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June 19,2003

Thomas H. Kean
CHAIR Ms. Pat Downs
Lee H. Hamilton
Acting Director, Intelligence Policy
VICE CHAIR Office of the USD(I)
6000 Defense Pentagon, Room 3C281
Richard Ben-Veniste
Washington, DC 20301-6000
Max Cletand
Dear Pat:
Frederick F. Fielding

Jamie S. Gorelick Thank you for taking on the task of facilitating the Commission's needs within
the Department of Defense. We have made great progress since you came on
Slade Gorton
board in terms of establishing the procedures and communications necessary to
John F. Lehman conduct our review. At the same time, I am writing to express our concern with
the current pace of the document production.
Timothy J. Roemer

James R. Thompson As you know, on May 12,2003, the Commission submitted to the Department of
Defense Document Request No. 1 (attached hereto), which asked the Department
to provide the Commission with various categories of documents by May 23,
Philip D. Zetikow
EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR 2003. In response to that request, the Commission has received two sets of
documents; the first on June 3, 2003, and the second on June 13,2003. (Also
attached are the indexes accompanying each set of documents). It is now nearly
one month past the production date, and, as far as we can discern, at least half of
the documents sought by DoD Document Request No. 1 are still outstanding.

Similarly, on May 20, 2003, the Commission submitted to the Department

Document Request No. 2 (attached hereto), which asked the Department to
furnish the Commission with access to the documents and materials of the Naval
Historical Center by June 3, 2003. Indeed, this request had been made informally
even earlier. To date we have not received any response to this request,

As you are aware, the Commission is operating under a statutory deadline and is
charged with the responsibility to investigate a number of different areas. While
we understand the size of the Department and the various components these
documents must pass through, the calendar simply does not allow for significant
further delays. If there is something we can do to facilitate the process of
production, please let us know. Absent that, I look forward to hearing from you
where we stand with regard to the aforementioned requests.


General Counsel 301 7'1' Street SW, Room 5125
Washington, DC 20407
Cc: Adam Ciongoli T F 202.296.5545
Chad Boudreaux www.9-1



H. Hamilton
VICE CHAIR The National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States (the
"Commission") requests that the U.S. Department of Defense (the "respondent")
hard Ben-Veniste
provide the Commission with copies of the following documents no later than May
xQeland 23,2003, (the "production date"):
d F. Fielding -
1. The event, tasking, and production logs for the Crisis Coordination Group (CCG)
lie S. Gorelick or other Office of the Secretary of Defense (OSD) crisis management
ie Gorton mechanisms activated on 9/11/01. ^
• • • !>
i _.-
,n Lehman
2. The event, tasking, and production logs for the Crisis Action Team (CAT) or
lothyj. Roemcr other-Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS) crisis management mechanisms activated on
ies R. Thompson

3. A transcript or other record of the air threat conference call held on the morning
lip D. Zelikow
of 9/11/01.

4. The JCS Rules of Engagement concerning domestic airline security, including

hijackings, that were in effect on 9/11/01.

5. The North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD) Rules of

Engagement concerning domestic airline security, including hijackings, that were
in effect on 9/11/01.

6. The JCS Duty Director of Operations log for the 24-hour period beginning with
the morning shift change on 9/11/01, and the logs for any subordinate desks that
recorded events related to the hijackings on 9/11/01 and JCS' response.

7. The NORAD Command Director log for the 24-hour period beginning with the
morning shift change on 9/11/01, and the logs for any subordinate desks in the
Cheyenne Mountain Operations Center, including the Air Defense Operations
Center, that recorded events related to the hijackings on 9/11/01 and NORAD's

8. The Northeast Air Defense Sector (NEAD) Senior Director log for the 24-hour
period beginning with the morning shift change on 9/11/01, and the logs for any
subordinate desks in the Sector Operations Control Center (SOCC) that recorded
events related to the hijackings on 9/11/01 and NEAD's response, including logs
for the Surveillance Technician, the Identification Technician, and the Weapons

TEL (202) 331-4060

_^ .. /-TO-T> in A ^it;
/9/11 Personal Privacy


9. The First Air Force/Continental Air Defense Region (CONAR) senior duty officer log for the 24-
hour period beginning with the morning shift change on 9/11/01, and the logs for any subordinate
desks that recorded events related to the hijackirigs on 9/11/01 and First Air Force/CONARrs
response. /

10. All DoD after-action reviews relating to the events of 9/11/01, including documents relating to the
graphic depiction of the events of 9/11/01 presented to a National Reconnaissance Office
Conference on June 3,2002, by| [and the review of scramble activity for the First Air
Force and Continental Air Defense Region (CONAR) on 9/11/01 completed by the Chief of Staff
(Colonel Scott) or other officials in 2002.

11. Protocols between NORAD and the FAA concerning hijacked airplanes in effect on 9/11/01, and
current protocols concerning hijacked airplanes.

12. Protocols between NORAD and'law enforcement agencies, including the U.S. Secret Service,
concerning hijacked airplanes in effect on 9/11/01, and current protocols concerning hijacked

13. All documents relating to communications between NORAD and the FAA concerning the
tracking of the hijacked airplanes on 9/11/01. . .K

14. All documents relating to communications between NORAD and law enforcement agencies,
including the U.S. Secret Service, concerning the tracking of the hijacked airplanes on 9/11/01.

15. Joint Surveillance System radar files from the 84th Radar Evaluation Squadron (Air Combat
Command) relating to the airplanes hijacked on 9/11/01, the responding fighters, and the flights
• of Air Force One on 9/11/01, as well as the RS3 software to run the radar files.

16. Current organization charts for OSD, JCS, NORAD, First Air Force, CONAR, and MEAD, and
organization charts for the same components in effect on 9/11/01.

17. Two copies of the current DoD phone book, and two copies of the DoD phone book in effect on

18. Access to all documents provided by DoD to the Congressional Intelligence Committees' Joint
Inquiry regarding the terrorists attacks on 9/11/01.

The Commission requests that documents requested above be provided as soon as they are available,
even though all requested documents may not be provided at the same time, through means of a
"rolling" production. u

If any requested documents are withheld from production, even temporarily, based on an alleged
claim of privilege or for any other reason, the Commission requests that the respondent, as soon as
possible and in no event later than the production date, identify and describe each such document or

class of documents, as well as the alleged basis for not producing it, with sufficient specificity to
allow a meaningful challenge to any such withholding.

If the respondent does not have possession, custody or control of any requested documents but has
information about where such documents may be located, the Commission requests that the
respondent provide such information as soon as possible and in no event later than the production

If the respondent has any questions or concerns about the interpretation or scope of these document
requests, the Commission requests that any such questions or concerns be raised with the
Commission as soon as possible so that any such issues can be addressed^and resolved prior to the
production date. '^;

May 9,2003 Daniel Marcus

General Counsel



H. Hamilton
VICE CHAIR The National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States (the
"Commission") requests that the U.S. Department of Defense (the "respondent")
hard Ben-Veniste
provide the Commission with access to the following materials no later than June 3,
x Qeland 2003 (the "production date"):
d F. Relding
1. All documents, information, and other materials in the possession, custody or
lie S. Gorelick control of the September 11 historical project being conducted by the Naval
Je Gorton Historical Center.

n Lehman
The Commission requests that access to the materials requested above be provided as
obthyj. Roemer soon as possible, even though access to all requested materials may not be provided at
the same time, through means of a "rolling" production.
«s R. Thompsorv-

If access to any of the requested documents or other materials is withheld, even

Jip D. Zelikow
temporarily, based on an alleged claim of privilege or for any other reason, the
Commission requests that the respondent, as soon as possible and in no event later
than the production date, identify"and describe each such document or class of
documents, as well as the alleged basis for withholding it, with sufficient specificity
to allow a meaningful challenge to any such withholding.

If the respondent does not have possession, custody or control of certain materials
related to the September 11 historical project but has information about where such
materials may be located, the Commission requests that the respondent provide such
information as soon as possible and in no event later than the production date.

If the respondent has any questions or concerns about the interpretation or scope of
this document request, the Commission requests that any such questions or concerns
be raised with the Commission as soon as possible so that any such issues can be
addressed and resolved prior to the production date. ::^-

May 20, 2003 Daniel Marcus

General Counsel

TEL (202) 331-4060

HAX (202) 296-5545
National Commission On Terrorist Attack Document Index

Bates Range Description Classification Organization Request* ltem#

NCT0000001 DOD Telephone Directory Dated 2001 (2) Unclassified WHS 1 18

NCT0000002 DOD Telephone Directory Dated 2002 (2) Unclassified WHS 1 18

NCT0000003 DOD Key Locator Chart Dated Sep 2000 FOUO WHS 1 18

NCT0000004 DOD Key Locator Chart Dated Feb 2002 FOUO WHS 1 18

NCT0000005 DoD Key Locator Chart Dated Aug 2002 FOUO WHS 1 18

NCT0000006 Dod Organizational Chart Dated July 2001 Unclassified WHS 1 18

NCT0000007 DoD Organizational Chart Dated Aug 2001 Unclassified WHS 1 18 "

NCT0000008 DoD Organizational Chart Dated Oct 2001 Unclassified WHS 1 18

NCT0000009 DoD Organizational Chart Dated Nov 2001 Unclassified WHS 1 18

NCT0000010 JCS Locator Chart Dated Oct 2001 Unclassified JCS 1 18

NCT0000011 JCS Locator Chart Dated Feb 2003 Unclassified JCS 1 18 .

NCT0000012 - NCT0000015 AF Choronology Overview Secret Air Force 1

NCT0000016 - NCT0000046 AF Operations Summary Secret Air Force 1

NCT0000047 AF Responses Index Unclassified Air Force 1

'NCT0000048 NEADS Structure/Organization Charts Unclassified NEADS 1

NCT0000049 - NCT0000130 Transcripts from Voice Recorder FOUO NEADS 1

ijCT0000131 -NCT0000138 Surveillance Log Book Secret NEADS 1

Page numbers are for identification purposes only. They were applied as documents were processed and do not indicate anything about the documents.
National Commission On Terrorist Attack Document Index

•NCT0000139 - NCT0000148 Log Entries Unclassified JCS 1

•NCT0000149 - NCT0000150 Excerpt from Survelliance Log TS/SI JCS 1

NCT0000151 -NCT0000174 NIMA Directorate for Operations/Analysis Secret/SCI NIMA 1

and Production Directorate Work on

NCT0000175- NCT0000208 Appendix A. Ben Ladin and Tarnak Farm Secret/SCI NIMA 1

-NCT0000209 - NCT0000214 Appendix B. Somalia Secret/SCI NIMA 1

NCT0000215- NCT0000217 Appendix C. Mapping Production Secret/SCI NIMA 1

NCT0000218- NCT0000278 Appendix D. Collection Secret/SCI NIMA 1

NCT0000279 - NCT0000283 Radar Data Analysis Unclassified 84th RADES 1 15

'NCT0000284 WTC Radar Detection (AA 11) Unclassified 84th RADES 1 15

NCT0000285 WTC Radar Detection (UA 175) Unclassified 84th RADES 1 15

NCT0000286 WTC Radar Detection (AA 11/UA 175) Unclassified 84th RADES 1 15

NCT0000287 Pentagon Radar Detection (AA 77) Unclassified 84th RADES 1 15

NCT0000288 Pittsburgh Radar Detection (UA 93) Unclassified 84th RADES 1 15

NCT0000289 WTC/PTNG/PITTS Radar Detection Unclassified 84th RADES 1 15

NCT0000290 - NCT0000294 AA-11 WTC Analysis Unclassifed 84th RADES 1 15

NCT0000295 - NCT0000301 Aircraft # 1 World Trade Center Unclassified 84th RADES 1 15

NCT0000302 - NCT0000308 Aircraft # 1 WORLD TRADE CENTER Unclassified 84th RADES 1 15

Page numbers are for identification purposes only. They were applied as documents were processed and do not indicate anything about the documents.
National Commission On Terrorist Attack Document Index

NCT0000309 - NCT0000315 Aircraft #2 World Trade Center Unclassified 84th RADES 1 15

NCT0000316 - NCT0000326 Multiple Incident Rapid Response Brief Unclassifed 84th RADES 1 15

NCT0000327 Pittsburgh Radar Detection Unclassified 84th RADES 1 15

NCT0000328 - NCT0000343 Pittsburgh Mishap Aircraft Unclassified 84th RADES 1 15

NCT0000344 - NCT0000351 Pittsburgh Mishap Aircraft Unclassified 84th RADES 1 15

NCT0000352 - NCT0000372 Pittsburgh Spreadsheet Unclassified 84th RADES 1 15

NCT0000373 RADES System 3 V3.0 (CD) Unclassified 84th RADES

NCT0000374 Air Force One (CD) Unclassified 84th RADES

NCT0000375 AF1 New York (CD) Unclassified 84th RADES

NCT0000376 9/11 Autoplay (CD) Unclassified 84th RADES

NCT0000377 World Trade Center (CD) Unclassified 84th RADES

NCT0000378 Pentagon (CD) Unclassified 84th RADES

NCT0000379 Pittsburgh (CD) Unclassified 84th RADES

NCT0000380 Fighters (1 of 2) (CD Unclassified 84th RADES

NCT0000381 Fighters (2 of 2) (CD) Unclassified 84th RADES

Page numbers are for identification purposes only. They were applied as documents were processed and do not Indicate anything about the documents.
National Commission On Terrorist AUack Document Index

Bates Ranje Description Classification Organization Req/ltem Rec'd by NCT

NCTOOOOG01 DOD Telephone Directory Dated 2001 (2) Unclas WHS 1.17 2-Jun-03

NCT0000002 DOD Telephone Directory Dated 2002 (2) Unclas WHS 1.17 2-Jun-03

NCTOO00003 DOD Key Locator Chart Dated Sep 2000 FOUO WHS 1.16 2-Jun-03

NCT0000004 DOD Key Locator Chart Dated Feb 2002 FOUO WHS 1,16 2-JUV03

NCT0000005 DoO Key Locator Chart Dated AUQ 2002 FOUO WHS 1.16 2-Jun-03

NCT0000006 Dod Organizational Chart Dated July 2001 Unclas WHS 1.16 2-Jun-03

NCT0000007 DoD Organizational Chart Dated Aug 2001 Unclas WHS 1.16 2^r,03

NCTOOOOOOfl DoD Organizational Chart Dated Oct 2001 Unclas WHS 1.16 2-Jun-03

NCT0000009 DoD Organizational Chart Dated Nov 200V Unclas WHS 1.16 2-Jun-03

NCT0000010 JCS Locator Chart Daled Oct 2001 Unclas JCS 1.16 2^-03

NCT0000011 JCS Locator Chart Dated Feb 2003 Unclas JCS t.te 2-Jun-03

NCT0000012 - NCT0000015 AF Choronobgy Overview Secret Air Force 1.2 2-Jurv03

NCTOOOC016 - NCT0000046 AF Operations Summary Secret Air Force 1.2 2-Oun-03

NCTOOOOQ47 AF Responses Index Unclas Air Foice 1. 2 2-Jun-03

NCTOOOOOJa NEADS Structure/Organization Cnarts Unclas NEADS 1.16 2-Jun-03

NCT0000049 - NCT0000130 Transcripts from Voice Recorder FOUO NEADS 1.2 2^un-03

NCT0000131 -NCT0000138 SurveMtanoe Log Book * Secret NEAOS 1. 2 2-Jun-03

NCT1QOOOI39 - NCT0000148 Log Entries Unclas JCS 1.2 2-Jun-03

NCTCOOOU9 - NCT0000150 Excerpt Irom Surveillance Log TS/SI JCS 1,6 3-Jun-03

Page numbers are lor identification purposes only. They were applied as documents were processed and do not indicate anything about the documents.
iimivjnai V-.WIIM I ii^oiui i wi i * «ii i vjt UL nivt*«-i^ ~/U
i- \-fUI 1 !*-"! It V

NCTOOQ0151 - NCT0000174 NIMA Directorate lor Operations/Analysis S/SCI NIMA 1.--0 3-Jun-03
and Production Directorate Work on

NCTOO00175 - NCT0000208 Appendix A. S/SCI NIMA uo 3-Jun-O3

NCT0000209 - NCT0000214 Appendix B. S/SCI NIMA 1,10 3-Jun-03

NCT00002I5 -NCT00002I7 Appencix C. S/SCI NIMA 1,10 3-Jur»-03

NCT00002ie - NCTOC00278 Appendix 0. S/SCI NIMA 1.10 3-Jun-03

NCT0000279 - NCT0000283 Radar Data Analysis Ur.das B4th RACES 1.15 2-Jun-03

NCTOCO0284 WTC Radar Detection (AA 11) Unctas 84th RADES U5 2-Jun-03

NCT0000265 WTC Radar Detection (UA 175) Unclas 84 Ih RADES 1.15 2-Jun-03

NCT0000286 WTC Radat Detection (AA 1 1/UA 175) Unctas B4lh RADES 1.15 2-Jun-03

NCT0000267 Pentagon Radar Detection (AA 77) Unclas 84th RADES 1,15 2-Jun-03

NCT0000288 Pittsburgh Radar Detection (UA 93) Unclas 84th RADES 1.15 2^Jur»-03

NCT0000289 WTC/PTNG/PITTS Radar Detection Unclas 84th RADES 1.15 2-Jun-03

NCT0000290 - NCT0000294 AA-11 WTC Analysis Undas 64th RADES 1.15 2-Jun-03

NCT0000295 - NCTQ00030 1 Aircraft ft 1 World Trade Center Unclas 84 th RADES 1,15 2-Jun-03

NCT00003C2 - NCT0000308 Aircraft tt 1 WORLD TRADE CENTER Unclas &4th RADES 1.15 2-Jun-03

NCT0000309 - NCTOOOQ315 Aircraft #2 World Trade Center Unclas Mth RADES 1.15 2^Jun-03

NCTC000316 - NCT0000326 Multiple Incident Rapid Response Brief Unclassifed 84th RADES 1,15 2-Jun-03

NCTOOOQ327 Pittsburgh Radar Detection Unclas Mth RADES 1.15 2-Jun-03

NCT0000328 - NCT0000343 Pittsburgh Mishap Aircraft Undas 84th RADES 1.15 2-Jun-03

NCT0000344 - NCT0000351 Pittsburgh Mishap Aircraft Undas M0\S 1.15 2-Jurv03

Page numbers are for identification purposes only. They were applied as documents were processed and do not indicate anything about the documents.
National Commission On Terrorist Attack Document Index

NCT0000432 - NCT0000439 AF Operations Summary • 19 Sep 01 Secret AF 1,2 16-Jun-03

NC10000-MO - NCTCHXXX46 MSG DTD ISISAOZSep 01 Secret AF 1.2 16-Jun-03

MCT0000447 - NCT0004-)9 XOF CAT Issues and Aclons Tracker Unclas AF 1.2 16.Jun-03

NCTOOOO-ISO Minutes ol Hie HAF Threat Working Grp Mtg Unclas AF t.2 1&-Jun-03

NCTOOOO451 - NCTOC00460 AF Operations Summary - 20 Sep 01 Secret AF 1.2 16-Jun-03

NCT0000461 - NCT0000462 CSAF Daily Intelligence Report did 20 Sep 01 Secret AF 1,2 l6-Jun-03

IMCT0000463 Force Protection Conditions as ol 20 Sep 01 Unclas AF (.2 ie-Jun-03

NCT0000464 - NCT0000471 Security Forces Support Secret AF 1.2 16-Jjn-03

NCT0000472 - NCT0000473 Msg DTD 2000322 Sep 01 Secret AF 1,2 16-Jun-03

NCTOOO0474 - NCTOOOO548 AF Rep lo NMJIC Intel log - Sep 2001 K TS/SCI AF 1.2

NCT0000559 • NCTOOOO&40 AF Rep (o NMJIC Intel IOQ • Qct 2001 ^ TS/SCI AF 1.2

NCT0000641 -NCT0000709 AF Rep to NMJIC Intel log • Nov 2001 TS/SCI AF 1.2

NCT0000710 - NCTOOOOB20 AF Rep lo NMJIC Intel lofl - Dec 2001 ^ TS/SCI AF 1,2

NCT000082I - NCT0000968 DCO Chat Log Secret ~ NMCC

rtVrf T\U
KJr*Tf\ftnfiO7 1
i \2 - NCT0000975 i ft - . 1£ dm n*\ ;.1i*f . .'.'...'.".', \.\ J. v "v MH *M **

Powerpoinl Presentation Org Chart (1AF) Unclas NMCC 1,16 16-Jun03

NCT0000976 - NCT 0000980 Powerpoinl Presentation Org Chart (NORAD) Secret NMCC 1.16 16-Jun-03

NCTOQOOSat -NCT0001036 Consolidated Combat Ops Chat Log Secret NMCC 1.9 l6-Jurv-03

NCT0001037 - NCTOOOIISa Com Co Relcan Chat Log Secret. NMCC

HCT0001 169 - NCT0001 190 Manual Log Book Entry Secret NMCC 1,9 16-Jun-03

Page numbers are for identification purposes only. They were applied as documents were processed and do not indicate anything about the documents.
National Commission On Terrorist Attack Document Index

kiC 10000352 - NCT0000372 Pittsburgh Spreadsheet Unclas 84th RADES t.15 2-Jun-03

NC1OOOOJ73 RADES System 3 V3.0 (CD) Unclas Mlh RADES 1.15 2^Jun-03

KlC 10000174 AirFoicaOne (CD) Unclas 84lh RADES 1.15 2-Jun-03

kiC100C037S AF( New York (CD) Undas 84|h RAOfiS 1.15 2-Jun-03

NCT0000376 9/11 Auloplay (CD) Unclas 84th RADES 1.15 2-Jun-O3

NCTQOOG377 World Trade Cenler (CD) Unclas 84th RADES 1.15 2-Jun-03

NCTOO00378 Pentagon (CD) Unclas 84th RADES 1.15 2-Jun-03

NCT0000379 Pittsburgh (CD) Unclas Mlh RADES 1.16 2-Jun-03

NCTOO00380 Fighters (1 o'2| (CO Undas 84 Ih RADES 1.15 2-Jurv03

NCTOOOQ381 Fighters (2 01 2) (CD) Undas 84th RADES 1.15 2-Jun-03 |

NCr.0000382 -NCT0000385 CSAF Intelligence Report did 17 Sap 01 Seael AF 1.2 16-Jun-03 '

NCT000038d AFOSI Bluelina Unclas AF 1.2 16-Jun-03

NC 1 00003*1 / • NC 1 0000402 iiucuuly forr.ui. Op< Con Duity Cvuitt Uitof Sacral AF 1.2 IG-Juo-03

NC 1 0000-103 NC 1 IXXXM04 M.SC, DTD r/OOOW Snp 01 Siirrul AF 1.2 in- Jim Oil

NCT0000105 Operation Noble Eagle Summary Secret AF 1.2 16-Jun-03

NCT0000406 - NCT0000407 AF Special Interest lien 00-3 Undas AF 1.2 1 6-Jun-03 '

NCTOOQ0408 - NCT0000425 AF Operations Sum-nary - 18 Sep 01 Seael AF 1.2 1&-Jun-C3

NCTQ000426 - NCT0000427 CSAF Intelligence Report did 18 Sep 01 Secret AF 1.2 1 6-Jun-03

NCTD000428 Foroe Protection Conditions at of 18 Sep 01 Unclas AF 1.2 <6-Jun-03

NCTOOOQ429 AFRC Requested Support (or SF Secret AF 1.2 16-Jun-03,

NCTOOOCM3Q - NCT0000431 CSAF Intelligence Report - 19 Sep 01 Seael AF 1.2 16-Jun-03

Page numbers are for identification purposes only. They were applied as documents were processed and do not indicate anything about the documents

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