Camp Nutrition Info

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Winning Sports Nutrition Tips

Eat a snack before early morning lifting session. Ideas are banana, graham crackers, toast with jelly, granola bar, apple EAT BREAKFAST. Fruit, peanut butter and toast, whole grain cereal and low-fat milk, granola bar, English muffin and slice of cheese, yogurt, egg sandwich, oatmeal Eat meal or snack every 3-5 hours to keep energy levels up and body fueled for practice. Take snacks with you in your bag to eat while on campus: fresh or dried fruit, dry cereal, whole grain crackers such as Triscuit or graham crackers, nuts, granola bar Fill 2/3 of your plate with carbohydrates. Foods that provide carbohydrate are whole grain breads, pasta, and rice, fruit, milk, and vegetables. Fill 1/3 of your plate with protein such as meat, cottage cheese, eggs, cheese, and peanut butter. Eat or drink at least 3 high calcium sources per day. A cup of low-fat or skim milk, a cup of yogurt, a slice of cheese, a glass of calcium-fortified orange juice. Important for strong bones, lean muscle mass, and nerve transmission. Carry a water bottle with you to drink throughout the day. Drink on a regular basis as thirst is NOT a good indicator of hydration status for athletes. Aim to drink at least 10 cups of water per day in addition to what you drink during workouts. Drink water or sports drink (PowerAde or Gatorade) during practice. Eat or drink something within 15-30 minutes after workouts for optimal recovery. Drink recovery drink, Powerade, milk or chocolate milk, granola bar, fruit etc. Eat a meal within 2 hours after exercise. Include at least one source of carbohydrate and one source of protein. Ideas for main part of meal are spaghetti with red sauce, meat or beans, quesadilla with chicken, beef, or refried beans and a little cheese, peanut butter or cold meat sandwich, or meat and vegetable stir-fry on brown rice Limit pop, candy, cake, cookiesthese choices do not provide much nutritional value.

Snacks can be a key part to an athletes diet. Often times you are on the go, sitting in class, or studying and hunger hits. You NEVER want to be stuck with an empty stomach, no snack, and practice later that day. You will feel fatigued and wont perform to your full potential. Pack snacks each day for optimal fueling throughout the day. Try to choose one or two from each group.

Dry cereal (Quaker Oat Squares, Honey Nut Cheerios, Multi-Grain Chex, etc.) Popcorn Pretzels Fruit (fresh or dried) Crackers (Triscuits, Saltines, TLC Kashi, Wheat thins etc.) Granola bar (Nature Valley Trail Mix, Kashi, etc.) Mini rice cakes

Hard boiled eggs String cheese Cottage cheese Yogurt Nuts (almonds, peanuts, sunflower seeds)

Peanut butter & jelly Trail mix w/ nuts, raisins, cereal, etc. Carrots w/ hummus Celery w/ peanut butter Cheese and crackers

Key times to have a snack: Pre-Exercise snack Post-Exercise snack Bedtime Any other time you feel hungry

1-2 hours before event Within 15 minutes after event 1-2 hours before bed Listen to your body!!!

Post-Exercise Fueling
Top three dietary priorities: 3 Rs Rehydrate -16-24 oz fluid for every 1 lb lost during workout Refuel -Consume carbohydrate-rich fluids or foods within 15-30 minutes after workout -Eat again within 2 hours Replenish energy stores -Include some protein with carbohydrate to optimize glycogen replacement in muscles Fluids: It is recommended that you replace lost fluids within 2 hours after your workout. To determine if you are rehydrated, check the color and volume of your urine. It should be pale in color (like lemonade) and not concentrated (like Mountain Dew). Water, sports drinks, juices, and milk are the best fluids to drink after exercise. Carbohydrate and Protein: After exercise, consume foods/fluids with both carbohydrate and protein. For optimal recovery, consume something within 15-30 minutes of your workout and again in 2 hours. If not eating a meal soon after a workout, eat a snack first followed by a meal later on. Post-exercise fueling snacks: 16 oz low-fat chocolate milk 1 cup orange juice and 1 cup low-fat yogurt 1 cup Fruit smoothie 2 cups cereal and 1 cup low-fat milk 1 cup Gatorade and 1 PowerBar 1 cup apple juice and 1 peanut butter sandwich cup cottage cheese and cup canned fruit 1 banana and 2 Tbsp peanut butter 1 cup pretzels and 1 string cheese

Meal Ideas: Spaghetti or Lasagna Thick crust (hand tossed) pizza with chicken and veggies Bean burrito Meat and vegetable stir-fry on rice Peanut butter sandwich and banana 3

Twelve Things You Can Do for Healthy Weight Loss

1. Limit beverages with calories such as juice, alcohol, soda, energy drinks, and sports drinks. Skim or 1%
milk is fine because it has many nutritional benefits. And water is tops for quenching your thirst and hydrating your body! Alcohol is an appetite stimulant. Thus, not only will you drink excess calories, youll likely eat more as well! Drink sports drinks (like Powerade or Gatorade) only during a long, hard practice or immediately after practice, not throughout the day! Your brain does not register liquid calories so you wont eat less later on to make up for them.

2. Include a fruit and or vegetable at every meal and snack. Not only are they good carb sources to give you
energy, they are packed with fiber, nutrients and compounds that fight disease. You are aiming for 8+ servings per day! They will help you to fill full and satisfied and the fruit can help with the sweet tooth!

3. Eat whole grains. Whole grains made with the complete grain are more nutritious then refined grains and will
keep you satisfied longer due to their fiber content. Whole grains include oatmeal, 100% whole wheat bread and crackers, Wheaties or Cheerios, whole wheat pasta, brown rice and popcorn (not movie style!)

4. Limit your use of condiments such as mayonnaise, butter, salad dressings, dips, etc. They offer little nutrition
and the calories add up quickly! Try using light or low-fat versions.

5. Limit your cheese intake to 1-2x/day (l slice, 1 string cheese, handful of shredded). Cheese is high in fat and
calories and it is everywhere. It does offer some nutrition for our bodies but it also adds artery-clogging saturated fat.

6. Avoid deep fried foods! Instead choose foods that have been grilled, baked, sauted, steamed or broiled. 7. Start your day with a good breakfast that includes both whole grain and protein. Eat snacks and lunch and
dont starve yourself or you will be wanting to eat all night long. Spread your calories evenly throughout the day. Dont skip mealseat every 3 to 5 hours to keep your blood sugar stable and your metabolism humming along!

8. Keep away from foods sources that tempt you. Its best to go out and enjoy one serving of these foods then to
bring large amounts into your home. Eat slowly and fully enjoy the taste of your food! Did you know it takes 20 minutes for the message to get from the stomach to the brain that you are full?

9. Select lean protein sources such as beans, fish, chicken and turkey without skin, eggs, lean beef and pork cuts
(look for the words round and loin) and low fat dairy such as skim and 1% milk, low fat yogurt, cottage cheese, and cheeses.

10. Combine food groups for more balanced eating and improved satisfaction.
Try to include at least 2 food groups with your snacks and 3-4 food groups for your meals.

11. Do not eat from the bag, box, or drink from the bottle. Put good and drinks on plates or in cups so you can
visually see how much you are taking in. If you eat from the bag you wont realize how much youve eaten until the bag is GONE!

12. Maintain your healthy eating habits 7 days a week. Practice good eating habits during the week and during the

Nutrition Tips for Gaining Muscle

Maximize eating opportunities- Be sure to eat 3 meals a day as well as 2-3 snacks. Carry snacks with you to eat throughout the day. Dont be caught hungry or without fuel. Drink high-calorie liquids- Drink low-fat milk, grape, apple, cranberry and pineapple juice. Carry cans of juice with you. Drink 16 or 24 oz of these liquids instead of just 8 oz. Order milkshakes or smoothies to increase calories. Make time for breakfast- This is a prime time to get in extra calories and you need the fuel for the day. If in a hurry, take a peanut butter and jelly sandwich and banana with you to class. Use bagel instead of bread for more calories. Keep a sports bar or energy bar on hand to eat with fruit juice. Eat before and after workouts. Its important to go into workouts being well fueled so you can work harder and meet your goals faster. A recovery snack is also important after workouts. Post-exercise is a crucial time for muscle recovery. Make a nutrition plan for Saturday and Sunday. Be sure to eat 3 meals and 2 or 3 snacks during the weekends as well. Even you want to sleep later, get up and eat breakfast and then go back to bed. Dont let your hardwork during the weekdays slip during the weekends. High-Calorie Snacks *Each snack has over 500 calories

3 cups crangrape juice drink 4 fig bars and 2 cups apple juice 1 piece of cheese pizza and 2 cups of grape juice 2 Pop Tarts and 1 cup of chocolate milk 8 packaged cheese crackers with peanut butter and 2 cups of 2 % milk 1 granola bar, cup raisins and 2 cups of pineapple juice 1 cup of fruit yogurt, 4 graham crackers, and 1 banana 1 turkey sandwich and 1 cup of 2% chocolate milk 2 cups granola cereal and 1 cup of 2% milk 2 packets instant breakfast drink (i.e.Carnation Instant breakfast) mixed with 2 cups of 2% milk A bagel with peanut butter and jelly and a banana A ham and cheese sandwich and 2 cups of orange juice An energy bar and 2 cups of chocolate milk *Add one high-energy snack to your normal diet. To increase calories by 1000 each day, add two snacks to your routine.

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