Abstracting Information On Casual Structure Via VSL Methods

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To abstract information on how casual structure is preserved even with VSL information

carrier’s or sub-particle spin foam states:

1.) Study the propagator of Lorentzian quantum gravity in the context of Loop
Quantum Gravity also paying attention to modified Lorentzian frames.
2.) See, all sum over histories as valid, but also look for ways that they can combine
together to yield a well defined casual structure. The normal path is to limit these
sum over histories to only those with a well defined casual structure. This
approach starts with the premise that nature generally selects in favor of casual
structure, but that it does so by a combination of states that are not exactly equal
or casually related. So what you are looking for is the sum over histories that
combine as to cancel to a well defined casual structure. The resulting power
series has the interpretation as a sum over two surfaces with an intrinsic casual
structure with the one exception being rare events.
3.) Rare events would be those cases where this well defined casual structure is
altered somewhat in favor of a new path. One must accept that rare events will
exist and that our own vacuum state may actually result from a combination of
rare events. One key in looking for possible Rare Event influences is looking for
cases where reversibility of a process is not possible. A good example that comes
to mind is the matter/anti-matter asymmetry and CP violations. Normally, with a
well defined casual structure the process or event in question should be absolutely
reversible. Any cause/event structure that does not display reversibility would be
a good example of a selected rare event. One key to a rare event can be derived
via the transition probability, where it is a conditional probability for the system
to go to a particular new state, given the current state of the system. To deduce
this employ a Markov chain which is a sequence of random values whose
probabilities at a time interval depends upon the value of the number at the
previous time. An example of this is if we consider each rare event governed
casual structure as similar to a non-returning random walk, where the walkers are
restricted to not go back to the location just previously visited then a Markov
chain can be employed to find the probability for these events.

I will illustrate with the following problem: suppose we wanted to find the value
of the vector x that is the solution to,.

where the matrix A, and the vector f are known. By setting up a random walk
through the matrix A we can solve for any single component of x.

A little mathematics is needed to see how this would work. First let’s symbolically solve


This can be expanded to,

Now lets suppose we have an matrix of probabilities, P, such that,

and we have an array,

further we can define,

can then describe a Markov chain where the states of the chain are n integers. The
element gives the transition probability for the random walk to go from state i to
state j. As long as g is not zero the walk will eventually terminate. The probability that
the walk will terminate after state i is given by .

While taking the random walk we need to accumulate the product,

and the sum,

The final W value is important because, its mean value (averaged over the walks that
start at index i) is,

Notice that this final form is exactly the ith element from equation(1). To achieve this in
any example:
• Set up the probabilities p and g and start off the system at the index at which we
want to solve for x, lets call that index i.
• Then we take a random walk until the walk terminates, accumulating the product
V and the sum W.
• Then we take the average of the W values over several walks to obtain our
estimate of .

This will work as long as equation(1) converges. I base this in that nature should select
from rare events those that converge since generally casual structures and
renormalization imply a convergence.

4.) Extract a general structure called “Casual Spin Foam” and us it as the definition
for dynamics.

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