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Amber Johnson Lesson: Reading Compare and contrast two texts with a partner Date: 3/7/13 10:50am Standard:

: Compare and contrast key details presented in two texts Objective: Compare and contrast two non-fiction texts on the same topic using a personally preferred graphic organizer (venn diagram, T-chart, etc). Introduction: Recap the work we did yesterday when we compared the Daniel Boone and Davy Crockett books as a whole group. Instruction: Instruct students that they will be working with a random partner and will be reviewing two books on the same topic and then creating a compare and contrast chart about their books. Review with students what a T-chart looks like, mention that we have been using primarily venn diagrams but they are free to use whatever they like best. Instruct students that they must have at least three sentences in each bubble or column. Remind students that some books are flagged with the chapter they should focus on. Other students without flags in their book should skim the books, but not read them entirely (this will have to be for the higher level students) o All books are lightly coded with these symbols when handing them out: ! high level - - medium level * - low level o Codes are for teacher use only and are small enough that students should not notice. Review with students that book features such as table of contents, text features and glossaries should be included in our comparisons. Review with students what the content of the books are o i.e. the content is the information in the text about their subject. Since we do not have time to read the entire book, they may have to quickly skim to get very much content. Make a list on the white board of a few things that they can compare and contrast: o Book features Titles Table of content

Bold words o Content Topic Who, what, when, where, why Assessment: Students will create a comparison of their books with a partner. Each student will have their own paper, but pairs should be working together. Evidence of learning will be in their comparisons and if students can successfully take two books they have never seen before and compare them for similarities and differences in content and text features. Academic language: Compare Contrast Text features o Table of contents o Glossary o Index Content o A word I have not used frequently with the students, but it should be pointed out that comparisons of information on the texts subject is the content of the text. Both content and book features should be compared. Transitions: Time students as they move from desks to the carpet. Draw sticks for partners, as I draw sticks partners may come get their books and get started. Give students 15 minutes for lesson. Play it by ear and consider lengthening the lesson by 5-10 minutes if students need the additional time. Remind students that we are good teammates and we are respectful and working hard on our diagrams.

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