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Detailed Forex News Based On recent Forex news and market conditions

Reporters n t Forex experts n suggesting t easing f t dollar gnt t t major currencies ft Bernankes testimony n predicted US Dollar falls ft Bernanke testimony f t policy makers n USA, m t n end. Bernanke admitted tt t United States Economy t t grow n f required, t Federal Reserve mgt investigate t option t start t asset purchasing n order t kick start t consumer sales n growth. Fed supported qt fw entities fund tt couldnt weather t Economic downward spiral n 08, purchasing t assets n pumping n funds. Soon t news gng t easing f monetary policy started releasing, t dollar started t fall gnt t t major currencies. Agnt t GBP n t Euro, US Dollar tumbles ft Bernanke Testimony. A t forex trading opened n Wednesday, U.S Dollar lost 1.15% gnt t Euro n stood t 1.4137. Another reason f t Euros increase gnt t dollar t strong GDP figures f t 2nd quarter released China. T w apprehensions tt t Euro affect w n impact n t chinas GDP. Bt t turned out, t didnt n impact n t Euro strengthened t position gnt t dollar. A t British Pound strengthened .81% t 1.6042 ng t AM hours trading recently. En gnt t Japanese Yen n t Swiss Franc, US Dollar tumbles ft Bernanke Testimony. U.S Dollar fell .1% gnt t yen, w t fell .75% gnt t Swiss Franc. T dollar index, since it measures the performance of the US currency against six other currencies fell 1%. Bernanke cautioned t law makers gnt expecting robust U.S. Economic growth n t mmt future. H added tt t unemployment levels m n n marginally n t t lot f work t n n tt front. T euro gained gnt t pound n Wednesday ft Greece suggested measures needed t avoid default, t questions, wt Italy n Spain ntn t sovereign issues, capped t Euro gain. T jump w ignited fm n month low, giving t Euro tt momentum f possibly reaching t resistance. T Euro pushed t tw week high f 0.8844 gnt t pound n t sun rise session, gaining .064% t n f t session. T tw currencies find support t $ 0.8844, fm t June 16 low, wt resistance t 0.8891, t high fm Monday. T Euro find m support fm interest rate differentials, t European Central Bank widely expected t raise rates n early summer sessions. The 17 nation currency has had an upward drive on the graph. Especially after a research report that showed a rise in the currency because of the high export in Germany. Germany is Europes largest export country. So, the graph of the currency changes in Europe has a close link to the export rate of Germany. In March 2011 these high exports lead to a huge interest rate in Euro Regions.

Detailed Forex News Based On latest investment news and reports

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