Social Networking Questionnaire1

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Social Networking Questionnaire

This questionnaire is a part of the research for a master dissertation related to socihy networking in educational sector. The results of this survey will help us to concieve the popular user reviews. The survey is anonymous and does not require any personal details to be submitted. Estimated time for this questionnaire completion is 5-7 minutes. Aggregated research data will be available for you upon survey completion. The research team greatly appreciates your help and support with this research and thanks you for your valuable contribution! Get Started! 1. Your gender: Male Female 2. Your age: 18-20 21-25 26-30 31-35 More than 35 3. Your country: 4. You are... a undergraduate student a postgraduate student a recent graduate 6. Average hours of active Internet use per day (please enter number):

7. Do you have your profile on any the following social networking services (multiple choice) Facebook LinkedIn Twitter Xing Bebo Friendster Youtube Orkut Livejournal Myspace Flikr Vkontakte Odnoklassniki Other 8. If you are NOT participating with any of social networking websites, what is the main reason why? I dont have time It is not interesting for me I do not want any publicity

It is against my religion Other (please specify here) 9. How many connections (Friends) you have for your SNs profile (on average): Less than 10 10-49 50 99 100+ 200+ 10. How many communities/groups are you a member of? None Up to 10 11-50 51+

11. How often do you usually log on to your favourite service(s)? Im constantly logged on Several times a day Once in a few days Once a week Occasionally (less than once week) 12. How much time (on average) do you spend on your favourite social networking site(s) per session?

Less than 5 minutes 5-10 minutes 11-30 minutes 30+ minutes 13. Please rate from 1 to 5 how often do you use SN services to: 5 this is my primary way to use these services

1 do not use

2 use very rarely

3 use quite often

4 use often

Find some information Get opinions Entertain yourself Socialize Stay up-to-date with friends life Share your experience Get freebees

14. What is the key reason(s) for you to join a community/group in a social networking service? It is a relevant, active and interesting community

This will let me stay up-to-date with the community news/updates I believe this will help me to get new useful connections I would like to have my say and a membership is required Other (please specify) 15. How often do you check communities for updates? Daily Im subscribed to RSS/have a feed on my profile Several times a week - while visiting discussions interesting for me Once a week - as I receive a weekly activity summary Less than once a week

16. Do you trust information obtained via professional communities? Yes Yes if it comes from my friends/connections Yes if comes from communities moderators Yes if it comes from company official representatives No, Im always critical to such kind of information and check other sources Other (please specify) 17. Are you a member of any groups/communities related to your college/uni? Yes, unofficial student groups Yes, official college/uni profile (page) Yes, alumni section

No I dont know that my college/uni has a profile on any of the networks

18. In the last three visits, did you notice any advertising on social networking websites? Yes No

19. If you answered NO to the previous question - What is the primary reason(s) you skip the ads messages? (please skip this question if you answered YES to the above one) It is not always clear the message is an ad It is in the same colour as non-ads messages It is not in a visible part of the screen on my profile Im so used to it I no longer look at the place where it is always placed Its completely irrelevant all the time, I no longer notice it I use a paid account to avoid ads Other (please specify) 20. How often do you click on the ads you see on your profile? Often Rarely Occasionally Almost never 21. What is the main reason that makes you click an ad?

It is relevant to what I want/interested in Im intrigued by a hint in a promotion I can get anything FREE I recognize the brand/company/product Im attracted by a celebrity on an ad Other (please specify) 22. Do you trust information you obtain via social networking websites? Yes Yes if it comes from my friends/connections Yes if comes from professional communities Yes if it comes from company official profiles/pages No, Im always critical to such kind of information and check other sources

Survey Questionnaire
Social media is a rapidly expanding universe of technology that includes everything from social networks like Facebook and MySpace to social applications like Flickr, YouTube, Twitter, and dozens of blogging sites. As these sites and services grow in popularity, there's a lot of speculation about who uses them, how frequently, and for what purposes. This survey is an attempt to get a handle on social media use and users. Please take a minute to answer these questions, and pass it on!

Please specify your gender Male Female

Please specify your age Under 18 years 18-21 22-25 26-29 30-34 35-39 40-44 45-49 50-55 More than 56 years

What is your race/ethnicity

(Please select all that apply.)

American Indian or Native Alaskan Asian Black or African American Caucasian Hispanic or Latino Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander

Please specify your marital status Single Married Divorced


How many hours do you spend online each week? 0-5 hours 6-10 hours 11-15 hours 16-20 hours 21-25 hours 26-30 hours 31-35 hours 36-40 hours More than 41 hours

Please select all social networks for which you have created a personal profile
Please select all that apply.

Facebook MySpace LinkedIn Ning Other

How many hours do you spend on social networks each week? 0-5 hours 6-10 hours 11-15 hours 16-20 hours 21-25 hours 26-30 hours 31-35 hours 36-40 hours More than 41 hours

How many friends do you have on your primary social network 1-25 26-50 51-75

76-100 101-150 151-200 201-300 301-400 More than 401

Why do you use an online social network? Select all answers that apply.
Please select all that apply.

To keep in touch with friends and family. To meet new people. To make professional and business contacts. To share photos, videos, and music. To play games. To discover new music, books, films, and other entertainment. To find information and share feedback about brands and products. To promote a business or cause.

How do you feel about advertising on social networks? Very annoying Somewhat annoying Indifferent Somewhat useful Very useful


Have you ever purchased a product or service based on an advertisement on a social network? Yes No

Which other social media technologies do you use? Please check all that apply.
Please select all that apply.

Twitter Blogs (that you author or contribute to - WordPress, TypePad, Blogger, etc.) Social bookmarking (Digg, Delicious, StumbleUpon, etc.) Social media sharing (Flickr, YouTube, SmugMug, etc.) Livecasting (Stickam,, etc.) Social aggregators (FriendFeed, Posterous, etc.) Wikis Virtual Worlds (SecondLife, WOW, The Sims Online, etc.) Online gaming (FullTilt Poker, PS3 Multiplayer, Kongregate, etc.) Other

How many Twitter followers do you have? I don't use Twitter 0-10 11-20 21-40 41-60 61-80

81-100 101-150 151-200 201-300 301-400 More than 401

How many people do you follow on Twitter? I don't use Twitter 0-10 11-20 21-30 31-40 41-60 61-80 81-100 101-150 151-200 201-300 301-400 More than 401

How often do you tweet? I don't use Twitter More than once daily Once daily More than once a week, but not daily

Less than once every two weeks, but more than once a month Less than once a month

Do you use social media in an official business or professional capacity? Yes No

Who invited you to join Facebook? Nobody. I just joined. A friend A classmate A family member A professional colleague A casual acquaintance A stranger I don't recall

Are you a member of a fan page for a brand or product on Facebook? Yes No


In comparison to other online advertising, social media advertising is much less effective less effective as effective more effective much more effective

Which of the following is most true for you? I like children. I like sharing my opinion and would like to earn money doing it. None of the above.

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