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Candidate name: Assessor name: Subject Title: Date of assessment: Time of assessment: Learning Objectives:

Fiesta, Marvee Rhazel D. 2/M Adriano Duarte


General ARPA Facilities (Target Acquisition & de-acquisition) Monday, Wednesday and Friday 1330h-1630h; 1000h-1300h

Given the necessary materials, the candidate must be able to demonstrate, identify and determine the target acquisition and de-acquisition in 10 mins.
to show if evidence is demonstrated During the demonstration of skills, did the candidate:




Determine the target and put the cursor Execute the left click to show the information Determine the Target ID Show the true bearing of the target Cancel the target acquisition by right click
Satisfactory Not Satisfactory

The candidates demonstration was:

Questions to probe the candidates underpinning knowledge

1. How to get the information of the targets? 2. Why do we need to determine the target? 3. What are the different target IDs? 4. Why do we need to get the target IDs? 5. How to cancel the target acquisition?

Satisfactory respon se



The candidates underpinning knowledge was:

Not Satisfactory

Feedback to candidate General comments [Strengths / Improvements needed] Candidate signature: Assessor signature: Date: Date:

Candidate name: Assessor name: Subject Title: Date of assessment: Time of assessment: Learning Objectives:

Fiesta, Marvee Rhazel D. 2/M Adriano Duarte General ARPA Facilities (Zone Acquisition) Monday, Wednesday and Friday 1330h-1630h; 1000h-1300h


Given the necessary materials, the candidate must be able to demonstrate, identify and determine the Zone Acquisition in 15 mins.
to show if evidence is demonstrated During the demonstration of skills, did the candidate:




Place the cursor over the AZ soft box Execute left click to show the Guard Zone menu. Turn On the Zone 1 Wait for the Zone Alarm to be activated Deactivate the Alarm after determining the dangerous targets.
Satisfactory Not Satisfactory

The candidates demonstration was:

Questions to probe the candidates underpinning knowledge 1. What is the purpose of Zone Acquisition? 2. What is the importance of Guard Zone menu? 3. How do we determine the danger zone? 4. What is the importance of zone alarm? 5. What is the color of the zone alarm? The candidates underpinning knowledge was: Satisfactory

Satisfactory respon se



Not Satisfactory

Feedback to candidate General comments [Strengths / Improvements needed] Candidate signature: Assessor signature: Date: Date:

Candidate name: Assessor name: Subject Title: Date of assessment: Time of assessment: Learning Objectives:

Fiesta, Marvee Rhazel D. 2/M Adriano Duarte General ARPA Facilities (Tracking) Monday, Wednesday and Friday 1330h-1630h; 1000h-1300h


Given the necessary materials, the candidate must be able to demonstrate, identify and determine the Tracking in 15 mins.
to show if evidence is demonstrated During the demonstration of skills, did the candidate:




Activate the ARPA Execute left click over limits and settings Click AUTODROP and turn it ON. Left Click the NMEA targets and choose ALL Left Click the CPA, TCPA, BCR, BCT limits and activate it
Satisfactory Not Satisfactory

The candidates demonstration was:

Questions to probe the candidates underpinning knowledge 1. What is the importance of tracking? 2. What are the menus over the limits and settings? 3. How to turn on the AUTODROP? 4. Why do we need to click ALL on the NMEA targets? 5. How to obtain the limit value of the CPA/TCPA, BCR/BCT? The candidates underpinning knowledge was: Satisfactory Feedback to candidate General comments [Strengths / Improvements needed] Candidate signature: Assessor signature: Date: Date:

Satisfactory respon se



Not Satisfactory

Candidate name: Assessor name: Subject Title: Date of assessment: Time of assessment: Learning Objectives:

Fiesta, Marvee Rhazel D. 2/M Adriano Duarte General ARPA Facilities (Parallel Index) Monday, Wednesday and Friday 1330h-1630h; 1000h-1300h


Given the necessary materials, the candidate must be able to demonstrate, identify and determine the Parallel Index menu in 10 mins.
to show if evidence is demonstrated During the demonstration of skills, did the candidate:




Put the cursor over the P.I soft box Perform left click to show the Edit Index menu. Place the cursor on any lines on the Edit lines menu. Left click BRG for adjustment of bearing and right click to show the keypad to enter the new bearing. Execute left click on the EXIT EDIT LINES.
Satisfactory Not Satisfactory

The candidates demonstration was:

Questions to probe the candidates underpinning knowledge 1. What is Parallel Index Line? 2. How to open the Parallel Index menu? 3. What is the information under the Edit Index Lines? 4. How to adjust the bearing? 5. How to exit on the Parallel Index menu? The candidates underpinning knowledge was: Satisfactory

Satisfactory respon se



Not Satisfactory

Feedback to candidate General comments [Strengths / Improvements needed] Candidate signature: Assessor signature: Date: Date:

Candidate name: Assessor name: Subject Title: Date of assessment: Time of assessment: Learning Objectives:

Fiesta, Marvee Rhazel D. 2/M Adriano Duarte General ARPA Facilities (TRIAL MENU) Monday, Wednesday and Friday 1330h-1630h; 1000h-1300h


Given the necessary materials, the candidate must be able to demonstrate, identify and determine the TRIAL menu in 15 mins.
to show if evidence is demonstrated During the demonstration of skills, did the candidate:




Place the cursor over the Trial soft box Execute left click to show the trial manoeuvre menu. Activate the CSE, STW and Delay line by left click Drag the cursor from left to right to set the required course, speed and delay. Apply left click to accept.
Satisfactory Not Satisfactory

The candidates demonstration was:

Questions to probe the candidates underpinning knowledge 1. What is the importance of trial manoeuvre? 2. What are the menus under the Trial soft box? 3. How to activate the CSE, STW and Delay line? 4. How to enter the proposed course for your own ship? 5. How to activate the time delay for your own ship? The candidates underpinning knowledge was: Satisfactory Feedback to candidate General comments [Strengths / Improvements needed] Candidate signature: Assessor signature: Date: Date:

Satisfactory respon se



Not Satisfactory

Candidate name: Assessor name: Subject Title: Date of assessment: Time of assessment: Learning Objectives:

Fiesta, Marvee Rhazel D. 2/M Adriano Duarte General ARPA Facilities (NAV menu) Monday, Wednesday and Friday 1330h-1630h; 1000h-1300h


Given the necessary materials, the candidate must be able to demonstrate, identify and determine the Nav menu in 15 mins.
to show if evidence is demonstrated During the demonstration of skills, did the candidate:




Place the cursor over the Nav soft box Perform left click to show its menu. Execute left click to the Cursor Display to show the information. Place the cursor to Route Display. Execute left click to turn it ON or OFF.
Satisfactory Not Satisfactory

The candidates demonstration was:

Questions to probe the candidates underpinning knowledge 1. How to open the Nav menu? 2. What will happen if you click the Nav soft box? 3. What are the information in the cursor display? 4. What is the importance of cursor display? 5. How to turn ON the Route display? The candidates underpinning knowledge was: Satisfactory

Satisfactory respon se



Not Satisfactory

Feedback to candidate General comments [Strengths / Improvements needed] Candidate signature: Assessor signature: Date: Date:

Candidate name: Assessor name: Subject Title: Date of assessment: Time of assessment: Learning Objectives:

Fiesta, Marvee Rhazel D. 2/M Adriano Duarte General ARPA Facilities (Tools menu) Monday, Wednesday and Friday 1330h-1630h; 1000h-1300h


Given the necessary materials, the candidate must be able to demonstrate, identify and determine the TOOLS menu in 10 mins.
to show if evidence is demonstrated During the demonstration of skills, did the candidate:




Execute left click on the Tools soft box. Place the cursor on the Display under rotating cursor. Perform left click to turn it ON or OFF

Put the cursor over the TYPE and execute left click to choose HALF or FULL. Under the Marks, put the cursor on Display and left click to turn it ON and OFF. The candidates demonstration was: Satisfactory Not Satisfactory

Questions to probe the candidates underpinning knowledge

1. What is the importance of Tools menu? 2. What are the menus under the Tools soft box? 3. How to turn ON the marks? 4. How to delete individual marks? 5. How to close the Tools Menu?

Satisfactory respon se



The candidates underpinning knowledge was:

Not Satisfactory

Feedback to candidate General comments [Strengths / Improvements needed] Candidate signature: Assessor signature: Date: Date:

Candidate name: Assessor name: Subject Title: Date of assessment: Time of assessment: Learning Objectives:

Fiesta, Marvee Rhazel D. 2/M Adriano Duarte General ARPA Facilities (Brilliance menu) Monday, Wednesday and Friday 1330h-1630h; 1000h-1300h


Given the necessary materials, the candidate must be able to demonstrate, identify and determine the Brilliance menu in 15 mins.
to show if evidence is demonstrated During the demonstration of skills, did the candidate:




Put the cursor on the Brilliance soft key. Perform left click to show the menus. Position the cursor to Night 1 and left click to activate. Execute left click on the Brilliance + to increase. Left Click the Exit Brilliance.
Satisfactory Not Satisfactory

The candidates demonstration was:

Questions to probe the candidates underpinning knowledge 1. Why is Brilliance menu important? 2. What are the different displays under the Brilliance menu? 3. How to activate the Night 2 display? 4. What will you do to decrease the brilliance? 5. Where is EXIT BRILLIANCE soft key located? The candidates underpinning knowledge was: Satisfactory

Satisfactory respon se



Not Satisfactory

Feedback to candidate General comments [Strengths / Improvements needed] Candidate signature: Assessor signature: Date: Date:

Candidate name: Assessor name: Subject Title: Date of assessment: Time of assessment: Learning Objectives:

Fiesta, Marvee Rhazel D. 2/M Adriano Duarte General ARPA Facilities (System Menu) Monday, Wednesday and Friday 1330h-1630h; 1000h-1300h


Given the necessary materials, the candidate must be able to demonstrate, identify and determine the System menu in 5 mins.
to show if evidence is demonstrated During the demonstration of skills, did the candidate:




Put the cursor over the System menu. Execute left click to the EXIT SYSTEM.

Not Satisfactory

The candidates demonstration was: Satisfactory

Questions to probe the candidates underpinning knowledge 1. What is a System menu? 2. How to exit to the system menu? 3. 4. 5. The candidates underpinning knowledge was: Satisfactory

Satisfactory respon se



Not Satisfactory

Feedback to candidate General comments [Strengths / Improvements needed] Candidate signature: Assessor signature: Date: Date:

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