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The Punch of Hora & Sub Hora

By Venkat Ramana, India

Venkat is a law graduate and presently
pursuing post graduation in management. He has studied Jyotish Visharada in the ICAS (Indian council of astrological sciences) and is an honorary faculty in one of its branches at Hyderabad. He has been studying palmistry for more than 10 years and over a period of time his interest drifted towards astrology. A friend of Saptarishis Astrology and a very humble yet extremely dedicated student of this subject. He is a senior member of the Saptarishis Astrology Re-Search Team.

e hear so many incidents that astrologers of the past used to identify the purpose of the visit of a client who visits them just by looking at the horoscope of the native without being told by the client and stun them. I was thinking many a times whether it is possible to do so and tried to identify the reasons for the visit of people who come to consult me. Most of the times I failed. Then I thought it may not be possible for me. But without giving up I tried to correlate in various ways as to why the client visits an astrologer at a specified moment. Do the planets indicate to the astrologer the purpose of visit of the client? If so, in what way? Is it not possible for the astrologer to identify the reason for the visit of the client and pronounce the results just by looking at the horoscope of the native without being prompted by the client the reasons for his visit? These are the questions which haunted me for long. Further, there is one more reason why my thoughts cruised in this direction. When a patient visits a doctor he himself tells the doctor the problems/symptoms which he is suffering from for a correct diagnosis and suggesting the medicine. Here the patient is very cautious while explaining his problems to the doctor as he is aware that a probable wrong diagnosis by the doctor may suggest him wrong medicine for which he has to undergo side effects if such a medicine is administered. Whereas when he visits an

astrologer he expects the astrologer to identify the purpose of his visit and all his problems just by going through his birth chart (most of the times the birth data may not be accurate) and pronounce the result and suggest remedies. He expects that an astrologer must be equipped with such knowledge and, when an astrologer fails to do so, his opinion of the astrologer is lessened. There is no problem if the client forms such an opinion on an astrologer but it is a concern if he forms such an opinion on the science of astrology. f course, there are so many methods available to identify the purpose of visit of the clients to the astrologer, from omens to body language to the direction of the drifting of the light of the lamp by a village astrologer to the prashna by the modern day astrologer. However, the environment in which the modern day astrologer lives in may not permit him to use the traditional methods like omens, drifting of the light of lamp as they have become not noticeable. One can use prashna to identify the purpose of visit of a client. But is it possible to construct a prashna chart always? It may not be possible at times. During such times is there a simple method to identify the purpose of the visit of the native by looking at the natives chart. With a view to know the purpose of the visit of a client to an astrologer, an attempt is made to take the help of the Hora and the Sub-hora prevailing at the time of consultation. In this method, the astrologer must be thorough with the calculation of the hora and sub-hora for each day. It is well known that Hora means an hour. The hora has to be reckoned from the sunrise time. First hora on a day will be ruled by the day lord. Further, sub-hora has to be calculated in the sequence of the hora lords. In order to know the hora sequence, the following table is helpful. The hora sequence is from the slowest moving planet (Saturn) to the fastest moving planet (Moon). Saturn Jupiter Mars Sun Venus Mercury Moon

Let us go through the hora sequence on a Monday for twenty four hours from Sun rise to the next Sun rise (i.e. Tuesday). Assume that Sun rise time is at 6 AM. 6-7 Moon 13-14 Moon 20-21 Moon 3-4 Moon 7-8 Saturn 14-15 Saturn 21-22 Saturn 4-5 Saturn 8-9 Jupiter 15-16 Jupiter 22-23 Jupiter 5-6 Jupiter 9-10 Mars 16-17 Mars 23-24 Mars 10-11 Sun 17-18 Sun 00-1 Sun 11-12 Venus 18-19 Venus 1-2 Venus 12-13 Mercury 19-20 Mercury 2-3 Mercury

It could be seen from the above table that the first hora on Tuesday will be of its lord Mars. Further it can be observed that the same hora repeats after every seven hours. Now let us see the sequence of the sub-hora lords. An hour contains 60 minutes and there are seven hora lords in number. If we divide an hour by seven we get 8 minutes approximately. Therefore, there will be seven sub-horas in an hour. The first sub-hora in any hora is ruled by the Hora lord and the sequence goes on in the Hora sequence.

With the help of Hora and Sub-hora it was tried to identify the purpose of the visit of the client by looking at his natal chart. It is experienced that in most cases either the Hora or the Sub-hora lord is giving the hint as to the nature of query the client may pose. Now let us go through some charts where with the help of hora and sub-hora using which the purpose of the visit of the client was predicted successfully.

I. II. III. For the above purpose one needs to have the natal chart of the client and Identify the hora and sub hora at the time of consultation. One should also know the exact time of Sun rise at the place of consultation.

Chart No. 1

The native of this chart approached scribe on 31-03-2009 at 15:33 hrs. It was a Tuesday and the Sun rise time was at 06:14. The hora prevailing at the time was of Venus and the Sub-hora was of Mercury. Now in the natal chart Venus is the 2nd and 9th lord and Mercury is the 1st and 10th lord. The lords of 2nd, 1st and 10th are concerned with profession and the 9th lord is of luck (bhagya). The native came to enquire about his prospects for profession. In this case the hora and the sub-hora clearly indicated the purpose of visit of the client.

Chart No. 2
The below native approached on 5th April 2009 at about 10:59 am on Sunday and the Sun rise time was 06:11. The hora prevailing at that time was of Saturn and the Sub-hora ruled by Moon. In the natal chart the hora lord Saturn is located in the 6th house and the sub-hora lord Moon is located in the 10th house, both indicating profession. The native asked about his profession. Further, native was running Rahu-Saturn-Saturn dasha. Predominantly the karaka for profession Saturn was indicating the purpose of consultation.

Chart No 3.

The native approached on 5th April 2009 at about 11:02 am on Sunday and Sunrise time was 6:11 am. The hora prevailing at that time was of Saturn and the Sub-hora ruled by Moon. In the natal chart Saturn was the 10th lord and Moon the 3rd lord. The hora lord indicates that the question is regarding profession and the sub hora lord Moon indicates change. The native asked regarding changing his job.

Chart No. 4

The above native approached on 5th April 2009 at around 10:54 am on Sunday and Sunrise time was 6:11 am. The hora prevailing at the time was of Saturn and the sub-hora was of Mercury. In the birth chart Saturn is the 7th lord and Mercury is 12th lord. The native was running Saturn-Mercury dasha. He asked scribe regarding getting a job abroad. Saturn being the 7th lord indicates work in foreign country and Mercury being the 12th lord indicates long distance travel.

Chart No. 5

The above native approached on 5th April 2009 at around 03:24 pm on Sunday and Sunrise time was 6:11 am. The hora prevailing at the time was of Mercury and the sub-hora was of Moon. In the birth chart Mercury is the 7th and 10th lord and Moon is the 8th lord posited in 5th house of love. This indicates the question will be regarding 7th house and 5th house. The person asked the prospects of his marriage.

Chart No. 6
The chart given below is of a lady. Her father consulted scribe on 9th April 2009 at 11:18 am on a Thursday. Sunrise time was 06:09 am. Hora prevailing at the time of consultation was of Moon and the sub-hora was of Saturn. Please see the chart the hora lord Moon is the 12th lord posited in the 7th house and Saturn is the 7th lord. This clearly indicates that the question is regarding 7th house and Moon being the 12th lord indicates disturbances in the marital life. The question was regarding marital harmony.

Chart no. 7
The below chart is also of a lady. This chart was given on 17th April 2009 at 12:55 pm. It was a Friday, Sunrise time was 06:02 am and the hora prevailing at the time of consultation was of Mars and the Sub hora was of Jupiter. In the natives chart Mars is the 3rd and 8th lord the most malefic functionally and Jupiter is the 7th lord posited in its debilitation rashi. Both are indicating that there is definitely some problems in the natives life regarding her marital life. The question was also regarding marital disharmony prevailing between the husband and wife.

Chart No. 8

The chart is pertaining to a girl pursuing her studies. The chart was given on 17th April 2009 at evening 06:39. It was a Friday and the hora prevailing at that time was of Mars and the sub hora was of Saturn. In the birth chart Mars is 4th and 9th lord and Saturn is the 6th and 7th lord. The hora lord Mars indicates the question may be regarding education. The girl asked scribe whether there will be any breaks in her education. Later scribe understood that there is a break in her education due to a love affair. Then I understood the significance of the sub hora lord Saturn located in the 5th house in the birth chart.
Writing in retrospect at times it is very easy to predict with this method, at times the hora and sub hora lord create a slight puzzle which a discerning and intuitive astrologer can unravel maybe easily. We leave it to the readers to experiment further with this method and, one thing is sure, the more we practice with this method on 40-50 charts the more one would become adept in using this method.

Hora Table
Note: Horas have to be counted from the time of sun rise only for understanding the system of hora fixed timing of sun rise has been taken as 06:00 am every day. Monday

6-7 Moon 13-14 Moon 20-21 Moon 3-4 Moon

7-8 Saturn 14-15 Saturn 21-22 Saturn 4-5 Saturn

8-9 Jupiter 15-16 Jupiter 22-23 Jupiter 5-6 Jupiter

9-10 Mars 16-17 Mars 23-24 Mars

10-11 Sun 17-18 Sun 00-1 Sun

11-12 Venus 18-19 Venus 1-2 Venus

12-13 Mercury 19-20 Mercury 2-3 Mercury


6-7 Mars 13-14 Mars 20-21 Mars 3-4 Mars

7-8 Sun 14-15 Sun 21-22 Sun 4-5 Sun

8-9 Venus 15-16 Venus 22-23 Venus 5-6 Venus

9-10 Mercury 16-17 Mercury 23-24 Mercury

10-11 Moon 17-18 Moon 00-1 Moon

11-12 Saturn 18-19 Saturn 1-2 Saturn

12-13 Jupiter 19-20 Jupiter 2-3 Jupiter


6-7 Mercury 13-14 Mercury 20-21 Mercury 3-4 Mercury

7-8 Moon 14-15 Moon 21-22 Moon 4-5 Moon

8-9 Saturn 15-16 Saturn 22-23 Saturn 5-6 Saturn

9-10 Jupiter 16-17 Jupiter 23-24 Jupiter

10-11 Mars 17-18 Mars 00-1 Mars

11-12 Sun 18-19 Sun 1-2 Sun

12-13 Venus 19-20 Venus 2-3 Venus


6-7 Jupiter 13-14 Jupiter 20-21 Jupiter 3-4 Jupiter

7-8 Mars 14-15 Mars 21-22 Mars 4-5 Mars

8-9 Sun 15-16 Sun 22-23 Sun 5-6 Sun

9-10 Venus 16-17 Venus 23-24 Venus

10-11 Mercury 17-18 Mercury 00-1 Mercury

11-12 Moon 18-19 Moon 1-2 Moon

12-13 Saturn 19-20 Saturn 2-3 Saturn


6-7 Venus 13-14 Venus 20-21 Venus 3-4 Venus

7-8 Mercury 14-15 Mercury 21-22 Mercury 4-5 Mercury

8-9 Moon 15-16 Moon 22-23 Moon 5-6 Moon

9-10 Saturn 16-17 Saturn 23-24 Saturn

10-11 Jupiter 17-18 Jupiter 00-1 Jupiter

11-12 Mars 18-19 Mars 1-2 Mars

12-13 Sun 19-20 Sun 2-3 Sun


6-7 Saturn 13-14 Saturn 20-21 Saturn 3-4 Saturn


7-8 Jupiter 14-15 Jupiter 21-22 Jupiter 4-5 Jupiter

8-9 Mars 15-16 Mars 22-23 Mars 5-6 Mars

9-10 Sun 16-17 Sun 23-24 Sun

10-11 Venus 17-18 Venus 00-1 Venus

11-12 Mercury 18-19 Mercury 1-2 Mercury

12-13 Moon 19-20 Moon 2-3 Moon

6-7 Sun 13-14 Sun 20-21 Sun 3-4 Sun

7-8 Venus 14-15 Venus 21-22 Venus 4-5 Venus

8-9 Mercury 15-16 Mercury 22-23 Mercury 5-6 Mercury

9-10 Moon 16-17 Moon 23-24 Moon

10-11 Saturn 17-18 Saturn 00-1 Saturn

11-12 Jupiter 18-19 Jupiter 1-2 Jupiter

12-13 Mars 19-20 Mars 2-3 Mars

Sub Hora Table

One Sub Hora Is Of 8:34 Minutes Approximately

Note: sub hora has to be reckoned from the start of the hora. Approximate divisions of sub hora has been made ignoring the seconds. Therefore there is a difference of only 0.02 mts at the end of each hora.

Saturn Hora: 1. SATURN SATURN 2. SATURN JUPITER 3. SATURN MARS 4. SATURN SUN 5. SATURN _ VENUS 6. SATURN _ MERCURY 0 mts 8.34 mts 17.08 mts 25.42 mts 34.16 mts 42.50mts 51.24mts

8.34 mts 17.08 mts _ 25.42mts _ 34.16 mts _ 42.50mts _


51.24mts _ Jupiter Hora:



0 mts 8.34 mts

8.34 mts

17.08 mts 25.42 mts 34.16 mts 42.50mts 51.24mts 59.58mts

17.08 mts _ 25.42mts _

34.16 mts _ 42.50mts _ 51.24mts _

Mars Hora: 1. MARS MARS 2. MARS SUN 3. MARS - VENUS 4 MARS - MERCURY 5. MARS MOON 6. MARS SATURN 7. MARS JUPITER 0 mts 8.34 mts 8.34 mts 17.08 mts 25.42 mts 34.16 mts 42.50mts 51.24mts 59.58mts

17.08 mts _ 25.42mts _ 34.16 mts _ 42.50mts _ 51.24mts Sun Hora _


0 mts 8.34 mts

8.34 mts 17.08 mts 25.42 mts 34.16 mts 42.50mts 51.24mts 59.58mts

17.08 mts _ 25.42mts _

34.16 mts _ 42.50mts _ 51.24mts _

Venus Hora 1. VENUS - VENUS 2. VENUS - MERCURY 3. VENUS MOON 4 VENUS - SATURN 5. VENUS - JUPITER 6. VENUS - MARS 0 mts 8.34 mts 17.08 mts 25.42mts 34.16 mts 42.50mts _ _ _ _ 8.34 mts 17.08 mts 25.42 mts 34.16 mts 42.50mts 51.24mts


51.24mts Mercury Hora



0 mts

8.34 mts 17.08 mts 25.42 mts 34.16 mts 42.50mts 51.24mts 59.58mts

8.34 mts 17.08 mts _ 25.42mts _ 34.16 mts _ 42.50mts _ 51.24mts _ Moon Hora


0 mts 8.34 mts

8.34 mts 17.08 mts 25.42 mts 34.16 mts 42.50mts 51.24mts 59.58mts

17.08 mts _ 25.42mts _ 34.16 mts _ 42.50mts _ 51.24mts _

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