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QUESTION 1-4 Choose the best word to fill in each blanks. 1. My ________________ is an old woman. A. father B. grandmother C. brother


Can you please lend me your ____________? A. sharpener B. pencil C. ruler

3. A/An __________ is a mammal. A. shark B. octopus C. whale

4. ____________ seeds can be eaten. A. Rose B. Hibiscus C. Sunflower


Question 5-7 Replace the pictures with the phrases given.

5. A. cute cat B. fierce dog C. little puppy

6. A. stick B. an iron rod C. a stone


7. A. walked away B. attacked me C. ran away Question 8-10 Study the pictures carefully. Then pick the best answers.


A. The boy is helping his mother. B. The boy is helping his teacher.

The boy is carrying the boxes.


A. Mrs. Leela is buying fish. B. Mrs. Leela is cooking. C. The butcher is cutting the meat.


A. The old man is walking at night.


The old man is carrying a plastic bag.

C. He is holding an umbrella. __________________________________________________________________

QUESTION 11-13 Look at the pictures below carefully. Tick (/) the words with the correct spellings. 11.

I play badminton with my ______________________. friend ( ) friend (



Peter drinks a ____________ of milk every night. glass ( 13. ) gelas ( )

The king is wearing a __________________. clown ( ) crown ( )

QUESTION 14-16 Choose the most suitable sentence to fill in each blanks. 14.

A. Sleep well, son. B. Thank you, son. C. Wake up early, son. 15.

A. Its a banana plant, son. B. Its a mango tree, son.


Do you want to eat mangoes?


A. I dont know, sir. B. Maybe three or four, sir. C. There are four, sir. __________________________________________________________________ QUESTION 17-25 Choose the best answer to fill in the blanks. 17. He drinks ____________ glass of milk every night. A. a B. an C. the

18. My sister want to wash ______________ shoes. A. hers B. she C. her

19. Everyone likes Ali because he is a ___________ boy. A. clever B. naughty C. good

20. Peter __________ to school every morning. A. walking B. walked


C. walks

21. The boy is standing ____________ the table. A. under B. on C. in

22. He goes to school _______ bus. A. by B. with C. on

23. She did not go to school ____________ she was sick. A. but B. because C. so

24. There is __________ water in the pail. A. many B. several C. much

25. ____________ are you coming to my house? A. Where B. When C. What


Look at the pictures and then read the passage carefully. Based on the picture and the passage, choose the best answer to fill in each blank.

make This is a library.





We can (26) ________________ all kinds of books here. Ali is also in the library. He is (27) _________________ for a book. He wants to read a book (28) __________________whales and sharks. The students must not (29) ___________noise in the library. SECTION E The librarian is watching (30) ________________ carefully. QUESTION 31-35 Read the conversation below and answer the question that follow.

Teacher : What did you eat for breakfast, Ali? Ali : I had nasi lemak and a glass of orange juice, teacher. Teacher : What about you, Muthu? Muthu : My dad and I stopped at a restaurant to have roti canai and a cup of hot tea each, teacher. Teacher : Ranjit, what did you eat this morning? Ranjit : I only had toast and a glass of milk, teacher.

Teacher : Jit Seng, did you have your breakfast? Jit Seng : Yes, teacher. I ate a plate of fried noodles. I only drank a glass of plain water. Teacher : Im happy to hear that all of you took your breakfast before coming to school. 31. The conversation is happening in the ___________. A. house B. canteen C. classroom

32. They are talking about taking _____________. A. breakfast B. lunch C. dinner

33. What did Jit seng eat for breakfast? He ate _______________________________________________________. 34. Where did Muthu have his breakfast? He had his breakfast __________________________________________. 35. What should we do before coming to school in the morning? We should all ________________________________________________.

QUESTION 36-40 Read the passage below carefully Sengs birthday. He is eight Last Saturday was Chee and answer the questions that follow. old now. He had a grand party in his house. His friends years got together and bought him a cake. The cake was in the shape of the number 8. Many of his friends came for the party. Chee Sengs mother cooked a lot of food for the party. Chee Seng received a lot of presents. Later, they sang songs and played some indoor games. Chee Seng was really happy 11 on that day. His parents wished him the best and gave him a new bicycle as his birthday present.

36. How old was Chee Seng before his birthday? A. Six B. Seven C. Eight

37. Where did he hold the party? In his ________________. A. house B. classroom C. canteen

38. What did the birthday cake look like? It was in the _________________________________________________. 39. What did his friends do? They sang ___________________________________________________. 40. What did Chee Sengs parents give him? They gave him _______________________________________________.


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_______________ Pn Jamaliah bt GPK

Pn Siti Zaleha bt Hamzah Pn Maznah bt Idris Razali English Teacher Kurikulum Penyelaras PPKI


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