3E Brochure SMF 25oct12

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3E: Empowering Efficiency & Excellence

3E: Empowering Efficiency & Excellence is the first Enterprise-Wide Business Process Re-Engineering (BPR) Productivity Initiative for the manufacturing and service industries, developed by Singapore Workforce Development Agency (WDA) and administered by SMF Centre for Corporate Learning. With objective to meet the demands of increasing productivity for the manufacturing and service industries, this programme is specially engineered for Professionals, Managers, Executive and Project Teams, seeking to upgrade their skills and knowledge in the application of productivity tools and methodologies to undertake company-specific projects. With improved business processes, your company can acquire more competitive edge, to proclaim higher market positioning in the local, regional and international markets!

2-Day Training and 5-Day Workshop Champion Training focuses on identifying critical must-know-tools and methodologies Senior management involvement results in a more internal-focused and driven team Training and coaching are combined as the actual on-the-job project, focusing on applications rather than training Project completion and a higher ROI can be more effectively measured and achieved

SMF Centre for Corporate Learning Pte Ltd | 2985 Jalan Bukit Merah, Singapore 159457 Tel: (65) 6826 3100 | Fax: (65) 6826 3021 | Email: ccl@smfederation.org.sg | Web: www.smfccl.sg Company Registration No.: 201014268Z | GST Registration No.: 201014268Z

Who Should Attend
Persons in positions to lead teams for improvement PROGRAMME DELIVERY 3E: Empowering Efficiency and Excellence consists of 2 Phases, conducted over 2-day Project Champion classroom training and 5-day BPR Project (TACS) over 3 months period, based on in-house delivery.

Managers and senior managers

Senior engineers, engineers and senior supervisors

Phase 1: Project Champion Training

Duration: 2 Days
Recommended for Senior Management, Lean Six Sigma Deployment Champion and Project Champions, the two-day class covers commonly-used Six Sigma tools and methods. Participants will be introduced to the concepts through classroom teaching and given the opportunity to practise in a team-based simulation. Course Content Six Sigma, Lean Six Sigma and BPR methodologies and tools Team-based simulation exercises Overview of BPR approach, methodology, and tools Develop and review Team Charter drafts Success stories

Upon completion of this programme, a certificate of completion will be issued.

This is an industry-oriented programme, and applicants should preferably possess one of the following: - A Diploma qualification, and/or - A minimum of 5 years working experience

Phase 2: Business Process Re-Engineering (BPR) Project Train and Coach System (TACS)
Duration: 5 Days over 3 months period, based on in-house delivery
This workshop will be conducted by NexMU*, utilising the Train and Coach System (TACS) whereby the project leaders and team members undergo training and hands-on applications at the same time, facilitated by a trainer who is also the coach. Using the standard DMAIC (Define, Measure, Analyse, Improve, and Control) or DMADV (Define, Measure, Analyse, Design, and Verify) methodology, each project will concentrate on specific tools and techniques that are needed and unique to the project. Course Content Six Sigma and Lean Six Sigma overview Hands-on training and project coaching on all the 5 phases of either methodologies Guidance on the necessary tools and techniques for each project
*Profile of NexMU NexMU was incorporated after Motorola corporate decision for Motorola University (MU) to exit from the external business worldwide in Jan11. NexMU was formed with the core group of senior managers and trainers decision to continue the external business to support the existing customers (i.e. WDAs i3 programme, Schlumberger, City Gas Singapore, etc) as well as new customers in the same region that MU has been operating previously.

Full Programme Fee S$18,000 (inclusive of 7% GST) After 70% Government Funding* S$5,778 (inclusive of 7% GST)
Government Funding is only applicable to Singapore Citizens and Singapore Permanent Residents.

For enquiries, please contact: Tel : (65) 6826 3100 Fax : (65) 6826 3021 Email : ccl@smfederation.org.sg
This programme is proudly brought to you by:

For further enquiries, please contact: SMF Centre for Corporate Learning Pte Ltd | 2985 Jalan Bukit Merah, Singapore 159457 Tel: (65) 6826 3100 | Fax: (65) 6826 3021 | Email: ccl@smfederation.org.sg | Web: www.smfccl.sg

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