Safe Haven

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Safe Haven


This novel is not intended to negatively portray, imply any race,


The Paris of the south

Good evening everyone! This is your captain speaking and I am here to gladly announce our early arrival to Buenos Aires Ezeiza International airport at 6:30 pm, almost half an hour earlier than expected, weather forecasts show cloudy skies and warm gusts of wind for tonight. Allow me to warn you that Buenos Aires is not the chilliest place on earth so make sure you get hydrated and enjoy its beautiful beaches! The announcement through the intercom followed by a brief echoing static. Despite having my mind filled with unpleasant thoughts and panic, I emotionlessly looked out the thick layers of air sealed windows as the hills and the golden sunset slowly appeared in the horizon. The squeaking of the shaking luggages in the overhead compartments and different components of our costly plastic seats shuffling gradually got louder as the plane descended and landed and glided on the rough runway. In no time, the plane comes into a sudden halt, with the engine sounds dying away, the lights of the seat belt sign fades away slowly. Standing up, the passengers of the plane slowly shuffle out of the awfully narrow corridors with their large baggages and walked out out the thick air seal door. I felt a gust of warm wind as I descended from the air-stairs and onto the tarmac, This is nothing like New York, It would be snowing and of course, other than that, we would be in an airport terminal sipping off coffee and enjoying a delightful pasta dinner upon getting off a plane instead of having a rusty bus built half a century ago taking to a terminal.
Call me spoiled, but the intense rocking of the bus and the growing annoyance of heat and awkward silence was the best combination for complete insanity, it was the last place you want to be in a melting-point paradise like Buenos Aires. After minutes of torturous shaking and melting, the bus came in to a deadly and screeching halt, we found our-selves in a dark shipping bay.

This is no trip to a summer paradise, unfortunately.

I walked through couple of hallways and reached the customs lobby. Like waiting for lunch in a prison mess hall we lined up for questioning and entrance validation by peculiar looking immigrations officers. Those officers must be melting, with their thick bulletproof vests held tightly against their chest and with their berets soaking up their sweat, it had been pretty obvious to me that these guys wouldnt even bother with a friendly introduction. Mr .Oscar Fernandez The immigrations officer in khaki uniform I looked into his blank eye followed with a small nod as an answer, he glared into my soul and went on with checking my credentials. What is the purpose of this trip? Leisure. He pounded the keyboard with letters... Scratching his hair, he looked up. Welcome to Buenos Aires, He murmured in a dull tone. Shuffling by the security booths I headed to the main hall. Through the automatic sliding doors, a wave of cold breeze crashed into my sweaty face.

Once I stepped in I was greeting by billboards and posters welcoming me to Buenos Aires. | Like any airport, the halls are filled with duty free shops With perfume, lipsticks, alcohol, cigars and souvenirs waiting for rich travelers or last minute shoppers to pickup. Frankly, I enjoyed going through these halls. After a right turn closing in the exit I soon found guards with assault rifles barricading the pathways behind me in a line, looking around and questioning travelers as if they were searching for someone. But they were a slightly too late, as I disappeared already I will explain later. I paced through the halls of chairs, signs, toilets and duty free shops, I finally arrived at the exit and on my way to get a cab. The roads was obstructively laid in front of the sign Ezeiza International airportand filled with angry drivers honking on their horns, sweaty people shuffling against each with heavy luggages tied to their hands, scratching on the rough concrete. The view gave relief as I slowly come to realize the fact that I was no longer in a desperate pursuit for justice. Business men could be seen on their phones yelling away, families could be seen struggling with a passport check and

the messy mix of pedestrians in front of me somehow reminded me of New York. Before I could figure out my surroundings, I felt a tap on my shoulder. Startled by the mysterious tap followed by a wave of fear busting up my spine , I slowly moved my neck to look backwards, ready for anything. The person who tapped me was a young man, perhaps in his early 20s, looking more fashionable than everyone else. Well, to be honest, the crowd did not set the bar too high. He was in jeans and a yellow sweat shirt over a grey V neck. He stood on a pair of red nike trainers. Mister, Taxi?

Jorge Newberry Airport I said right before he starts his car. Si, Mister The man stood on the pedal. We went as the crowd behind us faded in the rear mirror. About midway through the highway, we came across a road block placed right in front of the toll booths. Red and Blue lights came shining through the taxiss dusty windows. I got more and more anxious when we slowly approached the road block. Officers, some with dogs stood next to police van could be seen in black vests and berets with policia written all over their uniform. The driver saw the worry look hanging on my face and said: You Amricano, No worry, no worry

I nodded. The man quickly said Come, Come and strolled down the pedestrian lane with waving his hands to the direction of his taxi. I quickly followed and swam through the crowd of people. The man drove a yellow sedan with black stripes with the words Taxi written on the sides. I yank on the squeaky door as I approached the taxi, hopped in to the passenger seat as I watch my driver got in.

I nodded at him as I start tapping on the door with my fingers. The tension grew stronger and stronger and much greater when we approached to be the second last car in line. The white van we had been staring at for the past half and hour had been ordered into searching. The driver of the white van ignored the officers and kept on moving. Out of no where, police car was seen driving right in front of the van to stop it from going again. Officers could be seen running out of their command posts with M16s and shotguns towards the car.

One by one they surrounded the car. One officer looked at our car and raised a palm to signify the taxi driver to stop. He remained in front of our car, m16 in hand. Behind him I could see officers dragging the driver out of his van and put him in handcuffs while he was flat on the asphalt. An officer could be seen jumping into the van, he drove it to the side. The officer in front of our car waved at us to go forward and walked away. The whole incident did not help with my fear of getting caught. The taxi came to a halt right behind the toll booth, engines shut off, where officers checked our car from ceiling to bottom with flash lights, the driver was told to get out to open his trunk. An officer shone his flashlight right at my face, blinding me. The taxi driver hopped back into the car. A pair of officer could be seen talking right behind our taxi during the search. Their talks were about our car, which I can tell from their rapid pointing towards it. I laid my head back on to the rock hard head rest, praying that I would not be caught. I strongly exhaled and wiped my face of sweat as the gates i front of our taxi raised. The taxi sped down the empty high way and to the Airport.

After about half an hour, I was there at the air field. WIthout any negotiation I gave the taxi my fare and walked towards the entrance of the Jorge Newberry Airport. I went through a much shorter security check and ended up on the tarmac. With not much walking, I found myself in front of my Piper Seminol. The Seminol held up pretty well through out the years, the white and red paint was all intact, the numbers 2761 lit up under the light like before. The Seminols Dual Propeller stood boldly after the humungous engines. It was no private jet, but it is considered extreme luxury for my situation. For a decade I havent opened the large doors and sat on the same leathery seat. My flying skills were still pretty rusty. So I had brief read on the manual and started the plane up. The piper made a pleasurable sound and the dual engines could be seen spinning up from the sides. I figured why dont I have some fun before I put myself in absolute solitude from civilization. So I fired up the engines and steered the plane slowly towards the runway. As I approached the runway, static could be heard from my radio

Piper-2761, This is Tower, You are not authorized for take off, please leave the runway immediately The control tower operator warned me me on the radio. I repeat, Pipe-2761, You are not authorized to take off, you are obstructing the runway! This is a serious violation of FAR Piper-2761, This is control tower, do you read? Piper 2761, Piper 2761, divert, collision is imminent On the radio tower radio I could hear Guys, we have got a rogue plane on runway 24...Dispatch emergency vehicles Piper-2761, divert immediately, We have got planes coming in! Piper-2761, respond, are you alright? l killed radio and continued to speed up my engine. With my duel propellers screamed louder and louder, I could see bright yellow fire trucks,and ambulances driving out of their stations. My plane starts to tilt upwards in rumbling stroll through the runway. The pursuing vehicles disappeared in the distance. I took a deep breath and stared at the dark skies and the shining city below.

I always find the sight over a city fascinating, with the little dots of lines and grids of the streets and runways with little small dots of light running in them. I could enjoy this sight forever. I just hope I dont find Dassault Mirage III Jet fighters vaporizing me and my plane in mid air. The haunting silence of the night and sounds of the propellers filled the cockpit, the small red lights on the controls illuminated the controls, I lied back on my chair and stared into the dark and sinister night skies that was contrasted with the shining of distant stars...

Who would just wake up prepared for this?

Will was my cousin, he owned an island where I could hide until the heat was off, he hospitalized political refugees like me. I rung him up 3 days ago, he gave me some co-ordinates and here I am. I had a good night sleep and found myself in my cockpit. A beautiful golden sun could be seen in the horizon. A laid back to enjoy the sight, I could see the clouds towering above me and the waters of the ocean calmly moving below me. I opened my backpack and pulled out a cookie that I bought in the airport cafe. The hard cold piece of cookie would have tasted like any hard cold piece of cookie to the tongue of a normal person, but for me, a person who just had airplane food hours ago, it is a real treat. I checked on my GPS. I was only an hour away from the island I disengaged autopilot and strayed off path, I picked my GPS up and checked my position Okay.. I should be turning 49 degrees south now... I quickly tilted the plane and stayed on course

Suddenly jets could be heard. BANG! Suddenly I heard a large explosion to my right side The explosion was so loud I could barely hear the loud engines I woke up to the rattling of the debris smashing into my window and door. With my ears ringing I found the left door missing and the left wing heavily damaged, I could barely make out a U shape on the wing. My plane started to spiraling. I panicked. The sound of bending metal startled me even more With all the air sucking me out, I quickly strapped my seatbelt. The screaming of rushing air deafened me I struggled to maintain altitude I yanked on my controls I picked the radio up and screamed. MAYDAY MAYDAY

THIS IS PIPER-2....HELP! MAYDAY! MAYDAY! I AM GOING DOWN, CO_ORDINATE FOLLOWS... Before I could finish right wing snapped and flew into the infinity and beyond. Obviously the distressed yanking of the yoke didnt help with my fall to hell. Look what I have got myself into, I could have just left them alone and I would be home, home with Sarah Instead I am falling off the skies in a two ton wreck, waiting to lose every thing I knew and loved. The air breached my windows Razor sharp shards of glass sprays into my face. I could taste blood. I could feel the G-force around my body, I could taste blood, I could see my life flashing before me My house, My parents, My sister, My girlfriend, My dog these were everything I saw. I could see my plane falling into the blue oceans I couldnt remember anything else at all. ------------------------------------------------------------------------My eyelids opened.

I could see blue skies and huge clouds I found myself lying right next to a plane wreck Its wings and propellers were all gone, whats left was the a crushed body frame There is no way I could fix this. Without any useless reflections of how lucky I was I pick myself up and started to approach the wreck The planes interior was all ripped out revealing the dark grey metal skeleton of the planes structure, the metal plating on the outside of the plane had been severely dented by the impact, most of the seats were missing and the whole damn thing is covered in water. In the mist of distress and confusion, I spot my ruck sack floating in the devastated wreck. I reach for my bag, swept the sand off my back. I found matches, bottles of water, a pack of cigarettes, a mobile phone and my passport in it. Thank god they are all dry. I pulled myself through the door to get a better view of my surroundings It was till then I found myself in a situation much more serious than I have anticipated. As much as I hoped, I wasnt in some wild beach in a peninsular of Buenos Aires, where the local police could just arrest me

and bring me to a prison. I was at an island in the middle of no where. I helplessly reached for the radio, tripping and falling into the wreck The radio looked fine but nothing but static could be heard from it. Looks like the planes batteries are still intact and it would be smart to save power I feel fear and regret from the back of my spine and into my brain I ran out of the wreck with my mobile phone, ran out, turned it on. The familiar tone of a Nokia phone turning on sounded once more. My eyes ran to the corner of the phones screen just to find the connection bar disappeared. Crap. I am going to be stuck on this island forever. I will meet inevitable doom. ------------------------------------------------------------------------It didnt take me long to familiarize my surroundings, I was on a small tropical island, so I should be able to find some food without encountering any but one predator, the night.

I picked my bag up and headed into the dense forests of this wild island. Finding an army outpost or a small village would be nice But luck wasnt on my side that day. The only things that stood in my path was trees, tons of trees and no sign of civilization. It didnt take long to reach the center of the island, about 200 meters until I reach the other end of the beach With half of my water gone, I am not going to last long without a decent source of water. I scanned the area and felt like the luckiest man on earth I have found dozens of coconuts lying at the base of the tree and more in the fields behind. This is a short term solution, but it just has to do for now. So I quickly ripped my shirt off and made a sack with it and placed a few coconuts into the both of my DIY bags and ruck sack and ran back. By the time I returned, The sun was burning bright on top of my head Waves could be seen in a distance

I sat down on the ledge of the plane wreck and used the dented door of the wreck to crush the coconuts open. Crack! The coconut cracked opened with some of its juice spilling out of it. I quickly put the coconut upright before I fed the sand too much. I was never really a huge fan of coconuts, actually I hated coconuts. But what other options do I have, I am stuck on an island in bloody nowhere! The coconut looked delicious, the clear water and the white skin that contained the juice I took a huge sip from the coconut shell and dug into the coconut with my finger. I soon realized I needed a shelter and quick. So I panicked and find potential materials that I could make a shelter that will shield me from the sunlight and water and enough cover from whatever the hell lurks in the dense forest I ran around the beach to find pieces of fallen leaves and tree branches. I sat down on the beach empty handed to calm down and find possible shelters that I could make. I was depressed to find nothing but a plane wreck on the beach. I rested my head against my palms and closed my eyes. A though interrupted my grief.


The plane wreck. I could use my plane wreck as a shelter! I quickly ran towards the plane and picked my bag up I poured the stuff in my bag onto the pilot seat, spent the next hour I had scooped water out of the plane with leaves and my ruck sack I was exhausted. I have finally got rid of most of the water. I placed layers of leaves onto the base of the burnt wreck and put my ruck sack outside to dry on a laundry line made out of rolled up leaves I grabbed a few dry logs lying in front of one of the trees, I placed the neatly in a pile. I lit a match and threw it into the log pile and blown air into it with a piece of leaf. I pulled a cigarette from the box and lit it up too. I reflected on all the crap that went down today and laid back. I was never really a smoker, until the pass few month, when the stress really got to me, My job was never easy. I stared into the lifeless ocean tides crash into the countless layers of sand, as the sun descended into the sea.

The skies are shortly lit up by the stars and the moon. I have got to admit, after all that I have been through, I actually feel rather good finally being on my own, mustering my very own peace of my mind. The fire shone like a beacon in the dark night like the stars above me. I couldnt help but feel rather relieved that no one could find me now, despite of the fact that I may die here one day. but that day would not be today. I return into my shelter and slept away in the lonely nights accompanied by the sound of waves and crickets. I watch as my eyelids shuts as the fire fades away. ------------------------------------------------------------------------Flash back It was an ordinary friday in the NYPD office, sounds of keyboards, coughs and clock ticks filled the room. Alex Brightman was my co-worker, a fellow inspector, a tall but surprisingly low esteemed guy, he would complain all day about the boring life of an inspector and brags about his ex-wife. He dropped by my desk and told me to see the commissioner in his office and off to finish his minesweeper game.


I walked through the dense jungle of papers and colleagues, through the main lobby and into the little wodden boxes we called an elevator. The same old music was being played in the elevator, I pressed 4. I was right at the the commissioners door once the doors opened. His secretary greeted me. The commissioner sat behind his messy table like he always does, only things like his computer and the photographs of his family could be distinguished from the piles of paper and pens Hi, sir how may I help? Inspector, We have had another murder at Janes Dinner in queens yesterday at 1900 The commissioner said behind the table. A dozen of officers and paramedics had been dispatched to the dinner and had locked the place down, CSU are on their way. We believe that this murder has something to do with the Gambino Mafia, Go and oversee the operation Yes sir, is that all? I answered bluntly and turned around and went out the door Yes, Oscar

I hopped into the elevator and into our garage Fred, Our security guard sat there as he always does with his crossword at chin height, he greeted me with the usual Bye boss I waved at the man and hopped on the car I drove an unmarked ford cruiser, she is a beauty, I have only been blessed with one after the inspector promotion. When I arrived, the blue and red light filled the skies, like any crime scene. Sgt. Jay Miller greeted me through the gates. He was the state famous cop, everyone knew him as the speedy one. Two months ago, in a gun fight with armed suspects, Jay disobeyed orders and dragged an injured officer from gun fire and into safety. The news spread like wild fire, The Sergeant was soon given his medal of bravery from the Mayor. Good evening inspector He shook my hand with a welcoming smile on his face Good evening, What do we have here? I flipped my notebook open. Today about 1900, a waiter found a guy unconscious on the floor and called EMS, We got a call from the paramedics half an hour ago telling us that the man was murdered.

Any witnesses? The diner was cleared of customers that time and sec cameras were not installed in this dinner Any ID on the guy? Nope, his wallet and phone had been stolen, but we found traces drugs on him We believe that the man works with the mafias junk business. Alright, Thanks sergeant, Good Job on the bank robbery. I approached the door to the diner. The dusty diner door with a pink neon sign writingopen opened as an officer greeted me in. This diner was just like any typical 70s styled diner Red coated seats, White plastic tables, Bottles of ketchup and mustard everywhere, Jukeboxes and anything that would make it look fancy. A man lied lifelessly on his back right next to a booth. The dispatched unit snaps away with their cameras The victim wore black leather jackets, jeans and running shoes. I carefully crouched next to the body without moving anything

A few hour pasted, The CSU team had all the evidences recorded and bagged, crime scene units left and witnesses all taken to the police station for their statements, in no time, the body was sent to the forensics department and reports should come raining down on our department in no time. Me and the guys had a drink or two at the usual place. Everyone went home late that night.


Nothing ever turns out as expected

When I woke up in my shelter, The skies were still dark, the stars populate the black coated everlasting space. Its like I never even slept at all. The sound of crickets and waves dominated the silence of a wild island. I could hear thunder echoing from a distance. In no time, rain came crashing onto the plane wreck, I quickly ran out and opened my ruck sack up to make a water trap to collect the rain water for drinking water. I quickly grabbed a couple of leaves from outside and jumped into my shelter and placed them right next to the doors, covering them. I couldnt afford having a flood in my shelter. My eyelids shut slowly as I cleared my mind. ------------------------------------------------------------------------Flash back The reports came in after a few weeks The man turns out to be a goon from the Gambino Mafia. The 26 year old is a famed narcotics trader , with a record of car theft, battery and robbery. He started out young, caught and sent to juvenile and released. Forensics report shows that the victim was strangled to death and had a small dosage of heroin in his system.

After checking with witness and confession reports, his identity matched a male who came into one of stations and tipped us off about a shipment of drugs. This person was given witness protection and yet he lays dead in our morgue... Something must be wrong. So I wrote down Witness Protection? on a sticky note and stuck it on the desk I had to work over night, signing documents and finalizing reports... Days past, Reports of more defectors from the mafia being murder stacked up in our offices They all turned themselves in and gave details about a shipment entering New Hawk harbor The number of defectors are at an all time high, My job as a inspector and field detective is to solve patterns. The is no way that they would betray their own without reason. Could there be a cue in the mafia? Was there something that ticked off the members? All the defectors had mentioned a large amount of drugs shipping in from the south, They all told us that the drugs are arriv15

ing in the Hudson Harbor on boats and it will be delivered all over American soil on the night of 22nd of November, which should be tomorrow night. ------------------------------------------------------------------------It was lunch time, everyone hurled to the cafeteria craving for a Monday hotdog delight, it was like a tradition, every monday the office would talk about the delicious, New York styled hot dog While my colleagues disappeared faster than lightning, I sat on behind my desk working hard. All I could hear in the room was silence. Sheet of paper shuffling against each other sounded like thunder in the office. When I have reached the Overview document of the case, a large red mark writing TERMINATED was found to be stamped onto the files folder. In disbelief I quickly slap open the report and found: This case is to be dismissed due to the lack of evidence and lack of physical evidence This case was the finest of all leads on the local mafia and I dont see who in their right mind will dismiss this case. This must be a mistake.

An hour past, my colleagues had once again flood the office, the noise of computer keyboards, phones, printers, paper and conversations filled the room. The commissioner walked into offices with a cup of coffee, as usual, the man had a copy of todays news paper wedged tightly between his armpits. The man was rather peculiar, he does what needs to get done and nothing more, he keep everything personal himself, I have been here for 5 years now, I dont even know where the guy lives. So I paced towards him through the offices. Commissioner! I exclaimed Whats wrong, inspector? He lifted his glasses Sir, I have been reviewing the reports of the incident on the Mafia defectors murders and it seems that it was terminated, it is signed off by you too, is this some sort of mistake This is no mistake, the case would lead us no where, there is also just not enough evidence. It is a waste of our man power. Sir, with all due respect, we both know that isnt true, there were almost a dozen of informants and they are killed off, doesnt this mean something?This is our perfect chance of finally taking down


Inspector, dont be so naive, if you take one down they bring two more up, this would be an never-ending war, therefore other means should be deployed to eliminate the mafia Sir... Look son, if you want to take on the mafia, you might as well as go for the organized crime division, but now, you are are just a general inspector, so get on with your job Sir, with all due respect, So you are throwing away the only opportunity to rid our city of drug trafficking? The commissioner took a deep breath Inspector, I understand that we all had a tough day, the reports piling up and more and more cases the termination wasnt my call, how bout you just take a day off and we will have Alex take care of the stuff, go home and relieve the stress and relax. Sir, this is not what I need... Before even caring to answer, the commissioner slammed his office door shut. I returned to my seat, packed my bag, my pistol and the terminated file and left the office. -------------------------------------------------------------------------

I left the station garage with my unmarked cruiser and headed to a local burger king for a late lunch. I took the files with me. When I sat down, I laid out the files and stared at them. port Newark dock 42 7pm 1 cargo ship and a truck Armed guards I took a 20 minute drive to the docks. I couldnt let this slip As I drive, I reflect on what I should do and the consequence and I ultimately decided not to just turn around and leave it alone. Knowing that this rocky ride may be my last, I have prayed for my success. Hopefully my make shift plan would work. Approaching the gates to the docks, I was stop by Security guards. This is the entrance is for commercial vehicles only I whipped my badge out.

A pig eh? Havent seen you guys around for awhile, youve got a warrant or something? the guy said in an undermining tone. Look its an emergency, just let me in Ohhh no way buddy, no cops coming in or out of this place without a warrant Do you want to get arrested? Before he could say another word, a tall and strong man in a yellow helmet and reflective vest tapped the man in the shoulder and threaten to fire him if he doesnt stop messing around. I apologize about my colleague, here, this way officer The gates popped open. The newhawk harbor was a huge network of roads and cars, accompanied by mountains of cargo containers. Workers with yellow helmets roam the busy roads beside the docks. 39 40 41 42, this must be the one, Dock 42 was a huge warehouse connected to a port, a perfect place for drug trafficking.

I slowly pulled over at the side of the road Inside my car I spied on the warehouse with my binoculars Besides the warehouse, Black SUVs and a large truck could be seen parked on the side of the road. Whoever these guys were, they were no street level punks, Guards armed with suits and guns in Black armored SUVs. On the other side I could barely make out a few figures in leather jackets. and they are shipping crates into a black truck that looked like it was a part of the convoy of SUVs Hmmm.. Is this a deal? The leather jackets must be the mafia, but the man in suits.. Who could they be? They look too well posh to be criminals. Moments passed as I witness the loading of crates. Suddenly, A man in a black suit and a red tie, accompanied a leather jacketed man in trainer shorts walked towards me, away from the pier.


They started talking and I could overhear them briefly through my car windows Okay here is 500 Grand, It is nice to work with you again. The man in the suit said with a grin in his face. Thank you and I hope that we can trade again Certainly Say, Are we immune? Like if the pigs find out? Few weeks ago a few of our own leaked and we got rid of them, but we were too late, I mean I know you guys are government and all but could you guarantee our safety? Dont worry, My superiors took care of the NYPD, You are also granted full immunity from all future investigations Thats good enough. Before I could reached my Steering wheel and drive away, Another man in a suit approached my car, he took a better look and yelled GUYS I FOUND A SCOUT HERE! It was almost certain that they were expecting me Groups of men ran towards my car. The man who found me pulled out a pistol and....




Hope is dying

People often say that an eye for an eye makes the whole world blind. It is very true. The very society you call home is haunted by a never ending quarrel between groups of people and hoping for it all to end would be wishful thinking, It is in our nature. Day 24, Coconuts, fresh water and my energy are running low, still stuck the water surrounded realm of thoughts of regrets and wrong doings. Almost on this island for a month now and still the slightest chances of rescue lingers on a thin string. The large HELP sign I drew on the beaches are washing away. Last time I have been the trees where coconuts laid, only several remained quietly and slowly sinking in to the wet earth. It hasnt been raining for a few days now, sure feels like a few months. I do not know how long can I wait until I start to gulp sea water down my throat and die from a nasty bladder implosion. So for the last time, I head to the coconut field to fetch the very last coconuts on this damned island. So I walked in the same direction as I did for the last three weeks, I passed by the same rocky stone next to the path, brush past dense leaves and walked by the tree I have marked north with a large cut mark and finally, the ocean.

I turned left to spot the remaining coconuts and scooped the rest into my back pack. This is it, that last of the coconuts. I slowly walked back as I scratched my head and thought about any other sources of food. I have barely enough energy and supplies to be roaming around the forests and I am most certain that if I come back empty-handed next time, I will be no better than dead. As I turned into the forest where the regular path laid I spot a bright silver glow in the edge of my eyes My mind spun faster the speed of light, I could not comprehend how stupid I was, I was on an island, surrounded by fishes. This whole thing must have knocked my logic beyond recognition, During my survival evaluation I have left out the fishes in the water. I am on a bloody island! With my head flooded with joy, I ripped a piece of sharp metal off the wreck and returned to my bag. I quickly duck-tapped the piece of metal onto a piece of twig, closely resembling a crudely made spear.


I ran back and found myself standing behind the ledge of a rock right next to the waters, jumping off it head firstwould let me drop half a meter and allow enough force to be applied on me and the spear, making it easier for me pierce a fish with my spear and hopefully cook it for dinner. I did not think of the risks. I strip my self butt naked Can't afford to have wet clothes in the chilly nights. I bent my knees I am now in the stance for jumping I locked on to one of the glowing creatures. Took a deep breath And dove in head first with my spear in my hands. Before I knew it, I was already in the water, my body soaked in salt water, I could see the clear blue water crashing into the reefs above me, I quickly look down to check my findings. The charred piece of metal had nothing by sand on it, I pulled myself up back on dry land with disappointment. I pulled myself up into the surface. After a few more tries, I finally caught a fish.

My spear made a clean cut through its body, fresh blood could be seen leaking out of the fishs body and fading in the blue waters. Carefully, I pulled myself onto dry land once more. I slowly placed the fish in my hands, It's struggle for survival with its fins halted as I slammed a rock against its head. It wasn't beautiful but it would just have to do. I dug it's eyes out with my fingers And gulped the chewy and slippery piece into my dry throat and it only tasted like salt, nothing else. I picked up my ruck sack and carried my dinner to my shelter Eating a fish eyes may not be something someone would eat, even desperate for survival. But, it is nutritious, not because it had a nutritions label stapled on it, but the army had taught me. 2007, Afghanistan, Operation Enduring Freedom, I was a ranger working under the 75th Rangers Regiment, Battalion 1. I drafted for the rangers shortly after college, went through months of torturous training and sleepless nights, they taught me anything ranging from Jungle to Arctic survival, It was brutal. I thought they had taught me everything, but falling off the skies in a wanted plane in midair to crash in to an ocean just to find myself stranded on a wild tropical island was not one of the scenarios they prepared me for.

Without all the training, I wouldnt have survived the first week, I slowly removed the gills and scales from the fish with my spear,I stabbed into the twitching fish and roasted it in my fire... It tasted like expected, although a little bit of seasoning would have made it close to perfect. The first real meat consumption on this island had left me more than energized. I tucked my self into the leaf blanket, lied on my leaf pillows and slept away as the starry night faded away from my vision.





Chapter 5 Flash Back- NewHawk Harbor As pleaded for my life with my hands up The sounds of guns going off scared away screaming seagulls It wasnt long after I immediately knew that I have dragged myself into some very serious crap Any moment now I could never see the light of the day again, my family would weep in sorrow and grief on my grave But the justice in me puts huge temptation in my conscience to find out more and more but the bullets gave me greater temptation to put the pedal to the metal and race to safety The bullets flied towards me and the agent who found me In the situation of shock and desperation accompanied with broken glass and ricochet The agent who found me was shot in the back several times by his fellow agents and the mafia. Caught up in the fire, he fell bonelessly his blood stained the shattered glass of my cruiser The man laid lifelessly on the asphalt, the floor was flooded with his blood

I immediately slammed onto the gas pedal which seemed much harder than before. I feel bullets brushing against my hair I watched as the body of the agent lied lifelessly on the ground , fading away in the distance I crashed through the gates and security check-points... ------------------------------------------------------------------------I left just in time, I could hear police radio chatter. After everything that I had gone through, I find myself in the burger king I was before everything happened... I could slowly recall the Police Departments involvement in the trade... The men in suits and sunglasses were working with the mafia... The crates...The crates were so heavy that a fork lift was needed to transport it...what was in there? Weapons? Cash? Secret files? Evidence? Anything could be possible... Holy crap. Did I just go through all that? We all know that somehow our government ran with underlying hypocrisy. With no time to waste, It is time to plan my escape, from now one and here, it will be me against the world. Everything that I

knew would turn upside-down and if I dont act fast I will be lost in a whirlpool of a mixture of stress, regret and confusion. There was no time to reflect upon what I had just gone through. I called my cousin, William He was the mayor and leader of an island village a few hundred mile off the coast of Buenos Aires The inhabitants of the village were refugees who migrated from many corrupt countries in South America His village was known as the Safe Haven, but to governments, it was know as the land of the Rebels and Terrorists. Every year political refugees and prisons flee to this island to live. This is an Ideal place for me to stay in and wait for the heat to fade off. I picked my mobile phone up and called William. I wait as surges of telephone tones buzzed into my ear. Who is this? Hey man, It me, Oscar Heeeeeyyyy! Cousin Oscar, Hows life? He said in his usual accent

Not good. Why what happened? No time to tell you now, but could you let me stay on your island for a month or so? There was a brief pause on the phone. Yes! Sure cousin! Anything! He told me in a very welcoming tone. Thanks, man I owe you one, I should be arriving in two days Sure, Dont mention it. Cousin William told me the co-ordinates to his island and told me that there was a small airfield on it. As far as I know, The island had an abandoned military base in it, the army outpost was built in the 1800s as a naval outpost and served as a first line defense during the falklands war. The outpost remained unscarred and shortly after the 1990s The army moved out and never returned, My cousin found this island and established it as a safe haven for political prisoners and refugees. The island has everything an island needs Shelter Docks

Firearms Food A decent supply of food and water radio Telephones Satellite Internet and Radio and most importantly, Inhabitants My cousin purchased the rights to this island and till today, there are at least 700 People living on it. The island runs itself with the population having common hatred to the government Votes are made to change the island and to improve it in various ways. It was the perfect community. It is shielded from discovery and siege by the shade of corruption and the laziness of the local government But my cousins men held tight to their guns...Just in case. ------------------------------------------------------------------------I hurried and opened my laptop. Booked a flight to Buenos Aires.

and returned to my apartment to fetch whatever meant something to me. My next move is to hide the stuff in the garage and leave it there The is no doubt that the police and FBI would be all over the place searching for me, so I had to flee to buenos aires before the government came up with a cover story and gained the warrant to arrest me. Well if all-else goes south...plan B Plan B was to rot in prison, so there is no plan B. I packed my bag, grabbed my car keys and bursted out of the door. The second I was out of the door, I heard a click to the right of my head. I almost naturally slowly raised my hand I guess I was to used to being pointed at with guns. Stood next to me were Sergeant Jay Miller and his partner. He had his pistol aimed right to my head You remember Jay right? The speedy one? Anyways...

He yelled FREEZE! PUT YOU HANDS ON YOU HEAD INSPECTOR NO SUDDEN MOVES Sergeant, calm down, I could explain! SIR, YOU ARE UNDER ARREST FOR ASSAULT, MISUSE OF DEPARTMENT PROPERTY AND MURDER WAIT, Murder? Who told you that? Dont act dumb with me, we both know what you did! The damn commissioner was quick enough to frame me for the dealing with mafia and the agent who was shot my his own buddies! damn it! Look sergeant, I could explain. Things are not what it seems, just put down the gun This is all a set-up I am unarmed The sergeant gave me a look of brief approval Search him. The sergeant ordered his partner to search me for weapons. He is clean sir The sergeant lowered his pistol.

Make it quick Oscar. Look, Sergeant, You will not believe what I am about to tell you. The department was working with the mafia to ship in something that the commissioner werent proud of. Remember the just a few weeks ago defectors from the mafia was killed and their dossiers were all terminated and burnt. Go on... He gives me a suspicious look I believe those defectors werent happy about the mafia working with the government, but didnt have the guts and time to speak about the governments involvement So , they all just told us about this shipment of drugs coming into Newark Port this evening. They were deliberately stripped away from their witness protection teams and were silenced by the mafia It seemed like our corrupt commissioner called off all plans on the drug bust, leaving me to go lone wolf on them When I was there I saw couple of men in suits paying the mafia money just to ship a few crates. Those men looked like they are working for the government, I swear it.


Anyways, I was compromised and was spotted by an agent Right before the agent got to me, he was shot by his own men and the mafia And I came back to escape. The sergeant looked at his partner and nodded. Are you guys alone? I interrupted their silent staring. No, well yes, for now. We heard that HQ is dispatching tactical units to your apartment I rushed here to find out more Inspector, if I were you, Id probably start running. His partner finally spoke. Here is my radio, hope it helps 2-5, 2-5, to dispatch, we have arrived on site and now conducting site lock down, Bravo team will secure the lobby and Alpha will approach the apartment via emergency stairs Sierra teams are approaching to position A team, this is dispatch, the target is a rouge inspector, he is possibly armed and ready, proceed with caution Roger that

Dispatch, what is the ROE? Try your best to capture him alive, but shoot to kill when necessary. Looks like they were in such a rush that they had to brief on site. I hear the commissioner's voice. Attention all personnel, our target, Inspector Oscar is extremely dangerous, he had just murdered a CIA agent this afternoon. it is important that you capture or kill him, letting him loose will be the last thing we want. Get to work and good hunting everyone. Sgt.Jay puts his pistol back into his holster. Good luck, inspector I started running down the main stairs 8 Sierra is in position, we have eyes on the apartment 7 Sierra doesn't see any movement in the apartment. 6 This is NYPD CDCP, reporting online


5 This is Bravo, the lobby is Clear 4 This is alpha team, entry team, Stacking up in 2 Mikes 3 Awaiting go sign 2 Finally, the first floor I am desperate for a breath, so I settled down and searched for any signs of policemen. I reached the lobby Down the lobby was a few men in black armored suits talking with SWAT Written on the kevlar body armor. They stood at the entrance, behind them were a dozen of police cars and police officers taking cover behind them with their guns out. I snuck into the backdoor leading to the back alley where my car was parked I ran for my car... Hoping that they wouldnt find me Started my car...

wiped the sweat off my forehead... and left for the airport... This is alpha team, we are on the 8th floor and preparing to breach Stack up 3, prep flash bang. Copy that We good? I could hear my door blowing open in the radios static. Clear right Clear left All clear HQ the apartment in all clear! This is Sierra, we have eyes on bravo. B and C reporting no findings Damn it, we were too late Bravo and Alpha, fall back and return to HQ Charlie and Zulu team, conduct site sweep asap Copy that

CSU will clean up. What would have happened to me if I was in the apartment.. Charlie team reporting all clear Zulu reporting the same This is Zulu, disregard the last, we have found two police officers This is team lead, our raid on the rogue officers apartment was inconclusive, no one was arrested, no shots fired. Copy that, CSU ETA 12 mikes out I shut the radio off and kept on driving...




All hope is lost. Everything is lost.

Day 48, Energy, Food, Water...all ran low. I could barely lift my arm.. The water fell short of fishes... It hadnt been raining for almost a week now. I am desperate for rescue. I no longer care about getting arrested and rotting in a smelly, half a century old South American prison. I dont care if the feds capture me and interrogate me in a dark room. At least, I would have food and decent shelter. I could not care much more... My energy is at constant decline... I am not the same man who was eager to do anything for his country and justice anymore...I am no longer the vigilante who fought for justice What is the point? I did all this just to die in a tropical island in the middle of no where. I am left here to rot and be forgotten.. It seemed like the sun took a whole years to set, to remove the incinerating heat from the atmosphere, to allow the cool lonely nights to rise over the horizon.

The night slowly fell in... Once again, in the moody nights, I am stuck in a spiral of reflections and regrets... Carvings of I could have just let go could be seen in my shelter. The stars star down into my pathetic existence to mock and belittle me. The same old starry nights marks another day of my desperate survival was marked into the sides of my shelter. In the disarray of thoughts, I stared at the radio... Considering that death was nigh I held my the radio closed to my dry lips. Clicked the button. If anyone could hear me,my name is Oscar Fernandez. There is probably no way you would save me at all...I am trapped on an island with basically nothing left.The U.S government is a fraud. It co-operates with criminals to smuggle in goods under the shadow of the public. The U.S Government is nothing but lies and hypocrisy. It removes necessary burden from its citizens minds, it deceives the world with its fake identity. The U.S Government is a fraud. If anyone can hear me...


I could not remember how many times I repeated the message... The seas of sand....They flood my mind with confusion... So much sand... I am in the edge of sanity.. Or am I? I felt extremely dizzy. I am weak and tired. My eye lids shivers. My vision dims. I gulp my saliva down my dry throat once more The galaxies beyond the stars engulfed the dark of the night... This is it. All that I knew and loved will flash before my eyes I will take my final rest now... My worries and sorrows will all burn away along with my life... I have always wondered how I would die... The answer seems clearer than ever now...

I am too weak to move... I am short of reasons to continue struggling for my survival.. I have lived a pointless life... My eyes lids slowly close... I did the right thing...Thats all that mattered I am ready... I am ready to die... I could only see a thin strip of brights light in my eyes now... The blurry vision of the plane was the last thing I will ever see.. Could this be it? The afterlife awaits? All my worries are finally put to rest... The sound of sands shuffling and breathing could be heard. There you are! Come on, Lets go A dark figure could be seen next to the plane door... In shock I stared as my vision fades.




Safe Haven

I opened my eyes once more, just find my self on a some sort of a boat. Inside the boat was a man and nets. The night skies still shone bright... I could hear the ocean. Ah, you are awake! Thought I lost you there. A man with a hispanic accent said. Here have some more water. I could barely lift my head, as it aches as if termites were feeding off my brain. I gulped down the fresh water and laid back in relief. Keep you head down. I effortlessly moved my eye balls. I found myself on a motor boat with a man in a cow boy hat... My name is Max, It is a pleasure meeting you Oscar. We all heard about your bravery back in the states We heard your radio transmission and found out the you were on that island with the smoke and fire...We have wondered who lived there. We all thought that there were government troops stationed there.. I was speechless The man looked around and said

Okay, here we go, the patrol is gone. Max started the engines again and the boat sped up. He laid his assault rifle down on the side In the distance I could see a police boat patrolling the seas. Its spot light illuminated the the island and my shelter... I could see men with firearms run onto the island and searched it. I was just in time. Max said. Finally I could briefly speak. Thank you.. I murmured with a faint voice. Dont mention it, now have some rest and we would be there in no time. So I laid back onto the wet and cold carpet of the boat, which felt like smooth silk skinned cushion compared to the dry leaves I have slept on for the past few weeks. Having to go through that much. A month on a deserted island.. I am already enjoyed paradise, compared to the living hell that I have just almost died in. My eye lids slam shut as the sounds of motor and sea water splashing against the boat filled the skies

------------------------------------------------------------------------FlashBack - New York JFK Airport The feds must be on to me.. I was on the Van Wjck expressway after half an hour of driving. I finally mustered the courage and emotional stability to pick my cellphone up to call my girlfriend. I wipe the sweat off my forehead. The ringtone started to echo... I was directed to her voice mail... She must be at work. Hey, honey, everything is turning into crap...everything! I am so lost, I am so confused...I...I...I got caught up with something...I couldnt say...but...but all you have to know is that I am headed to JFK right now....I am catching a flight to buenos aires...I am escaping the country...ho...hopefully this is not the last time you hear from me....but if god forbids our reunion...I want to say...I love you with all my heart and I hope find someone great.. Take care and good bye I flipped my phone together as I barely feel the tears sliding of my cheek...

It wasnt long until I arrived at the airport. I ditched my car on the driveway and got rid of all evidence of my escape and ran into the lobby. I was late for my flight. As ran through the halls, I stopped to stare at the television. Good evening NewYork, This is WRGB channel 6 news and I am Adam Sterling reporting live from the Newark Pier, Our sources told us that there was an incident of a firefight just outside warehouse 24 just off in the NewHawk harbor todays afternoon. The warehouse employees who working in ware house 22 at that time told us that a group of people some in suits and leather jackets open fired upon a black vehicle parked right outside the warehouse. They saw a man collapsing onto the floor. We believe it was associated with the mafias and other organized crime groups It was crazy, man! Everything happened in a split second! First I heard gun fire and right at the next second I could only see a man lying on the ground and the car that was fired at speeding away. It was crazy man! A man in a yellow helmet said. NYPD is currently conducting a thorough investigation into the shootings and the police commissioner had claimed that they will work as hard as they can to assure a safe living and working environment for all New York Citizens. NYPD would be holding a press conference on this incident later at 11 pm. So far, We have been told that a FBI wanted criminal was involved in the firefight, warrants for the suspect are currently

under qualification and approval and will be shortly published. No other information were released. I must hurry. I must get onto that plane before the police issue a warrant for me... But it turns out that they were too late. I had gone through customs and security check without a hiccup. All that there is left to worry about were international warrants that I am as sure as hell that the police commission will not hesitate to issue. ------------------------------------------------------------------------Present day - Back on the boat Oscar? The voice became clearer and clearer Oscar? Come on, Wake up! It was Max... It was sunrise... Here we are...The safe haven

I quickly pushed myself upwards as the sting in my head faded away A spectacular sight laid in front of me. It was a pretty large island... Stood above the islands tree line was a large building built out of glass and shiny white concrete. There was a rusty metal barricade, with a small wooden dock lying lifelessly next to it. The reflection of the golden sunset illuminated the lonesome walls of the houses. At the edge of the dock stood a man... He was about 6 foot tall, he was armed with an assault rifle, with his jacket shuffling against his black T-Shirt. He stared at our boat and waved to signal us. Max drove the boat towards the dock... Oscar! William imploded with surprise and joy. Max, Where did you find him? What the hell happened? I heard about a search and destroy team on the police radio? Will, I was out fishing last night and heard Oscars SOS on the radio, so I went to the island that we have suspected it being a government outpost.

Found him in a plane wreck and in pretty bad shape, so I dragged him out onto my boat. I think the police heard the SOS too and they were able to triangulate his position, but they were slightly too late, me and Oscar were long gone by then. So I heard he was a political refugee too, he told everyone on the radio, so yea, I took him here. Max, You have just saved my cousin! Max looked at me and smiled, guys have some lone time to catch up Thanks Max, I owe you one, could you tell Rodriguez to call off the raid on the island and call the doctors in. Sure sir... Max walked off in the dense forest. So, Oscar... Its been a long time He smiled... In relief and happiness I fainted again... I woke up in a bedroom. A beautiful nurse sat next to me. Her name was Sophia. After a year of dating, we got engaged and married. ------------------------------------------------------------------------I suddenly find myself again in my apartment on Safe Haven.

Dad! Dad ! Tell me the rest of the story! Albert, the fair nurse who held the name Sophia Lopez, She wasnt just an activist in Sao paulo, the women who took care of me, She is your mother. Oh so that is how you met mom! What happened to the bad guys then? Sophia smiled at me. I looked at her and said: They got in trouble. Big trouble The radio sounded: Today, The former commissioner of NYPD had died of a heart attack in Rikers Island prison today. Today marked his 12th year in prison, as he was sentenced for life for committing numerous crimes such as: Organizer Crime, collaboration with criminal organizations, Murder, Corruption and bribery along with a number of his colleages . The former commissioner, Stuart Smith was a 20 year veteran of the force and was accused of collaborating with the mafia to ship in money and drugs into the city and bribing officers. The NYPD had a brief response on the incident. NYPD admits that more could be done to prevent such corruption and greed has caught us off guard and We will try our best to stop anything like this again. Thank you everyone for listening and good evening New York

Well, The most of them. But in time, justice will reveal its self. -THE END-

*For MYP Personal Project, Completed on 5th November, 2012


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