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The purpose the project GPS based virtual fencing is to construct a virtual fencing that functions similar to physical fencing. A virtual fence is a barrier that uses electric shock to deter animals or people from crossing a boundary.

The purpose the project GPS based virtual fencing is to construct a virtual fencing that functions similar to physical fencing. A virtual fence is a barrier that uses electric shock to deter animals or people from crossing a boundary. The voltage of the shock may have effects ranging from uncomfortable, to painful or even lethal (capable of causing death). Mostly used today for agricultural fencing and other forms of animal control purposes, though it is frequently used to enhance security of sensitive areas, and there exist places where lethal voltages are used. Virtual fencing for the wild animals is meant to restrict animals to move in only few areas. For example in recent days we can find the elephants coming in to the villages and damaging their lands, houses, and even their lives in this case we can restrict the elephants to the forest itself, not only elephants it may be any other wild animals we can stop them from coming out of the forest. In the other case we generally find our pet animals missing from home, even in this case we can stop

our pet animal from going outside the home. In both the above cases we can make use of the virtual fencing project to restrict the movement of the animals beyond particular location. For this purpose we make use of the current location of the animal which can be known with the help of the GPS and whenever it was about to cross its area it will have a shock which forces it to stay in the location to which it was restricted. The device consists of a micro controller which receives the information from the GPS and monitors the shock providing circuit.


Construction of virtual fencing. Restricting animals/people to a particular area. GPS interfacing with microcontroller. Creating the fencing dynamically at any location on the earth irrespective of hill, slope, steep areas etc., Ability to increase the boundary distance dynamically if needed.



In this project we are making use of a GPS receiver to find the location of the animal/person to which we are creating the fence. The receiver gives the exact location where on the earth that particular animal is present in terms of latitudes and longitudes. We make use of the PIC 16F876A Microcontroller which has got 22 pins. This is used to control the operation of the fencing according to the GPS input and the predefined fence input. The LCD is used for display purpose which gives the details like latitudes, longitudes, distance, and radius etc., Several LEDs are used to indicate the status of the components and main power supply. Once the operation of the circuit starts and when the location of animal/person is beyond the predefined fence value then the circuit generates shock using the muscle stimulator circuit. Also gives sound through a buzzer. The power supply is used to give power to all the above components of the circuit. As the main purpose of this project is in remote places and is not constant in location we opt for DC power supply rather than AC supply.


In this project we are making use of a GPS receiver for communication purpose. We are going to construct the virtual fence with muscle stimulator circuit or shock generator for domestic/wildlife applications. The LCD displays the latitude and longitudes, distance and radius of the fence.

This project can develop a virtual fence which acts similar to the physical fencing and has got the extra feature of providing shock/buzzer sound in case if the animal/person crosses the fence. By this we can completely design our own fence anywhere on the earth irrespective of the slope, hill, steep and above water surfaces etc.

1. "Why Did the Department of Defense Develop GPS?" Trimble Navigation Ltd. Retrieved 2010-01-13. 2. "A Guide to the Global Positioning System (GPS) - GPS Timeline". Radio Shack. Retrieved 2010-01-14. 3. Daly, P.. "Navstar GPS and GLONASS: global satellite navigation systems". IEEE. 4. The Global Positioning System by Robert A. Nelson Via Satellite, November 1999

Web References
1. 96 2. 3. 4.

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