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In the Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful

Questions and Answers about Eid Al-Fitr & Eid Al-Adhha Prayers
By Alsheikh Mohammed bin Saleh Al-Othymein

Issued in Arabic by the Institute of Islamic and Arabic Sciences in

America, Fairfax, USA
Translated by Khalid Mustafa Abdul Kader

Question (1)

Answer (1)

Question (2)

Answer (2)

Question (3)

Answer (3)

Question (4)
Answer ( 4 )

Question (5)

Answer (5)

Question (6)

Answer (6)

Question (7)

Answer (7)
Question (8)

Answer (8)

Question (9)

Answer (9)

Question (10)

Answer (10)

Question (11)

Answer (11)
Question (12)

Answer (12)

" Then eat thereof and feed therewith the poor unfortunate.
“ 22:28

Question (13)

Answer (13)

" And (He) has not laid upon you in the religion any
hardship.” 22:78

Question (14)

Answer (14)
Question (15)

Answer (15)

Question (16)

Answer (16)

Question (17)

Answer (17)

Question (18)

Answer (18)

" (He desires) that you should complete the period and that
you should magnify Allah for having guided you." 2:185
Question (19)

Answer (19)

Question (20)

Answer (20)

Question (21)

Answer (21)

Question (22)

Answer (22)
Question (23)

Answer (23)

Question (24)

Answer (24)

Question (25)

Answer (25)

Question (26)

Answer (26)
Question (27)

Answer (27)

Question (28)

Answer (28)

Question (29)

Answer (29)

Question (30)

Answer (30)
Question (31)

Answer (31)

Question (32)

Answer (32)

Question (33)

Answer (33)

Question (34)

Answer (34)

Question (35)
Answer (35)

Question (36)

Answer (36)

Question (37)

Answer (37)
Question (38)

Answer (38)

Question (39)

Answer (39)

Question (40)

Answer (40)

Question (41)

Answer (41)
Question (42)

Answer (42)

Question (43)

Answer (43)

Question (44)

Answer (44)
Question (45)

Answer (45)

Question (46)

Answer (46)

Question (47)

Answer (47)

Question (48)

Answer (48)
Question (49)

Answer (49)

Question (50)

Answer (50)

Question (51)

Answer (51)

Question (52)

Answer (52)

Question (53)
Answer (53)

Question (54)

Answer (54)

" Allah forbids you not those who warred not against you on
account of religion and drove you not out from your homes,
that you should show them kindness and deal justly with
them. Lo, Allah loves the just dealers * Allah forbids you
only those who warred against you on account of religion
and have driven you out from your homes and helped drive
you out, that you make friends of them. Whosoever makes
friends of them, (All) such are wrong doers.” 60:8-9

All praise is due to Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful, and peace and blessings
be upon the Messenger of Allah, his noble family and honourable companions
and all that follow his guidance.

By the Grace of Allah, this humble work has been completed and is intended to
benefit Muslims wherever they may be. May Allah reward Sheikh Al-Othymein
and all our Brothers at the Institute of Islamic and Arabic Sciences in America
most generously and guide us to obey His commands and uphold the Sunnah of
His Prophet and final Messenger, peace and blessings be upon him.

Fatwahs are opinions based on individual scholars’ understanding and

interpretation of the Holy Qura’an and the Sunnah of the Messenger of Allah,
peace and blessings be upon him. Different scholars may have different opinions
and Muslims are encouraged to study the sources of all knowledge (The Holy
Qura’an and the Sunnah) and the different opinions and follow the best of such
opinions that are borne out by these two sources.

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