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Youth Spot

Welcome to another issue of the What’s In This Issue!

Youth Spot student magazine. This Page 2
issue we have tried to bring you SRC Announcement
some information on the history of Rugby 7’s are coming to town
Page 3
Valentine’s Day. Although Valen-
Movie Reviews: Romances
tine’s day has already passed, we Page 4
at the Youth Spot thought you Book Reviews: Love Stories
might like to learn a little more Page 5
Valentine’s Day Facts
about that special day dedicated
Page 6
to love. Valentine’s Gift Ideas
Page 7&8
Chocolate Lover’s Special
Page 9
Jokes and Riddles
Page 10
Fun Zone
Page 11

Photograph by Heather Sperry

Extraordinary (and Simple) Choco- gently but constantly until the choco- Photograph by
Joe Routon
late Fondue Recipe late is melted and smooth.
3. Add vanilla extract, and stir it in.
Ingredients 4. Use a fondue fork to spear the fruit,
16 ounces dark, sweet or semi-sweet then dip it in the chocolate. Enjoy!
1 1/2 cups light cream For some other variations on a basic
1 tsp. Vanilla extract chocolate fondue recipe, add:
- some chopped nuts: pecans, almonds,
Instructions walnuts, and hazelnuts all work well.
1. Break chocolate squares into smaller - a tablespoon of instant coffee granules or
pieces and drop them into the fondue pot. cappuccino
2. Add cream (which will prevent the - your favourite syrup flavour
chocolate from going lumpy) and stir

Message From The SRC
SRC Updates

The SRC has recently been discussing the school cafeteria and they want
some more ideas from you! Check the cLc SRC page to access the forums. Or
you can Tell your SRC members what changes you would like and it’ll be
brought up at the meeting!

Also, Sports Day is coming up on March 20th. Start your team decorations

Rugby 7’s
The Hong Kong Sevens are said to be the best in the
world. They come around to Hong Kong every year sometime at
the end of March. Teams from all around the world compete
against each other in the Hong Kong Stadium.

On the first day, each team plays one game in their

pool. On the second day another two games are played, the
group winners and the two second placed teams with the best
records advance to the Cup competition. The remaining four
second placed teams along with the third and fourth placed teams
progress to the plate competition. The remaining eight teams move to the bowl competition. The third day,
the most exciting, is when the quarter finals, semi finals and the finals are held.

The rules are a more simple adaptation of the rugby union league with seven minute games for bowl
and plate competitions, 10 minutes for the cup finals, 3 man scrums, yellow cards are only a two minute
suspension, conversions must be drop kicked, the half time is changed along with almost everything else
besides the forward passing rule.

The online ticketing this year sold out in record time, in only two hours 5000 tickets were gone, the
stadium fits 40000 people, the other 35000 went out to local rugby clubs, sponsors and overseas buyers. If
you missed this years tickets maybe you can beg them from a friend or perhaps join a rugby club next year.
If you’ve never been then I’ll tell you that it’s definitely an event worth going to, probably the biggest and
most exciting event all year round in Hong Kong, forty thousand people cheering and supporting their
team, unfortunately the south stand is now closed to people under 18 years old because of its reputation for
alcohol, if you are a teenager then I suggest you try the east stand, its where all the teenagers have fun.
Have fun to everyone who managed to get tickets and better luck next year for all those who missed

Movie Reviews
Confessions of a Shopaholic
Based on the books "Confessions of a Shopaholic" and "Shopaholic Takes Man-
hattan" by Sophie Kinsella. Rebecca Bloomwood (Isla Fisher) is a 25 year old
college working for a financial magazine. she's hopelessly addicted to shopping
and drowning in a sea of debt . While Rebecca has dreams of working for a top
fashion magazine, she can't quite get her foot in the door, this is until she snags a
job as an advice columnist for a new financial magazine published by the same
company. Her column becomes hugely popular, turning her into an overnight ce-
lebrity, but when her compulsive shopping and growing debt issues threaten to
destroy her love life and derail her career, she struggles to keep it all from spiral-
ing out of control--and is ultimately forced to reevaluate what's really important in

The Curious Case of Benjamin Button

Adapted from the 1920s story by F. Scott Fitzgerald about a man who is born in
his eighties and ages backward. “ I was born under unusual circumstances.” thus
we follow his story, set in New Orleans from the end of World War I in 1918 to the
21st century. O n the day that Hurrican Katrina hits New Orleans, elderly Daisy
Williams in her deathbed in a New Orleans hospital, at her side her adult daughter
Caroline who she asks to read her diary of Daisy’s lifelong friend Benjamin But-
ton. Benjamin has an unusual aged disease since birth which makes him grow
backwards. This movie talks about his entire extraordinary life.
Directed by David Fincher and starring Brad Pitt and Cate Blanchett, Benjamin
Button is a grand tale of a not-so-ordinary man and the people and places he dis-
covers along the way, the loves he finds, the joys of life and the sadness of death,
and what lasts beyond time.

Bride Wars
Liv and Emma are best friends who since childhood have planned every detail of
their respective weddings. At the top of their bridal "must have" list: a ceremony at
New York's ultimate bridal destination, the Plaza Hotel. Now both of them aged 26;
they’re about to realize their dream to live happily ever after...or NOT. When a er-
ror strikes they find out that their wedding dates both clash on the same date! Now
Liv, Emma and their lifelong friendship are put to the ultimate test. Liv being a suc-
cessful lawyer and always getting what she wants and Emma a schoolteacher who
cares and looks after people but not so good herself.
Lets see how this tragedy turns out when these two best friends turn to a battle of

By: Gabriel Wong

Book Reviews: Love Stories
By: Stephanie Meyer
When Bella Swan first moved to Forks to live with her dad, she
had no idea that her whole life was about to change. At the cafe-
teria, she sees five beautiful people, who weren’t talking to each
other, or eating. They were pale, very pale and they walked with
inhuman grace. They were the Cullens. She becomes Edward
Cullens partner in biology class, but he seems to hate her. The
truth is Edward is a vampire, and he finds himself attracted to
Bella’s blood more then anyone else. What kind of love story will
these two weave together?
I really like Twilight because of the love between Bella and Ed-
ward. There was always humour from the story in Bellas point of
view. I also liked how every character had their own personality.
The story was also great, there isn’t a dull moment. Definitely a
pick-up-and-can’t-stop-reading type. If you want to enjoy Valen-
tines day with a romantic book, here it is!

Romeo And Juliet

By: Shakespeare

The Capulets and Montagues have been rivals for generations. But
their kids fall in love. These star-crossed lovers must fight fate to stay
together. The stories eventually leads to a tragic ending.
I didn’t like the story because it was sad throughout the story. I also
didn’t like the story because there wasn’t any happy parts and all of it
was quite sad. However the play really shows the beauty of true love,
and reading this book will make it easier when you read it in class!

Can You Keep A Secret?

By: Sophie Kinsella

Emma had a perfect life and perfect boyfriend, and a job. But all that
was about to change, when during a turbulent flight, she spills all her
secrets to Jack Harper, the American CEO of her company. But what
happens next? Well, Jack actually starts to make Emma’s life just
that much more exciting. Knowing what she likes and what she
doesn’t, that’s just what a girl wants, right?
This book shows how secrets may threaten someone’s life. By tell-
ing her secrets Emma has a hard time trying to keep people from
finding out. Emma has a funny personality and it’s funny how she
changed into someone who stands up for herself. However she does
have funny moments when she ‘wants the pink drink instead of the
champagne’. I really enjoyed how the story proceeded and it’s a
really good book for Valentines day.
By: Jenny Xu

Valentine’s Day Facts
Valentine’s Day History

People say that Valentine’s day started in the 3rd century,

in Rome. In this period Emperor Claudius II ruled Rome.
This Emperor made a rule that young couples could not
marry. This is because he thought that unmarried men
were better soldiers than married ones. However a priest
named Valentine still secretly married young couples to-
gether. When the Emperor found out he sentenced Valen-
tine to death. Valentine was said to have died on the 14th
of February.

Another story is that Valentine was a guy that was sent to

jail. Valentine fell in love with a jailer’s daughter. Before he
was sentenced to death he gave a letter to the girl and
signed it ‘Your Valentine’. This is now used on Valentine

Valentine’s Day facts.

Richard Cadbury (from Cadbury chocolate) in-

vented the first Valentine’s Day candy box during
the late 1800’s.

About 1 billion Valentine’s day cards are ex-

changed in the US each year. That’s one of the
biggest card-sending occasions of the year!

Worldwide, over 50 million roses are given on

Valentine’s Day each year. That’s a lot of flowers!

Women buy 85% of all Valentines.

By: Andrea Battad

Valentine Gifts Ideas
for Him for Her
Kisses Flowers
Kisses are greatly A gift to express your
popular amongst lov- love to her in a pas-
ers on Valentines day, sionate way. Give her
it can show the love flowers and maybe
you want to express put in a note of love
through your lips. to her.

Chocolates Chocolates
Sweet, fragrant, full of Although this is one
aroma! Chocolate can of the most common
sweeten your lover’s presents for valen-
heart and sweeten his tines day, do not un-
taste too. derestimate its power
to express love.

Roses Jewellery
This is just the flower Sparkling, beautiful,
which represents love. and attractive. One of
Its deep red petals and the best presents to
romantic look, a really reveal your true feel-
good gift for your lover. ings for her. She
would wear it every-
day and think of you.

Love Love
As long as she means It doesn’t really mat-
it, material can’t repre- ter what you give. As
sent as much as long as you get your
Heart. Give him a true feelings across with
piece of your heart, your confession,
and he will treasure nothing else material-
this day for the rest of ised can replace your
his life. love.

By: Hearty Cheung

Ideal Chocolates for your Valentine

Lindt Lindor Milk (left) is a light, mild, milk fla-
voured chocolate which comes in bite sizes. There
are different packaging for different countries,
and you can easily buy this in Hong Kong super-

Cost: $52.90 HKD

Lindt Original (red), Milk (blue) and Toffee

(brown) flavoured chocolates (right).
You can select either one to be your gift depend-
ing on what your valentine likes.

Cost: all are $24.90 HKD

Merci Assorted Chocolates (left) is a wide range of
selections of chocolates. Flavours include: Milk
Chocolate, Coffee and Cream, Hazelnut Almond,
Hazelnut Creme, Dark Cream, Dark Mousse, and
Praline Creme. A good chocolate because of the
wide variety you can choose from to eat.

Cost: $29.90 HKD

Merci Finest Selection (right)

is the box of chocolates who like to eat from
the best. Flavours include: Milk Chocolate, Cof-
fee and Cream, hazelnut almond, Hazelnut
Cream, Cream Truffle, and Praline Cream. Cost:

$29.90 HKD

By: Hearty Cheung

Ideal Chocolates for your Valentine

Ferrero Rocher
Ferrero Rocher Diamond (left) is a very com-
mon gift for any special day. But in terms of
valentines, it is one of the selections defi-
nitely suitable.

Cost: $59.50 HKD

Ferrero Prestige (right)

is one of the best types Ferrero Rocher avail-
able. It has Mon Cheri Original (most Left), and
Mon Cheri Silver (middle row).

Cost: $84.50 HKD

Hershey’s Cordial Cherry (left) is a wonderful choice of
chocolates to give, the sweet sensation the cherry
chocolate fudge in the middle melts on your tongue.

Cost: $19.80 HKD

Hershey’s Milk Chocolate (Right)

is a unique kind of Hersheys. It is quite
sweet and is good for people who like nor-
mal but exiting flavours.

Cost: $38.40 HKD

By: Hearty Cheung

Fun Zone
Jokes Riddles
Bob was in trouble. He forgot his wedding Q: A man takes a barrel that weighs 20
anniversary. His wife was really angry. pounds and then puts something in it. It
now weighs less than 20 pounds. What
She told him "Tomorrow morning, did he put in the barrel?
I expect to find a gift in the driveway that A: He put a hole in the barrel to make it
goes from 0 to 200 in 6 seconds AND IT weigh less.

The next morning he got up early and left

for work. When his wife woke Q: The more there is the less you see.
What is it?
up, she looked out the window and sure
enough there was a box A: Darkness
gift-wrapped in the middle of the drive-
Q: A boy was at a carnival and went to a
Confused, the wife put on her robe and
booth where a man said to the boy, "If I
ran out to the driveway, brought
write your exact weight on this piece of
the box back in the house. paper then you have to give me $50, but
if I cannot, I will pay you $50."
She opened it and found a brand new
bathroom scale. The boy looked around and saw no scale
so he agrees, thinking no matter what the
Bob has been missing since Friday. carny writes he'll just say he weighs more
or less.

In the end the boy ended up paying the

man $50. How did the man win the bet?

Answer is below....
Sources By: Saras Wong

and wrote "your exact weight" on the paper

A: The man did exactly as he said he would

Fun Zone

Mandarin Section
西安之旅 徐嘉勵 Y8K

  今年的11月 3日到7日是我們學校的 “探索週”,我們國際部8年級的學生去了西安旅行,去見識那裏


在西安的期間,我們參觀了很多歴史名勝,如兵馬俑、古城牆、華清池、鐘樓及鼓樓等等, 還去兩
間不同的學校作交流。第一間學校是一間農村學校,那裏的教室較簡陋,但學生的課外活動很豐富, 而且
了好一會兒 ! 而最難忘的是我們跟這兩間學校的同學進行的篮球賽! 雖然我們没在球賽中取勝,但是我
們的同學都已經盡力了,也盡興了! 另一件特別難忘的事發生在旅程的第三 ,當我們吃過 飯後,我們
的兩位導遊為我們的三位同學Peggy,Anya,Isaac舉行了一個小小的生日會。同學們吃著生日蛋 ,唱


Mandarin Section
“食”在西安” 林靖 Y8C

這次的西安之旅真是到處都充滿了新鮮事 !我們不僅認識了很多新朋友,見識了數不清的名勝古蹟,
之後大家都“愛”上了那些異地食物。 由於西安地處長江之北, 小麥是最普遍的農作物。也因為如此, 西安
的主食是以麵食為主的。另外那裡的食物的味道偏重,有說有袪寒之功 。那裡的菜色包括小籠包、燒
賣、高湯、餃子、“醋麵”、 “哨子麵”和“擔擔麵”等等……

Mandarin Section

1. 太極

同學們跟著太極大師有板有眼地打著太極 !

2. 剪紙藝術

Mandarin Section

1. 戲劇餐廳裡觀賞唐朝歌舞


3. 皮影戲

2. 參觀全國最大的碑林博物館

Mandarin Section
1. 皮影戲

同學們都津津有味地看著精彩的皮影戲 “三



Mandarin Section





Mandarin Section

外形似繭的一種麵食,而焦譔則是 餅的一種,這兩種食品實為"實心湯圓",又叫"粉果"或"元


泥(即蓮蓉)、杏仁、白果和山 等數十種;咸的餡有鮮肉、火腿、蝦米和豆乾酸白菜等。

兒大小均 捏好,放在糯米粉上,搖晃簸箕使餡粒不斷粘上糯米粉而晃成。從元宵的吃法上看,

宵"與 "袁消"諧音,於己不利,下令改"元宵"為"湯圓"。此後湯圓之名也就廣泛流行開來了。

Mandarin Section
香港傳統節誕專號"元宵點燈" )。唐朝以後,
賞燈,一邊猜謎;猜對了固然拍掌叫 ,猜不
元宵節是名符其實的"燈節",燃燈、觀燈是 行元宵燈節的舊俗,一些文人學士為顯示才
這個節日最主要的活動。從正月十三"上燈日"開 學,常在元宵節之夜,將謎語貼在彩燈上供人
始,商舖都掛出各式花燈供人購買,蔚為燈 猜射,以吸引路人駐足欣賞,此後猜燈謎便逐
市。十四日"試燈",各處紛紛搭起牌樓,在棚上 漸成為元宵節的習俗了。
花燈,小孩也高興地提著燈籠四處遊觀玩 。
多與神話相關的故事與傳說。不論如何, "燈 "總

Mandarin Section

燈,一邊猜謎;猜對了固然拍掌叫 ,猜不出亦是一種樂趣。燈謎的起因相傳與春秋時期的遊


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