FOW Meeting Minutes - March 2013

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Friends of Walgrove Members Meeting March 5, 2013 8:15 a.m.-9:15 a.m.

Walgrove Avenue Elementary School 1630 Walgrove Avenue*Los Angeles, CA 90066 Phone (310)391-7104*Fax (310)391-9809
I. Special Thanks- Julie Dair A. Prospective Parents Tour- Michelle, Leisle, Teresa, Warner B. Walgroovy Valentine's Dance- Brandy, Toni C. Walgroovy Chinese New Year- Toni D. Student Council Valentine-Gram Sales- Mrs. Perez, Mr. Matt, Student Council E. Valentine's Day Family Council- Michelle, Mr. Ziff F. African-American Gallery Walk- Ms. Biolatto and helpers G. Annual Fund Participation Drive- Akua, Anne, David, Annual Fund table volunteers H. ESC West Principals' Network Meeting Hospitality Warner, Teresa, Emiko, Brandy I. 4th Grade International Dinner Sale Fundraiser Betsy, Michelle, 4th Grade Parents J. Mural Team- Renee, Georgia K. Coffee with the Principal Hospitality- Emiko L. Walgroovy Girls' Movie Night- Amy, Betsy M.Walgroovy Nordic Smorgasbord-Vanessa, Christensen II. Guest Speaker- Bloomer's Island: Cynthia Wylie A. Local Venice Realtor Linda Scheft is sponsoring this program at Walgrove B.Cynthia created this program which includes growing a starter garden and a computer game that teaches kids about what is involved in growing plants. C. This program is currently being done with kindergarten and 1st grade students. D. Anyone can go to the website at III. Officer Reports A. VP Fundraising- Brandy Oeser 1. Auction a. Auction items are due March 11. b. Auction goes live March 18. c. Raffle sales start March 6 (tomorrow!). Tickets are $3 each. Grand prize is $1,000. d. Auction party is April 13. IV. School Site Council- Sarah Reimers & Georgia McCreery A. The SSC is working on a Core Beliefs orientation pamphlet. B. Encourage everyone to vote today in School Board election. C. Trying to address ways to deal with attendance problems at our school. D. Next meeting is March 11 at 2:45 p.m. V. Old Business A. PS Arts Update- Lynn Jones 1. We have received a grant from Tommy Hilfiger to help pay for PS Arts for the next 3 years. 2. The program will be performing arts and each class will have class 1 day per a week for the full year. 3. PS Family Arts Night will be May 15. This is a community event open to the public. B. Publications Committee- Dana Tasker 1. Yearbook dedications are due March 31. 2. All-school yearbook photo will be March 22. C. Green Space Update- Clare Carey 1. Need people to sign up to volunteer for the April 20-21 work week-end on the Walgrove Wildlands. Sign up at

2. A shade structure we were able to buy through a grant (written by Denise Bell) we received last year and an outdoor classroom will also be built at that time. D. Annual Fund Update- Akua Owusu-Ansah 1. We have not yet hit 75% participation in the Annual Fund, so Wacky Wednesday has been postponed. VI. New Business A. Library Committee- Book Fair (3/14-3/22) B. EVTF: Move with Me Program (debuted at Friday's Assembly). Website: VII. Happenings A.3/6 (Wed): Auction Raffle Ticket Sales begin! Check your Wednesday Packets!! B.3/8 (Fri): Walgroovy 4th/5th Grade Boys' Movie Night, 5:30-8:30pm, Ross/Buzzell Home C.3/11 (Mon): School Site Council (SSC) Meeting, 2:45-4:00pm, Parent Center D. 3/12 (Tues): Prospective Parents' Tour, 8:15-10:00am, Walgrove Campus E.3/13 (Wed): Dine-Out! 4:00-9:00pm, El Torito Restaurant F. 3/15 (Fri): Artwise Fundraiser online registration and student artwork due! G.3/15 (Fri) ~ 3/21 (Thurs): Scholatic Book Fair Week H.3/18 (Mon): Online Auction Event begins! I. 3/19 (Tues): Open House J. 3/20 (Wed): Local School Leadership Council Meeting, 3:30-4:30pm, Parent Center K. 3/21 (Thurs): English Language Advisory Council (ELAC) Meeting, 8:15-9:15am, Parent Center L.3/22 (Fri): All-School Yearbook Photo, 8:00am, The Quad M. 3/25 (Mon) ~ 4/1 (Mon): SPRING BREAK!! N. 3/31 (Sun): Yearbook Dedication Ads due! O.4/2 (Tues): School resumes! VIII. Help Wanteds A Annual Fund Coordinator- Anne would like a replacement by June 1st. . B. Lunch/Recess Volunteers

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