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Rscottoline hace 1 mes

This is "Music of the Ancient Greeks" by Ensemble De Organographia. The album "contains most of the extant Greek repertoire dating from c. 500 BCE to c. 300 CE including two choral fragments from Euripides' plays 'Orestes' and 'Iphigenaeia in Aulis,' 'Mesomedes' 'Hymn to the Sun,' 'Invocation of Calliope and Apollo,' 'Hymn to Nemesis,' as well as the 'Song of Seikilos,' and the two m monumental paeans found carved into the walls of the Athenian Treasury at Delphi and performed there in 127 BCE."

Music of Ancient Greece (Full Album 57 mins)! . ThoughtTraveler 156 videos Publicado el 14/04/2012 An audio visual production that sends you back to Bronze age Greece. Stunning Ancirent Greek images and authentic period music will allow you mind to leave the hectic modern madhouse and for an hour commune with the spirit of Helas. If enough intrest is shown in my video I will post the song titles. But...I think people do not much care about Ancient History....Just us History buffs...

Mejores comentarios klitosp hace 1 mes

Here is the song list, but in reverse order as it appears in the video: 24 Paean and processional, Limenius (127 AD) 7:15 23 Paean, Anonymous (late 2nd c AD) 1:41 22 Instrumental piece, Anonymous (2ndc AD) 2:26 21 Tragic dialogue on Orestes, Anonymous (2nd c AD) 2:31 20 Hymn to Nemesis, Mesomedes (1st c AD) 1:34 19 Instrumental exercises, Anonymous (2nd c AD) 2:37 18 Dramatic recitative, Anonymous (c 100 AD) 2:16 17 Christian hymn, Anonymous (3rd c AD) 2:27 klitosp hace 1 mes 08 Dramatic fragment, Anonymous (3rd c AD) Oxyrhynchus papyrus 3161-1 1:00 07 Delphic paean, Athenaeus (127 BC) 3:41 06 Invocation of Calliope and Apollo, Mesomedes (1st c AD) 3:20 05 Invocation of the Muse, Anonymous (2nd c AD) 1:25 04 Song, Seikilos (1st c AD) 2:05 03 Dramatic speech, Anonymous (c 100 AD) Oslo papyrus inv 1413 2:06 02 Hyn to the Sun, Mesomedes (1st c AD) 2:44 01 Salpinx call, the Sappho Painter (5th c BC) 0:25

klitosp hace 1 mes 16 Piece mentioning Erinyes, Anonymous (2nd c AD) 3:04 1 15 Dramatic lament on Ajax's suicide, Anonymous (late 2nd c AD) 4:26 14 Instrumental piece, Anonymous (2nd c AD) 1:54 13 Piece of satyr play, Anonymous (2nd c AD) 2:38 12 Choral ode from Iphigeneia at Aulis, Euripedes (c 404 BC) 1:16 11 Choral ode from Orestes, Euripides (c 408 BC) 1:11 10 Dramatic fragment, Anonymous (c 200 BC) Vienna papyrus 1:21 09 Dramatic fragment, Anonymous (3rd c AD) Oxyrhynchus papyrus 3161-4 1:08

08 Dramatic fragment, Anonymous (3rd c AD) Oxyrhynchus papyrus 3161-1 1:00 07 Delphic paean, Athenaeus (127 BC) 3:41 0 06 Invocation of Calliope and Apollo, Mesomedes (1st c AD) 3:20 05 Invocation of the Muse, Anonymous (2nd c AD) 1:25 04 Song, Seikilos (1st c AD) 2:05 03 Dramatic speech, Anonymous (c 100 AD) Oslo papyrus inv 1413 2:06 02 Hyn to the Sun, Mesomedes (1st c AD) 2:44 01 Salpinx call, the Sappho Painter (5th c BC) 0:25

klitosp hace 1 mes

16 Piece mentioning Erinyes, Anonymous (2nd c AD) 3:04 15 Dramatic lament on Ajax's suicide, Anonymous (late 2nd c AD) 4:26 14 Instrumental piece, Anonymous (2nd c AD) 1:54 13 Piece of satyr play, Anonymous (2nd c AD) 2:38 12 Choral ode from Iphigeneia at Aulis, Euripedes (c 404 BC) 1:16 11 Choral ode from Orestes, Euripides (c 408 BC) 1:11 10 Dramatic fragment, Anonymous (c 200 BC) Vienna papyrus 1:21 09 Dramatic fragment, Anonymous (3rd c AD) Oxyrhynchus papyrus 3161-4 1:08

08 Dramatic fragment, Anonymous (3rd c AD) Oxyrhynchus papyrus 3161-1 1:00 07 Delphic paean, Athenaeus (127 BC) 3:41 06 Invocation of Calliope and Apollo, Mesomedes (1st c AD) 3:20 05 Invocation of the Muse, Anonymous (2nd c AD) 1:25 04 Song, Seikilos (1st c AD) 2:05 03 Dramatic speech, Anonymous (c 100 AD) Oslo papyrus inv 1413 2:06 02 Hyn to the Sun, Mesomedes (1st c AD) 2:44 01 Salpinx call, the Sappho Painter (5th c BC) 0:25 SAEZ Virginia hace 1 mes Many years ago I bought an LP and then 3 different CDs containing reconstructions of Ancient Greek music. The LP was made by the Spanish during the 1970s, I think they were the very first ones in doing this. Then, French and Greek "bands" made their own versions. I like this one, but I never heard it before. When was it released? Thanks a lot for sharing :)

Rscottoline hace 1 mes Andonis, if you want more info, just google Ensemble De Organographia.

Rscottoline hace 1 mes This is "Music of the Ancient Greeks" by Ensemble De Organographia. T The album "contains most of the extant Greek repertoire dating from c. 500 BCE to c. 300 CE including two choral fragments from Euripides' plays 'Orestes' and 'Iphigenaeia in Aulis,' 'Mesomedes' 'Hymn to the Sun,' 'Invocation of Calliope and Apollo,' 'Hymn to Nemesis,' as well as the 'Song of Seikilos,' and the two monumental paeans found carved into the walls of the Athenian Treasury at Delphi and performed there in 127 BCE."

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