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FORM: + Ex: She works on Saturdays. _ Ex: She doesnt work on Saturdays. ? Ex: Does she work on Saturdays? Yes, . No, RULES TO FORM THE 3rd PERSON OF SINGULAR When the verb ends in o, -x, -s, -ss, -sh, -ch add es: Go = . Mix = ... Pass =. Wish = Watch =.. When the verb ends in y: Consonant + y: play = Vowel + y: fly = ..

ADVERBS OF FRECUENCY/ TIME EXPRESSIONS ADVERBS OF FRECUENCY: Always, usually, generally, regularly, occasionally, frequently, often, sometimes, rarely, seldom, never. They are written before the verb, but if the verb is to be, the adverb goes after it. Ex: We always have dinner at 9 oclock. She is always angry. TIME EXPRESSIONS: At 1 oclock, every week, in the + morning/afternoon/evening, at night, on Mondays, once a month, twice a year, three times a year USES 1. Para hablar de acciones habituales o retinas. Ex: I drink orange juice for breakfast. 2. Hablar de hechos generales o cientficos. Ex: Chocolate is sweet. 3. Con Stative Verbs (verbos estticos) - Emociones y sentimientos (dislike, enjoy, hate, hope, like, love, prefer, want) - Pensamiento y opinion(believe, forget, guess, know, remember, think, understand) - Percepcin y sentidos ( feel, hear, see, smell, sound, taste, touch) - Precios y medidas ( cost, measure, weigh) - Posesin (belong, have, own) 4. Con horarios y programas. Ex: Our plane leaves at 6.00 a.m.

FORM + Ex: He is writing a letter now. _ Ex: He is not writing a letter now. ? Ex: Is he writing a letter now? RULES TO ADD ING Cuando el verbo termina en -e : write = .. Cuando el verbo termina en - y. try = .. Cuando el verbo termina en -ie. Die= .. Una silaba acabado en vocal + consonante , se dobla la ltima (excepto con w y x). Run= .. show= . Bislabo con acento llano acabado en l o p, la dobla. Travel= Bislabo con acento agudo acabado en vocal + consonante, dobla la ltima. Refer = ..

TIME EXPRESSIONS At the moment, this year, at present, now, tonight, tomorrow, next Saturday. USES 1. Decir lo que est pasando en el momento de hablar. Ex: I am listening to the radio at the moment. 2. Expresar acciones prolongadas que estn ocurriendo en un presente ms amplio. Ex: They are learning French this year. 3. Decir lo que haremos con toda seguridad en un futuro prximo porque lo hemos fijado de antemano. (futuro prximo) Ex: We are visiting our grandparents tomorrow. 4. Con el adverbio always , para denotar queja. Ex: My mother is always cooking the same kind of cakes.

FORM + Ex: My neighbour worked as a bank clerk. My neighbour bought a new flat.

_ Ex: : My neighbour didnt work as a bank clerk. My neighbour didnt buy a new flat.

? Ex: Did my neighbour work as a bank clerk? Did my neighbour buy a new flat?....................... RULES TO ADD ED Cuando el verbo termina en -e: love = .. When the verb ends in y: Consonant + y: play = Vowel + y: study = .. Una silaba acabado en vocal+consonante , se dobla la litma(excepto con w y x). Pat = .. show= Verbos acabados en l, la dobla .Travel= . Bislabo con acento agudo acabado en vocal+consonante, dobla la ltima. Refer = .

TIME EXPRESSIONS Yesterday, last week, two years ago, when, then. USES 1. Para referirnos a una accin acabada que ocurri en un momento concreto del pasado. Ex: Tom stayed at home last night. 2. Para expresar que varias acciones ocurrieron consecutivamente en el pasado. Ex: When I received the good news I immediately called my husband. 3. Para indicar que una acccin corta (Past Simple) en el pasado interrumpi otra accin ms larga (Past Continuous) que estaba en proceso: Ex: When the mother came home her husband was playing with the kids. 4. Se utiliza para hablar de generalidades o hechos del pasado. Ex: The Aztec lived in Mexico.

FORM + Ex: She was having a bath. _

Ex: She wasnt having a bath. ? Ex: Was she having a bath? TIME EXPRESSIONS At 7 oclock last night, while, as USES 1. Para decir que una accin estaba ocurriendo en un momento especfico del pasado. Ex: John was playing tennis at 10 a.m yesterday. 2. Para indicar que una accin larga estaba teniendo lugar cuando fue interrumpida por otra accin corta. Ex: The children were watching TV when the parents arrived home. Jose called while I was watching the news. 3. Para expresar que dos o ms acciones estaban sucediendo simultneamente en el pasado. Ex: My son was reading while I was cooking.


FORM +. Ex: They have learned English. _ He has been to London.

He hasnt been to London.

Ex: They havent learned English.

? Ex: Have they learned English? . Has he been to London? TIME EXPRESSIONS Ever, never, just, already, recently, for, since, yet, how long?

USES 1. Para hablar de acciones pasadas que afectan al presente. Ex: Tom is excited because he has just passed his driving test. I cant find my keys. I have lost them. I am hungry. I havent eaten yet. 2. Para acciones que empezaron en el pasado pero todava tienen continuidad en el presente. Ex: He has lived in Paris for two years. 3. Para expresar acciones que ocurrieron en el pasado y la accin en s es ms importante que cuando ocurri (por ello no lleva expresiones de pasado como ocurre con el pasado simple). Ex: I have broken my leg. I have lost my keys.


FORM + Ex: I had closed the door. _

Ex: I hadnt closed the door. ? Ex: Had you closed the door? TIME EXPRESSIONS Already, by the time, after, before USES 1. Para indicar que una accin haba ocurrido antes que otra accin tambin pasada. Ex: After I had eaten five apples, I felt ill. They had already finished their dinner when I arrived to join them. We had left the stadium before the match ended.


FORM + .. ..

Ex: I will close the window. _

Ex: I wont close the window. ? .. Ex: Will you close the window? Yes, I will. // No, I wont. TIME EXPRESSIONS This evening, later, next week, soon, at ten oclock, in the future, tomorrow, in an hour. USES 1. Cuando se toma una decisin repentina en el momento en el que se est hablando. Ex: Wait, I will help you. 2. Para hacer predicciones sobre hechos futuros. Ex: I think scientists will invent a cure for illnesses in the future. He will probably come back tomorrow. 3. Expresar una opinin, promesa o deseo. Ex: I promise I will not watch TV tonight.

FORM + ............................................................................................................................................................... Ex: She is going to travel to New York next summer. _ .................................................................................................................................................................... Ex: She isnt going to travel to New York next summer. ? ................................................................................................................................................................... Ex: Is she going to travel to New York next summer? ................................................ TIME EXPRESSIONS This evening, later, next week, soon, at ten oclock, in the future, tomorrow, in an hour. USES 1. Para hablar de nuestras intenciones o planes en el futuro. Ex: I am going to learn English in summer. 2. Para hablar de un hecho futuro basado en evidencia o hechos. Ex:Look at these clouds! It is going to rain. 3. Para indicar que algo est a punto de ocurrir. Ex: Watch out! You are going to fall!

FORM + ............................................................................................................................................................... Ex: I will be waiting for you. _ .................................................................................................................................................................... Ex: I wont be waiting for you. ? ................................................................................................................................................................... Ex: Will you be waiting for me? ................................................ TIME EXPRESSIONS At this time tomorrow, by 7 oclock, by the end of ..., at this time next ... USES 1. Para expresar lo que estar ocurriendo en un momento determinado del futuro. Ex: At this time next week we'll be flying over the Atlantic Ocean.

FORM + ............................................................................................................................................................... Ex: They will have finished their homework by then. _ .................................................................................................................................................................... Ex: They wont have finished their homework by then. ? ................................................................................................................................................................... Ex: Will they have finished their homework by then? ................................................ TIME EXPRESSIONS By this time next week, by 7 oclock, by then USES 1. Para indicar que una accin habr terminado en un momento concreto del futuro. Ex: By this time next year, I will have received my promotion. By next November, I will have taken ten tests.

Son oraciones compuestas porque contienen una frase subordinada que expresa la condicin y otra frase principal que indica el resultado. Ex: If you dont take more exercise, you will get fat. No importa el orden en que coloques el resultado y la condicin, pero si sta aparece primero, es necesario poner siempre una coma entre ambas partes. Cuando la condicin se expresa en forma negativa se puede utilizar unless (si no, a menos que, a no ser que). Ex: If you dont take more exercise, you will get fat. Unless you take more exercise, you will get fat. - FIRST CONDITIONAL: Para indicar que algo se cumplir con seguridad en el futuro si la condicin tambin se cumple.

IF + Present Simple, Future (Will)

Ex: If I miss the bus, I will take a taxi. Variaciones: If + Present simple + present If + Present simple + modal (might) If + Present simple + imperative SECOND CONDITIONAL: Se utiliza para expresar condiciones hipotticas referidas al presente, es decir, que podran tener lugar pero es poco probable que lleguen a trmino.

IF + Past Simple, would inf

Ex: If I had more time, I would study German. Si el verbo de la oracin subordinada es to be se suele utilizar were en todas las personas. Ex: If I were older, I would get the job. Variaciones: If + Past simple + could infinitive. THIRD CONDITIONAL: La hiptesis es imposible, dado que se refiere al pasado y, por lo tanto, ya no puede realizarse.

IF + Past Perfect, would have past participle

Ex: If Ihe had explained it to us, it wouldnt have been so complicated. Variaciones: If + Past perfect + modal have past participle.

CONNECTORS: IF If you succeed in your plan, I would be very surprised WHETHER Whether you succeed or not, Im very proud of you UNLESS She wont go to the party unless you phone her PROVIDING/PROVIDED THAT Youll pass your exam provided that you study hard enough SUPPOSE/SUPPOSING Supposing he doesnt come, what will you do? ON (the) CONDITION THAT His parents let him go on the school trip on (the) condition that he pays part of it SO/AS LONG AS As long as you do your best everyone will be happy IN CASE Take an umbrella in case it rains. OTHERWISE Youd better hurry. Otherwise, youll be late for your appointment.

Rewrite the following sentences without changing the meaning of the original sentence: 1. Make a note of it because you may forget. ( in case) 2. If that actor doesnt improve, he will be replaced. ( otherwise) 3. I wonder how he would react if he received that telegram now. Suppose ..... 4. You must eat only fresh fruit and vegetables in that country. Otherwise, you may get food poisoning. Provided 5. Do you know what to do in case of fire? Suppose 6. If I asked you to help out, would you be willing to do so? Supposing 7. They didnt make any noise because they didnt want to wake up the baby. (in case) 8. The author will complete the book in time, but he needs his agents help (as long as) 9. The only way to get a room at this hotel is to book in advance. Providing 10. Learning a foreign language is easy for those who start at an early age. (as long as)

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