Proceedings Validation Workshop On Youth Policies

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Monday, February 18th 2013




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Monday, February 18th 2013 9 AM 5 PM Akmani H otel, Jakarta

Description of Activity OPENING Additional Information

1. Comments on the Youth Initiative and Civic Engagement Training o o o o o o o 2. Presentation: Y outh and Policies

The trainees are able to understand about advocacy and its strategy, and also the strategies in building networks with potential stakeholders (Youth Forum Papua); The trainees are able to discover the vision and mission of varied organizations, as a reference for them in overcoming their own organizations deficiencies (Dialita Youth Forum Papua). The definition of pemuda (youth) according to Statistics Indonesia and the Ministry of Youth and Sports (Law on Youth Undang-undang no. 40/2009) Law on Youth: There are no clear procedures and mechanisms on the involvement of youths itself; The usage of the language and the definition of the terms arent detailed and specific (too general); o It is unclear w hether the law is based on r esearch or not; There are still controversies on the age definition (16-30 years old), since the standard isnt adjusted and related with other laws that also involve youths (marriage and child w elfare); It doesnt illustrate the needs of y ouths as a w hole; There is no discussion on the diversity of youths (disabled youths, rural and urban y ouths, gender-apathy y ouths) as if the definition of y outh itself is over- generalized; The budget allocation needs to be clarified since most of the Youth and Sports Agency at the local/regional levels often experience budget problems when wanting to organize y outh activities; There needs to be a collaboration and integration between ministries and stakeholders from different sectors; Nowadays, there are still youths that are unaware of the Law on Youths existence; Presented by Afra Suci The Ministry of Youth and Sports 2013 Program:

3. Presentation: Typology of Y outh Organizations in Indonesia

o Socializing the Law on Youth; o Buliding the capacities of y outh centers at local/regional levels; o Pramuka (Indonesias national scout); o Jamboree, etc.; Priorities: o Equal access of education; o Health insurance; o The availabity of job opportunities; o Providing insights on citizens r ights; o Inclusiveness towards diversity; o Active participation in program/policy planning processes; o Convenient budget access both in r ural and urban areas; Recommendations: o The involvement of y ouths in v aried levels; o Conducting periodic researches as an update of insights on the current situation; o Synchronizing goals and targets; o There needs to be a more evident definition of y outh organizations; o There needs to be a commitment from the government to coordinate with v aried sectors and to use transparent mechanisms in allocating the budget for y outh empowerment. An edition of Prisma Journal that was published in 2011, specifically discussed about the y outh movements in I ndonesia but didnt mention the ones that w ere active in the past 7 years. Therefore, this becomes one of the reasons why a mapping of contemporary y outh organizations in I ndonesia is needed; 9-year Compulsary Education (Wajib B elajar 9 Tahun); The fall of the New Order r egime and the mystification of y ouths and/or college students; The dominance of conservatism burning books that didnt go along with the nations coat of arms and national constitution (during the y ear 1999-2001); Whatever, I love Indonesia! the re-definition of nationalism and national building; Typology of y outh organizations: o Youth organizations that are affiliated with the government, political parties, and local identities; o Youth organizations that are affiliated w ith universities; o Youth organizations that are affiliated and/or initiated independently by NGOs and I NGOs; Characteristics of the contemporary y outh organizations: o Youth (enthusiasm, not age) as an identity, trait, and link/communicator; Presented by Mirwan o The activities are more focused on advocacy, policy change, and civic Andan and Maulida engagement, r ather than gaining political power and position; Raviola o Having initiatives towards change not only at the local level, but also at the national and global level;

Using popular media in distributing the issues and recruitments, and also in organizing strategic campaigns; o The scope is r ather small (not many members are involved) so they tend to r ely on the power of networking; Challanges: o The Law on Youth is able to create a r apid leadership circulation both at the local/regional and national level, which is an advantage for youths that are interested in being political leaders; o The relevance of the Law on Youth with the existence of youth organizations that arent listed by the Ministry of Youth and Sports; o The governments support towards youth organizations that have concerns on varied issues, not only the ones on leadership and entrepreneurship; o The mechanisms and opportunities for youths to participate in policy- making processes concerning on population, employment, health, etc.; o The importance of sustainability and internal capacity building of the youth organizations, since their level and standard of capability arent like the ones that are listed by the Ministry of Youth and Sports. o General overview: Assessment on y outh organizations in Papua as a basis for UNESCO to form a Youth Council in Papua; The informants youth organizations, government agencies, academician, activist, and indigenous councils; Assessment sites Jayapura and Wamena; Papuas y outh conditions: High level of drop-outs due to low education values (education is not a priority); o High level of H IV/AIDS; The condition of y outh organizations in Papua: o The youth organizations used to be very exclusive, they had their own concerns and didnt w ant to collaborate w ith other y outh organizations; o The formation of youth forums by UN agencies, government agencies, and INGOs initiated collaboration among youth organizations from varied backgrounds; o There used to be a gap between the local and immigrant y ouths, and the presence of the y outh forums managed to eliminate those gaps; Getting to know the y outh organizations in Papua Papua Youth Forum Consists of youth organizations in Jayapura (City and Regency), Biak, and Keerom (there are members that come from outside of Presented by Rukita Wustari Papua). T heir main activities include advocacy and distribution of information; o Youth Forum in Wamena Consists of youth organizations that concerns on religious activities, sports, and social activities (all of the members are local youths). The main goal of their activities is to facilitate and provide room for the youths in Wamena (especially

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4. Presentation: Y outh Organizations in Papua

5. Q&A S ession

school drop-outs and street children); Main problems and r ecommendations: Government agencies often mention the active r ole of I ndonesian National Youth Committee (KNPI) in fulfilling their (the government agencies) programs, w hile on the other hand, KNPI doesnt support the Law on Youth thats been formulated by the government; o There needs to be a coordination and collaboration among government agencies in organizing y outh-related programs; o The Wamena Youth and Sports Agency experience internal problems which hampers the continuity and fulfilment of their programs and activities. They also havent gathered and compiled datas on y outh organizations in Wamena; o There shouldnt be a gap between youths and adults (the government), since youths themselves need guidance and advice from elder people; o The formation of an agency that only specializes in y outh issues; o It would be better if Papua Youth Forum expands their networking to several other cities in Papua, in order to obtain a more holistic v iew and r epresentation of y ouths in Papua. o Examples of good mechanisms in formulating youth policies? (Charaf Ahmimed - UNESCO) The Philippines and Singapore there is a National Youth Council that consists of youth representatives from each of the countrys regions. Their task is to monitor, evaluate, and implement y outh-related programs. T hey have a w ebsite that publishes youth policies and allow the website visitors to give comments about those youth policies. The government also supports the involvement of youths in representative bodies, so that they (youths) could observe and participate in policy formulation and implementation processes; UNFPA a group of youths play a part as representatives from their own regions in order to organize, monitor, and evaluate the youth policies in their own country/region; U.K. every (youth) r epresentative have constituents and are able to give direct inputs on the r eferred policy; Germany youth organizations address their aspirations through political parties, and then those political parties w ill list those aspirations in their agenda and w ill include them (the aspirations) in the policy-making proposal; Recommendation Using the Ministry of Youth and Sports w ebsite as an online platform to give inputs and/or critics; o The reasons behind the lack of integrity between youth organizations and the government is it because the policy isnt inclusive enough (for the youth organizations) or is there a resistence from the youth organizations to exclude themselves from the referred policy? (Rahardhika - I ndependent Youth Alliance) The content of the youth policies is too general, not empirical, and is only focused on a limited scope of issues (e.g. entrepreneurship); Youths arent involved in the policy formulation process; The policies dont respond to the current empirical problems. o

That is w hy a periodical r esearch is needed in order to identify and analyze the current problems that are faced by y ouths; Structural analysis it is also possible that there is a resistancy coming from the youths. For example, the usage of the term pemuda (youth) which is irrelevant for youth nowadays; considering that the term was initiated in the New Order r egime; Education (school subjects) on citizenship is r ather theoretical than practical. COFFEE BREAK

6. A Brief Introduction on Youth O rganizations: Pamflet S ekitarkita 7. A Brief Introduction on Youth O rganizations: UNICEF

An organization that focuses on the development of y outh movements; (Sekitarkita) Conducts r esearches and is the origin/early form of Pamflet.

Speaker: Afra Suci Speaker: Annisa

8. A Brief Introduction on Youth O rganizations: Indonesian Future Leaders

Conducts r esearches in order to analize y outh-related problems (low access of health services, high level of school drop-outs, etc.); Capacity building Mainstreaming education programs on HIV/AIDS together with Papua Youth Forum. There are only 99 countries that already have their own national y outh policy strategic directions to promote and develop youth well-beingness and participation; Why? Youth policies make economic sense; bring different sectors together, control prioritized issues, create successful programs, and is committed to support y ouths; There are 15 areas involved in the World Program of Youth Action, while Indonesias Law on Youth only involves 5 areas (and not all the parts of those areas are included); The Ministry of Youth and Sports never held organizational briefings; only press briefings. This shows the resistancy of the government towards youth participation; The amount of budget allocated for the Ministry of Youth and Sports in 2013 is 1,9 trillion rupiahs. The targeted sectors dont represent the current needs of youths nowadays; do they really understand or are they just assuming things?; There should be a sufficient collection of data in order to support a multi-level consultation mechanism. Researches on youths often discuss about the marketing and capital needs that they have, not the actual needs in their everyday lives; Judicial arguments on y ouths age r ange the arguments have to make sense and not based on assumptions; Youths (in general) arent involved in youth-related government events (e.g. Sumpah Pemuda, the I ndonesian national y outh day); The inter-ministrial mechanisms arent well-organized; they (the mechanisms) tend to complicate y outh organizations w ith its bureaucracy; There are no transparent processes in grant proposal biddings for youth organizations;

Speaker: Iman Usman

Indonesian Future Leaders capacity building (for y ouths that dont know how to involve in problem solving activities), community service, advocacy, national and global promotion; The obstacles faced by youth organizations in Indonesia limitations in developing a legal/regulatory framework, difficulties in accessing equal opportunity and resources, and the lackness of meaningful engagements in decision making processes.

9. A Brief Introduction on Youth O rganizations: UNFPA

10. A Brief Introduction on Youth O rganizations: Presidential W orking Unit f or S upervision and Control of Development (UKP4)

Delivering the world where every pregnancy is wanted, every childbirth is safe, and every young persons potential is fulfilled...; 43% of the w orlds population y ouths; Development programs RIO+20 2012, ICPD 2012-2014, MDGS REVIEW 2012-2015, GLOBAL DIALOGUES ON THE POST-2015 DEVELOPMENT AGENDA; Accomplished programs y outh dialogues, y outh r ights at the heart of development, Miss Universe Dialogue (one of the issues/programs is HIV/AIDS among y ouths); Youth Advisory Panel 10-15 people (youths) are selected to implement the program. The next open recruitment will be held in March 2013; Adolescent Sexual and Reproductive Health (ASRH) private sector program youths sexual reproductive health; establishing clinics and health services for youths that arent custom-based/based on traditional v alues; Road to Bali (Global Youth Forum); #GlobalYouthForum ICPD Agenda Beyond 2014, identifying varied problems along w ith the solutions; #EMPOWERINGACTION a mobile application that allows us to share information on youth-related issues. This application is able to be viewed by UN agencies, the government, private sectors, etc. HLPEP High Level Panel of Eminent Persons; a high-level panel that involves youth and other potential key figures on the Post-2015 Development Agenda (a media for y ouths to express their perspectives on v aried aspects of development); HLPEP involves public figures, presidents, prime ministers, etc.; The panel has been held 3 times already; Hoerst Koehler (German politician) employment that focuses on youths; 20th-21st February National Consultation giving progress r eports on HLPEP and receiving inputs from national and local/regional stakeholders; In March 2013 there will be a final meeting on HLPEP, because the recommendations have to be submitted to the UN Secretary General in

Speaker: Angga Dwimartha

Speaker: Natasha

May 2013. In this activity, parallel events will also be held in order to inclusively facilitate civil society organizations; Willing to participate? Visit the following website for further details

11. Q&A S ession There is one issue that hasnt been mentioned; human rights. Since were now discussing about the needs of y ouths, it is strongly r elated to human r ights and the constant change of its situation. Without the involvement and consideration of this issue (human r ights), it w ould be hard for us y ouths to create change and achieve the MDGs. (Rinaldi Youth Coalition on Sexual and Reproductive Rights) o The human rights perspective needs to applied in the youth participation perspective, in order to value youths as equal human beings. Needs w ill constantly change but there w ill always be a need to fulfil the basic r ights that y ouths have; o When discussing about youths, other issues will automatically come along (HIV/AIDS, unemployment, I CT, etc.); o Which angle needs advocacy; the specific or general one? Youth participation doesnt have to involve elites or high-profile procedures, it could be anything. For instance, monitoring the usage of r esources (the availability and the allocation); Indonesian Education Foundation one of our programs is to provide education and vocational trainings on life skills. The majority of Indonesian people are situated below the poverty line and they have lack of access to education; What kind of development are w e actually r eferring to? Is it like the one in the New Order r egime? (Meini Youth I nitiative and Civic Engagement T rainee) o Youths need to participate in policy-making processes because they w ill soon become the future leaders of this nation, so collaboration (between youths and the government) is v ery important; o Global policies should be implemented in the national level policy and decision-making processes.

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