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N. y.

B I N G HAl,l f O N,

Chemistry ' Components Composition Agfa Index Developers Fixers



for the PhotograPher

' '

and action of developers' ' ' and function of fixer mixing

3-9 4 7 8

Suggestions for trouble-free

Formulas ...

rr-3r ro

z6-27 27-29 29-3r

Reducers, Intensifiers . .. . Toners, Desensitizers ..

Agfa Chemicals and Prepared Developers

" " " " '


G O P Y R I G H TI 9 3 S




N' Y.






pHOTOGRAPHERS everywhere ' rcalize the importance which chemistry holds in photographic work, but often consider the subject too formidable and involved for application to their own work. This discussion has been prepared to help dispel that fear, and to show that theoretical knowledge is unimportant if the photographer knows in a practical rryay, what is in a developing or fixing solution, why it is there and how it accomplishes its own particular job. The general structure of photographic film, its components of nitro cellulose (or acetyl cellulose) base, emulsion coating of gelatine which contains suspended particles of light-sensitive silver salt, of halation, are common knowledge among photographers. The chemistry involved in this branch of the science is held under precise control by the manufacturer and causesthe photographer little concern. Photographic begins to affect the photographer more directly in the developing and fixing operations carried out with film and paper. It is therefore well chemistry and auxiliary as prevention layers for such purposes

worth while to consider first the composition and function of the developing solution to see what it contains and what it does to effect development. When a photographic emulsion is exposed to light, the silver salt (silver bromide, chloride or iodide) which the light reaches, undergoes a definite though invisible change to form what is known as the latent image. It is not yet definitely known just how this change takes place, but it is believed that the exposed parts of the emulsion gain a certain "activation" that makes them susceptible to the reducing action of a developer. When placed in a developing solution the exposed, "activated" particles of silver salt are reduced chemically to black metallic silver, leaving the unexposed particles of silver salt unchanged. Reduction in this sense does not have the meaning commonly thought of in the photographic field, namely, the lessening of densit5r in a film negative. This chemical reduction is a conversion of the silver salt to free silver and for the reaction one or more rcducinp agents - which photographers call "developers," are necessarJr.


may use a larger ratio of metol to produce softer results. It is obvious therefore, ttrat great care should be taken in the preparation of developing solutions, for a slight error in the type or amount of the developing agents (or the other constituents too, for that matter) may have a serious effect on the behavior of the developer. Most successful photographers have found that it is far wiser to use the formulas recommended by the manufacturer and to make sure solutions are carefully and accurately mixed, than to spend time is on individual experimenting or research. The use of recommended formulas undoubtedly one of the most important helps to getting good results in film development.

There are many chemicals which are reducing agents, but most of them are too powerful to be used for developing because they reduce all the silver salt in the emulsion without regard to the latent image which exposure in the camera has produced. Therefore a reducing agent must be selected which is satisfactory as a developer and which confines its action to the exposed particles of silver salt, leaving the remainder unaffected. Of the reducing agents that are satisfactory for photographic use, metol, hydroquinone and pyro are most commonly used, and there are in addition other developing agents such as glycin, amidcil and rodinal frequently employed. There are also several developing agents on the market under different names than metol, but which are basically the same chemical - monomethyl - para - amino phenol-sulphate. As has been indicated, ttre chemical action of these developing agents is fundamentally the same. The photographic effect, however, depends to a large extent on tJle particular developing agent and the way in which it is used. Thus many developers contain a combination of developing agents, and one formula may have, for example, a high percentage of hydroquinone to produce brilliant photographic images while another formula 4

soruTroN The function and importance of the developing agent in the developer have been mentioned - but there are three other components which also play both an important role in any developing solution. ment. The first of these is the alkaliMost of the developing agents in which is ordinarily essential for developuse today are neutral or slightly acid in their normal state, and in this condition give little or no developing action. However, when an alkaline salt like sodium carbonate is introduced into the solution

containing the developing agent, a very interesting change takes place. The developing agent forms what is called an alkaline salt which in a photographic sense is a more active material, and it is this alkaline salt of the developing agent that actually reduces the exposed grains of silver salt to metallic silver. The alkali has a secondary effect in the developing solution which is also important. It helps the gelatine emulsion to swell and thus facilitates the penetration of the developing solution throughout layer of the'emulsion. the network

specified, as too much may cause fog in developed negatives; too little may result in slow,soft development. It is important to remember when using carbonate, that the potassium salt is generally available only in the anhydrous form, while the more generally used sodium salt can be obtained as (r) the anhydrous salt containing about z/6 water, (z) the monohydrated salt containing about r5/s water, or (S) in crystal form containing about 6S7o water. crystalline ordinary humidity, The anhydrous and forms are both unstable at conditions of temperature and and must be kept in tightly

It is obvious that the alkali is a really important component of the developing solution and it is likewise evident that care must be exercised in using the right kind and correct amount of alkali. Sodium carbonate is normally recommended though potassium carbonate is sometimes used in its place. The caustic alkalis, sodium hydroxide and potassium hydroxide, should not be substituted unless definitely specified as they are much stronger and can easily cause fog. Normally they are used only in special-purpose developers giving high contrast. Borax and similar alkalis which are less energetic are often specified for fine-grain development in which grain size must be controlled by softer development. The amount of alkali should of course be weighed accurately to the amouqt

sealed containers and used with great care to prevent considerable absorption of water from the atmosphere by the anhydrous salt, or loss of water by the crysThe monohydrated form of sodium carbonate is stable and therefore preferred by most photographers for accurate preparation of developing solutions.

talline form.

It is a characteristic of many photographic reducing agents in alkaline sowith oxygen. freely and easily Because of this "hunger" for oxygen, alkaline solutions of the developing agents spoil very quickly when exposed to air. To increase their useful life, to allow the developing agent to do its work on the exposed silver halide as lutions to combine

desired, and to prevent the occurrence of stains, a preservative must be added to the developing solution. Sodium sulphite is ordinarily used as the preservative, though in developers prepared for stock in two solutions, prservatives which are slightly acid in solution such as sodium bisulphite and potassium metabisulphite are preferred. Because developing agents keep better in acid solution than in one which is alkaline, it is common practice to use one of these acid sulphites as the preservative in the developer part of the stock solution. In single-solution developers, sodium bisulphite is never used alone as a preservative since it neutralizes some of the alkali in the solution and would result in softer development. One other interesting point about preservatives is that in some cases the preservative performs a secondary function in the developer. fn some fine-grain developers, for instance, a large amount of sodium sulphite is used to aid in keeping grain size at a minimum. The fourth and final important component of the typical developing solution is the restrainer, potassium bromide. This necessary constituent of the developing solution acts as a "brake" on the chemical reaction of development and keeps the operation under control. The

action of the restrainer is such that an increase in the concentration of potassium bromide in the developer tends to slow down or "restrain" the development of the photographic image. The concentration of potassium bromide in the solution is obviously important, for too much may retard development excessively and indicate an apparent loss of speed while too little may permit development of fog.

As negatives or prints

are removed

from the developing solution they carry with them considerable amounts of alkali and other chemicals which can contaminate the fixing bath and interfere with its action. ffsed-up developer carried along with negatives and prints can also cause troublesome instantly and completely. well-known short-stop stains if sorne The best and bath of dilute method is not used to stop development most reliable way of doing this is the acetic acid which neutralizes any alkali remaining on negatives or prints and prevents contarnination of the fixing solution. Yet it is surprising how many photographers still try to get along without this intermediate bath between development and fi,xation. It is true that an acid fixing bath will give satisfactory results without the use of a preliminary short-stop bath, but its useful life is se-

verely limited when a short-stop is not used. Photographers frequently ask why acetic acid is used for the short-stop bath and fi.xing bath instead of other common acids like hydrochloric or sulphuric. The answer lies in the fact that a relatively large amount of acid must acid. Consequently a a high A of the be available but the solution must not be too strongly ity but which compound is used which is weak in acidhas available larger amount reserve of acid to neutralize alkali. correspondingly

monly known as "hypo" (from its older name of sodium hyposulphite), for in solution this useful chemical has the property of dissolving light-sensitive silThe method by which the silver salt is removed is generally considered as, first, a conversion to a soluble double salt by the hypo, and second, the washing out of this soluble salt with water. The conventional fixing solution generally contains other chemicals in addition to the hypo. Acetic acid is often included to aid in regulating the acidity of the fixing solution and to preI{owever, a hypo solution containing much acid is apt to precipivent stains. tate sulphur, so another chemical, sodium sulphite, is added to prevent this unwanted reaction. An additional component of the usual fixing bath is the hardening agent which prevents frilling and softening of the gelatine emulsion. White potassium alum (potassium aluminum sulphate) is usually employed for this pulpose though some photographers prefer potassium chrome alum used with a small amount of sulphuric acid. Care must be used with chrome alum as the hardener, however, as it rapidly loses its strength and is only truly solution is used. Fixing baths will seldom if ever give effective when a fresh ver salts.

weak acetic acid may therefore be used than could be used of a strong acid.

The procedure of fixation is relatively simple but it should be carried out with considerable care as it can be the source of much trouble when improperly handled. The photographic film negative upon removal from the developing solution is still sensitive to light, as it contains undeveloped silver salt in the shadow portions of the image. To make the negative image permanent by removing this undeveloped silver salt, as well as to make it clear and transparent for printing, the action of the familiar fixing bath must be employed. The principle constituent of the fixing soilution is sodium thiosulphate, more com-

trouble when properly prepared from pure chemicals. If a bath turns milky after preparation it indicates that sulphur is precipitating because of too much or too strong an acid, too little sulphite, too high a temperature of the solution, or improper mixing. A milky appearance of the bath during use is due to the presence of excess alkali and indicates that the bath should be replaced. It is important not to overwork the fixing bath, because a nearly exhausted fixing solution will not completely remove the silver salts, and prints or negatives may turn yellow or stain on aging. A gallon of standard strength fixing bath should fix roo 8 x ro" double-weight prints or When the bath froths or foams it should be replaced. Many photographers have found a convenient, their equivalent. certain and economical method of insuring complete fixation lies in the use of two fixing solutions. . Fixing is carried out first in the more used of the two baths and finally in the fresher solution. When the older bath becomes exhausted, the partly used solution takes its place and a fresh fixing bath is prepared for the second solution.

grades of every chemical used in photographic processes can be obtained, but many of them contain impurities which are detrimental to perfect Chemicals which are marked (Chemically Pure) and those which are marketed for photographic purposes by reliable manufacturers are "C.P." always safe to use, and can be depended upon. Chemicals marked U.S.p. may be suitable if the amount of impurity present is known to be insignificant. This can be determined by looking up the U.S.P. standards for the chemical in question by consulting the edition of the United States Pharmacopia, tenth edition (1925) or eleventh edition (rggS) as indicated by the number X or XI which follows the U.S.P. on the chemical container label. The second most important rule for trouble-free solutions is perhaps that of mixing all components of a solution in the order listed in the formula. This is extremely important and lack of attention to this point can easily result in the formation of precipitates which will not dissolve in the solution. A worth-while corollary to this rule is to wait until each chemical is thoroughly dissolved before tion. adding the next component of the soluIn most single-solution developers results.


The first and perhaps most important point to follow in the preparation of solutions is that of using chemicals which are 8 "photographically pure." Cheap

the preservative sodium sulphite is usually added immediately after the devel-

oping agent but before the hydroquinone if this chemical is used. When two developing agents such as metol and hydroquinone are used, the addition is generally made in the order metol, sulFlowever, with hydroquinone. developing agents like glycin, the sqlphite and carbonate are dissolved fi.rst' as the glycin dissolves with great dififrphite, culty otherwise. A third important rule for any photographer is to use the purest water obtainable. fnnumerable troubles in developing and fixing have been traced to impurities present in the water. Many photographers find it a wise decision to use distilled water for all stock solutions, adding tap water for dilution. The time required for the preparation of processing solutions can be reduced materially by the use of hot water (about rz5o F.)

quart of developer, for instance, is to start with about z4-z8 ounces of hot water (r25" F.) and after the addition of all chemicals, to add sufficient cold water to bring the total volume up to 32 ounces. Another point well worth remembering is that of weighing and measuring all quantities as closely as possible. Particular care should be taken to avoid errors in small quantities, as a ten-grain error is obviously a very serious one on a fifty-grain quantity, while on a halfpound quantity it might not have harmful effects. Finally and no less important for the order in which it is mentioned, is the matter of temperature. The need for uniform regulation of temperature in all processing solutions, and the maintenance of temperatures as close as possible to 65o Fahrenheit (r8" C.) for film development and to 7oo Fahrenheit (zro C.) for photographic prints, cannot be over-emphasized.

as most



more rapidly in hot than in cold water. A convenient method of preparing one




r7, go, 77.

Aero-Film Developer: 3o. Commerciat Film Developerr: 6l , 72, go. Direct Copy and Direct Duplicating Film Developers: Fine-Grain Developers: t2, rS, 17. Ifigh Contrast Developer: 90. Low Contrast Developers: tZ, 42. Paper Developers: r03, I06, rro, I13, Ir5, I20, Positive Film Developers: 20, 22. Press Film Developers: rT, 47, 64, Reproduction Film Developers: 70, 79, 8r. Tank Developen: t?, +5, 47. Tray Developert: r5, 40, 45, 47,6r, ro3. Tropical Developer: 64. X-Ray Film Developer: 3().

r2S, r30, I35.

AIPHABETIGAT Name Acid lfardening Fixer----Acid Short-Stop---

IN DEX ir{: -_ zor

Pagc 26 25 20 22 26 25 29 24 22 27 T2 rr rr 27 17 AAfa IVo. 12 r5 17 20 22 30 40 42 45 47 6I 64 7o 72 77 79 8r go 96 ro3 106 IIO rr3 II5 r2o r25 r30 r35 2Or 2o2 2o3 22r 222


PaPe rr Ir 12 12 13 13 r3 r4 14 15 15 16 r6 17 t7 r8 r9 r9 20 2T 2l 22 2z 23 13 24 24 25 26 26 27 29 3o

Agfacolor Developer-_-96 A_midol Paper Developer------_------_---__-_rr3 Chrome Alum Fixer------_zo2 Chrome Alum }fardening Bath_--------__Chromium fntensifier---Developer for Bromide paper_------_---- t2S Direct Brown-Black paper Developer rro Farmer's Reducer------Fine-Grain Borax Tank Developer_-_-_- 17 Fine-Grain Tank Developer---.--_------__. r, Fine-Grain Tray Developer----_-_----__-_r5 Flattening Reducer------Developer--Qlycin 72 Gllcin Developer for llvdrocuinone -- rI5 23 _ Bromide Paper--.---_--High Contrast M-H Tray Developer r9 90 Ifydroquinone Caustic Developer------_. 7o 16 llypo Aium Toner------------------------___--2zz 30 Long-life Reprolith Developer--_----_--_- gr r9 M-H Developer--.------------**--___-----_----r5 47 M-H Positive Developer----------------_-_- 20 T2 M-H Tank Developer---14 42 M-H Title Developer--_-. 22 13 M-H Tray Developer---r3 4o M-H Tray Developer---. 6r r5 M-H Tray Developer---17 ?7 Mercury Intensifier---28 Monckhoven's Intensifier---28 Non-hardening Metabisulphite Fixer 2o3 27 Paraformaldehyde Developer-_----_.------ 7g rg Pinakryptol Desensitizers 3o-3I Pyro Developer-----------------------------------14 45 Rapid M-H Tropical Developer_---_-__ 6+ 16 Reversing Bath-----------20 Sepia Toner -- z2l 29 Soft-working Paper Developer---_--_-----rzo 23 IJniversal Film and Paper Developer to3 2l [,fniversal Paper Developer------------------r3o 24 Warm-tone Developcr for Chloride Paper ---------------------------------------------- 2 t Io6 Warm-toned Paper Developer-----------. r35 25 X-Ray Developer---r3 30

Tank Developer---------------Fine-Grain Tray Developer--------------Fine-Grain Tank Developer---Borax Fine-Grain Developer-----------Cine Positive M-H --Title Developer---M-H X-Ray Developer---Tray Developer------------:------------. M-H Tank Developer-----------------------. M-H Pyro Developer--Developer--M-H Tray M-H Developer---Tropical Rapid M-I{ Developer------Caustic Developer----.Hydroquinone Developer---Glycin M-H Tray Developer----Paraformaldehyde Developer---------------Long-life Developer-----------Reprolith High Contrast M-H Tray Developer-Agfacolor Developer---IJniversal Film and Paper Developer \Marm-tonc Developer for Chloride Paper---------Direct Brown-Black Paper Developer Amidol Paper Developer-------------------Glycin llydroquinone Developer for Bromide Paper----------' Paper Soft-working Developer----.------. Developer for Bromide Paper-----------Paper Developer---tlniversal Warm-toned Paper Developer-------.---. Acid Hardening Fixer-----Chrome Alum Fixer Non-hardening Metabisulphite Fixer Sepia Toner ----------------llypo Alum Toner------------------------------




AGFA T2 FINE-GRAIN TANK DEVETOPER This fine-grain formula keeps well and makes an excellent Metric Hot Water ( r r 5 o F . o r 5 2 " C . ) Agfa Metol Agfa Sodium Sulphite, anhydrous. .. Agfa Sodium Carbonate, monohydrated. Agfa Potassium Bromide. Water to make 'Do not dilute for use. Develop 8 to rz minutes at 65" F. (r8" C.). 75o cc. 8 grams r25 grams 5.75 grams 2.5 grams r liter tank developer. Avoirdupois 24 OUnCeS I oz, to gr. 4 oz. 75 gr. 85 grains 36 grains 32 OUnCes

3 quarts r oz.40 gt.

16* oz. 2 oz. to gt. I oz. 95 gt. r gallon

AGFA 15 FINE.GR.AIN TRAY DEVETOPER This is a vigorous, rapid tray developer, giving brilliant Metric Hot Water (re5" F..or Szo C.) Agfa Metol. .. . . .. . o. . Agfa Sodium Sulphite, anhydrous.. Agfa Sodium Carbonate, monohydrated.... ..... Agfa Potassium Bromide. Water to make 75o 8 r25 t4 r.5 r cc. grams grams gfams grams liter results. Avoirdupois 24 OUnCeS I oz. ro gr. 4 oz. 75 gt. I oz. roo gr. aa grains 32 OunCeS 3 quarts I oz.40 gr. t6t, oz. t* oz. So gr. 88 grains r gallon

Do not dilute for use. For normal contrast develop 3 to S minutes at 650 F. (r8o For greater contraet develop about 6 to ro minutes.




F O R f i IU I A S

AGFA 17 FINE-GRAIN BORAX TANK DEVETOPER fn addition to its usefulness as a fine-grain developer, this formula is satisfactory for obtaining Film and portrait and press soft gradation with Agfa Direct Copy Film, Agfa Direct Duplicating This developer for motion picture negative development. It is also recommended cut films. 17 Fine-Grain by ordering "Agfa Formula may be obtained in packaged form ready-to-use Formula 17 is a soft-working fine-grain developer. Developer." Metric Avoirdupois

24 ounces cc. .....7so Hot Water (ra5o F. or 52" C.) 3 quarts 22 grainr 88 grainr r.5 grams .. .... Agfa Metol. .... to*oz. zt oz.8o gr. .. ... .. 8o grams Agfa Sodium Sulphite, anhydrous. .. Agfa Hydroquinone. loz.7ogr. 4s grains Borax loz.7ogt, 45 grains 3 grams .5 gram Agfa Potassium Bromide. So grains 7.5 grains r gallon .. . ... . r liter Water to make. 32 ounces Do not dilute for use. Development time at 650 F. (r8o C), ro to r5 minutes for fine-grain films, rz to zo minutes for Direct Copy, Direct Duplicating, and portrait cut films. AGFA I7E REPLENISHER Add whenever necessary to keep tank up to full volume. Metric Avoirdupois 24 OUnCeS 32 grains zL oz.8o gr. 65 grains *.o2. 45 gr. 32 OUnCeS 3 quarts I oz. zo gt. rot ounces * oz. 5o gr. z* oz.7s gr, r gallon

Hot Water (ra5" F. or 52o C.) Agfa Metol. ... . Agfa Sodium Sulphite, anhydrous.. Agfa Hydroquinone. Borax Water to make.

. .. ..75o cc. 2.2 grams 8o grams . ...... 4.5 grams ..... r8 grams ... ... . r liter

AGFA 20 M.H POSITIVE DEVEIOPER. This clean-working opment of positive film. developer is recommended for normal Mattic contrast with tray or tank devcl-


24 ounces Hot Water (ra5" F. or Sa" C.) . .. .. Z5o cc. 3 quarts 2 grams Agfa Metol * oz. to gt. 30 grains zS grams Agfa Sodium Sulphite, anhydrous. . I oz.4o gr. 3l oz.4o gr. 1; oz. zo gr. 6o grains Agfa Hydroquinone. + grams Agfa Sodium Carbonate, monohydrated. .. . .. ... . r8.5 grams a* ounces * oz. 5o gr. Agfa Potassium Bromide. 2 grams I oz. ro gr. 30 grains r gallon r liter Watertomake. ..;... r 3a ounces Do not dilutc for use. Normal developingtime 3 to 4 minutes at 65o F. (r8'C.).


DEVEIOPING AGTA 22 }t.H TITLE DEVELOPER This formula is rccommended for tray or tank development film to obtain results of high contrast. Metfic


of cine title


and positive


Hot Water (r25" F. or 52o C.) . .. .,7so cc. 24 ounces 3 quarts Agfa Metol. ... . .8 gram 12 grains 52 grains Agfa Sodium Sulphite, anhydrous. .. . ... ... 40 grams rl ounces S ounces Agfa Hydroquinone. 8 grams * oz. ro grs. I oz.4ogr. Agfa Sodium Carbonate, monohydrated. ... So grams r* ounces 7 ounces Agfa Potassium Bromide. .. S grams 75 grains 4 oz. 8o grs, Water to make. .. . .... r liter r gallon 32 Ounces Do not dilutc for use. Normal developing time 5 to g minutes at 6so F. (rg" c.). AGFA 3() X.RAY DEVETOPER. This developer is recommended Film and for use with Agfa Direct -for use with-Agfa-X-Ray Copy Film and Direct,Duplicating Film when resultJof maxi-mum brilliance are desired. Aefa 3o is also suitable for Agfa S. S. Pan-Aero film as it is clean-working, has long life ."a gi""s frGn contrast. Metfic Avoirdupois Hot Water (rz5o F. or 52'C.) .....25o cc. 24 ounces 3 quarts Agfa Metol. ... . 3.S grams So gr'ains I oz. 95 gr. Agfa Sodium Sulphite, anhydrous.... ..;..... ... 6o grams 2 ounces 8 ounces Agfa Hydroquinone. g grams * oz. ao gr, r oz. 8o gr. Agfa Sodium Carbonate, monohydrated.. .. 40 grams rl oz 4o gt. 5:l ounces Agfa Potassium Bromide. z grams 30 grains * oz. ro gr. Water to make. ... ... . r liter r gallon 32 ounces Do not dilute for use. Normal development time at 65o F. (r8o C.), for X-}"y Film, 6 minutes, for Non-Screen Film 8 minutes, for Direct Copy Fiim and Direct ouiricating-rii*, I-B.f ---r 4 to 5 minutes, for S. S. Pan-Aero film ro-r5 minutes depending upon the brpe of devel6ping machini. AGFA 40 I,I.H TRAY DEVETOPER Metol-Hydroquinone tray developer for roll, pack and cut film. Slocft Solution


is a brilliant

Hot Water (ra5o F. or s2o C.) .....9oo cc. Agfa Metol. ... . 4.5 gramg Agfa Sodium Sulphite, anhydrous. . . ... ... 54 grams Agfa Hydroquinone. 2.5 grams Agfa Sodium Carbonate, monohydrated. .. . 54 gramg Agfa Potassium Bromide. 3 grams Water to make. ....... I liter For use dilute r part stock solution with z parts water. Development time 4 to S minutes at 650 F. (rg" C.).

29 Ounces 66 grains r* o2.25 grs. * oz. r* oz.2s grs. 45 grains 32 Ounces

3$ quarts t o2.45 gri. 7l ounces r ounce 71 ounces i[ oz.8o grs. r gallon


t &


F [




m-H TANK DEVETOPER This is a soft-working tank formula recommended

for pack, roll and portrait films.

Metric Hot Water (ra5o F. or 52" C.) Agfa Metol. ... . Agfa Sodium Sulphite, anhydrous. .. Agfa Hydroquinone. Agfa Sodium Carbonate, monohydrated. Agfa Potassium Metabisulphite. Agfa Potassium Bromide. Water to make. Do not dilute for use. . -. -.75o cc. .8 gram ...... 45 grams r.2 grams 8 grams 4 grams r.5 grams ... ... . r liter 24 rz r* 18

Avoirdupois OtrnCeS grains

ounces grains I oz. ro gr. 59 grains zz grains 32 OUnCeS

3 47 6 7o

quarts grains ounces grains

oz.40 gt. $ oz. zo gt. 88 grains 'gallon


Develop r5 to zo minutes at 65" F. (r8" C.).

AGFA 45 PYRO DEVETOPER This formula is recommended be kept in stoppered bottles. to those who prefer Pyro development. Solution t Metric Agfa Sodium Bisulphite. .. . . ;. . . Agfa Pyro Agfa Potassium Bromide. Water to make. 9.8 grams .. ... . 6o grams r.r grams .. . ... . r liter Solution z Metric Agfa Sodium Sulphite, Water to make. anhydrous- . .ro5 grams r liter Solution 3 Agfa Sodium Carbonate, rnonohydrated. water to make. . ' ' 85 grams r liter a* ounceir 32 OUnCes rr ounces r gallon Avoirdupois 31 ounces 32 ounces 14 ounces r gallon Avoirdupois I o2.35 gr. 2 ounces 16 grains 32 ounces t* 8 64 r o2.25 gr. ounces grains gallon Stock solutions should


Take one part each solutions r, a, 3 and add rr parts water. DEVELoPMENT: TANK TRAY DEVELOPMENT: time, from 9 to ra minutes at 650 F. (r8'C.). Normal development Normal development time' from 6 to 8 Take r part each Solutions I, 2,3 and add 7 parts water. Solutions will keep well when stored separately but final developer minutes at 65o F. (rg" C.). after mixing. should be used immediately




This is a long-life, clean-working It is a standard tank development.

formula which will cut film developer.

give excellent

results for eit-her tray


Mekic Hot Water (ra5o F. or 52" C.) . .. . .Z5o cc. r.S grams ... ... 45 r 3 6 .. . . .. . times below, do not Normal dilute r grams gram grams grams .8 gram liter

Avoirdupois 24 ounces 22 grains rl ounces 15 grains 45 grains 88 Jz grains ounces ra grains 3 quartr 88 grains 6 ounces 6o grains I oz.7o gr. I oz. zo gt. 47 grains r gallon

Agfa Metol. .. . . Agfa Sodium Sulphite, anhydrous. .. Agfa Sodium Bisulphite.. Agfa Hydroquinone. Agfa Sodium Carbonate, monohydrated. Agfa Potassium Bromide. Water to make. For developing TANK

for use. time, 6 to 8 minutes at 65" F. (r8o C.) with development time 5 to 7 minutes at



occasional agitation. 65" F. (r8" C.).



AGFA 6I 't,I.H TRAY DEVETOPER This developer is recommended for use with commercial film to produce negatives of normal contrast. It may also be used satisfactorily for roll, pack and cut film for negatives of average brilliance. Mctric Hot Water (r25" F. or 52" C.) Agfa Metol. .. . . Agfa Sodium Sulphite, Agfa Hydroquinone. Agfa Sodium Carbonate, monohydrated. Agfa Potassium Bromide. .. Water to make. Do not dilute for use. Normal anhydrous. .. . :...7So cc. r gram rS grams Avoirdupois 24 ounces 15 grains 30 ounce grains 3 quarts 6o grains a ounces il oz. ro gr. 2 ounces 6o grains r gallon

2 grams .. . r5 grams r gram . r liter

}ounce 15 grains gz ouncelr

development time, 4 to 6 minutes at 65oF.



AGFA 64 RAPTD m-H (TROP|CAT) DEVE1OPER This is a clean-working at high temperatures. developer of particurar value for rapid development or development


Avoirdupis 24 Ounces 36 grains * oz. 4o grs. 95 grains 4 oz. 15 grs. rS grains 32 Ounces 3 quarts :[ o2.35 grs. 3I oz.4o grs. t oz. 55 gr. 2 oz.6o gr. 6o grains r gallon

Hot Water ( t z s o F . o r s 2 " C . ) Agfa Metol.

Agfa Sodium Sulphite, Agfa Hydroquinone. anhydrous. ..

. .. .. zso cc.
2.5 grams 25 grams . r.. 16 r r 6.5 grams grams gram liter

Agfa Sodium Carbonate, monohydrated. ..... Agfa Potassium Bromide. Water to make.

Do not dilute for use. Normal development time-3 to 4 minutes z to 3 minutes at 65o F. (rg" C.). at 85o F. (29. C.).

HYDRoourNoi:til3r,. DEvEropER
(Forrnerly7Oo or pR-l) This developer is recommended for Process film Solution t used in reproduction work.

Hot Water (rz5o F. or 52' C.) Agfa Hydroquinone. Agfa Potassium Metabisulphite. Agfa Potassium Bromide. Cold Water Solution Cold Water . ..' * Agfa Sodium Hydroxide (Caustic Mix Soda Flakes). . . 36 grams r and a immediately C.). 50 grams before use. equal parts of solutions . .....75o cc. .., 25 grams .., 25 grams 25 grams r fiter z

Avoirduwis 24 ounces t oz.4ogr. toz.4ogr. loz.4ogt. 32 ounces 3 quarts 3I oz.40gr. 3Ioz.4ogr. 3toz.4ogr. r gallon


32 ounces r oz, go gr,


4* oz.3o gr.

Develop films within * May be substituted by Potassium Hydroxide

3 rninutes at 65o F. (rg. . ...

r[ oz.8o gr.

6l ounces


AGFA 72 GTYCIN DEVETOPER This formula suitable is recommended, for use with commercial films in reproduction work and is also

for development

of roll, pack and cut film.


Solution Metric Avoirdupois 4| ounces 8} ounces t* oz.8o gr. g2 fifteen ounces r lb. r oz.

Agfa Sodium Sulphite, anhydrous. .. Agfa Potassium Carbonate Agfa Glycin . ... .:. ... Watertomake. TANK orrri....:..

...25o .......


z lb. z oz. 6* ounces r gallon

50 grams r liter


Take one part stock solution, TRAY DEVELOPMENT: C.).

parts water and develop ao

to 25 minutes at 650 F. (r8'C.).

Take one part stock solution, four

parts water and develop 5 to ro minutes at 65" F.(r8'

,,." ;'J:lJ,.o,=*
This formula is recommended for development of Direct Copy and Direct Duplicating Films to obtain results of normal brilliance. S/ock Solution Metric Hot Water (ra5o F. or S2o C.) ........35 ZSo cc. grams Avoirdupois 24 ounces 75 grains r oz. ISgr. 45 grains r ouncc 15 grains 32 ounces 3 quarts t oz.75gt. 4t oz.8o gr. I oz.7o gr. 4 Ounces 6o grains r gallon

Agfa Metol. ... . Agfa Sodium Sulphite, anhydrous... Agfa Hydroquinone. Agfa Sodium Carbonate, monohydrated. Agfa Potassium Bromide. Water to make. ' 3 grams .. . 30 grams r gram r liter

For use dilute one part stock solution with one part water. Normal developing time 5 minutes at 65" F. (rg. C.).




This is a standard formula recommended for development of Reprolith and Reprolith Ortho Films. Agf.a 79 may be obtained in packaged form ready-to-use by ordering "Paralith Developer." This developer has better keeping quality than when made in one solution. Solution r Metric Water. Agfa Sodium Sulphite, anhydrous. .. Agfa Paraformaldehyde. .. Agfa Potassium Metabisulphite. . Watirtomake. . . .75o I . .. 30 . . . ro.5 r ....... Solution Water. Agfa Sodium Sulphite, anhydrous. .. Agfa Boric Acid. Agfa Hydroquinone. n AgfaPotassiumBromide. Water to make. ' For use mix one part Solution Normal development z 24 ounces 4 ounces r ounce 88 grains 96 ounces a. 3 quarts r pound 4 ounces 2oz.zogt. 3 gallons cc. gram grams grams liter Avoirdupois 24 ounces 15 grains r ounce I oz. 45 gt. 32 ounces 3 quarts 6o grains 4 ounces rl oz.6o gr. r gallon

. . .75o cc. . .. . .,tzo grams 30 grams .......... . 6 grams 3 liters

r with

three parts Solution

time a to 3 minutes

at 65 to Zoo F. (r8 to zro C.).

AGFA 79 (ONE sOlUflON) DEVEIOPER PARAFORI'IATDEHYDE This single solution formula is recommended quality the two solution formula is preferred. 2 , Water. Agfa Sodium Sulphite, anhydrous. .. Paraformaldehyde. Agfa Potassium Metabisulphite. . Agfa Boric Acid Crystals. . Agfa Hydroquinone. Agfa Potassium Bromide. .. Water to make. for greater convenience. Metric cc. grams 30 grams ro.5 grams 30 grams 90 grams 6 grams 4 liters For better keeping Avoirdupois 64 ounces 4 OUnCeS r ounce I oz. 45 gr. I OUnCe 3 OUnCeS 88 grains r gallon Normal development

..2ooo . .. . .. ,zo

. ... .. ,

Dissolve chemicals in the order given and use solution full strength. time z to 3 minutes at 65o to 7oo Fahrenheit (r8 to zro C.).


AGFA 8I DEVEI.OPER IONG.LIFE REPR,OTITH formula may be obtained in packaged form by specifying "Reprolith quality mula No. gr provides a single-solution developer of excellent keeping This ment of Reprolith Film. Nletric Avoirdupois 24 ounces r oz' 70 gt' r* ounces z* ounces 8o grains it oz' 35 gr' 32 ounces 3 minutes 3 quarts 4* ounces 7i ounces ro4 ounces j[ ounce r;[ ounces r gallon C.). Developer." For-

for the develop-


Hot Water (r25" F. or 52' C.) Agfa Hydroquinone. A'gfa Soaium Sulphite, anhydrous. . Agfa Sodium Carbonate, monohydrated. Agfa citric Acid. Agfa Potassium Bromide. Water to make. Do hot dilute for use. Normal

cc. . ....75o . . . 35 grams . ... ... 55 grams .. . 8o grams 5.5 grams ... . ro grams .. . ... . r liter time within


at 65o F. (r8'

AGFA 9(, HIGH CONTRAST 't'I.H TRAY DEVELOPER This developer has been particularly negatives. Metric Hot Water (rz5o F. or 52" C.) Agfa Metol. ... .'. f,gfa Sodium Sulphite, anhydrous. .. Agfa Hydroquinone. Agfa Sodium Carbonate, monohydrated. Agfa Potassium Bromide. Watertomake....!.. 75o 5 4tl 6 cc' grams grams grams 40 grams 3 ,grams r liter Avoirdupois 24 Ounces grains oz.4o gr. grains oz.4o gr. 45 grains IS rI 88 tI 32 ounces 3 quarts I oz. 75 gr. 5l ounces *, oz. zo gr. 5l ounces I oz. 7o gt. r gallon designed for use with Commercial and Process films *

to produce contrastY



Do not Normal


for use. time, 4 to 6 minutes at 65" F' (r8" C')'



* This developer may be adapted for high-contrast work with Printon Film by the addition of three grams of Potassilrm Bromide per liter developer (45 grains per 32 oz.) and. development of. z to 3 minutes at 65" F. (r8' C.).


AGFA 96 AGFACOTOR DEVEIOPER This formula oper"' may be obtained in bottled form ready-to-use by ordering ..Agfacolor

rt is recommended

for use with


Plates and Agfacolor

DevellJltra plates in preference

to all other formulas. Metric Agfa Metol. ..,r . Agfa Sodium Sulphite, anhydrous. .. Agfa Hydroquinone. Agfa Potassium Broriride. .. . ... Ammonia, .9r S. G. ("57o byweight).:......... Water to make 3.3 grams 2s grams r gram r.5 grams 7.5 ccm. r liter 48 Avoirdupois grains

I oz. 8o grs.
S* oz.4o grs. 6o grains 8g grains g drams r gallon

* oz.4ogrs. rS grains 22 grains a drams 32 ounces


rf hot water monia'

is used for dissolving for use' Normal plates




Do not dilute


time with

Agfacolor Ultra

be cooled before adding Agfacoror plates 3 minutes;


4 minutes at 65" F. (rg" C.).

REVERSING BATH This formula is recommended for use with Agfacolor Sfock prates.

Solution Metric

Avoirdupois 32 Ounces 13 ounces 3* ounces

Water Agfa Potassium Bichromate. ... ... ... Concentrated Sulphuric Acid.

r liter ... . 50 grams roo cc.

For use take ro parts water and to this add one part stock solution. Of the dilute solution thus obtained, about z oz. will be required for one 3* x a1 plate. The tcmperature should not be allowed to go higher than 65o F. (r8o c.), as the emulsion may otherwise leave the plate.


AGFA TO3 UNIVERSAT FIt't[ AND PAPER DEVEIOPER ( F o r m e r l yN - l O 3 , t This formula may be used both as a developer for film and as a developer for Convira and It may be had in package form by tones are desired. Brovira papers when cold, blue-black ordering Agfa ro3 Developer.

Hot Water (rz5o F. or 52'C.) Agfa Metol. .... Agfa Sodium Sulphite, anhydrous. . Agfa Hydroquinone. Agfa Sodium Carbonate, monohydrated. Agfa Potassium Brgmide. ...{.. Water to make. FILM: Dilute one part stock solution minutes at 650 F. (r8'C.). with


Solution Metfic Avoirdupois 24 OUnCeS 5o grains r*, oz.50 gr. t oz. 55 gr. . zL o2.35 gr. r8 grains 32 OUnCeS Normal 3 quarts ], oz. 95 gr. 7i ounces rl ounces rotr ounces 72 grains r gallon time 5



3.5 grams . . . . .., 57 grams .., rr.5 grams .., 78 grams r.2 grams r with two liter parts water.


For Convira or Brovira, and similar contact and bromide papers dilute Develop t to {f minutes at 7o" F. (zr" C.). z parts water. softer fevelopment of Brovira clilute r to 4, Develop

r part stock solution r/2 to 3 minutes, at

For slower, Z o oF . ( z r ' C . ) .


AGFA 106 vl|ARfiI-TONE DEVETOPERFOR. CHIOR,IDE PAPER ( F o r m e r l yN - 8 6 ) This developer is recommended vira and other Chloride Papers. for producing pronounced warm, olive-black tones with Con-

Metric Hot Water (ra5o F. or s2o C.) Agfa Metol. .. . . Agfa Sodium Sulphite, anhydrous. . Agfa Hydroquinone. Agfa Sodium Carbonate, monohydrated. Agfa Potassium Bromide. Water to make. Do not dilute Normal for use. time, r minute at 7o" F. (zr'C.). ... ..ZSo cc. .Z gram . rr.5 grams 3.S grams ... ro grams 2.4 grams r liter

Avoirdupois 24 ounces ro.5 grains * oz.6o gr. 50 grains I oz. g5 gr. 35 grains 32 ounces 3 quarts 4a grains r* oz.20 gt, I oz. 95 gr. xl oz.3o gr. * oz.3o gt. r gallon

... ... .


2l DEVTtOPtNO ?OnmutAg

AGFA ITO DIRECTBROWN.BTACK PAPER DEVELOPER (Formerty -lO) B Beautiful papers. warm tones may be obtained with this developer on both contact and projection

Sfock Solufion Metric Hot Water (ra5" F. or S2oC.) .....75o cc. Agfa Hydroquinone. ... 22.5 grams Agfa Sodium Sulphite, anhydrous. .. grams ....., ST Agfa Sodium Carbonate, monohydrated. a. . ... .., grams 75 Agfa Potassium Bromide. ... . i. 2.75 grams Water to make. .. . .. . . r liter For use dilute one part stock solution with 5 parts water. Avoirdupois 24 ounces * ounce r2 oz. So gr. z* oz. 40 grains 32 ounces quafts ounceg 7* ounces ro ounces I oz.5o gr. r gallon 3 g

Give prints 3 to 4 times normal exposure and develop from S to Z minutes at 7oo F. (zr" C.).

AGFA II3 A'I,IIDOL PAPER DEVETOPER ( F o r m e r t yA M - 3 ) This formula is intended for tray development . ii recommended only for small lots of prints. only and nzusf be mixed tresh each time. ft

Metric Agfa Amidol. ... Agfa Sodium Sulphite, anhydrous. .. Agfa Potassium Bromide. Water to make. 6.6 grams gramg .S5 gram r liter

Avoirdupois 96 grains rI oz.9o gr. 8 grains 32 Ounces

....., ... ... .


Do not dilute for use. If hot water is used for dissolving chemicale the sodium sulphite and potassium bromide should be dissolved first and the amidol added only after the solution has cooled. Develop r to e minutes at 7oo F. (zro C.).





This is a warm-tone projection papers.

developer suitable for fndiatone, Sfock Solution




and other

Metric . .. . .75o Hot Water (r25" F. or 5zo C.) . .. . . . 90 Agfa Sodium Sulphite, anhydrous. .. .. .r5o Agfa Sodium Carbonate, monohydrated. .. . .. .. . . .. . 30 Agfa Glycin. . .. 9.5 Agfa Hydroquinone. + Agfa Potassium Bromide. r ....... ...e.. Watertomake. For use, dilute Normal cc' grams grams grams grams grams liter

Avoirdupois 24 OUnCeS 3 OUnCeS 5 OunCeS r ounce I oz. 3o gr. 6o grains 32 OUnCeS 3 quarts 12 ounces rlb. 4 oz, 4 OUnCeS r* oz. ro gr. 12 oz. zo gr. r gallon

r part stgck solution witJ: 3 parts of water. time, 2* to 3 minutes at 7o" F. (ar" C.).



( F o r m e r l yB - 2 0 ) This is a soft-working is required. develoPer, primarily intended for portrait work where soft gradation

Sfocft Solution Metric Hot Water (r25" F. or 52'C.) Agfa Metol. ... . Agfa Sodium Sulphite, anhydrous. .. Agfa Sodium Carbonate, monohydrated. Agfa Potassium Bromide. Water to make. For use, dilute Normal r part stock solution . ....75o r2.3 ... ... 36 .. . 36 r.8 ... . .. . r with cc. grams grams grams grams liter Avoirdupois 24 Ounces l, oz. jo gr, I 02.88 gr. t o2.88 gr. 27 grains 32 Ounces 3 quarts ri oz.6o gr. 4l ounces 4t ounces i ounce r gallon

z parts water. 7oo F. (zr" C.).


time, ri

to 3 minutes at


AGFA I25 DEVELOPER FOR BROIIIDE PAPER (FormertyB-5) This formula is rec-omme-nded of Brovira and other --_--for development mav be obtained in package form by ordering Agfa ra5 D;;bp;;. Sfoc/< Solution Metfic Hot Water (re5" F. or 52" C.) Agfa Metol. .. . . Agfa Sodium Sulphite, anhydrous. . . Agfa Hydroquinone. Agfa Sodium Carbonate, monohydrated. Agfa Potassium Bromide. Water to make. . ^{ot use, dilute (zr' C.). r part stock solution . ....25o cc. 3 grams 44 grams r2 grams projection papers. It

Avoirdupois 24 ounces 4s grains r* ounces * oz.6o grs. 3 quarts I i". 7o grs, 6 ounces r* oz.2o grs.


2 grams r liter e parts water.

f oz. rogrs. 3., grains r gallon 32 ounces Develop I to 2 minutes at 7oo F.

For softer and slower development dilute r to at ?oo F. 4, and devel op ry2 to 3 minut$ (zr'C.). For greater brilliance, shorten the exposure slightly and lengthen the development time. -the For greater softness, lengthen the exposure slightly-ani sfrort"., development'time.

AGFA I3O UNIVERSAI PAPER DEVETOPER This formula is a universal developer for all projection and contact papers. It gives rich black tones with excellent brilliat"" detail. Agti r3o provides unrrsuil iatitude in- development and is clean-working "trld even with long developing times-. S/ocft Solution Metfic I{ot water (rr5'F. or 5ao C.) . . Agfa Metol .... Agfa Sodium Sulphite, anhydrous . .. Agfa Hydroquinone Agfa Sodium Carbonate, monohydrated Agfa Potassium Bromide . . Agfa Glycin .... Water to make. 75o cc. 2.2 grams So grams grams rr 78 grams S.5 grams grams rr r liter

Avoirdupois 24 ounces 32 grains r* ounces I oz. 5o grs. ei ounces 8o grains i[ oz. 5o grs. 32 ounces 3 quarts I oz. zo gra. 6* ounces r* ounces ro* ounces il ounce r1 ounces r gallon

The prepared stock solution is clear but slightly colored. The coloration in this case does not indicate the developer has deteriorated or is-unfrt for use. For use dilute r part stock solution with r part water. Normal developjng time_at_7oo F. (z:o C.) for Brovira and Portrait Enlarging 2 to 6 minutes, for Indiatone, Convira and professionai Cyko r* to 3 minutes. Greater contrast can be obtained by using the developer stock solution full strength. Softer results can be obtained by diluting r part ltock solution *iif, e paiis-watet.

D E V E 1 O P E R SA N D S H O R T S T O P S

AGFA T35 WARM.TONED PAPER DEVIIOPER ( F o r m e r l yW - 5 ) This formula may be obtained in packaged form This developer is recommended for rich, warm-black ready-to-use by ordering W-5 Developer. tones with chloride and bromide papers. Avoirdupois

Stock Solution Metric

...,, 7So cc. 24 ounces Hot Water (ra5o F. or 52" C.) 3 quarts g6 grains r.6 grams 24 grains Agfa Metol. . ;. . g* oz. 24 grams Agfa Sodium Sulphite, anhydrous. . . t oz. zo grs. g6 grhins 6.6 grams Agfa Hydroquinone. . * oz. 6o grs. 24 grams Agfa Sodium Carbonate, monohydrated. *oz.2ogrs. 3*oz. 2.8 grams l[ oz. 5o grs. Agfa Potassium Bromide. 40 grains r gallon r liter Water to make. 32 OunCeS A properly exposed print will be For use, dilute r part stock solution with r part water. may be Complete development fully developed at 7o" F. (zro C.) in about 11 to z minutes. expected to take slightly longer with rough-surfaced papers than with semi-glossy or luster-surfaced papers. For greater softness, dilute the bath with water up to eqiral quantities of developer and water. To increase the warmth, add bromide up to double the amount in the formula. The quantity of bromide specified in the formula, however, assures rich, warm, well-balanced tbnes.

ACID SHORT.STOP BATH , This solution is recommended film negatives and prints. for use between developer Metfic . : .. .. 45 cc. Acetic Acid z87o . r liter Water to make. Glacial Acetic Acid (gq.S/o) oray be diluted to the z8/o of Glacial Acetic Acid with eight parts of water. and fixer, to prevent Avoirdupois r$ ounces 32 ounces concentration by mixing three parts staining of

CHROME AIU'IA HARDENING BATH This bath may be used in place of the regular acetic acid short-stop to give additional It is particularly desirable in hot weather, for tropical development, and for hardening to film. negatives which have to be enlarged wet. Avoirdupois Metric Agfa Potassium Chrome Alum r liter Water 32 ounces hardening Maximum Films should be agitated thoroughly when immersed in the solution. will be obtained with about three minutes treatment. The solution should be used fresh as it does not keep well. Formation of a greenish sludge is an indication that the solution should be replaced by a fresh bath. If the Chrome Alum used is such that a sludge is formed when the bath is first used an addition of concentrated Sulphuric Acid (a cc. per liter or * dram per 32 ounces) can be made to the solution to overcome this condition.


25 FtxtNG FOnmulAS

AGFA 2OI A C I D H A R D E N T N GF I X E R This hardening fixing bath for use with cither film or paper may be stored indefinitely and used repeatedly until exhausted. If thc fixing bath froths, turns cloudy, or takes longer than ro minutes to fix out completely, it must be replaced by a fresh solution. Solution r Metric Hot Water (rr5"F. Hypo t..... or 52'C.) .....5oo cc. ...24o grams Solution z cc. grams cc. grams liter sz s ounces I ounce r1 ounces * ounce ounces 20 ounces a ounces 6 ounces z ounces r gallon Avoirdupois 16 ounces 8 ounces |gallon e poundt

Hot water (trso F. or s2'c.) . .... .. .. ..rso Agfa sodium sulphite, anhydrous. .. rs Acetic Acid (287o).... ...:.. 45 Agfa Potassium Alum .. rS Add Solution a to r and add water to make. .. ., . r Dissolve chemicals thoroughly in order given

and stir rapidly while adding solution a to solution r. Glacial Acetic Acid may be diluted to zgTo concentration by adding 3 par6 of acid to g parts of water. Do not dilute for use. Normal fixing time 5 to ro minutes at 65 to 7o" F. (r8 to ero C.)...

AGFA 2O2 CHROI'IE ALUM FTXER This hardening fixing bath for use with films in hot weather should be used fresh, as it does not retain its hardening action Solution z

Hot Water (rz5o F. or 52' C.) Hypo. Agfa Sodium Sulphite.. . Water to make. . . . .. .. ..... 2.5 liters ...960 grams ... 6o grams . 3 literc Solution Water Agfa Potassium Chrome Alum. Sulphuric Acid C.P. ..... z r liter 6o grams 8 cc.

Avoirdupois go ounces a pounds z ounces 96 ounces


32 ounces z ounces I ounce


Slowly pour Solution I into Solution r while rapidly use. Do not dissolve tJ:e Chrome Alum at a temperature rinse filmr thoroughly before fixing. Normal fixing time

stirring the latter. Do not dilute for higher than r5oo F. (66" C.). Always 5 to ro minutes at 65o F. (rg'C.).


ts, lq



AGFA 2O3 FIXER NON.HARDENING I'IETABISUTPHITE This fixing bath is recommended for use when hardening is not desired. sirable for accuracy of registration in color work with Printon Film. Metric Hypo Agfa Potassium Metabisulphite. Water to make. ...r9oo grams ... 27o grams 4 liters It is highly de-


Avoirdupois 4 pounds 9 OUnCeS r gallon is cool. Do not dilute

should be added only when the Hypo solution The Metabisulphite for use. Normal fixing time 5 to ro minutes at 65" F. (r8'C.).

FARINER'SREDUCER This is a cutting reducer for lessening the density of heavy negatives and at the same time increasing their contrast. . ft is especially valuable for reproduction films to clear the whites. Solution t Metric F{ypo Water to make. .....; .....24o grams . r liter Solution Agfa Potassium Ferricyanide. .. Water to make. . ... z I oz. 55 gr. 8 ounces Solutions r Avoirdupois 8 ounces 32 ounces

rg grams .25o cc.

For use mix one part Solution a and four parts Solution r in 3z parts water. and a should be stored separately and mixed immediately before use.

FTATTENING REDUCER This reducer is useful for lessening the density and contrast of heavy negatives. Solution z Mettic Agfa Potassium Ferricyanide. .. Agfa Potassium Bromide. Water to make. . ... 35 gramt ro grams r liter . t Avoirdupois 02.75 grs. I oz.4o gts. 32 Ounces

Bleach in Solution r and after thorough washing, redevelop to desired density and contrast in Agf.a 47 or other negative developer except fine-grain developers. fhen fix and wash in usual Conduct operation in subdued light. rnanner.



IIERCURY INTENSIFIER This intensifier is recommended for increasing the printing Metfic Agfa Potassium Bromide. {'Mercuric Chloride. Water to make. ro grams ro grams r fiter density of tfiin, flat negatives.

Avoirduwis I oz. 35 gr. I o2.35 gr. 32 Ounces


Do not dilute for use. Negatives to be intensified must be very tfioroughly washed first or yellow stains may result on the intensified negative. Immerse negatives in above solution until thoroughly bleached to the base of the film and then wash in water containing a few drops of hydrochloric acid. Redevelop bleached negatives in s/o Sodium Sulphite or any standard developer. Surface scum which forms during storage of the bleaching solution does not affect the bleacher but should be removed before using the solution. * Poison-Danger.



rhis rormura gives very srea:i::"H::::t::rt::*.

work. Solution z Metdc

ror rine drawing and harrtonc


Agfa Potassium Bromide. x Mercuric Chloride. Water to make Solution Cold Water.,... . * Potassium Cyanide. Agfa Silver Nitrate. .. .. A

23 gfams 23 grams r liter z

I ounce I ounce 32 Ounces 32 OUnCes t ounce I ounce

lots of water, The mixture

r liter .. , 23 grams .., 23 grams

The silver nitrate and the potassium cyanide should be dissolved in'separate and the former added to the latter until a permanent precipitate is produced. is allowed to stand r5 minutes, and after filtering, forms Solution a.

Place negatives in Solution r until bleached through, then rinse and place in Sdlution z. If intensification is carried too far, the negative may be reduced with a weak solution of hypo. * wARNTNG-Because of the deadly poisonous nature of this intensifier, it chould be used with care and bottles containing it should be suitably marked. Never mix cyanide solutions with acids or use them in poorly ventilated rogrrls. Discard wqste solutions inlo running wafeg.




GHR,O'IIIUftTINTENSIFIER This formula is recommended because it is *"""T:;;' '." and sive;"T;;:it results'

Agfa Potassium Bichromate. . . . Acid. Hydrochloric Water to make.

... ... ... '| , *,.-" 6 cc' r liter


--t"" r'6 drams 32 ounces

in running water, Immerse negatives in this solution until bleached, wash for 5 minutes developer such as Agfa and redevelop in bright but diffused light in a Metol Hydroquinone may Intensification wash before drying. No. +?. Negatives should then be given a r5-minute be repeated for increased effect. it may be easily If any blue coloration of the film base is noticeable after intensification, removed by washing the film for two or three seconds in water containing a few drops of ammonia, This or in a 57o solution of sodium sulphite. in a S7o solution of potassium metabisulphite, treatment should be followed by a thorough washing in water. AGFA 22I SEPTATONER - This toner is recommended for warm-brown sepia tones. t Metric , I roTo Potassium Ferricyanide Solution ro/sPotassium Bromide Solution.... ro% Sodium Carbonate Solution. Water Do not dilute for use. Solution z ... 45 grams .,.... .5oo cc. one part solution z with 14 ounces 16 ounces eight parts water. ....5oo .....roo .. .2oo .. .2oo cc. cc. cc. cc. Avoirdupois 17* fluid oz. 3] fluid oz. 7 fluidoz. 7 flwidoz.


Agfa Sodium Sulphide. .. . Water to make. For use as described b'elow, dilute

sure to use Sodium Sulphide, not Sodium Sulphite, in compounding tJre ReIMFORTANT-Be Also, use clean trays, free from exposed iron spots, especially with Bleaching Bath. Developer. Otherwise blue spots may form on prints. and then bleached in Solution r until the black imase is . Prints should be washed thoroughly Prints should then be washed for ro to converted to a very light brown color (about r minute). 15 minutes and redeveloped in diluted Solution z. Redevelopment should be complete in about r minute. After redevelopment the prints should If the toner should leave sediment which be washed for about 3o minutes and then dried. results in streaks or finger marks on the surface of the paper tJre print should be immersed for a few seconds in a S7o solution of acetic acid. A washing of about ro minutes after this procedure is necessary.


AGFA 222 HYPO AIUM TONER Thic toner is recommended for beautiful reddish-brown t Metric Avoirdupois 8o ounces r5 ounces Solution z ........3., cc. r] grams : Water Agfa Potassium fodide. .. . solution 3 .. .. 30 cc. a| grams tones.


Water Hypo.

Water ...r.. Agfa Silver Nitrate.

r ounce eo grains

r ounce 4o grains

Add Solution a to Solution r. Then add (3* ounces) of Agfa Potassium Alum to FrqTs boiling point, or until sulphurization^ takes place tion). To-ne prints zo to 6o minutes in this bath occasionally until toning is complete.

Solutigr : to the mixture. Finally add ro5 this soluti6n, and heat ihe entire bltn to tto (indicated by a milky appearance of the solu(;t-ir"'6i--X*io.!'-prints ai tto-irlt"rconverted, before removing the prints

Care should be taken to see that the blacks are fully from the toning bath, otherwise double tones may result.

PINAKRYPTOT GREEN DESENSITIZER This solution is not recommended for hi{h S/ocft speed panchromatic Solution Metric Pinakryptol Green. x Water to make. r gram .. . .,5oo cc. Avoirdupois 15 grarns 16 ounces films.

For use dilute one part stock desensitiing-solution with ten parts water. rmmerse films in total darkness for two minutls--at 65o r. (ra' i.). o".'"t"p-d; ;;t - ;h"n'be car.ied out-in bright light. (Agfa Safetight Filter No. ro7 with a ,Sl*.ti 6;;i: The same stock solution,may be used, if preferred,- directly -After tion: desensitizer: on-e part, deveioper-: thi;tv tw6 i";a; darkness, bright rcd light may be used as .Uorre. * . It:" of a 5o-5o water-alcohol desensitizer. mixture for golution will in the developer in the propor, *irr"Lr; development in total


the keeping


of thc


Yellow. Pinakryptol * Water to make.

PINAKRYPTOT YELTOW DESENSITIZER Metric r gram Avoirdupois 15 grarrul

32 OtrnCeS Immerse films in total darkness Use without dilution at a temperature of 65o F. (r8'C.). frlm and Agfacolor Plates may then be handled in bright red Orthochromatic for two minutes. light (Agfa Safelight Filter No. ro7 with z5-watt lamp), panchromatic film and Agfa Ultra Color Pinakryptol Pfates in bright g]een light (Agfa Safelight Filter No. ro3 with z5-watt lamp). Yellow desensitizer should be used as a separate bath and not mixed with the developer. * IJse of a 5o-5o water-alcohol desensitizer. mixture for solution'will improve the keeping qualities of t-he

E}ffRA HARD .SOFT _MEDIUM -ri"1'$l:'j"tn:j::,'*:' -HARD F.**m*^ STNGLE wErGHr n["T.liJ:, Glossy velvet DOUBLE VEIGHT Glossy Velvet Matte White Togr 72rr ZoSr Trrr TzSr 7r7r Trgr 7z61 7271 7o3z ?zr2 ToSz 7rr2 7252 7172 7lg2 7z6z 7272 7253 Ir73 -: 726g 7273 ?zS4 Zo33 lzrg 7oS3 72'.4 7oS4 z43r 75rt 7+g2 7512 7433 7513 74g4 75'.4

Silk White Royal White Crystal White Porcelain White Kashmir Kashmir White Ivory


In ordering chemicals be sure to specify AGFA "LaboratoryTested" Chemicals. Prepared especially for photographic use, Agfa Chemicals are clean, free running, easily soluble and of highest purity. Consult catalog P-S6 or price list P-rz for complete listing of Agfa Photographic Chemicals. If you prefer the convenience and time-saving advantages of prepared developers, ask your dealer for AGFA prepared developers and fixers. Supplied in several sizes, these prepared chemicals are ready-mixed and need only to be dissolved in water to make them ready for use. The following are a few of the preparations available: AGFA AGFA ' " AGFA AGFA 17 (Fine-Grain) r7A Replenisher 47 Developer 47A Replenisher Developer


AGFA ro3 (N-ro3) Developer for Film and Paper AGFA ra5 (B-S) Paper Developer AGFA r3S (W-5) Paper Developer 3ao Deep'Tank Developer AGFA 32oA Deep-Tank Replenisher AGFA AGFA AGFA AGFA AGFA Acid Hypo Rapid Fixer Rodinal Direct Sepia Toner Mercury Intensifier CORPORATION N. Y. AGFA

AGFA Brovira Toner






r . M .R E G .


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