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Quiz questions(2012)

Common 1. 2 balls(with same mass) are released with same velocity. Which ball will reach first?(diagram) Fixed 1. Will time period of pendulum clock change according to change in season? 2. Why do you see vapours blown from your mouth in winter..? 3. Why water does not come out of pipe when it is closed by one end even when it is made upside down? 4. 1 kg of hydrogen and 1 kg of chlorine are reacted. Which gas will remain?

Passing 1. Galilio was of the opinion that earth revolves around the earth and his peers thought thatr sun moved around the earth. But if motion is based on frame of reference, arent the 22 viewpoints equally correct or wrong..? 2. If you have read newtons laws of motion very properly then you must have also read a sentence in a straight. Can any one explain why only straight? Why not some other path of motion(geodesic) or do you thinkj that this straight line thing is of no importance? 3. If an electron is losrt ny an atom then what will happen to its size? Explain your answer 4. 4. How does a catalyst work?

A/V 1. Hovercraft. Explain the priniciple


Common 1.can we cut ice with thread?

Fixed 1. Why is statue of liberty green despite of being made up of copper?

2. Will half life of 1g uranium be same as that of 2g of U? 3. 100 degree C is usual boiling point of water. Can it be increased or even decreased?how? 4. There are 2 flasks. One filed with oil and other with water. If 2 similar stones are dipped in both, rthen in which flask more volume of fluid is displaced and why..?

Passing 1. What causes lightening? 2. Why do scuba divers have to release their breath while coming out from the deep sea? 3. A flask with water is weighed. Then a weight is suspended in water and the whole assembly is again weighed. Compare the readings. 4. Four balls weighing 1,2,3,1 kg are hanged in succession touching each other. Now 1kg ball is released and hit against 3kg ball with some speed. Then what will happen to the other balls. Which ball will come out?

A/V 1.Siphoning. Explain the principle.


Common 1. Why does the point of sunrise appear to move across the horiaon throughout the year?

Fixed 1. Explain the principle of hot air balloon? 2. Why does it seem that planes move slowly even if they are moving very fast? 3. As far as ebility to float is concerned which one will float better. A flat piece of metal sheet or a one shaped like a boat.(explain your answer with proper explainations) 4. Explain how tides are formed.

Passing 1. It is kknown that bulls, deers, are colour blind. i.e. they can see only in black and white fassion. Then why the predators like tiger. Lions are camouflaged? 2. Why does air get cooler as altitude rises? 3. Glacial water and sea water , when mixed have distinct boundry. Why so? 4. Why is high tide on bith sides of the earth even if sun and moon are on the same side og the earth?(diagram)

A/V 1. Why does trickle of water froma tap get thinner?

Common 1. Why does moon look red during lunar eclipse?

Fixed 1. Is the atmospheric pressure same on the base of the following vesees?(diagram) 2. Two balls are projected with same speed. One downwards and one upwards. Compare the velocities with which they will hit the ground? 3. What will happen to time of pendulum in zero gravity field? Will it run?explain your ansers. 4. What is the use of starter in tubelight?

Passing 1. If iron and wood are kept at the same temperature and if u touch them for same amount of time,will your hand burnt in both cases? Give reasons of your answers(tell also in which case the degree of burn wil b higher?)

2. Why do insulators dont conduct? 3. Yuou are standing on the north pole how will you tell directions apart? 4. What causes lightening?

A/V Rainbow. Why do we see a full rainbow in this case and not normally?

New questions( year 2013) 1. 1 ball is projected horizontally with some velocity. And another ball is just released. Then compare their time to reach the ground 2. Why is water sprayed on new cement constructions like buildings?

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