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Alba fajardo Martnez 3 Magisterio Lengua Extranjera


It was Sunday, and there was nobody on the street except Mary, David and John. The sun was totally hidden behind lots of dark clouds and the wind was blowing hard. They were in Easby, a very famous village in England because it had a haunted house. Nobody talks about the haunted house in Easby, it seems they are afraid about it, but Mary, David and John were convinced to go there, they wanted to check if the old stories were true or not. They werent afraid. They had been waiting for that moment lot of time. They were in front of the house. It was very big, made of an old grey wood, and the windows were closed with pieces of wood. The door was a bit open, and they could see rats and beetles around the house. It wasnt a beautiful place. Then, it was time to come into the house David opened the door. Mary and John followed them with torches. They stopped for a moment to see around them, and they just saw lots of doors. Each one had a number on it, from one to thirteen. They were surprised! They didnt know what that it meant. Then, they turn their torches to can see more details of the room. It was full of cobwebs. There were lots of insects on the floor: beetles, spiders, worms, moths So they were stepping bugs on each step they took. Mary felt a shiver. She heard a spooky noise and she felt very uncomfortable in the house. She wanted to go, she didnt want to be there more, so she took Johns hand and she wanted to took Davids hand too but David wasnt there! He had disappeared. Mary and John were really afraid and they were sorry to have entered in the haunted house. They just wanted to find their friend and go back home. Suddenly, Mary and John turned their torches again to light the doors, because it was the last place where they remembered that they had been with David. But, before they could see anything, they heard the same spooky noise that Mary heard before and it made them begin to tremble. It seemed the noise that an old door does when it is closing. Then, they tried to find which door was the one that made the noise, and they found it. It was the number thirteen, the last door. But the door was closed, and David

wasnt there. They tried to open it but it was impossible. Then, they try to break it with stones they found on the floor, and kicking it, but they couldnt do anything. Mary and John began shouting Davids name, but they didnt obtain any answer. John tried to calm Marys fear, but Mary was stunned, she didnt respond to any stimulus, she was like absent That made John feel more afraid than before, and he decided to go out with Mary, without knowing where their friend was. They were very afraid, and their friend wasnt there. Mary started to cry, and John took her hand. They were waiting out of the haunted house during hours, but David didnt appear. When the moon rose, they decided go home, but they never heard again anything about their friend

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