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Supply chain is emerging concept in the business dynamic environment. It should note that many definition of supply chain management prevail in literature, we are not going to develop new and best definition of supply chain management. Rather than this paper compile the necessary characteristic that important part of a successful supply chain management. Supply chain management approach is important due to more dynamics of current market and competitive environment, and needs to introduce new competitive strategies which focus on better leveraging firm assets to achieve customer satisfaction. Supply chain management assists the manager to gauge and understand the nature of demand of their products and service and advise how to satisfy the demand. The term supply chain management (SCM) was initially introduced in the early 1980s by consultants (Oliver and Webber, 1992). The supply chain management concept derive from logistic (Davis, Tom, 1993) logistic continue significant impact on supply chain management concept. Supply chains initially focus on assists the goods movement and manage the supply and demand between buyer and supplier. supply chain management and logistics is a collection of functional activities (inventory control transportation, etc.), which are recurring in nature throughout the channel through which raw material transformed to finished goods along with the addition consumer value. Supply chain management concept initiated in logistics literature and logistic has continued significant affect on supply chain management (Min, Mentzer, 2000).

SCM deals helps out business process for high performance and provide a new way of managing members of the supply chain. Supply chain is not a chain of businesses with another business, business-to-business relationships, but supply chain is a network of relationship and business. Cross-functional integration of key business process within and across the network of firm is required for successful supply chain management (Lambert, 2001). Bechtel and Jayaram identifying the basic schools of thought, and the major contributions and primary assumptions of SCM that must be challenged in the future (Bechtel, Jayaram, 1997). Although some firms started supply chain management by integrating within their organization before expending to other firm, but the original scope of supply chain management across the organization. Implementation and integration of supply chain management required some level of coordination across organizational. Integration entail process integration, function integration and within and across the supply chain management (Cooper, Lambert, Pagh, 1997). Supply chain management extends the concept of the functional integration across the supply chain management. Supply chain management is system viewed the channel as whole rather than a part. Supply chain manages and controls the inventory throughout the supply chain from supplier to final customer. Supply chain management is defined as an integrative philosophy to manage total flow of distribution channel from supplier to ultimate user (Ellram, Lisa and Cooper, 1990).This indicates grate collaboration business process and activities, like inventory management, across the whole channel including all other channels. The core purpose of supply chain management implementation is to availability of stock and reduction in inventory. Supply chains have been integrated by companies to linking the suppliers processes to their own processes through supply chain management integration.

Accurate flow of information of inventory throughout the supply chain is center of supply chain. Accurate informations from all players of supply chain regarding quality, quality and inventory lead time. Communication and information in supply chain play a big role to remove uncertainty and improving the performance of all system. In order to achieve a competitive advantage, supply chains need to be managed appropriately. Processing of information and resource dependence drive organization' motivation to respond the supply chain disruptions. High orientation of supply chain disruptions can reduce the impact and likelihood of supply chain disruptions further (Bode et al, 2011). Individual businesses no longer compete as solely autonomous entity, but rather as supply chain. Supply chain deals with all process excellence and introduce with a new way to manage the business and relation with all other supply chain members (lambert, Cooper, 2000). Supply chain management includes all activities associated with transformation and flow of good from the raw material to the end user, as well as associated with the flow of materiel information and information flow both up and down the supply chain (Ballou, Srivastava, 2004). Transportation and inventory management are the basic cost-absorbing method in logistics and supply chain. Experiences have proved that each represents one-half to two-third of total logistic costs. Transportation adds place value where as inventory management adds time value. In some cases, cost has raised because of poor coordination between supply chain management with other channel members in the industry. Supply chain management integration has been considered a solution for underperformance firms. Completely integrated supply chains management concerning all firms in repeated works

would probably be unlikely to be achieved in building practice. Supply chain management, relationship marketing, marketing orientation and marketing concept are interrelated. For successful supply chain marketing orientation, relationship marketing play important role. Marketing orientation play an important role in implementation of supply chain management in term of producing and saving important information that are essential for establishing the supply chain management. Information includes regarding customers, supplier, competitions, sociopolitical, environments and technology. Many enablers support the integration and IT enablement of supply chains. These enablers support the process of IT enablement as well as influence one another (Jharkharia, Shanka. 2004). To complete the supply chain management scope of IT considered essential from supplier to raw material through warehouse, factories to demand in a store for finish goods (Davis, 1993). Supply chains management complex with several activities (inventory, logistics, and procurement, planning, performance and intra-and inter-organizational relationships) usually spread over more than one functions or organizations and sometimes spread over long time (Arshinder, Kanda, Deshmukh. 2008). Product that is used by end user passes through many entities that contributed in value chain of product before consumption. Supply chain management overall performance depends on supply chain partners may acts as a part of cohesive system and coordinate with each other. Study on supply chain coordination is still in its infancy (Arshinder, Kanda, Deshmukh. 2008). Continuous cooperation, coordination, cooperation, and coordination among supply chain members are essential for risk evasion, reduction, management and mitigation such that the value and benefits created are maximized and shared fairly (Kleindorfer and Saad. 2005). Supply chain

management cover a broader area as compare to supplier management, so supply chain management should not mixed up with supplier management (Davis, 1993).

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