Educational Philosophy

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Philosophy I believe that learning occurs in an environment that demonstrates disciplined questioning, in

turn, developing and integrating knowledge and skills. The best learning occurs in an environment that provides opportunities for active learning, resources and displays responsibility and initiative. Learning is achieved through a combination and alignment of curriculum, experiences, knowledge and assessment. Students should learn civic and personal responsibilities, along with global and cultural

awareness and understanding. They should also be aware of the numerous ways to communicate ideas and feelings effectively. Through this, they will demonstrate critical thinking and reasoning, problem solving and creative thinking. In todays schools, no student is exactly the same. Not all students can analyze, observe and

evaluate materials and subjects the same. John Dewey and Jean Piagets theories show the importance of allowing the students to use their own personal experiences and understanding. When learning in this environment, students will be able to develop new ideas and facts. Through this process, students will continue to learn and change past knowledge as they experience new discoveries. As educators we are present, but only to provide direction and guidance. Constructive learning will encourage the students to be more independent learner, use critical reasoning and creative thinking. On the same hand, I feel that students are more likely to be engaged and motivated to learn

when they are hands on. Dewey knew that students learned in different ways and encourage them to learn by doing. When a student is aware of a problem and can identify it, the student is a step closer to self-awareness. As an educator, I will provide my students with questions that they may not have considered. I will be there as a guide, however, it will be them making the decisions, as well. Students that are self-aware can use the real world experiences and create possible solutions. The student is

educated by their past experiences and outcomes. Now, in the future, those students will have the tools and knowledge to overcome new obstacles that they may face, using their past experiences. There are some students that require extra help. They enjoy knowing that they contributed to

the result of an experiment; however they need a little more reinforcement. If a student is doing a positive action, it is rewarded and they are praised immediately. John Watson feels that all students can be reprogrammed to a certain degree. Ivan Pavlov and B.F. Skinner have shown that it is possible to train stimuli to do what you desire. They were able to recondition and condition the responses from their subjects. Another way to encourage reconditioning is by positive reinforcement. As an educator, if I remove the negative stimuli from a student, they would learn to control their behaviors. As an educator, it is my job to incorporate a variety of philosophies into my teaching. Through

that, the students will develop new understandings and skills. They will be more open to learning and change. This will, overall, help them become responsible adults, able to use critical reasoning, creative thinking and problem solving skills.

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