Handbook HTTP://WWW - Auburn.edu/tigercub/rules/section1.pdf), Then The Assignment Is Due at The

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Chem 3000 Chemical Literature Syllabus for Spring 2010 Time: Tuesday 12:30-1:45 pm Location: Lobby Lab on the

he 2nd Floor of the Library Room 2009 Instructor: Bob Buchanan, Chemistry Librarian and Head of the Veterinary Medical Library RBD Library, Room 2338, 844-1292 Vet Med Library, 844-1750 buchara@auburn.edu Office Hours: Monday 4-5, Tuesday 11-12, and by appointment. Course Description: The chemical literature with emphasis on primary and secondary sources, including chemistry and chemistry-related databases. Objectives: Understand the purpose, nature, structure and extent of the chemical literature. Learn how to search and use the chemical literature and chemistry databases.

Course Content: See the Class Schedule for details. Text: There is no required text. The class relies on handouts, which will be distributed in class or made available via the class web site. The most up-to-date book on chemical information is: Maizell, R.E. How to Find Chemical Information, 3rd ed. Ref QD 8.5 .M34 1998 This book is also available online via the library catalog. Class Web Site: http://www.lib.auburn.edu/subjectguides/index.php/Chem_3000 Library homepage Subject Guides Chemistry Chem 3000 Homework assignments and most (but not all) class handouts will be posted to the class web site by the day after each class. Grading: A=92-100, B=83-91, C=74-82, D=65-73, E <65 The instructor reserves the right to use a curve, but will do so only if it raises class grades. Weekly homework assignments (50%) Exam (50%) Homework Assignments: Assignments are handed out in class and posted on the class web site by the next day. They are due at the start of the next class (in print, not electronic format). Each assignment is worth 10 points except when noted otherwise. Late Homework Assignments: Late assignments are marked down 10% if turned in after class starts, 20% on the next day, and 30% anytime before the next class begins. If you have a properly authorized excused absence for the day on which an assignment is due (Tiger Cub Handbook http://www.auburn.edu/tigercub/rules/section1.pdf), then the assignment is due at the beginning of the next class after returning to school. If the excused absence prevents you from

turning in an assignment within one week after the original due date, then at the discretion of the instructor, an alternative assignment may be substituted. Exam: The exam will be drawn from material covered in class, homework assignments, and class handouts, but will emphasize material covered during class. The exam will consist of short answer, multiple choice, true/false, compare & contrast, and short essay questions. Make-up Exam: No student will be permitted to take a make-up exam unless they have: (1) provided a written, properly authorized excused absence (Tiger Cub Handbook http://www.auburn.edu/tigercub/rules/section1.pdf) and (2) contacted the instructor prior to the exam and received permission to delay it. The only exceptions are situations which absolutely preclude such notification. Contact may be made by e-mail, telephone, or in-person. Within one week from the end of the period of the excused absence, it is your responsibility to arrange with the instructor to schedule a make-up exam. Exceptions will be made only for special circumstances and at the discretion of the instructor. Attendance & Participation: Since the class meets only once a week, regular attendance is important. Material is presented in class that is not contained in the handouts. If you miss a class, it is your responsibility to find out what you missed. Class behavior: Respect for your classmates and the instructor is expected. No extra-curricular activities are permitted during class (i.e., web surfing, checking email, cell phone use, textmessaging, eating, etc.). Cell phones and other electronic devices are to be turned off during class. Students with Disabilities: See me outside class at your earliest convenience so that we can set up appropriate accommodations. Withdrawal: Students may drop without penalty until mid-semester. After mid-semester, dropping requires the permission of the instructor and the Deans office. Academic Honesty: Refer to the Academic Honesty Code, Title XII of the Tiger Cub for any questions you have on this policy.

The instructor reserves the right to make changes to any of the above if it is warranted.

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