement shapes between
subsoils A
and E
. This difference is rather larger than specified in many other codes. Note that in
all cases the displacement shape factor is constant for periods at or greater than 1.5 seconds.
C5.5.1 Elastic Design Spectrum for Horizontal Earthquake Response
The form of modification from spectral shape to elastic design spectrum is identical to that for
force-based design in Section 4. The corner period spectral displacement (the value applying for
displacements equal to or larger than 1.5 seconds) is defined. This is needed for the displacement
checks later.

A u s t r o a d s 2 0 1 2

Figure C2 1: Displacement Spectra for Different Australian Regions (kp =1)
Figure C2 1 shows displacement spectra for selected Australian locations, based on k
= 1.0. Note
that plateau displacements are frequently less than 50 mm, particularly for rock and firm soil
0 1 2 3
Period (sec)

Soil E
Soil D
Soil C
Soil B
Soil A
0 1 2 3
Period (sec)

Soil E
Soil D
Soil C
Soil B
Soil A
0 1 2 3
Period (sec)

Soil E
Soil D
Soil C
Soil B
Soil A
(a) Z=0.05 (Gold Coast, Brisbane, Cairns; k
= 1.0
(b) Z=0.08 (Sydney, Melbourne, Canberra) k
(c) Z = 0.2 (Meckering) k
= 1.0

A u s t r o a d s 2 0 1 2
C5.5.2 Elastic Design Spectrum for Vertical Response
As with the force-based approach of Section 4, the vertical elastic displacement spectrum is taken
as 2/3
of the horizontal spectrum. However, since vertical spectra typically are weak in long-
period components, the displacement plateau is taken to initiate at T = 1.0 sec., rather than 1.5
seconds. This reduces the maximum feasible displacement response. Since this approach is not
standard practice, and could be considered controversial, Australian seismologists should be
asked to comment.
C5.5.3 Reduced Design Displacement Spectrum for Ductile Response
For compatibility with Section 4, the modification to the elastic spectrum to allow for ductility is
introduced at this location, though it might be more logical to introduce it later, when the design
procedure for ductile response is defined. The damping modifier defined by Equation 19 depends
on the equivalent viscous damping and is the value recommended in Priestley (2007). It is
compatible with the relationships between ductility and damping defined later in Cl. 5.9.7. Slightly
different values have been suggested in other codes but these would require re-calibration of the
ductility/damping relationships, and are not appropriate for accelerograms representing uniform
risk spectra.
C5.7 Pier Yield Displacement Check
This section presents the criteria necessary to determine whether the piers of a bridge may be
exempt from specific seismic design. The approach is to compare the yield displacement of piers
with the expected displacement demand. If the yield displacement exceeds demand in all cases,
then elastic response at the design level of seismic intensity is assured. This is checked at a
number of different levels of complexity.
C5.7.1 Yield Displacement Capacity of Piers
First the yield displacement of each pier must be calculated. As indicated in Equation 21, the yield
displacement depends on the structural displacement of the pier plus any displacement from
bearing and lateral foundation displacement. The structural displacement, in turn, depends on the
condition of fixity at the top and bottom of the pier. Some common examples for longitudinal
response are illustrated in Figure C2 2.
For complex section shapes Cl. 5.7 may be too coarse, and more detailed analyses may be
required. In such cases, cracking and non-linearity of materials should be modelled. First yield
displacement should be determined at steel yield strain or concrete compressive strain of 0.002,
whichever occurs first, with the equivalent bi-linear yield deformation calculated by linear
extrapolation of the first-yield deformation to the nominal moment capacity at the critical section.
Refer to Priestley et al (2007) for details.

A u s t r o a d s 2 0 1 2

Source: (Priestley et al. 2007).
Figure C2 2: Some possible fixity conditions for pier longitudinal response
Different values of pier end fixity condition coefficient C
will apply for each case. For example, in
Figure C2 2 the superstructure is bearing supported, and the footing is considered rigid against
rotation and translation. The effective height is measured to the centre of the bearing and includes
an allowance for strain-penetration into the base. For this case the coefficient is C
= 1/3. For the
case in Figure C2 2(b), the coefficient C
= 1/6. Further details are provided in Priestley et al.
The yield curvature
depends only weakly on the section shape (circular or rectangular, or even
architectural, within limits). It is also not strongly dependent on the material of the pier, reinforced
concrete or structural steel. The value given in Equation 22 is an average of all section shapes and
materials, and is accurate to within 15% in all cases. This is accurate enough for most checks.
More accurate values are provided in Chapter 4 of Priestley et al. (2007). Bearing and soil flexibility
will increase the yield displacement, and a preliminary, conservative check may be made ignoring
Note that the structural component of yield displacement depends only on the pier geometry, the
yield strain, and the end fixity conditions, and is independent of the strength. For example,
increasing the flexural strength of a reinforced concrete section increases its stiffness
proportionately, and the yield curvature remains unchanged. The same happens for a structural
steel section where the strength is altered by (e.g.) increasing the flange thickness.
The structural components of yield displacement corresponding to cases (a) and (b) in Figure C2 2
are plotted in Figure C2 3 for a yield stress of 500 MPa, for a variety of pier diameters and heights.
As an example, the maximum plateau displacement for soils A
to C
for k
= 1.0 for Brisbane is
less than 25 mm (see Figure C2 1). This displacement is exceeded for cantilever piers with section
depth of 1.0 m, and heights greater than 4.0 m, or 1.0 m piers in double bending of height greater
than about 6.0 m.

(a) Rigid Base,
Pinned top
(b) Rigid Base,
Fixed Top
(c) Pinned Base,
Fixed Top
(d) Flexible
(e) Pile/Column

A u s t r o a d s 2 0 1 2

Figure C2 3: Yield displacements for prismatic piers of reinforced concrete or structural steel. fy =500 MPa.
C5.7.2 Criteria for Exemption from Specific Seismic Design
This clause introduces the criteria for exemption laid out in the following sub-clauses. It is noted
that the exemption applies only to the piers, and not to the abutments, which are the most common
0 4 8 12 16 20 24
Pier Height (m)


D = 0.5m
D = 1.0m
D = 1.5m
D = 2.0m
D = 3.0m
(a) Cantilever Pier (single bending)
0 4 8 12 16 20 24
Pier Height (m)


D = 0.5m
D = 1.0m
D = 1.5m
D = 2.0m
D = 3.0m
(b) Pier in Double Bending

A u s t r o a d s 2 0 1 2
site of damage in earthquakes. If the bridge is restrained laterally at the abutments the checks of
Cl. are inappropriate, and the bridge should be checked against the criteria of Cl.
The second condition to be considered for longitudinal response or transverse response of regular
frames unrestrained at abutments will apply only if the check in Cl. fails, and the check in
Cl. is invoked. Note that the third-stage check of Cl. will not be needed for
longitudinal response since longitudinal displacements of all piers will be essentially the same,
unless the bridge has extreme horizontal curvature.
C5.7.2.1 Frames Under Longitudinal Response, and Frames with Uniform Mass and Stiffness
Distributions Under Transverse Response
(a) Yield displacement exceeds elastic corner period displacement: The simplest and most
conservative check is to compare the yield displacements of the piers with the elastic
corner-period displacement. If the bridge has uniform characteristics, or is under
longitudinal excitation, then displacement demand will be essentially the same for all
piers. If the yield displacements of all the piers in a frame exceed the elastic corner-
period displacement, then it is obvious that all piers must respond elastically. This check
does not require the natural period of the frame to be calculated.
(b) Yield displacement exceeds the elastic displacement for the frame fundamental period: If
the check in Cl. fails this does not necessarily mean that the frame will
respond inelastically to the design seismicity. A second simple check for longitudinal
response or transverse response of uniform frames is to calculate the natural period of
the frame and to compare the elastic displacement demand for that period with the
displacement capacity of all piers. If the displacement capacities of all piers exceed the
demand, then again, elastic response is assured. If this check fails, then inelastic
response is predicted and specific seismic design is required.
C5.7.2.2 Frames with Non-uniform Mass and Stiffness Distributions Under Transverse Response
When there is significant non-uniformity of mass or transverse stiffness the situation is more
complex, since the displacement demands of the different piers will not be the same. The checks
required in this clause assume that the displacement shape
, though not the magnitudes of
displacement at the piers is reasonably established (see C14.7.3).
(a) Yield displacement exceeds the elastic corner period displacement: The simplest check,
which will be first considered, will be to scale the displacement shape by the ratio of the
elastic corner-period displacement (1.5) to the characteristic value of the fundamental
mode shape of the frame,
, which is defined in Equation 24. Since no allowance has
been made for higher mode contribution of displacement demand and the selection of
the displacement shape will be approximate, the displacement demand of the individual
piers corresponding to the corner-period displacement has been factored up by 10% in
Equation 23. Note that higher mode contribution to pier displacement in bridges is rarely
of significance. If the yield displacements of all piers exceed the demand defined by
Equation 23, then elastic response is assured, regardless of the fundamental period of
the structure.
(b) Yield displacement exceeds the elastic displacement for the frame fundamental period: If
the simple check of the previous clause fails, then the fundamental elastic period should
be determined, using Equation 6 and the characteristic displacement demand for that
period calculated. The check then proceeds in the same fashion as before, but with the
pier displacements determined from the period-dependent elastic displacement in
accordance with Equation 25.

A u s t r o a d s 2 0 1 2
C5.8 Methods of Analysis for Earthquake Effects
This clause sets out the level and extent of analysis required associated with seismic design for
different BEDC categories. The level is similar to that in Section 4, though design, when required,
is carried out according to the same displacement-based principles for all BEDC categories.
Consideration of vertical seismic response is required only for BEDC-3 and BEDC-4 bridges. A
design verification analysis using inelastic time-history response is required for BEDC-4 structures,
and an effective-stiffness modal or inelastic time-history response design verification is suggested
for irregular BEDC-3 bridges. In an effective-stiffness modal analysis, the effective secant stiffness
to design displacement demand of piers expected to exhibit ductility is used rather than the elastic
stiffness. The purpose of the design verification is to confirm that the maximum response
displacements under the design seismic loading are satisfactory, and that higher mode effects are
properly considered, particularly for abutment forces.
Reference is made to Cl. 5.16 for determination of abutment design forces.
C5.9 Representation of a Bridge Frame as SDOF Structure
With long bridges it is very unlikely that the ground motion at different piers or abutments,
separated by a distance that is significant by comparison with the seismic wave length, will be
synchronous (perfectly in phase) and coherent (of same amplitude). Variations in soil properties
along the bridge also affect this. Consequently there is little point in designing as though the
seismic input at all points of a long bridge is perfectly in phase and of equal magnitude. Further
information on this phenomenon is available in Priestley et al. 1996.
The procedure for displacement-based seismic design of bridges has been outlined in some details
elsewhere (Priestley 2007) and is only briefly described here. There are four stages in the process:
1 Representation of the bridge as an equivalent SDOF structure (Figure C2 4a)
2 Representation of the seismic response by the equivalent frame effective stiffness at the
design response displacement (Figure C2 4b).
3 Determination of relationship between displacement ductility demand and equivalent viscous
damping (Figure C2 4c)
4 Representation of seismicity by displacement spectra for different levels of equivalent
viscous damping (Figure C2 4d).

A u s t r o a d s 2 0 1 2

Figure C2 4: Fundamentals of seismic design of bridges
The design procedure is typically represented by the following sequence:
(a) Determine the critical displacement capacities of the piers from code-specified strain or
drift limits (see clause C5.10).
(b) Estimate the inelastic mode shape (see Cl. C4.7.3 and Figure C1 1) and hence
determine the critical pier.
(c) Scale the inelastic mode shape (Equation 35) so that the critical pier just reaches its limit
(d) Determine the characteristic equivalent SDOF displacement (Equation 27) and mass
(Equation 29) for the frame.
(e) Determine the equivalent viscous damping (Cl. 5.9.7) for the frame.
(f) Enter the displacement spectra set (e.g. Figure C2 4(d)) with the characteristic
displacement and equivalent viscous damping, and determine the corresponding period
at peak displacement response.




(a) SDOF simulation (b) Effective stiffness Ke
1 2 3 4 5 6
Displacement Ductility

0 1 2 3 4 5
Period (seconds)


Steel Frame
Concrete Frame
Unbonded Prestressing
(c) Equivalent damping vs. ductility (d) Design Displacement Spectra

A u s t r o a d s 2 0 1 2
(g) From the calculated period, determine the equivalent frame effective stiffness
(Equation 28).
(h) From the frame effective stiffness and the characteristic displacement, determine the
seismic design force (Equation 26).
(i) Distribute the design force to the mass locations in proportion to mass and displacement
(Equation 38).
(j) Analyse the frame, using effective stiffness values for the piers, to determine moments in
plastic hinges (Cl. 5.12).
(k) Use capacity design principles to determine required shear strength etc. (Cl. 5.17).
For a frame under longitudinal seismic response the critical pier will normally be the shortest one, if
the different piers have different heights. The design displacements will be the same for all
columns. The procedure to estimate design displacement of the critical pier is outlined in
Cl. C5.10.3. Yield displacements for all piers will differ, if the heights are different, and will be given
by Equation 21. The ductility demand of each pier can thus be found as:


The corresponding viscous damping of the individual piers can then be found from Cl. 5.9.7. and
the system damping from Equation 30. In Equation 30 the pier shear force is the shear
corresponding to development of the design moment capacity at the pier critical section.
Note that the approach may require some iteration when the seismic inertia forces are carried by
two or more different load paths (e.g. superstructure flexure to abutments, and pier inelastic
bending to foundations under transverse seismic response). An initial estimate of the proportion of
the total seismic inertia forces carried by superstructure flexure is made, enabling the system
damping to be found in accordance with Equation 30. This is checked by structural analysis after
the design base shear is determined, and the seismic forces are distributed to the different mass
locations in accordance with Equation 38. Guidance is given in Priestley (2007).
The sequence of code clauses in Section 5 does not follow the above sequence, but defines the
basic equation for required strength, then explains how to determine the components of the basic
C5.9.1 Horizontal Design Earthquake Force from Displacement based Design Method
Equation 26 expresses the relationship shown in Figure C2 4b, that the force is the product of the
displacement and the effective stiffness.
C5.9.2 Frame Characteristic Lateral Displacement in the Transverse Direction
Equation 27 defines the characteristic (equivalent SDOF) displacement of the multiple degree of
freedom (MDOF) frame. This is based on the displacement mode shape and the critical
displacement of a pier, as defined later in Cl. 5.10. For longitudinal response, the mode shape is
normally constant (i.e. all piers have the same displacement), and the displacement of the critical
(shortest) pier corresponding to the limit state strains (see Cls. C5.10.2 and C5.10.3) defines the
design displacement.
C5.9.3 Equivalent Frame Stiffness
The effective stiffness of the SDOF model of the frame, needed in Equation 26 is found from the
effective period, as defined in Equation 28. Note that this is a simple inversion of the standard
equation for the period of a SDOF structure.

A u s t r o a d s 2 0 1 2
C5.9.4 Frame Effective Mass
Equation 28 requires the effective mass participating in the fundamental inelastic mode. This is
defined in Equation 29.
C5.9.5 Frame Equivalent Natural Period
The effective period, corresponding to design displacement response is found from Figure C2 4(d)
(displacement spectra set) entering with the design displacement, and using the displacement
spectrum corresponding to the calculated equivalent viscous damping. Normally this is done
analytically, rather than graphically, reducing the elastic displacement spectrum of Equation 18 by
the damping modifier representing the influence of system ductility, given by Equation 20.
C5.9.6 Frame Equivalent Viscous Damping

Source: Priestley (2007).
Figure C2 5: Components contributing to damping under transverse response
The area of greatest complexity in displacement-based design of bridges is associated with
determining the equivalent viscous damping. Consider the typical bridge shown in Figure C2 5
under transverse seismic response. The ends of the bridge are restrained by shear keys, but there
is some flexibility of the abutments, meaning that the abutment reactions will dissipate some
energy by damping. The piers have different heights, different response displacements, and
different yield displacements, so the damping of each pier will be different. Foundation flexibility
may influence the pier damping. Finally, the superstructure carries some of the inertia forces back
to the abutments, and some elastic damping of the superstructure needs to be considered.
Equation 30 defines the structure equivalent viscous damping as a composite of the damping
values for each of the structural components (piers, abutments, and superstructure). It is
necessary to know the shear force carried by each component, their displacement, and their
equivalent viscous damping. The procedure is outlined in detail in Priestley et al. (2007) with
reference to design examples. Further details are presented in clause C5.9.
C5.9.7 Viscous Damping of Component Actions
Pier structural damping is defined in terms of displacement ductility demand at the design
displacement. Note that the ductility demand will be known at the start of the design process, since
the design displacement will be defined (Cl. 5.10), and the yield displacement is also known and is
independent of design strength (Cl. 5.7.1).
This clause also defines the damping associated with foundation rotation, with superstructure
flexure, and with abutment displacement. For the latter, a conservatively low estimate of 0.12
(12%) is assumed. The actual value will depend on the shear strain of soil in the abutment region,
and can be difficult to compute without expert geotechnical advice. Note that systems identification

Displaced shape

A u s t r o a d s 2 0 1 2
analyses related to actual seismic response of two bridges with integral superstructure/abutment
designs (Melloland Overcrossing, and Painter Ave) in Californian earthquakes have resulted in
damping values of at least 25%.
C5.10 Ductile Displacement Capacity
C5.10.1 Lateral Displacement Profile of a Frame in the Transverse Direction
The design displacement profile was introduced in Cl. 4.7.3, to determine the elastic period of
force-based designed bridges. In Cl. 5.10.1 this is used as the basis of displacement-based
design. An inelastic mode shape is assumed (see Figure C1 1, for examples), and then scaled in
accordance with Equation 35 so that the critical pier or abutment just reaches its limit state
displacement. These limit state displacements are calculated from the permissible strains for the
damage-control limit state, defined in Cls. 5.10.2 and Cl. 5.10.3.
C5.10.2 Strain Limits for Serviceability Limit State
The strain limits of Cl. 5.10.2 are designed to ensure that repair will not be required after a bridge is
subjected to the design earthquake, in accordance with Cl. 4.2.
C5.10.3 Strain Limits for Ultimate Limit State
The strain in reinforcing steel in potential plastic hinges is related to anti-buckling requirements,
and low-cycle fatigue. Cl. 5.10.3(c) is expected to provide adequate resistance against buckling or
fracture. Note that changes have been suggested for the confinement requirements of AS 5100.5,
Cl. 10.6, with minimum confinement steel ratios of 0.005 and 0.006 for circular and rectangular
sections respectively, when columns are designed for elastic response. Using these equations,
displacement-based design would allow some limited ductility corresponding to this minimum
confinement ratio, since the permitted steel strain from Cl. 5.10.3(c) would be 0.02.
Equation 37 defines the permitted concrete compressive strain as a function of lateral
reinforcement ratio and confinement steel properties. This is a well-established and conservative
expression (Priestley 1996 & 2007). Note that in the design situation, a required ultimate
compressive strain corresponding to a required displacement may be calculated and the required
confining steel ratio can be determined from inverting Equation 37. Note further that the
confinement steel ratio of 0.005 suggested for elastic response of columns (see previous
paragraph) would typically result in a permissible concrete compressive strain of about 0.01. This
would imply considerable ductility, which could be taken advantage of in displacement-based
design. For hollow piers, a maximum compressive strain of 0.006 is specified, since experimental
research indicates that spalling of external cover can rapidly shift the neutral axis, increasing the
compressive strain on the inside surface, and causing spalling of the inside cover. This can result
in a rapid compression failure (see Priestley et al, 2007, Ch.10).
Note that for reinforced concrete sections the limit state reinforcement tension and concrete
compressive strains will not occur simultaneously. Curvatures corresponding to each limit should
be calculated, and the lower one adopted for design. Thus if c is the distance from the extreme
compression fibre of the concrete to the neutral axis and d is the distance from the extreme
compression fibre to the reinforcing bar furthest from the neutral axis, then the limit state
curvatures corresponding to the concrete and reinforcement limit strains are, respectively,


/(d c)

A u s t r o a d s 2 0 1 2
The lower of
is chosen as the design limit state curvature
for the section.
Section 5 does not codify the procedure for determining the displacement capacity of piers from
the limit state strains. This is because there are a number of different procedures available. The
most common method uses an equivalent plastic hinge length, L
and the curvature
at the
critical section corresponding to the more critical of the reinforcement and concrete limit state
strains. The plastic rotation capacity at the critical section is then defined by:

p y ls p
L ) ( = C8
sp c
L kL + C9
k = 08 . 0 1 2 . 0



bl y
d f 022 . 0 C11
the distance from the critical section (e.g., column base) to the point of
contraflexure in the column


the yield curvature given in Equation 22

= ultimate strength of longitudinal reinforcement steel
= yield strength of longitudinal reinforcement steel
= diameter of longitudinal reinforcement steel.
With knowledge of the plastic rotation capacity of critical section, the structural plastic displacement
can be readily found, and added to the yield displacement. If foundation and bearing flexibility are
an issue, the corresponding displacements would need to be added. For a simple cantilever
column with height L
to the point of contraflexure (or centre of bearing), the design displacement
will thus be:

b yf c p y d
L + + + = C12

lateral displacement at superstructure resulting from foundation

= lateral displacement of pier-cap bearing

= the yield displacement given by Equation 21.
C5.11 Distribution of Design Horizontal Force (in the Transverse Direction)
Equation 38 distributed the total design force to the mass locations in proportion to the product of
mass times displacement.

A u s t r o a d s 2 0 1 2
C5.12 Design Seismic Moments in Potential Plastic Hinges
This clause requires that structural analysis under the design horizontal forces should not be based
on elastic stiffness, but on the effective secant stiffness to design displacement. Thus ductile
members will have their elastic stiffness reduced approximately by their displacement ductility
i.e. for member i
i e
i eff

This enables the moment demands at the potential plastic hinges to be determined by a structural
analysis which is compatible with the principles of displacement-based design summarised in
Figure C2 4.
Note that this analysis also provides a check on displacements. The displacement profile from the
analysis should correspond to the initial design assumption. In the case of a bridge with two load
paths (e.g. transverse seismic response with superstructure elastic flexure and inelastic column
flexure, as illustrated in Figure C2 5, the proportion of the total horizontal inertia force carried by
superstructure flexure and column bending will need to be assumed at the start of the design, in
order to determine the equivalent viscous damping. If the displacements from the analysis differ
from the assumed displacement profile, adjustments will need to be made, by a simple iterative
process to this proportion. The procedure is outlined in detail in Priestley et al. (2007).
Note further that analyses reported in Priestley et al. (2007) show that if the structure represented
by Figure C2 5 has columns with identical stiffness in both longitudinal and transverse directions
(for example, circular cantilever columns with bearings-supported superstructure), then longitudinal
design, which is much simpler, will always govern.
C5.13 Vertical Seismic Response
This is essentially a repeat of Cl. 4.7.8. This could be simplified by direct reference to that clause.
C5.14 Moment Capacity at Potential Plastic Hinge Locations
Refer to Commentary clause C4.9, and recommendations for changes to Cl. 10.6 from AS 5100.5,
(Appendix B).
C5.15 P- Effects
Refer to Cl. 4.11 and C4.11.
C5.16 Design Abutment Forces
See C.4.7.7 for background. This clause gives options for determining the design abutment forces.
Inelastic time-history analyses have shown that simple modal analyses tend to be
non-conservative unless the bridge is designed to respond elastically. The methods of analysis
required in this clause ensure that adequate conservatism exists in abutment design.
C5.17 Capacity Design
Refer to C.4.12.
[Back to body text]

Austroads, 2012, Bridge Design Guidelines for Earthquakes, Sydney, A4,
pp.127. AP-T200-12.
Bridge design, earthquakes, earthquake design, displacement base
earthquake design
The provision for earthquake loads in bridge design is covered by Section 14 of
AS 5100.2:2004 Bridge design Part 2. Design loads. This section is based on
AS 1170.4:1993 Minimum design loads on structures Part 4: Earthquake
loads, which was updated in 2007 rendering most of the references in
AS 5100.2:2004 incompatible. These guidelines review the latest seismic
studies, developments and codes from other countries and updates
AS 5100.2:2004 in line with the recent changes in AS 1170.4 and current state
of the art information. An alternative displacement-based design method
suitable for inclusion in AS 5100.2 is also presented. The rationale and the
basis of the work are provided as commentaries and the displacement-based
design method is illustrated by the inclusion of four design examples.

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