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National Junior College Junior High School Academic Programme Information JH3/4

No 1. Item The Junior High 3 and 4 (JH3/4) Syllabus Pg 1


Assessment Framework


The Core Curriculum : Subjects Areas Language Arts Mother Tongue Mathematics Integrated Sciences Integrated Humanities 2 3 5 6 8


The Core Curriculum : Special Modules Man and Ideas Special Programme in Inquiry and REsearch (SPIRE) Arts Appreciation (AA) Governance and Society (GS) 9 10 10 10


The Guidance Programme



Elective Modules



Core Enrichment and Special Programmes



Criteria to Offer H1 and H2 subjects in SH1


National Junior College Junior High School Programme 2010 JH3/4 Syllabus

National Junior College 4-Year programme Junior High 3/4 Syllabus (2010)
The NJC 4-year programme spans 4 years (2 years in Junior High and 2 years in Senior High) and is a customized, ability-driven, broad-based programme which will allow you to pursue your interests as we prepare you for the A level examinations. The academic programme consists of 2 components: the core curriculum and the elective modules. The core curriculum is made up of modules from specific subject areas and special modules. As the name suggests, all modules in the core curriculum are compulsory. Elective modules are meant for students who are interested in in-depth exploration of various topics. Elective modules also include the Music Elective Programme, the MOE Third Language electives and the Art Elective Programme. These modules earn extra credit but are not compulsory. ASSESSMENT FRAMEWORK We have adopted a continuous assessment framework that takes into account alternative modes of assessment such as class participation, presentations, term papers, take-home tests, individual and group projects, authentic assignments, oral defence of projects and quizzes. Grade Point Average Grades for core and elective modules will be combined into a criterion-referenced Grade Point Average (GPA) system. The Semester GPA measures the average of the semester whilst the Year GPA measures the average in that year, taking into account both semesters. The GPA is computed using the following formula:
Grade Point Average (GPA) = (Subject Grade Value x Corresponding Subject Credit Points) (Subject Credit Points)

Marks % 84.5 69.5 % < 84.5 64.5 % < 69.5 59.5 % < 64.5 54.5 % < 59.5 49.5 % < 54.5 44.5 % < 49.5 % < 44.5

Grade A+ A B+ B C+ C D U

Grade Value 4.3 4.0 3.5 3.0 2.5 2.0 1.0 0.0

Specifications Work is of excellent quality; indicates full mastery of the subject and, in the case of the grade of A+, is of extraordinary distinction. Work indicates good comprehension of course material and command of the skills needed to work with course material; student was engaged with course requirements and activities. Work indicates an adequate and satisfactory comprehension of course material and the skills needed to work with course material; student has met the basic requirements for completing assigned work and participating in class activities Work is unsatisfactory; some minimal command of the course materials and some minimal participation in class activities. Work is unsatisfactory and unworthy of course credit.

Grades A+ through D are passing grades and confer course credit. Hence they carry a specific weight in calculating the GPA. Grade U indicates unsatisfactory work and does not confer credit. You should earn a Year GPA of at least 2.0 (a grade of C) for progression to the next academic year.
National Junior College Junior High School Programme 2010 JH3/4 Syllabus

Deans List Based on their GPA, students who obtained a GPA of 4.0 and above will make it to the Deans List. The Core Curriculum: Subject Areas LANGUAGE ARTS (LA) LA1101: Get Persuasive! Duration: 2 terms Modular Credits: 6 This module is intended to develop in students a consciousness of text structure as well as the structure and techniques of persuasive texts, as well as introduce literary discussions. Through the analysis of verbal and visual texts from a variety of domains, students will have an initial grasp of the styles and techniques used by writers to convey their messages. Students will have opportunities to create their own rousing speeches and persuasive advertisements for a real-world organisation. Anita Desai's Games at Twilight will be the main text for this module. LA1101(E): Get Persuasive! * Duration: 2 terms Modular Credits: NIL Identified students will engage in deeper literary analysis and discussions at a more sophisticated level and show their understanding and skills in literature assessments. LA1102: Get Poetic! (The Seven Ages of Man) Duration: 2 terms Modular Credits: 3 In this module, students will explore poetic forms and techniques used creatively to convey experiences in the life of Man. Students will be exploring a range of traditional and modern poetic forms and will enjoy the opportunity to play with sounds, rhythm and words as they analyse poetic texts and create their own original poems. LA1102(E): Get Poetic! (The Seven Ages of Man) * Duration: 2 terms Modular Credits: NIL Identified students will engage in deeper literary analysis and discussions at a more sophisticated level and show their understanding and skills in literature assessments. LA2101: Get Dramatic! Duration: 2 terms Modular Credits: 3 Life or Living: If you could choose only one, which would it be? Salem. It means peace, and yet in 1692, Salem Massachusetts is anything but tranquil. Under its rigidly conservative faade, it is a society seething with resentment, thwarted ambition and repressed desire. The bizarre behavior of a group of young girls sparks off a horrifying witch-hunt. Suddenly, nothing anyone says can be trusted anymore, as loaded accusations and Faustian bargains are offered at every turn. Caught in this moral vortex, each character must decide where the truth really lies, and what price he or she is willing to pay for it. Through a close study of the themes and literary techniques used in Arthur Millers The Crucible, students will not only come to a deeper appreciation of the literary conventions of dramatic form and continue to develop their analytical and argumentative skills, but will also learn to question the nature of good and evil, in a world where nothing is simple anymore.

National Junior College Junior High School Programme 2010 JH3/4 Syllabus

LA2101(E): Get Dramatic! * Duration: 2 terms Modular Credits: NIL Identified students will engage in deeper literary analysis and discussions at a more sophisticated level and show their understanding and skills in literature assessments. LA2102: Get Real! (Living in Tomorrows World Today) Duration: 2 terms Modular Credits: 6 The world we live in today certainly anticipates the scientific possibilities of tomorrow. In the first segment of this module, we will explore these possibilities, evaluate the impact of these possibilities on society and suggest ways to avoid or limit any unintended negative outcomes of our applications of science. Students will be encouraged to explore these possibilities through both Future Problem Solving as well as other activities that will further enhance students creative and analytical skills. There will be lively debates on ethical issues surrounding the use of scientific means to improve life, leading up to the writing of argumentative essays. The second segment of the module is intended to develop students awareness of narrative as a medium of communication of ideas, especially in relation to ethical dilemmas that arise in a scientifically-advanced society. Through the analysis of Flowers for Algernon by Daniel Keyes, students should develop a grasp of some techniques that advance the writers message. Students will be able to identify the ways in which the writer persuades readers to perceive the world or their experience from his/her point of view. This module should help to develop in students an increased sensitivity towards literary conventions and language use, as well as enhance their proficiency in the decoding of literary works. LA2102(E): Get Real! (Living in Tomorrows World Today)* Duration: 2 terms Modular Credits: NIL Local students will engage in deeper literary analysis and discussions of Flowers for Algernon. They will demonstrate their understanding and skills through writing a literature essay. * Grades for Language Arts Modules (E) will be reflected under the Special Modules Category in the Progress Reports. Mother Tongue


Duration: 2 years Modular Credits: 9, 4.5, 9, 4.5

/ CHINESE CL1101/CL1102/CL2101/CL2102
Duration: 2 years Modular Credits: 7, 3.5, 7, 3.5

H1 H1 , H1
National Junior College Junior High School Programme 2010 JH3/4 Syllabus

BAHASA MELAYU LANJUTAN HIGHER MALAY/MALAY (HML/ML) HML1101/HML1102 Duration: 1 year Modular Credits: 9, 4.5 Kursus akan berdasarkan sukatan Tahun 3 yang ditetapkan oleh MOE yang menuju ke arah kemahiran menulis, membaca, bertutur dan mendengar. Penekanan akan diberikan untuk membentuk pelajar yang akan bersifat kritikal, kreatif dan rasional, di samping menjana rasa cinta terhadap bahasa ibunda agar pelajar akan mempunyai keupayaan yang tinggi untuk berbahasa melayu. Modul akan memberi tumpuan untuk membuat para pelajar terdedah kepada format kertas dan menyediakan para pelajar dengan isi-isi penting bagi modul ini. HML2101/HML1102 Duration: 1 year Modular Credits: 9, 4.5 Kursus akan berdasarkan sukatan Tahun 4 yang ditetapkan oleh MOE yang menuju ke arah kemahiran menulis, membaca, bertutur dan mendengar. Penekanan akan diberikan untuk membentuk pelajar yang akan bersifat kritikal, kreatif dan rasional, di samping menjana rasa cinta terhadap bahasa ibunda agar pelajar akan mempunyai keupayaan yang tinggi untuk berbahasa melayu. Pelajar akan menduduki peperiksaan Bahasa Melayu Lanjutan peringkat O (1131) pada penghujung kursus ini. Fokus adalah lebih kepada teknik menjawab soalan dengan baik dengan objektif untuk membuat para pelajar lebih yakin dan bersedia untuk menduduki peperiksaa. ML1101/ML1102 Duration: 1 year Modular Credits: 7, 3.5 Setelah mengikuti modul ini, pelajar diharap dapat menggunakan bahasa Melayu baku dengan berkesan sewaktu berkomunikasi, menyampaikan maklumat dan idea, selain mengenali budaya Melayu dengan lebih dekat. Kemahiran menulis, membaca, bertutur, mendengar serta kemahiran berfikir secara kritikal dan kreatif akan ditekankan sewaktu proses pembelajaran. Ujian modul ini adalah berdasarkan sukatan peperiksaan GCE Peringkat A Bahasa Melayu (H1) yang baru. ML2101/ML2102 Duration: 1 year Modular Credits: 7, 3.5 Setelah mengikuti modul ini, pelajar diharap dapat menggunakan bahasa Melayu baku dengan berkesan sewaktu berkomunikasi, menyampaikan maklumat dan idea, selain mengenali budaya Melayu dengan lebih dekat. Kemahiran menulis, membaca, bertutur, mendengar serta kemahiran berfikir secara kritikal dan kreatif akan ditekankan sewaktu proses pembelajaran. Ujian modul ini adalah berdasarkan sukatan peperiksaan GCE Peringkat A Bahasa Melayu (H1) yang baru. HIGHER TAMIL (HTL) HTL 1101/ 1102 Duration: 1 year

Modular Credits: 9, 4.5

National Junior College Junior High School Programme 2010 JH3/4 Syllabus

HTL 2101/ 2102 Duration: 1 year

Modular Credits: 9, 4.5

MATHEMATICS (MA) The mathematics programme is implemented in a way such that students will learn concurrent modules in each year. This approach affords students more time to think about concepts and ensures that the knowledge gained is sustained over a longer duration. MA1101: Basic Geometry and Trigonometry Duration: 4 terms Modular Credits: 7.5 In this foundational module, students will explore the properties of triangles and circles, and apply the concepts of congruency and similarity. Besides that, they will work with lines in the 2D plane and learn the shapes of elementary graphs such as quadratic and cubic curves, through the use of the Graphing Calculator. In the trigonometry section, students will learn the basic trigonometric ratios, identities, graphs and learn to solve simple trigonometric equations. MA1102: Basic Algebra and Statistics Duration: 4 terms Modular Credits: 7.5 This is a foundational package on high school algebra and descriptive statistics. In this module, students will encounter indices, surds, and logarithms. They will learn to solve various types of equations, including quadratic, cubic, logarithmic and exponential equations. Linear and quadratic inequalities also feature in one section, while the topic of matrices, including how to use them to solve systems of linear equations, forms another section. Topics on descriptive statistics and basic data analysis then round up the module. MA2104: Basic Calculus Duration: 4 terms Modular Credits: 7.5 This is the first course of the calculus package in the mathematics programme. In this module, students learn the basics of differentiation and integration, as well as their important applications to problem-solving. Besides mastering the various techniques, students will also understand and appreciate the derivation processes of these two very important topics in O Level Additional Mathematics and A level Mathematics. Problems involving maxima/minima problems, connected rates of change, area and kinematics feature prominently in the applications section. MA2106: Further Trigonometry and Algebra Duration: 4 terms Modular Credits: 7.5 This module is a follow-up to the two foundational modules at JH3 level, divided into two key sections of Trigonometry and Algebra. In the former, students will look at graphs of inverse trigonometric functions and work with advanced identities such as the factor formulae, compound-angle formulae, double-angle formulae and R-formula. The topics in algebra include partial fractions, binomial expansion, foundational vectors and counting techniques. At the same time, students will have the opportunity to explore functions, now an A level H2 Mathematics topic. Exposure at the introductory level at this stage is
National Junior College Junior High School Programme 2010 JH3/4 Syllabus

deemed suitable and beneficial for students to handle the rigour of A Level Mathematics subsequently. INTEGRATED SCIENCES (IS) The IS curriculum is a result of careful, natural and deliberate integration of concepts taught in traditional Physics, Chemistry, Biology and Physical Geography. Coupled with the Understanding by Design framework, students will be able to incorporate essential skills and knowledge in each science subject to solve problems within and beyond the classroom context. IS1102: Atoms to Matter Duration: 2 terms Modular Credits: 12 From the historical development of the atom to the chemical and physical properties of matter, this foundational science module links the microscopic characteristics of matter with macroscopic phenomenon observable in our daily lives. An example is to use the kinetic model of matter to explain the thermal properties of matter. Emphasis is placed on the understanding and application of scientific concepts and principles rather than focusing on large quantities of factual information which may have short term relevance. The module integrates topics from Chemistry and thermal Physics. IS1105: Lithosphere Duration: 2 terms Modular Credits: 4 This module integrates plate tectonics, rocks and weathering from Geography with chemical bonding, the mole concept and acids, bases and salts from Chemistry. Studied in the context of the earths crust (its constituents, processes, and forms), students will be able to see a holistic picture of how these scientific ideas work together. Students will study the lithosphere by exploring real problems (e.g. specific earthquake zones), conducting lab-work (seafloor spreading, rock formation and weathering) and researching on the internet and other media. IS1109: The Moving World Duration: 2 terms Modular Credits: 2 The module strives to let students gain an understanding of the "how" of motion. Students will be introduced to the concept of Kinematics as they look at various approaches to study the motion of things around us, such as describing motion through words, representing motion with graphs and making sense of motion through equations. IS1111: Energy of Life Duration: 2 terms Modular Credits: 6 We explore life at the molecular level, looking at how the essential elements combine in different ways to give a myriad of molecules that are crucial to life as we know it. How do these different molecules form the cell? How do these different molecules carry out the cellular activities? How is energy produced in biological systems? Why arent all the cells in the body the same? What makes the cells different? IS1112: The Living Body Duration: 2 terms Modular Credits: 3 How does the human body maintain a dynamic physiological constancy? In this module we explore the links between body systems (nervous, endocrine, cardiovascular, lymphatic and immune, and respiratory systems) and how the interactions among the systems contribute to the maintenance of the dynamic constancy. IS2101: Foundational Mechanics Duration: 2 terms Modular Credits: 3 This module strives to comprehend and appreciate Nature through the study of fundamental classical mechanics. It covers topics such as Newton's laws of motion and
National Junior College Junior High School Programme 2010 JH3/4 Syllabus

its applications, linear momentum, impulse, forces, moments with application in biomechanics, and static equilibrium. IS2103: Bio-Organics Duration: 2 terms Modular Credits: 3 Organic compounds are ubiquitous in nature and industry. Materials such as plastics, detergents, medicines and the food we eat are examples of organic compounds. This module introduces students to basic concepts of Organic Chemistry such as homologous series, functional group, general formula, structural formula and polymers, with a focus on organic molecules. This module emphasizes the link between molecular structure, function, reactivity and the impact of these molecules on the environment and the world. IS2104: Biosphere, Atmosphere and Hydrosphere Duration: 2 terms Modular Credits: 5 This module provides an introduction to the phenomena of the earth's atmosphere, hydrosphere and biosphere with a special emphasis on the influence of these on human activity and vice-versa. Local field trips will feature very prominently in this module so as to enable you to conduct a firsthand study of rivers, water and ecosystem. You will begin by studying atmospheric pollution through Problem-Based Learning, and spend several weeks building river models through which you will explain a river feature or process of your choice. From this, you will move on to learn about the various concepts related to the ecosystem, and consider the diversity of habitat in the biosphere, with emphasis on the distribution of plant species across the surface of the Earth and their adaptation to the patterns of climate and soil. IS2105: Foundational Mechanics II Duration: 2 terms Modular Credits: 3 The module is a continuation from IS2101 which strives to comprehend and appreciate Nature through the study of fundamental classical mechanics. It covers such fundamental topics such as work, energy, power, as well as key conservation laws in Physics, namely conservation of energy and conservation of linear momentum. The use of mathematics in this course provides students with a tool for quantitative analysis of these topics. IS2107: Genes and Life! Duration: 3 terms Modular Credits: 5 This module looks at the Miracle of Life. In plants, this miracle starts with the unassuming flower. Aided by external agents, they fade into oblivion only to be succeeded by seed-bearing fruits that have the propensity for new life. In humans, it starts with an exploration of the male and female reproductive systems and how they are incredibly fashioned for conception and development of a new progeny. It also looks at how our genetic make-up predisposes our unique physical as well as physiological characteristics. It examines the Mendelian Law of Inheritance and uses it to predict outcomes of observable characteristics as a result of the union of two parents. IS2109 Physical Chemistry Duration: 2 terms Modular Credits: 8 An integration of Chemistry and Physics, this module begins as an extension of IS1102 and IS1105, with a greater emphasis on laboratory work and chemical reactions. Students will be introduced to the concepts of redox processes and electrolysis relevant to how a cell generates electricity. The use of electricity in a circuit outside a cell will then be explored. With the modules emphasis on learning through experimental work, students will be able to build upon their previous knowledge to become competent and confident in the science laboratory.

National Junior College Junior High School Programme 2010 JH3/4 Syllabus

INTEGRATED HUMANITIES (IH) The Integrated Humanities (IH) syllabus is designed around concepts and skills taught in A-level Economics, Human Geography and History. The primary aim of the IH syllabus is to open and broaden students' minds to new and varied perspectives in their understanding of issues. This course is application-based and through the use of case studies in the classroom, students will appreciate the multi-faceted nature and interconnections of real world issues. Students will take a total of 3 core modules in Junior High 3 which emphasize the imparting and application of academic skills through content such as the development of trade and important commodities; the different types of revolution; and the relationship between war and society. IH1101: Trade and Commodities Duration: 1 term Modular Credits: 3 In this first module of the IH curriculum, students will explore the concept of Trade with regard to the spice trade, slave trade and international trade; and the importance of Commodities in general. The evolution of trade will also be discussed in this module. Key skills imparted for this module are: understanding of concepts; application of knowledge; organization of information; and presentation skills IH1103: War and Society Duration: 2 terms Modular Credits: 3 This third module aims to introduce the importance of war and it will study the various perspectives of war, namely Economics, Geography and History. After introducing the concept of war and society, we will look into the evolution of wars in the 20th century Total War and Cold War. There, we will continue our historical link from IH1104s Russian Revolution and examine the role of politics, economics and other forces in shaping the origins of wars. Next, we will explore the concept of war from Economics viewpoint: Price Wars and Trade Wars, both an extrapolation from the concepts taught in previous IH modules. Finally in the last section, we will study about the impacts of war on human geography, in particular with reference to space, identity and ideology. Key skills imparted in this module are: analysis of an issue from different perspectives, substantiation of a point of view with evidence, source-based skills, and essay-writing skills. IH1104: Revolution Duration: 1 term Modular Credits: 3 This second module in the IH curriculum deals with 3 main forms of revolutions, namely: technological, political and social revolutions. Using a case study approach, this module looks into the 19th century Industrial Revolution; the Russian Revolution; as well as the 1960s Social Revolution. The module also further analyses the difference between these 3 forms of revolution, considers the factors that are important for a revolution to occur and deals with the consequences. Key skills imparted in this module are: source-based skills; basic essay-writing skills and presentation skills. IH 2102: Foundational Economics Duration: 2 terms Modular Credits: 3 This module is intended to provide students with the awareness of government choices and policies relating to macroeconomic problems. It introduces some broad economic approach as a tool for the analysis of the use of fiscal, monetary, exchange rate, and supply-side policies, and their impact at the macroeconomic level. After completing this module, students should be able to acquire a good knowledge of recent economic trends and developments, appreciate the possible underlying causes of these trends and developments, and evaluate the effectiveness of government policies in light of these events.

National Junior College Junior High School Programme 2010 JH3/4 Syllabus

IH2105: Globalization Duration: 2 terms Modular Credits: 3 The first part of the module seeks to explore globalization as a concept and as a process, by analyzing the term from both the geographical and historical perspectives. Emphasis will be placed upon key characteristics of globalization such as integration and interconnectivity, as well as establishing how spatial concepts are integral in the exploration of globalization which ought to be considered a historical process, rather than merely a contemporary phenomenon. Like any good story, globalization has its own beginnings, and the drama is still enfolding, with an ending that has yet to be written, if ever. The second part of the module focuses on technology as the vehicle and determinant of the rate and extent of globalization. IH2106: Space & Time Duration: 2 terms Modular Credits: 1.5 Space shapes people, people shape space. Geography as a discipline is interested in the space. By learning more about space, we know more about ourselves - people who shape and are shaped by it. It is also true then, that whoever shapes the space has the power to shape the people within that space itself. In this module, students will learn what it means to understand the first law of Geography; everything is related to everything, but near things are more related than distant things. The module will take a look at concepts within spatial analysis to understand more about the world around us, and apply the skills learnt to gain new insights into areas of interest. IH2107: Tracing Colonial Imprints in Southeast Asia Duration: 2 terms Modular Credits: 1.5 The late 19th century witnessed the beginning of an unprecedented expansion of Western power across the globe known as the New Imperialism. The disparate territories of Southeast Asia were thus largely incorporated into the Western empires. The impact of colonial rule has been asserted to be influential in laying the foundations for the modern nation-states in contemporary Southeast Asia. The module will thus provide students with a glimpse of traditional Southeast Asia and also an opportunity to focus on a case study of choice to examine the nuances of the impact of colonial rule. The Core Curriculum: Special Modules MAN AND IDEAS (MI) MI1101: How Do You Know? Duration: 2 terms Modular Credits: 4 This module introduces the entire Man & Ideas course and its main focus is to have students ask the following two questions: What do we really know? How do we know it? The nature and extent of our knowledge are fundamental issues in philosophy and this section raises questions concerning our right to the beliefs we have, how we acquire them and whether we can take them to be knowledge. Students will also explore the main ways in which human beings acquire knowledge. MI1102: Rhyme and Reason Duration: 2 terms Modular Credits: 2 In this module, we focus on logic as a way of knowing. The aim is to expose students to elements of introductory logic to prepare them for advanced Man & Ideas modules in their later years. Students will explore, among others, the following tools and terms in philosophical argument: deduction, induction, premises, conclusions, validity, soundness, standard argument form, diagramming, and informal fallacies.
National Junior College Junior High School Programme 2010 JH3/4 Syllabus

MI2101: Science and Inquiry Duration: 2 terms Modular Credits: 4 Through this module, students will achieve a firm understanding of what scientific knowledge is by exploring its history, applications, and limits. In the first half of this module, we will look at what science is by asking what distinguishes science from nonscience, as well as learn the methodology of science. In the process, students will appreciate what the limits of scientific knowledge are and what influences such knowledge. In the second half, we will look at the application of science in the areas of ethics and public policy. We will visit interesting areas such as the Kyoto protocol, bioethics, the creationism/evolution debate, and Eastern vs. Western science. MI2102: Problems of Morality Duration: 2 terms Modular Credits: 2 The aim of this module is to introduce students to Ethics as an area of knowledge, and to investigate how ethical knowledge claims contribute to man's knowledge. Moral dilemmas are an inescapable part of life. When we make ethical choices, can we ever know that the choices we make are the right ones? The aim of this module is to introduce students to Ethics as an area of knowledge, and to investigate how any ethical belief can be true and justified. Three Normative Ethical Theories: Utilitarianism, Deontology and Virtue Ethics, will be examined and considered in the light of the various ways of knowing.

SPECIAL PROGRAMME IN INQUIRY AND RESEARCH (SPIRE) SP1101 Duration: 1 year Modular Credits: 9 This is a Junior High 3 programme that aims to guide students in the acquisition of inquiry and research skills so as to prepare them for further rigorous and professional research in the sciences and social sciences. Students attend lessons on basic research methodology in the various disciplines and subsequently, pursue a Group Project. ARTS APPRECIATION (AA) AA1101 Duration: 1 year Modular Credits: NIL This is a first year module that aims to expose students to a variety of art forms in the belief that an arts education is necessary in developing the total individual: the arts stimulate creative thinking, enable self-expression, and provide the grounds for invention. Guided by your individual mentors, you select appropriate arts events and discuss the means with which you can assess the arts events you attend. It is envisaged that each student will attend at least three arts events per semester at the end of which they will meet with their mentors individually again to review their participation in this programme. Students will also attend various workshops organized by the school. GOVERNANCE AND SOCIETY (GS) GS2101 Duration: 1 year Modular Credits: NIL GS is a second year module aimed at raising students awareness of their political and social environment. Course content includes basic political theory, public administration, citizen-state relations and comparative politics. As part of students citizenship studies, special emphasis would be placed on Singapores political and social process, from its independence to the present age. Other than a lecture-tutorial system, the module also consists of fieldtrips to Singapores political institutions and seminars by well known guest speakers who are intimately involved with the political process in Singapore.

National Junior College Junior High School Programme 2010 JH3/4 Syllabus


THE GUIDANCE PROGRAMME Guidance Curriculum, Personal Mentorship and Homeroom, Programme, Peer Tutoring, Office Apprenticeship, Job Shadowing Support

The Guidance Programme in NJC is geared towards supporting students, equipping them with the tools of making informed decisions, and instilling confidence in them as effective individuals. The Guidance component offers opportunities for them to partake in student services such as peer tutoring and student-assisted learning. Every student will be assigned a personal mentor and goals are set through a collaborative process that involves his or her parents and the personal mentor. Guidance Curriculum GC1101/2101 Duration 2 years Modular Credits: 3, 3 Students will undergo a specially-designed Guidance Curriculum that imparts skills in academic planning, career planning, and personal and social effectiveness. Elective Modules Junior High 3/4 Elective Modules in the Sciences, Mathematics, Humanities and Languages Duration: Varies Modular Credits: Varies You will be presented with a range of electives from which you should choose the modules you wish to pursue. You may have the opportunity to earn credits in exchange or attachment programmes at leading foreign universities and colleges as well as industrial attachment and internship programmes. (I) Art Elective Programme (AEP 1101/1102/2101/2102) Duration 2 years Modular Credits: 8, 4, 8, 4 The Art Elective Programme (AEP), which started in 1984, is offered to academically able students with talents in art at selected secondary schools with Special and Express courses and selected junior colleges. The aim of this programme is to stretch these students talents in art, and to develop individuals who would be able to provide leadership favourable to the cultivation of the arts in Singapore. Students who are interested in AEP must sit for a selection test and are strongly encouraged to present their portfolios to the AEP teachers. For more information, please visit (II) Music Programme (MU 1101/2101) Duration: 2 years Modular Credits: 12, 12 The Junior High Music Elective Programme is offered to students with MEP background who are interested to continue taking Music as an elective at NJC. It is a two year programme that runs parallel to the MOE Music Elective Programme offered at MEP secondary schools. It aims to develop critical thinking, listening and creativity through music studies and interpretative activities like composing and performing. It provides a foundation for further music studies at higher levels. At the same time, it cultivates a perception of local and global musical cultures for the students to make sense of life Unlike the O level syllabus which focuses on breadth and generality, this course aims to provide an in-depth study of Western-European music, with a broader coverage of national styles (e.g. Eastern European symphonies), stylistic differences (e.g. the differences between French, German, and Italian Baroque), subtle genre variations (e.g. the hybrid of Concerto and Symphony) and controversial musical issues. This course also aims to hone the aural perception skills of students by greater exposure to a wide range of musical styles and genres.

National Junior College Junior High School Programme 2010 JH3/4 Syllabus


Other components like Analysis, which exposes students to a diverse range of harmonic vocabulary and forms, and Composition, where students will be trained in fundamentals like basic species counterpoint, two-part writing, 4-part chorale writing, string quartet writing and song accompaniment will be offered. Lastly, this course hopes to greatly expose students to regular performing opportunities to develop communication and interpretation skills, both within the college, (e.g. at lunchtime recitals) and outside college (e.g. concerts at Esplanade Concourse, Open Mic). Students will be strongly encouraged to attend master classes and concerts. (III) JH4 Literature Electives These electives aim to better equip students to tackle A Level Literature in Senior High. Students planning to pursue Literature in Senior High are strongly encouraged to sign up for at least one module. Students performance in these modules will be taken into account when applying for H1/2 Literature. Please note that there will be no other pre-Senior High Literature preparatory classes. Each module runs for one term. Classes take place on Thursdays, from 2.15-4.15pm. Term 1 - LA2305 Introduction to Practical Criticism Modular Credits: 2 The ability to analyze and critically appreciate a piece of unseen prose or poetry is known as Practical Criticism. Both O and A Level literature require students to have mastered this skill. In addition, at A level, students are expected to be able to compare two texts. In this module, students will build on their Unseen Poetry analysis skills developed in JH3. Students will subsequently learn to analyze passages of Unseen Prose. Term 2 - LA2303 Studying the Novel Modular Credits: 2 When George Milton and Lennie Small arrive on a ranch in Soledad, California, they have a long-cherished vision in mind to someday save up enough money to buy a small farm of their own. Yet California in the 1930s was a harsh, often cruel place especially for those who are different. For Lennie is different. Very different. In Daniel Keyes Flowers for Algernon we saw how being exceptional affected Charlie Gordon. In this module, we will explore how being different affects the various characters in John Steinbecks Of Mice and Men. Students will develop their ability to analyze a literary novel through a variety of activities. Term 3 - LA2304 Shakespeares Macbeth Modular Credits: 2 Shakespeare is deemed to be one of the greatest playwrights in history, yet is sadly often under-appreciated. This module is intended to provide students with an appreciation for, an enjoyment of, the Bard. The module begins with an introduction to Shakespeares life, language and times. Students will then have the chance to delve into one of Shakespeares most dramatic and tragic plays Macbeth. Students will explore the unique (and to our minds, often bizarre) socio-cultural beliefs behind the play, before developing their literary analysis skills by scrutinizing the play itself. The module will focus mainly on Act One and part of Act 2, exploring what exactly made this once-loyal thane murder his sovereign. (IV) JH4 Humanities Elective IH2302: China Studies in English Modular Credits: NIL China Studies in English (CSE) is an interdisciplinary Humanities subject which focuses on the geopolitical, economical and socio-cultural forces related to China that are likely to shape events and trends in Asia and beyond. The elective adopts a thematic approach
National Junior College Junior High School Programme 2010 JH3/4 Syllabus


based on two key themes, Culture and Society and Development and Challenges. This elective aims to promote students awareness of, and interest in, contemporary China Core Enrichment and Special Programmes Outward Bound Singapore (OBS) in JH3 In line with the Colleges philosophy of providing our students with a holistic education and a wide range of experiences both in and out of the classroom, we have in place our CAAL programme (Community, Adventure, Achievement and Leadership) an integral part of our Junior High School Curriculum. The Adventure component of our CAAL programme will comprise a 4-Day Outdoor Discovery and Adventure Camp at Outward Bound Singapore (Pulau Ubin) in Term 4 of JH3. Activities at the camp include orientation to the outdoors such as outdoor cooking, basic camp-craft, navigation, rock-wall climbing, kayaking and raft-building. During this 5-day camp, you will undergo valuable experiences and training in team-building, problem-solving and decision-making, lifelong skills necessary for success in the workplace. Aesthetics Development: E-Broadcast, E-Radio & E-Music Workshops As part of the Colleges focus on holistic education, it is necessary for our students to develop aesthetically and discover, explore and hone their creative talents. To do this, we have arranged a composite enrichment module that will enhance your aesthetic development. These modules have been selected to provide you with the necessary innovation and enterprise skills which will be of valuable use in the future.

National Junior College Junior High School Programme 2010 JH3/4 Syllabus



SUBJECT General Paper Malay/Chinese/Tamil/Other Mother Tongue Languages Knowledge & Inquiry Project Work Art Economics Geography History Literature in English General Studies in Chinese Chinese/Malay/Tamil Language & Literature Music Biology Chemistry Physics Mathematics H1 LEVEL KNOWLEDGE SKILLS No criteria Compulsory for all students NOT offering KI Compulsory for all students. Students who offered Higher Mother Tongue at O Levels and obtained a minimum of D7 are exempted. Obtained A or better in MI2101 and MI2103 OR Pass a selection test Compulsory for all students HUMANITIES & THE ARTS Obtained an average of B+ in all JH4 AEP modules No criteria No criteria No criteria No criteria No criteria No criteria No criteria Obtained an average of B+ or better for all LA modules Obtained an average of B+ or better in HCL modules Obtained an average of B+ or better in HCL/HML/HTL modules Obtained B or better in MU2101 MATHEMATICS & SCIENCES No criteria Obtained a weighted average of B or better for IS1111 (6 credits), IS1112 (3 credits) and IS2107 (5 credits) No criteria Obtained a weighted average of B or better for IS1102 (8 credits counted), IS2103 (3 credits), IS2109 (4 credits counted for Chemistry component) No criteria Obtained a weighted average of B or better for IS1109 (2 credits), IS2101 (3 credits), IS2105 (3 credits) and IS2109 (4 credits counted for Physic component) No criteria Obtained a weighted average (by modular credits) C or better for all JH3 & JH4 Mathematics (MA) modules H2 LEVEL

N.B. Please note that the modular codes listed here can be subjected to change if there are revisions made to the respective modules offered in 2010/11.

National Junior College Junior High School Programme 2010 JH3/4 Syllabus



SUBJECT General Paper Malay/Chinese/Tamil/Other Mother Tongue Languages Knowledge & Inquiry Project Work Art Economics Geography History Literature in English General Studies in Chinese Chinese/Malay/Tamil Language & Literature Music Biology Chemistry Physics Mathematics H1 LEVEL KNOWLEDGE SKILLS No criteria Compulsory for all students NOT offering KI Compulsory for all students. Students who offered Higher Mother Tongue at O Levels and obtained a minimum of D7 are exempted. Obtained A or better in MI2101 and MI2103 OR Pass a selection test Compulsory for all students HUMANITIES & THE ARTS Obtained an average of B+ in all JH4 AEP modules No criteria No criteria No criteria No criteria No criteria No criteria No criteria Obtained an average of B+ or better for all LA modules Obtained an average of B+ or better in HCL modules Obtained an average of B+ or better in HCL/HML/HTL modules Obtained B or better in MU2101 MATHEMATICS & SCIENCES No criteria Obtained a weighted average of B or better for IS1103 (6 credits), IS1107 (3 credits) and IS2107 (5 credits) No criteria Obtained a weighted average of B or better for IS1102 (8 credits counted), IS2103 (3 credits), IS2109 (4 credits counted for Chemistry component) No criteria Obtained a weighted average of B or better for IS1109 (2 credits), IS2101 (3 credits), IS2105 (3 credits) and IS2109 (4 credits counted for Physics component) No criteria Obtained a weighted average (by modular credits) C or better for all JH3 & JH4 Mathematics (MA) modules H2 LEVEL

N.B. Please note that the modular codes listed here can be subjected to change if there are revisions made to the respective modules offered in 2010.

National Junior College Junior High School Programme 2010 JH3/4 Syllabus


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