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org built on Open Source and Open Standards

Mathias Bauer Project Lead Writer Sun Microsystems Inc. project and community

About the project > Released in 2000 under LGPL; starting with 3.0 Beta LGPLv3 > Platforms Windows, Linux, Solaris and since 3.0 Mac OSX > Official builds in 75 languages from Sun: > Other builds and brands (e.g. Sun's StarOffice) Community > Main contributor Sun Microsystems Inc. > Others: Novell, RedFlag2000, IBM, Red Hat etc. > More developers in smaller groups or individuals > ~880 registered developers (June 2008) > ~100 localization projects in our Native Language (NL) community > > Volunteer and paid support:
> > OpenOffice extensions:
LATA Conference 2008 Distribution
Downloads >130Mio in total from main site (more than 1Mio per week) After 3.0 release an Oct 12th 2008: ~10Mio (~350k per day) Several millions distributed on CD Included in all important Linux distributions

LATA Conference 2008

Low-cost laptops drive OOo adoption

LATA Conference 2008

Perspectives: The majority of people has not chosen an office suite, yet!
It took more than a quarter of a century to reach the first billion users, but with advancing technology, lower prices, and global demand for a technology-aware population, it will take only seven years to reach the next billion.

LATA Conference 2008

June 2007

What is Free Software?

Free Software Definition

i. The freedom to use a program for any purpose ii. The freedom to study how a program works iii. The freedom to modify a program iv. The freedom to redistribute a program

Free as in freedom of speech, not as in free lunch An ethical dimension to software development In practice, similar to Open Source The two are often conflated, FOSS, FLOSS, Free and Open Source... Free software means choice > No license costs to be paid upfront > Pay for what you need or do it yourself

LATA Conference 2008

Adoption of
LATA Conference 2008

Offline distribution
LATA Conference 2008

Obstacles for the adoption of OOo

> A change is scary if it can't be calculated completely > Go with the market leader!

1980: "Nobody ever got fired for buying IBM hardware." V2.0: Nobody will get fired for buying Microsoft software. > Best to fight with positive examples,en/

Costs of change
> New user interface and new work flows can require user training > Users will need more training for MS Office 2007 than for > Quality of change management is important

Missing features or integration into 3rd party applications

LATA Conference 2008

3 party support for integration into
> > > > > > > > > > >


MS SharePoint Alfresco SAP O3Spaces OpenText LiveLink FileNet Fabasoft Folio SugarCRM Drupal Collanos Drupal

LATA Conference 2008

An open standard will free documents and prevents the user lock-in created by proprietary file formats

LATA Conference 2008

Freedom of documents
You should have the right to own your own information. It's your intellectual capital and you worked hard to produce it for your citizens. Sun doesn't own it, Microsoft doesn't own it, you own it, and that means it should be living in a nice, longlived, non-proprietary data format that isn't anyone's competitive weapon.
Tim Bray Sun Microsystems

LATA Conference 2008


LATA Conference 2008

Defined in an Open, Transparent Process

Mailing lists open to the public Individual members allowed Public meeting agendas and minutes Received public comments are publicly visible Public review period (now 60 days)

ISO/IEC 26300
LATA Conference 2008

Growing ODF adoption

Applications supporting ODF
> > > > > > > > > > > StarOffice IBM Symphony Microsoft Office (via Sun ODF plug in) KOffice Google Docs & Spreadsheet AbiWord ZOHO Writer Textmaker 2006 Apple Mac OS X Leopard ...

LATA Conference 2008


put government data online in universally accessible formats.

Senator Barack Obama in a speech at Google's Mountain View, Calif., campus where he revealed his detailed IT plan for a more open and technically enabled government

LATA Conference 2008

ODF in the Public Sector

Commonwealth of Massachusetts, USA (ETRM) Belgium (Fedict) Spain / Extremadura Netherlands South Africa (MIOS) Russia Denmark France (RGI) Germany Malaysia (MAMPU) Brasil (e-Ping) ... and counting!

LATA Conference 2008

Gartner says ...

By 2010, ODF document exchange will be required by 50 percent of government and 20 percent of commercial organizations (0.7 probability).

LATA Conference 2008

Microsoft's latest comment to ODF

Microsoft stated that ODF has clearly won
(Stuart McKee, National Technology Officer at Microsoft)

What does that mean?

LATA Conference 2008

Microsoft relation to standards

I love the way Microsoft follows standards. In much the same manner that fish follow migrating caribou.
Paul Tomblin
LATA Conference 2008

Sun ODF Plugin for MS Office

Enables MS Office 2000/2003/XP/2007 users to read and write ODF Based on OOo Best quality due to OOo filters

LATA Conference 2008

Modern information technology has turned the world into a village with amazing speed. It links people and builds bridges in a way which even quite recently we would have believed impossible. An open, unhindered exchange of information in all areas of life is of fundamental importance for today's knowledge-based society. It is an important foundation for our shared objective: a peaceful, democratic, pluralistic society. The Open Document Format, as a completely open and ISO-standardized format, is an excellent vehicle for the free exchange of knowledge and information in the globalized age. Frank-Walter Steinmeier Federal Foreign Minister, Germany

LATA Conference 2008

More than 500 members from more than 50 countries since March 2006, e.g.: BBC, Bristol City Council, Bull, Corel, EDS, EMC, Google, IBM, Novell, Oracle, Red Hat, Software AG, Sun Microsystems, City of Vienna, etc.
LATA Conference 2008

ODF Toolkit at OOo

LATA Conference 2008

brand new: ODF Toolkit at

Sun and IBM co-founded the project Goal is to give the ODF Toolkit a broader scope

LATA Conference 2008

Open Source needs Open Standards!

Mathias Bauer

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