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April in Bloom

Dear Friends and Family, According to the calendar, we are enjoying the beginning of Spring. In fact we are still in the grips of winter, as I am writing this snow is falling and we are expected to receive a few inches before you are able to read this updateso needless to say things arent as they seem to be! A lot has taken place since my last update and I would like to fill you all in on the exciting things happening with me. Some testimonies require some background information, so please come with me as I share some events that occurred previously. I became a Christian during a lovely sunrise Easter service in Florida, and after a two year discipleship at a local church, I left to become a missionary. I traveled to and fro from Russia, Mexico, Europe and worked in the inner city of Atlanta and was blessed beyond measure to be doing what had been in my heart for years. I then left the mission to attend the University of Georgia for a degree in genetics. Little did I know that this deviation in my life would be so significant. I originally left the mission field to be trained as a physician so I could return as a pediatrician and work in field clinics. After numerous unsuccessful attempts to get into medical school I settled into a career as a research scientist. To be honest I love science and math, I began teaching and publishing papers and becoming a most irregular lab rat. You see, when I was stumped at the bench I would go for a swim or a hike to pray and ask God how to fix the situation. He would often lead me to a way to clean up the reaction or solution that would work and would be reproducible. To say this time (about 12 years) was full of fun would be a lie. It was the hardest and longest dark night that I have walked through as a Christian. There were some gems, I met some dear friends and I was knitted into a family, which has been a source of comfort and support. The fact remained however, that I did not know how to bridge both parts of who God had made me to be. I love missions and sciencewhere can they both exist? In 2012 God sovereignly opened doors and I returned to fulltime missions. Soon after I returned, the years in the lab and being consumed with science were seemingly distant until I was asked about my scientific theory at a missions conference in Armenia. Then I was asked what it would take to do what I did for UGA in the mission field. My heart leaptcould this be the answer? Is it plausible that I could be a missionary scientist?? I have been asked to help organize a missions focused research department for my missions agency internationally. You see the years I spent at UGA were a training and preparation time for me to step into what God had designed me to do for my life. He is my creator and He fashioned me with both a mind for math and science and a love to see His people come to a saving knowledge of Him. Many have asked how this research thing will look and I simply do not know all of the answers, yet. My heart is to see a group of scientists work together seeking the Lords heart for the solutions to the complex problems that are facing this world. How many nations would be impacted if a group of people determined a cure for malaria and made it freely available to everyone? What about if the self sustaining farming units all ready in use could be optimized to grow the specific crops the people within the area need to eliminate a particular nutrient deficiency? The possibilities are endless, and I realize that if only a fraction of what I am now dreaming of comes to pass the implications would be phenomenal. With something this large, I wanted to confirm this was really what the Lord was directing me to do. I shared with my leaders, my base leaders, family, friends and supporters. I have been released to pursue this new endeavor with YWAM in Science. I am currently preparing for our first gathering of scientists in Kona, Hawaii. I am excited beyond measure and I would appreciate your prayers and help financially. I need to raise about $2,000 to cover my expenses to Kona. Would you please pray and see how you maybe able to help? I will in Kona between April 29 through May 18. While I was home I mentioned I have my hands in three different areas, locally, regionally, and internationally. Locally (Ternopil, Ukraine) and regionally (Eastern Europe) I am still involved in Kings Kids. This new science endeavor with YWAM is my international area. There will come a time, though I know not when, I will be only working with YWAM in Science but until that time comes, my newsletters maybe a tad longsorry!!

LocallyKings Kids Ternopil Update We have been busy! This past month we led a family seminar and prepared for our final outreach with our group from the year round program. The family seminar was focused on couples to build and equip them to be a stronger family unit having Jesus as a foundation. We invited some friends from Lutsk and they led the teaching and ministry times. It was a blessing to hear a testimony from a couple whom were at a challenging time in their marriage and after attending our seminar they have committed to rebuild their relationship with God. Our year round disciple ship program is winding down and we have been encouraged to see growth and changes for good in the lives of the children coming. I cant wait to see what God does next! RegionallyEastern Europe Update Since my last update, I was able to purchase the hoola-hoops for our ministry times this summer! Praise God for His financial blessings J We are currently preparing for a Creativity and Worship Seminar for our region. We have invited people from other Kings Kids locations and from some churches throughout Ukraine. It is our hope to see children, youth and their leaders receive encouragement and be equipped in new ways to worship our Lord and Savior. The seminar will be in a couple of weeks and I am getting excited! I also have a praise report, Roma and Tamara have been given some gifts that will help them cover the costs of the school in Switzerland. They are leaving at the beginning of April and so I would appreciate your prayers as we have a lot of things to accomplish before they leave! InternationallyYWAM in Science We sent out invitations to our first meeting in Kona about a month ago. They were sent throughout the world and so far a handful of people have committed to come. I would appreciate your prayers as we prepare for this endeavor and that the Lord will call forth the people He has marked to be a part of this historical event. As mentioned earlier, I am needing some finances for my passage to Kona. Would you consider contributing to this? PersonallyI have recovered from my wallet be stolen and I have received my new bank cards. Regrettably, I have been very sick and have been unable to get well, yet. I am feeling better today than I have in several weeks and I believe the worst is behind. I have been seeking the Lord for some clarity and answers I would covet your prayers. I can not thank you enough for your love, support, prayers and concern. I dont have the words to share how grateful I am to each and every one of you. In short here is what you helped accomplish this monthsave a marriage, purchase ministry tools (hoola-hoops), impact children with Gods love, and launch a new international ministry. Our God is AWESOME! Until next time Love, April Harper J

Donations should be sent to YWAM Tyler, PO Box 3000, Garden Valley, TX 75771 My name can not appear anywhere on the check. Please attach a separate note with my full name on it.

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