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Decide the criteria. These are the tools you will use to judge each act. Choose certain qualities to judge for each act. Criteria may include creativity, or how fresh and new the dance act looks. You may judge on the overall appearance of the dance act, including costume designs and props. Showmanship, or how well the dance act presents on the stage, is another area for the judges card. Other possible criteria are personality, enthusiasm, audience reaction and overall performance.

Decide the scale. You can score the acts on each of the criteria by giving a numeric score. Choose a scale from 1 to 5, or 1 to 10, or even 1 to 25. Be consistent. Once you choose a scale, it is the same measure used for every act and every point of judgment.
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Create a scorecard. Each judge needs an identical scorecard for each act. Print this on a standard 8 1/2-by-11 sheet of paper with the name of the dance act on top, the list of criteria with space for scoring, and the scale. The paper size allows space for notes.

Use the scorecard. As the dance acts take the stage, assess each one using the criteria and the scale. Include notes to give better feedback. For example, if you gave an act a 1 on appearance because the costumes were not coordinated and the overall look of the act was sloppy, make notes to help you remember why you gave such a poor score in this area.

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Give targeted feedback. Tell the dance acts about areas they scored low or high, and tell them why. This helps dance acts improve and grow their talent.

Compute overall scores. The winner should have the best overall score by adding up scores given for each judging criteria on the scorecard.

Read more: How to Judge a Dancing Talent Contest |

L.E.S.T. DANCE-DRILL COMPETITION JUDGING FORM School_________________________________________ Location_________________ Judge__________________________________ Date___________ Points Possible Pts. Given/ Comments Music Selection-Dance/Drill Rhythm 10 ____________: 1. appropriateness 2. appeal 3. change of pace Dance Content 30 ____________:

1. difficulty of choreography 2. variety of motions 3. creativity/originality 4. movements reflect Christian values 5. transitions 6. musical interpretations Drill/Marching 10 ____________:

1. variety of formations 2. transition from one formation to another 3. change of pace 4. originality/creativity 5. floor coverage 6. movement reflects Christian values Technique/Execution 30 ____________:

1. precision 9. work on ball of feet 2. alignment and spacing 10. appropriate use of prop 3. extension 11. arm positions

4. carriage 12. head placement/focus 5. balance 131. leg positions 6. tight turns 14. leaps 7. kicks 15. toe points 8. timing/rhythm Appearance 1. grooming 2. age appropriate apparel 3. costume reflects general theme of presentation Overall Performance 1. audience appeal 2. enthusiasm 3. confidence 4. stayed within five minute time limit TOTAL SCORE_____________ (100 pts. Possible) ADDITIONAL COMMENTS: Codes:+ = Excellent - = Needs Improvement Blank = Good 10 ____________:. 10 ____________:

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