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Shaft 1 = 1.0 Shaft 2 = 1.2 (Lower Bound) Shaft 3 = 1.7 (Upper Bound)

GRL WEAP Default GRL WEAP Default

Toe 1 = 1.0 Toe 2 and others = 0.0

Choose "Steel"

Biarkan saje! Jgn usik/ubah ape2 !

Refer to SI Report -> "HAMMER and SOIL DATA" chapter

Refer STEP 2
From Spreadsheet 2 Pile Make Up, take TOTAL Vertical Length; not True Length From Spreadsheet 4 Skin Damping From SI Report From Spreadsheet XSRD (TOTAL). To key-in the Shaft Resistance value, change "Driveability" to any "Bearing Graph". After key-in then, change back to "Driveability".

By default, GRL WEAP will call from "D". Refer to STEP 3

Refer STEP 4


GRL Weap will key-in automatically. Follow below instructions: 1. Ensure Cursor at Helmet Weight box. 2. Press F3. 3. Click YES. 4. When "Drive System Help" appear (as shown), click "Check All". 5. Press "OK".

"Click "D""

24 Hr Welding at Seam Connection Manually key-in. Tak kisah nak guna berapa pun intevals (eg 5,10,15). But ade 2 things yg penting: a) Elevation at pile connection/weldment kena correct. Refer Spreadsheet 2 Pile Make Up (Pile Stoppage Below Mudline) b) Depth paling bawah kena BAWAH lagi dari Bottomest Pile Stopage Below Mudline in Spreadsheet 2 Pile Make Up. In this case, 160m is greater than 136m (Spreadsheet 2 Pile Make Up -> Pile Stoppage Below Mudline) Vertical Length from Spreadsheet 2 Pile Make-up


GRL Weap will key-in automatically. Follow below instructions: 1. Ensure Cursor at Section Area box. 2. Press F3. 3. When "Area Calculator" appear (as shown), fill in the blanks. blanks 5. Press "OK".


1. From GRL WEAP main page, click "S1". 2. Click "Edit" 3. Click "Paste Special". 1. Copy from Spreadsheet 6 Preb - Pile. 2. Ensure copy form "to weap" folder. 3. Highlight and copy all Depth (m), Unit Shaft Resist and Toe Resist. 4. Click "Soil Distribution". 5. When "Text Separation" appear, click " Convert to Column". 6. Click "Yes". 7. Click "OK".

This is how it is looks like after copy and paste activities !

Copy from Spreadsheet PrebPile (Predicted Blowcount) and Paste them in GRL WEAP


2nd, click "O" to show Output

First, click "A" to analyze

Set-Up factor. We can request for: a) 1.0
(aka "End" in RNZ Drivability report)

1. After click "O", output will appear insyaAllah. Open .gwd file. 2. For reporting, we require 2 types of infos: a) Blow count at SetUp factor 1.0 (End), 1.2 and 1.7. b) Max Stress (usually Comp Stress) at Set-Up Factor 1.7 only. 3. So, to change setup factor: i) Click "View". ii) Click "Ranges, Selections". iii) When "Graph Properties" (as shown) appear, click desired set-up factor. 4. The Max Stress shall be re-key-in in Spreadsheet 1 Pile Combined Stress at "Driving Stress at GRL WEAP".

b) 1.2 c) 1.7

1. From GRL WEAP Output, generate Blow Count curve for every Hammer with regards to every Setup factor. 2. Manual key-in depth (m) and Blow Count from GRL WEAP output to Spreadsheet 6 PREB-PILE for every set-up factor.

This is how the Blow Count graph looks like !

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