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PhD in Rhetoric & Writing


Michigan State University 2009

Digital RhetoRics & PRofessional WRiting cultuRal RhetoRics

Assistant Professor of Rhetoric & Composition

Committee: Malea Powell (chair), Julie Lindquist, Dnielle Nicole DeVoss, Dean Rehberger Dissertation: Media Praxis: Reading Cultural Institutions

MA in English Research Prcis

My scholarship demonstrates a commitment to focused interdisciplinary engagement across cultural rhetorics, digital rhetorics, composition, and administration. I weave these strands of my scholarship together under the rhetoric of storytelling. Storytelling, for me, is a rhetorical-material discursive formation that uses and/or produces culturally relevant codes. In this sense, it is an embodied rhetoric in which the particularities of linguistic culture, historical moment, and social responsibility become explicit through various semiotic modes of expression (Kates, 1997, p. 61). Stories are the accumulation of situated knowledge that shape, influence, and produce identity and representation (Maracle, 1994). Thus, my research applies a combined Cultural Studies and Rhetorical Studies approach to contemporary media examples as well those found in archival records in order to rhetorically analyze relationships between the cultural construction of identity and the ways in which various cultures and individuals are represented through textual, digital, and material media.

California State University, San Bernardino 2005


Director: Jacqueline Rhodes Combined thesis: The Literacy Event Horizon: Examining Orality and Literacy in Leslie Marmon Silkos Ceremony

MA in English
California State University, San Bernardino 2005

teaching english as a seconD language

Director: Sunny Hyon Combined thesis: The Literacy Event Horizon: Examining Orality and Literacy in Leslie Marmon Silkos Ceremony

BA in English Literature
California State University, San Bernardino 2001
Cum Laude departmental honors: Shakespeare: The Authorship Question

Scholarship Key Words:

stoRytelling iDentity

& RePResentation

emboDieD RhetoRics multimeDia/multimoDal comPosition sPace

& Place & mentoRing


Pedagogy Key Words:


...storytellers do not represent the world; they call forth worlds that can be inhabited and that generate new stories. ~ John D. Niles

& Digital RhetoRics

histoRy anD theoRies of RhetoRic technical anD PRofessional WRiting comPosition teaching With technology

Washington State University, Tri-Cities 2710 Crimson Way Richland, WA 99354-1671 phone: 509/372-7182 fax: 509/372-7118

Assistant Professor of Rhetoric and Composition

Washington State University 2009 - present

academic appointments

DePaRtment of english (incluDes WPa aPPointment) In addition to my administrative role, I teach graduate level courses in Rhetoric & Professional Writing; undergraduate level courses in Composition and in Rhetoric & Professional Writing; and undergraduate level courses in the Digital Technology and Culture Program. Teaching these courses includes curriculum development, text selection, schedule planning, syllabus preparation, and assignment design, as well as assessment and guidance. Additionally, I meet with students for individual conferences on writing projects and design and implement critical peer review processes in class. Most courses are taught in computer mediated environments.

Digital Writing Consultant

Michigan State University 2008 - 2009
msu WRiting centeR Responsible for one-with-one consulting for digital/multimedia writing projects (i.e. websites, PowerPoint presentations, document design issues, etc); provided online consulting with the Department of Nursing; and developed, delivered, and participated in various workshops and presentations, including writing-across-the-curriculum and classroom support workshops such as the peer review process.

Graduate Teaching Assistant

Michigan State University 2004 - 2008
DePaRtment of WRiting, RhetoRic, anD ameRican cultuRes Teacher of record for Tier I writing courses across a variety of course themes in the independent writing program at the freshman level. As teacher of record, I was solely responsible for the development of course syllabi and assignments, text selection, planning and scheduling, facilitating conferences and peer reviews, as well as assessment and guidance. All courses were taught in a computer mediated environment.

Graduate Teaching Assistant

California State University, San Bernardino 2003 - 2004
DePaRtment of english The graduate TA position in the Masters program was based on a competitive application process for one-year appointment teaching pre-college writing to English Language Learners as well as teaching Freshman Composition. As teacher of record, I was solely responsible for the development of course syllabi and assignments, planning and scheduling, facilitating conferences and peer reviews, as well as assessment and guidance.

Graduate Writing Consultant

California State University, San Bernardino 2002 - 2004
csusb WRiting centeR Responsible for one-with-one consulting for both undergraduate and graduate students, assisting with both personal and academic writing. Also responsible for planning and facilitating ESL conversation groups and specialized in consulting with English Language Learners. Provided in-class workshops on the writing process, peer review, and citation practices.
Washington State University, Tri-Cities 2710 Crimson Way Richland, WA 99354-1671 phone: 509/372-7182 fax: 509/372-7118

Andra D. Davis

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EditEd VolumEs Davis, A. & Webb, S. (forthcoming 2013). Metamorphosis: The Effects of Professional Development on Graduate Students. Fountainhead Press in the X Series on Professional Development. Eyman, D. & Davis, A. (manuscript in revision). Play/Write: Video Games and Writing Instruction. [with interest from Parlor Press] EditEd Journals Co-Editor. (2009-2012). Kairos: A Journal of Rhetoric, Technology, and Pedagogy. Praxis Section. (Assistant Editor from 2006-2009). Book ChaptErs Davis, A. (manuscript in preparation - proposal accepted). Trading Spaces: The Rhetoric of Reconfiguration, in DeVoss, D.N. & Purdy, J. (Eds.) Making Space: Writing Instruction, Infrastructure, and Multiliteracies. Davis, A. (manuscript in preparation - proposal accepted). Home: I Write This Space, in Brooks-Gillies, M., Garcia, E., Lindquist, L & Webb, S. (Eds.) Echoes of Home: Bringing Home to Work. Davis, A. (forthcoming 2013). Introduction: Exigency and Unintended Consequences, in Davis, A. & Webb, S. (Eds.) Metamorphosis: The Effects of Professional Development on Graduate Students. Fountainhead Press in the X Series on Professional Development. Davis, A., DeVoss, D.N., Lackey, D. & Webb, S. (2010). Remix, Play, and Remediation: Undertheorized Composing Practices, in Urbanski, H. (Ed.) Writing and the Digital Generation: Essays on New Media Rhetoric. McFarland Press. pEEr-rEViEwEd artiClEs & wEBtExts Davis, A. (under review). Troping the Native Archive: Material Rhetorics and Storytelling from the Heye Collection and the National Museum of the American Indian. [under review at American Quarterly] Davis, A. & Cozza, V. (manuscript in preparation - proposal accepted) WAC/WID Campus Concerns: Growing Pains or Perspectives From a Small Branch Campus. [under review with Across The Disciplines] Davis, A. & Lackey, D. (manuscript in preparation). The Pedagogy Of Social Content Curation: What Piques Their Pinterest? [with interest from Kairos: A Journal of Rhetoric, Technology, and Pedagogy] Davis, A. (2011). Growing Our Discipline: An Interview with Malea Powell. Composition Forum, 23(spring) 2011. DigiRhet Research Collective. (2008). old + old + old = new: a copyright manifesto for the digital world. Kairos: A Journal of Rhetoric, Technology, and Pedagogy, 12(3) [Special issue: Manifestos!]. rEViEw Essays & wEBtExts Davis, A. (2007). Review of Krista Ratcliffes Rhetorical Listening: Identification, Gender, Whiteness in the Journal of Business and Technical Communication, 21:324-327.

scholarship & publications

Washington State University, Tri-Cities 2710 Crimson Way Richland, WA 99354-1671 phone: 509/372-7182 fax: 509/372-7118

Andra D. Davis

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Grant sCholarship intErnal: washinGton statE uniVErsity Davis, A. (2013 - under review). Analyzing Intercultural Relations Between Euro-American Settlers and Native American Populations in North America Through Archival Records. New Faculty Seed Grant . $20,790.00. Davis, A. (2013 - under review). Analyzing Intercultural Relations Between Euro-American Settlers and Native American Populations in North America Through Archival Records. Berry Family Faculty Excellence Fellows Grant. $24,203.00. Grant sCholarship Extramural Davis, A. (2012 - not funded). Back Story: A Cultural Rhetorical Reading of the Warners Ranch Indian Removal. National Endowment for the Humanities Summer Stipend. Davis, A. (2012 - not funded). Book Project: The Contribution of Edward H. Davis Storytelling and Ethnological Collecting to Understanding California Native Tribal Cultures. National Endowment for the Humanities Fellowship.

scholarship & publications

Cozza, V., Aebersold, A. & Davis, A. (2013 - proposed). Linking Rhetorics, Feminisms, and Global Communities: Interrogating Sites of Action. Feminism(s) & Rhetoric(s) Conference, California. Davis, A. (2012). Re/Framing the NMAI: Storytelling and the Invisible Influence of Institutional Memory. Rhetoric Society of America Conference, Pennsylvania. Muhlhauser, P., Davis, A. & Cozza, V. (2012). Shaping TEXTure(s): Memory, Identity, and Pedagogy. Computers & Writing Conference, North Carolina. Kelly-Riley, D., Bell, N. & Davis, A. (2011). On-going issues of curriculum and writing placement validity: Adapting an ESL first-year composition program to a multi-lingual campus. WPA 2011 (Writing Program Administration), Louisiana. Davis, A. (2011). Contested Space, Contested Knowledge: Exploring Storytelling as Embodied Rhetoric. Conference on College Composition and Communication, Georgia. Davis, A. (2010). The Visual Culture of Edward H. Davis: Discursive Contexts of Ethnographic Photographs. Visual Culture & Global Practices: 45th Annual Comparative Literature Conference, California. Davis, A., Lindquist, J. & Smith, L. (2008). Toward A Culturally Responsible Rhetoric: Attending to Everyday Narrative Practices. Rhetoric Society of America Conference, Washington. Gossett, K., Lamanna, C., & Davis, A. (2008).Rhetorical Memory and Delivery 2.0: Changing Realities of the Future through Writing Realties of the Past. Conference on College Composition and Communication, Louisiana.
Washington State University, Tri-Cities 2710 Crimson Way Richland, WA 99354-1671 phone: 509/372-7182 fax: 509/372-7118

conference presentations

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Davis, A. (2007). Leeroy Jenkins! What Computer Gamers Can Teach Us About Visual Arguments, 2007 Popular Culture Association/American Culture Association National Conference: Digital Games, Massachusetts. Eyman, D., Davis, A. & Whittemore, S. (2007). Play and Pedagogy: Games, Gaming, and Teaching Writing, Conference on College Composition and Communication: Computer Connection, New York. DeVoss, D.N., Penniman, M., Reyes, R., Tasaka, R., Lackey, D. & Davis, A. (2007). old + old = new: writing multimedia, remixing culture, remixing identity. Conference on College Composition and Communication, New York. Davis, A., Fero, M. & Lindquist, L. (2006). How Class Works in the Writing Classroom: Embodied Experiences of Pedagogy, How Class Works - 2006 Conference, New York. Davis, A. (2006). Multimedia Delivery and the Contextualizing of Native Spaces, Computers & Writing Conference, Texas. DigiRhet Research Collective. (2006). old+old+old = new: Multimedia writing, copyright, and remix culture, Computers & Writing Conference, Texas. Davis, A. (2006). The Rhetoric of Space and Place at the National Museum of the American Indian, Seventh Annual CIC American Indian Studies Consortium Graduate Student Conference and Paper Competition, Indiana. Davis, A. (2006). Leeroy Jenkins! Gaming and Visual Argumentation, Conference on College Composition and Communication: Computer Connection, Illinois. Davis, A. (2005). Rhetorical Doubling: Reading the Mission Statement of the National Museum of the American Indian, 5th Biennial Feminism(s) & Rhetoric(s) Conference, Michigan. Davis, A. (2004). Collaboration vs. Competition: Feminist Principles in Campus Organizations, Annual California State University State-wide Research Competition, California. (2nd place winner Arts & Sciences) Haviland, C., Asbell, A., Boland, M., Costino, K. & Davis, A. (2003). Reframing Our Houses: Using Feminist Theories to Reshape English Departments and Universities,4th Biennial Feminism(s) & Rhetoric(s) Conference, Ohio. Davis, A. (2003). Labov and Lessing: Narrative Analysis of a Holocaust Survivors Story, Annual California State University Research Competition, California. (campus winner in Arts & Sciences placing me in state-wide competition)

conference presentations

Washington State University, Tri-Cities 2710 Crimson Way Richland, WA 99354-1671 phone: 509/372-7182 fax: 509/372-7118

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Mentored Grant Proposal Writing Workshop (with Dr. Stephen Russell 2011). Selected participant (university-wide application process). Workshop resulted in NEH Fellowship proposal. Varg-Sullivan Award for Outstanding Graduate Student Achievement in the Arts and Letters. (program nominee 2008). Michigan State University. Selected Symposium Participant. (2007). Indigenous Past and Present First Annual Symposium Contesting Knowledge: Museums and Indigenous Perspectives. CIC-AIS, Newberry Library, Illinois. Kairos Graduate Student/Adjunct Teaching Award. (2006). For classroom-based practice employing computers and writing pedagogies to promote student learning. Kairos: A Journal of Rhetoric, Technology, and Pedagogy in association with Bedford/St. Martins Press.

awards & honors

Invited Teaching

invited teaching & presentations

EnGlish 302: introduCtion to EnGlish studiEs fall 2012

Washington State University, Tri-Cities

Taught two-week unit introducing students to the Digital Technology and Culture degree housed in English, providing an overview of multimedia authoring principles and an introduction to the social constructions of gender, sexuality, race, the body, and class in digital environments. EnGlish 302: introduCtion to EnGlish studiEs fall 2011 & fall 2010

Washington State University, Tri-Cities

Taught two-week unit introducing students to the Rhetoric & Professional Writing option in English, including historical background of rhetoric and its application in contemporary academic programs at the undergraduate and graduate levels.

Invited Presentations
usinG rhEtoriC for EffECtiVE lEadErship & CommuniCation fall 2012

Leadership Prosser Community Leadership Program

Provided half-day workshop for local business and community leaders on the importance of using rhetoric for effective communication and leadership in the community. knowinG whEn to say yEs: mEntorinG and profEssional dEVElopmEnt


English Graduate Organization, Washington State University

Presented one of the professional development sessions for English graduate students and TAs about how to develop mentor relationships and to cultivate appropriate professional develop opportunities. twils: tEaChinG writinG in thE lifE sCiEnCEs sprinG 2009

Michigan State University

Taught workshop to instructors of Life Sciences to design writing assignments; facilitated creation of new assignment and rubric designs based on expanded concepts writing; and facilitated peer evaluation of assignments and rubrics. Andra D. Davis

Washington State University, Tri-Cities 2710 Crimson Way Richland, WA 99354-1671 phone: 509/372-7182 fax: 509/372-7118

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Washington State University (2009 - present)

assistant PRofessoR of RhetoRic & comPosition

teaching experience

Graduate Level Courses (taught through video conference classrooms)

RhetoRic & PRofessional WRiting

English 509: Classical Rhetoric & Its Influences English 534: Theories & Methods of the Teaching of Technical & Professional Writing

Undergraduate Level Courses


English 101: Introductory Writing English 200: Expository Writing (four separate independent studies) English 301: Writing & Rhetorical Conventions

RhetoRic & PRofessional WRiting

English 302: Introduction to English Studies (guest taught 2-week unit) [two sections on rhetoric] English 360: Principles of Rhetoric English 361: Everyday Rhetorics of Popular Culture English 362: Rhetorics of Racism English 402: Technical & Professional Writing [two sections] English 405: Advanced Professional Writing & Editing English 460: The Scope of Rhetoric English 498: Professional Writing Certificate internship [twenty-three sections] English 499: Independent Study [eight sections]

Digital technology & cultuRe

English 302: Introduction to English Studies (guest taught 2-week unit) [one section on DTC] DTC 336: Composition & Design DTC 338: Special Topics Digital Content Curation DTC/Engl 356: The Rhetoric of Information [three sections] DTC/Engl 375: Language, Texts, & Technology DTC/Engl 475: Digital Diversity DTC/Engl 476: Digital Literacies DTC 498: Internship [eleven sections] DTC 499: Independent Study [four sections]

Washington State University, Tri-Cities 2710 Crimson Way Richland, WA 99354-1671 phone: 509/372-7182 fax: 509/372-7118

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Michigan State University (2004 - 2008)

gRaDuate teaching assistant (teacheR of RecoRD)

teaching experience

Undergraduate Level Courses

comPosition & RhetoRic

WRA 1004: Preparation for College Writing

Fall 2005 visual rhetoric Fall 2004 exploring themes of community Spring 2007 science and technology as weapons of culture wars Fall 2006 rhetoric & representation in science and technology Spring 2008 writing: media, law & justice Fall 2007 digital and cultural experiences of race and ethnicity Spring 2006 a rhetorical look at Native American literature Spring 2005 virtual community ethnography

WRA 110: Writing Science & Technology

WRA 115: Writing Law & Justice

WRA 125: Writing the American Ethnic and Racial Experience

WRA 150: Writing Evolution of American Thought

California State University, San Bernardino (2003 - 2004)

gRaDuate teaching assistant (teacheR of RecoRD)

Undergraduate Level Courses

comPosition & RhetoRic

Eng 101: Freshman Composition

spring 2004 freshman composition fall & winter 2003 (two course sequence taught in consecutive quarters)

Eng 86a & Eng 86b: Introduction to College Writing in the Multilingual Classroom

Washington State University, Tri-Cities 2710 Crimson Way Richland, WA 99354-1671 phone: 509/372-7182 fax: 509/372-7118

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Writing Program Administrator

administrative responsibilities
DePaRtment of english, tRi-cities camPus

Washington State University 2009 - present

sCholarship Maintain familiarity with current trends and developments in teaching, research, and scholarship of rhetoric, composition, and program administration; continually update and practice the scholarship of teaching and curriculum design. assEssmEnt Oversee Tri-Cities placement exams and University Writing Portfolios; collect and assess Senior English portfolios; determine programmatic needs; create and maintain databases tracking enrollments, and faculty and student performance; evaluate data on student recruitment and retention, grade distribution, and grade inflation; conduct program reviews; review and evaluate [M] course (re) certifications; assist with (re)certification of UColl courses; work with and compose reports for appropriate administrators. writinG CEntEr Mentor and collaborate with Writing Center Director overseeing day-to-day operations; participate in the hiring of all consultants; coordinate training program with Writing Center Director; oversee budget and payroll; maintain and update information for catalog, website, and campus notices. Composition proGram Design course syllabi; develop instructional modules; standardize and monitor course content; select and evaluate textbooks and handbooks; serve as liaison on the Composition Committee and the All University Writing Committee to ensure consistency of composition program between Pullman and Tri-Cities; determine number of course sections needed; evaluate enrollment trends; staff courses; monitor registration; implement campus-specific initiatives to support Tri-Cities student body such as diagnostic essays to calibrate placement. EnGlish planninG & dEVElopmEnt (tri-CitiEs) Participate in strategic planning, including mission statements, goals and objectives; develop planning and programmatic documents, including budget requests, hiring requests, five year plans, etc.; implement and direct Rhetoric & Professional Writing option in English; coordinate scheduling and program assessment for Literary Studies option in English with Literature faculty at Tri-Cities; Administer internships for Professional Writing Certificate, Global Leadership Certificate, and DTC; develop strategies for improving programs. faCulty & staff manaGEmEnt & dEVElopmEnt Determine need for and plan specialized workshops and events for Writing-Across-the-Curriculum and Writing-In-the-Disciplines; arbitrate grade disputes and resolve complaints such as faculty/student academic integrity issues; supervise writing program office administrative and secretarial staff. faCulty adVoCaCy & mEntorinG Lead the ongoing advocacy for just and equitable teaching loads for Tri-Cities English clinical faculty; continue to pursue administrative course releases for WPA and Writing Center Director; hire and supervise adjuncts and TAs after consultation with relevant faculty; mentor junior tenure-track, and all clinical and adjunct faculty. adVisinG Write letters of recommendation for undergraduate and graduate students; advise students about courses in the major/minor or about programs of study; advise students in various Certificates. Andra D. Davis

Washington State University, Tri-Cities 2710 Crimson Way Richland, WA 99354-1671 phone: 509/372-7182 fax: 509/372-7118

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workshops & institutEs Presenter. (2008). Demystifying the ANGEL Course Management System. Writing, Rhetoric & American Cultures, Michigan State University. Presenter. (2008). Davis, A., Walls, D., DeVoss, D.N., Wirtz, J. & Kripintiris, K. Teaching Writing in Computer-based Environments: Issues, Advice, and Materials. Rhetoric & Writing Technology Workshop, Michigan State University. Presenter. (2008). Writing in the Disciplines, A workshop for College of Agriculture and Natural Resources Tier II Instructors, Michigan State University. Presenter. (2006). ESL Writers in the Composition Classroom. Writing, Rhetoric, & American Cultures TA Orientation Workshop, Michigan State University. spECial traininG Participant. (2012). Washington Women Veterans Conference. Tacoma, WA. Participant. (2010). Information Literacy and the Teaching of Writing Conference, Washington State University, Spokane. Participant. (2008). TWILS: Teaching Writing in the Life Sciences. Intensive 10-day workshop on teaching writing across the curriculum (WAC/WID), Michigan State University. Participant. (2007 and 2008). Michigan Writing Program Administration Annual Meeting, Michigan State University. Participant. (2005). WritingTech 2005: A Faculty Technology Workshop for Writing Teachers. Rhetoric & Writing, Michigan State University.

professional activities

GraduatE lEVEl

committees & mentoring

Washington State University

Dissertation committee member for Pam Chisum. Becoming Visible in Invisible Space: How the Cyborg Trickster is (Re)inventing NDN Identity. Expected completion May 2013. Thesis committee member for Thomas Pickering. Topic: Composition Labor, Political Economy & Critical Theory. Expected completion May 2014. Teaching Assistant Mentor. (2005-2008). Writing, Rhetoric, & American Cultures Program. Founding Chair and mentor. (2006-2008). Writing, Rhetoric & Praxis (WRAP), Graduate Student Organization.

Michigan State University

undErGraduatE lEVEl

Washington State University

Sisterhood: The Women Veterans Alliance of WSU-TC (2012-2013) Vet Friendly Listener Program, WSU-TC (2011- present) Sigma Tau Delta officer mentor. (1998-2000). Graduate mentor to undergraduate officers of Sigma Tau Delta local chapter.
Washington State University, Tri-Cities 2710 Crimson Way Richland, WA 99354-1671 phone: 509/372-7182 fax: 509/372-7118

California State University, San Bernardino

Andra D. Davis

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Committee Member. (2012 - present). Curriculum & Planning Committee. Department of English, Washington State University. Faculty Advisor. (2011-2013). Veterans & Allies RSO. Washington State University, Tri-Cities. Committee Chair. (2011-2012). Tenure-Track Faculty Hiring Committee (Writing Center Director, Rhetoric & Composition). Washington State University, Tri-Cities. Committee Member. (2011-2012). Tenure-Track Faculty Hiring Committee (Digital Technology and Culture Director). Washington State University, Tri-Cities. Committee Chair. (2010-2011). Tenure-Track Faculty Hiring Committee (Writing Center Director, Rhetoric & Composition). Washington State University, Tri-Cities. Committee Co-Chair. (2010-2011). Tenure-Track Faculty Hiring Committee (Multilingual Composition). Washington State University, Tri-Cities. Faculty Advisor. (2009-2010). Equality, Vision, Empowerment (EVE) student organization. Washington State University, Tri-Cities. Faculty Advisor for Undergraduate English Majors. (2009-present). Department of English. Washington State University, Tri-Cities. Committee Member. (2009-present). College of Liberal Arts Visionary Subcommittee. Washington State University, Tri-Cities. Committee Member. (2012-2013). Presidents Advisory Council on Veteran Affairs. Washington State University. Committee Member. (2011-2012). Synergistic Opportunities Subcommittee - College of Arts & Sciences Integration. Washington State University. Committee Member. (2010-present). All-University Writing Committee. Washington State University. Committee Member. (2009-present). Composition Committee. Washington State University. Department Representative. (2006-2007). Council of Graduate Students, Michigan State University. Project Team Member. (2006-2007). Carriers of Culture: Living Native Basket Traditions, Michigan State University Museum. Committee Member. (2013 - present). Conference on College Composition and Communication Engagement Committee. Reviewer. (2013). Conference on College Composition and Communication, Nevada. Reviewer. (2012). Conference on College Composition and Communication, Missouri. Reviewer. (2012). Computers & Writing Conference, North Carolina. Reviewer. (2011). Conference on College Composition and Communication, Georgia. Reviewer. (2011). Computers & Writing Conference, Michigan. Reviewer. (2009). 7th Biennial Feminisms and Rhetorics Conference, Michigan. Conference planner. (2007-2009). Expanding Literacy Studies, an International, Interdisciplinary Conference for Graduate Students spring 2009 event at Ohio State University. Graduate Research Network Executive Committee. (2006-2009). Computers & Writing. Reviewer. (2006). Studies in American Indian Literatures (SAIL).




Member/Advisor. (2012 - present). Leadership Prosser, Washington. Writing Contest Judge. (2005, 2006, and 2008). Montcalm Community College, Michigan.

Washington State University, Tri-Cities 2710 Crimson Way Richland, WA 99354-1671 phone: 509/372-7182 fax: 509/372-7118

Andra D. Davis

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knowledge & skills

Mac and Windows platforms MS Office Suite

Windows 3.1 - Windows 7; Mac OS X (Mountain Lion) All versions - MS Word, MS Excel, MS PowerPoint, MS Access, MS Outlook, MS Entourage Web design including layout, color, typography, navigation, graphic elements, and multimedia Intermediate level image design and editing Document design and content creation for print and web Intermediate to advanced level web development Intermediate to advanced level ability to view, create, manipulate, print and manage files for print and web

HTML & CSS Design Adobe Photoshop Adobe InDesign Adobe Dreamweaver Adobe Acrobat Pro

American Culture Association American Society for the History of Rhetoric Coalition of Women Scholars In the History of Rhetoric Conference on College Composition and Communication Council of Writing Program Administrators DigiRhet Research Collective Modern Language Association National Council of Teachers of English Rhetoric Society of America TechRhet

professional memberships

Washington State University, Tri-Cities 2710 Crimson Way Richland, WA 99354-1671 phone: 509/372-7182 fax: 509/372-7118

Andra D. Davis

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