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SPEEDAM 2010 International Symposium on Power Electronics, Electrical Drives, Automation and Motion

DTC Control Schemes for Induction Motor fed by Three-Level NPC-VSI Using Space Vector Modulation
R. Zaimeddine, T. Undeland
Department of Electric Power Engineering Energy Conversion Research Group Norwegian University of Science and Technology O.S. Bragstad plass 2E, 7491, Trondheim, Norway

Abstract--Switching Table based Direct Torque Control (ST-DTC) appears as a promising control technique to be applied to power converters in the industry. However, the ST-DTC presents some drawbacks as non constant switching frequency and high torque ripples. This work proposes a DTC schemes for an induction motor fed by three-level voltage source inverter (VSI), neutral point clamped topology (NPC), with constant switching frequency and reduced torque ripples applying a Space Vector Modulation (SVM) technique. In these methods, the reference voltage vector of the converter is generated by different manner and synthesized each sampling period using the three nearest vectors in stationary plane. Simulation results are presented, showing that using the proposed techniques the switching frequency is fixed and the sampling frequency can be lowered without reducing the quality of the converter behavior and improving the drive performance. Key Words--Induction motor, Direct torque control, Fast torque response, Sensorless vector control, Three level voltage source inverter, Space vector modulation.

I. INTRODUCTION Direct torque control (DTC) is a control technique used in AC drive systems to obtain high performance torque control. The conventional DTC drive contains a pair of hysterisis comparators, a flux and torque estimator and a voltage vector selection table, the torque and flux are controlled simultaneously by applying suitable voltage vectors and by limiting these quantities within their hysterisis bands [1]. DTC drive using selection table suffer from high torque ripple and variable switching frequency. The aim of this work is to enhance the classical DTC using a space vector modulation technique (SVM) to synthesize the reference voltage vector required to meet the torque and flux demands. The direct torque control (DTC) is one of the actively researched control schemes which are based on the decoupled control of flux and torque providing a very quick and robust response with a simple control construction in ac drives [2], [3]. The rapid development of the capacity and switching frequency of the power semiconductor devices and the continuous advance of the power electronics technology have made many changes in static power converter systems and industrial motor drive areas. The conventional gate turn-off (GTO) inverters have limitation of their dc-link voltage. Hence, the series connections of the existing GTO thyristors have been essential in
978-1-4244-7919-1/10/$25.00 2010 IEEE

realizing high voltage and large capacity inverter configurations with the dc-link voltage [4], [5]. Switching table based Direct Torque Control (STDTC) scheme for multilevel inverter is derived from classical DTC developed by Takahashi [1]. In this method, the output voltage is selected and applied sequentially to the machine through a lookup table so that the flux is kept constant and the torque is controlled by the rotating speed of the stator flux. In this paper we propose three DTC schemes using three-level voltage source inverter (VSI) neutral-point clamped (NPC) and space vector modulation control. In the first one, the torque is controlled in closed loop with estimation of the rotor flux position; the second approach introduces the stator plane control with closed loop flux and torque control with transformation of coordinates to the stationary plane. The third scheme proposed is based on the deadbeat controller without any coordinate transformation and only one regulator. However, all DTC schemes proposed are performed by measuring only the phase currents (isa, isb), the dc-link voltage Vdc, and the state of the voltage source inverter without any mechanical sensor. II. MACHINE MODEL Torque control of an asynchronous motor can be achieved on the basis of its model developed in a two axes ( , ) reference frame stationary with the stator winding. In this reference frame and with conventional notations (appendix), the electrical mode is described by the following equations:

disD dt

1 1 1 1 p: M sD  M sE  (  )isD VTr Ls VLs V Tr Ts 1  p:isE  V VLs sD


disE dt

M  M  (  )i VLs sD VTr Ls sE V Tr Ts sE



1  p:isD  V VLs sE d M sD dt VsD  Rs isD



d M sE dt

VsE  Rs isE

(4) (5) (6) (7) (8)

M sE

M sD M rD


Lr irE  LmisE

LsisD  LmirD Ls isE  LmirE Lr irD  LmisD

The mechanical mode associated to the rotor motion is described by:

d: dt

The zero voltage vector (ZVV) has three switching states, the small voltage vector (SVV) has two and both the middle voltage vector (MVV) and the large voltage vector (LVV) have only one [4], [6]. In this part a three level inverter neutral point clamped voltage source inverter was presented, its mathematical model shows that the output voltages depends only on the leg states of the inverter and its principle of operation shows that it can generate twenty seven space vectors. For reduction of current distorsion the desired voltage vector is to be assembled of only direct adjacent possible swtching states of the inverter.
V8 V9 V11 V7 V6 V4 V0 V10 V13 V14 V15 V16 V17 V18 V1 V5 V3 V2

*em  *r (:)


*r (:) and *em are respectively the load torque and the

electromagnetic torque developed by the machine. III. THREE LEVEL INVERTER TOPOLOGY Figure 1 shows the schematic diagram of neutral point clamped (NPC) three-level VSI. Each phase of this inverter consists of two clamping diodes, four GTO thyristors and four freewheeling diodes. Table 1 shows the switching states of this inverter. Since three kinds of switching states exist in each phase, a three level inverter has 27 switching states. A two-level inverter is only able to produce six nonzero voltage vectors and two zero vectors. The representation of the space voltage vectors of a three-level inverter for all switching states forming a two-layer hexagon centred at the origin of the ( , ) plane and a zero voltage vector at the origin of the plane, as depicted in Fig. 2.


Fig.2. Space voltage vectors of a three-level inverter

A. Space Vector Modulation for Three Level Inverter According to the space voltage vectors representation of the inverter, the voltage diagram can be divided into six (6) sectors as shown in figure 3, and each sector is divided into four (4) triangles. The proposed technique is based on the modulation of a vector reference using the three voltage vectors that construct the triangle where the end of the vector resides. The three vectors are imposed to the motor terminals successively in such away less harmonics components of the output voltage and current are produced.




Fig.1. Schematic diagram of a three-level GTO inverter TABLE 1: Switching states of a three-level inverter Switching states P O N S1 ON OFF OFF S2 ON ON OFF S3 OFF ON ON S4 OFF OFF ON VN Vd Vd/2 0 Fig.3. Three level inverter hexagon with 24 different triangles.

According to the magnitude of the voltage vectors, we divide them into four groups : the zero voltage vectors (V0), the small voltage vectors (V1 , V4 , V7 , V10 , V13 , V16 ), the middle voltage vectors (V3 , V6 , V9 , V12 , V15 , V18 ), the large voltage vectors (V2 , V5 , V8 , V11 , V14 , V17 ).

The required on-duration of each vector in a specified triangle is determined by the equations (10); these specify that the demand vector is the geometric sum of the chosen three vectors multiplied by their on-durations. & & & & vref Ts t x v x  t y v y  t z v z (10) Te t x  t y  t z
t x , t y and t z are the on- durations of the adjacent vectors.


For example in Fig.3 and in triangle #2 we have:

vD v E v1D v1E v2D v2 E d v3D 1 d v3E 2 d 3

A DTC-SVM with closed loop torque control can be illustrated by the control block diagram of figure 4. (11)
ref s

d1  d 2  d 3 1


ref em

& vref vD  jvE , & & v1 v1D  jv1E , v2
d1 t1 , d2 Te


Flux calcul ation

* s



& vs
1 Te

- Vdc x+



& v2D  jv2 E , v3

t3 Te

Flux and Torque Estimation

v3D  jv3E

s1234 is vdc

Fig.4. DTC-SVM with closed loop torque control

t2 , d3 Te

Finally the duty cycle of each voltage vector in terms of the desired vector, the sampling period and three nearest voltage vectors is done by:
d1 d 2 d 3 v1D v1E 1 v2D v2 E 1 v3D v3E 1

vD v E 1

The PI torque controller actuates over the load angle to meet torque reference, the stator flux calculator block output is given by: &* ref ref (16) Is I s cos(G  T r )  jI s sin(G  T r )

* I s

'Is v vs

IV. PRINCIPLE OF THE DIRECT TORQUE CONTROL The conventional direct torque control based on hysteresis comparators and lookup tables provides a fast torque response. However, in steady state the torque has large ripples, due to the low and variable switching frequency of the inverter caused by the hysteresis bands. To solve these problems, different techniques are introduced in literatures, among them the space vector modulation (SVM) technique. In this technique a reference voltage vector is applied on the stator terminals of the motor during a constant period. A space vector modulation algorithm is required in order to synthesize the reference voltage vector by the adjacent voltage vectors generated by the inverter. We propose in this paper Three DTC schemes using space vector modulation, each scheme will employ different control technique but its aims still similar which is to obtain the constant switching frequency and to reduce the torque ripple. The difference between these DTC-SVM methods is how the reference voltage vector is generated, [5].
A. DTC-SVM Scheme with Closed Loop Torque Control The objective of DTC-SVM with closed loop torque control is to select the exact stator voltage vector, Vs that change s to meet the load angle reference, and so the desired torque. With one PI regulator, a simple flux calculator block and no rotating coordinate transformation making the control strategy a straightforward application of equation (15)
*em 3 PM IsIr sin G 2 Ls LrV


Fig.5. Flux control principle with closed loop torque control

The stator flux reference from the flux calculator block output is compared with estimated flux to obtain the correction error then divided over a sampling period Te to & calculate the reference voltage vector vs by the following equation: & & 'Is vsTe (17) The space vector modulation block performs the & defined space vector modulation technique of vs to obtain the gate drive pulses for the three level inverter.
1) Flux and Torque Estimation Basically, DTC schemes require the estimation of the stator flux and torque. The stator flux evaluation can be carried out by different techniques depending on whether the rotor angular speed or (position) is measured or not. For sensorless application, the voltage model is usually employed [7]. Considering the combination of states of switching functions (Su, Sv, Sw.), dc-link voltage Vdc. and stator current measurements; the stator flux can be evaluated by integrating from the stator voltage equation.


Is (t ) (Vs  Rs I s ) dt


Where G : is the load angle between stator and rotor fluxes.

This method is very simple requiring only the knowledge of the stator resistance. The effect of an error in Rs is usually quite negligible at high excitation frequency but becomes more serious as the frequency


approaches zero. The electromagnetic torque is estimated from the flux and current as:
*em p (isE IsD  isD IsE )

is calculated; where some gain factors have been introduced to tune the controller [2].
Vrefx Vrefy KIsHIs K *H *  KZsZs



The rotor flux angle Tr is calculated from the estimated rotor flux Ir in the reference frame related to the stator.

I rD I rE

Lr (I sD  VLs I sD ) Lm Lr (I sE  VLs I sE ) Lm




I rE I rD


B. DTC-SVM with Closed Loop Flux and Torque Control The control scheme is shown in the figure.6. This strategy generates x-y voltage commands in the stator reference frame by closing a torque loop and a flux loop. The equations that express the reference voltage in the stator reference frame are given as follow:
Vsx Vsy dM Rs isx  sx dt Rsisy  ZsIsx

Then a transformation (x, y) to ( , ) is performed to obtain the reference vector in the fixed coordinates. The electromagnetic torque and stator flux are estimated with the equations (18) and (19). In steady state operation the average rotation speed of the rotor flux Ir is the same as that of the stator flux Is . The stator flux angular speed can be estimated from the rotor flux equation (20) and the rotor flux angle (21). The calculus is made between two successive sampling periods Te.

(Z s ) k

dT r dt

1 1 (IrE ) k (IrD ) k 1  (IrE ) k 1 (IrD ) k Te

(Ir2 ) k



(22) (23)

k: is the number of the sampling period.

C. DTC-SVM Using Deadbeat Controller In the deadbeat control method the rotor flux is taken to be stationary during the sampling period. Therefore, the demand torque is proportional to the angle displacement of the stator flux during this sampling period. The reference voltage is calculated using the present measured values of the currents and voltages (or the present estimated stator flux vector) and the next stator flux vector where its magnitude is equal to the reference value and its angle is defined by the torque error. The reference voltage is calculated by the following equations:
vD vE
* Is* cos(T s  'T s )  Is cos(T s )

In the same reference frame the electromagnetic torque can be expressed as:

3 P (Isxisy  Isy isx ) 2


Combining the stator voltage equations with adequate decoupling of the flux, the following expression is obtained:
ref s

3 Isx (vsy  ZsIsx ) P 2 Rs

+ vs K
+ + s


* * Is sin(T s  'T s )  Is sin(T s )

 Rs iDs

 Rs iEs


ref em

xy To




The fundamental blocks used to implement DTC-SVM using deadbeat controller are shown in figure 7.
Deadbeat Controller Space Vector Modulation
3L VSI NPC s s


s1 s2 s 3 is s4

ref s ref em

- Vdc x+

Flux and Torque Estimation Fig.6. DTC-SVM with closed loop flux and torque control


PI is



Following the equations (18) and (21) the radial x component of the voltage will depend on the stator flux error, while the tangential y component will depend on the torque error. A feed forward action depending on the stator flux angular speed is added in the calculation of the stator voltage y component. This action will compensate the effect of the operating point on the torque production. Initially a preliminary reference vector in x-y coordinates

Flux and Torque Estimation

s1234 is vdc

Fig.7. DTC-SVM with using deadbeat controller.

The electromagnetic torque and stator flux are estimated with the same manner as in precedent schemes, the stator flux angle Ts is calculated by:




M sE M sD

Torque (N.m)


phis (wb) 0 0.05 0.1 0.15 Time (s) 0.2


Vsd (A)


* em Kf : ref


0 -200 -400

Isd (V)

The validity of the proposed DTC algorithms for threelevel voltage source inverter using space vector modulation is proved by the simulation results. The parameters of motors are given in the Appendix. However, the machine has been supposed to run at load. (31)


0.1 0.15 Time (s)


400 200

10 5 0 -5 -10


0.1 0.15 Time (s)



0.14 0.16 Time (s)



We assume that DTC system is supplied by a battery of voltage Vdc. Fig.8, Fig.10, and Fig.11 shows the phase current, stator flux, electromagnetic torque for steady state and transient operation at 9 Nm with 0.9 Wb. The stator current wave form is more close to the suitable sinusoidal signal; very short time response for the stator flux which is about 6ms. The output electromagnetic torque reaches the reference torque in about 7ms. The FFT of the current waveform of phase (a) is shown in Fig.9. The phase current generated by the three-level inverter has low harmonic content with SVM-DTC system (about 4 % THD). For example, a torque reverse reference is applied (from 9 to -9 Nm) for DTC-SVM using deadbeat controller. Fig.12 shows the output torque reaches the new reference torque in about 2.5 ms at constant flux; fast torque response is obtained for all DTC schemes.
10 Torque (N.m) 1

Fig.10. Simulation results with rated values of the flux and torque for the second approach.
10 Torque (N.m) 1

phis (wb) 0 0.05 0.1 0.15 Time (s) 0.2



0.1 0.15 Time (s)


400 200 Vsd (A) 0 -200 -400 Isd (V) 0 0.05 0.1 0.15 Time (s) 0.2

10 5 0 -5 -10


0.14 0.16 Time (s)



phis (wb)

Fig.11. Simulation results with rated values of the flux and torque for the third approach.



0.1 0.15 Time (s)



0.1 0.15 Time (s)


Torque (N.m)

5 0 -5 -10

400 200 Vsd (A) 0 -200 -400 Isd (V)

10 5 0 -5 -10





0.1 0.12 Time (s)





phis (wb)


0.1 0.15 Time (s)



0.14 0.16 Time (s)




Fig.8. Simulation results with rated values of the flux and torque for the first approach.





0.1 0.12 Time (s)





Magnitude (A)

Fig.12. Torque and flux response for DTC-SVM using deadbeat controller

VI. CONCLUSION Direct torque control using space vector modulation was chosen for its low current distortion due to the SVM control technique and fast torque response due to the absence of the current regulator. Three different methods of DTC with space vector modulation are explained, the

Harmonic order
0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50

Fig.9. Line current harmonics Isa1 for DTC using deadbeat controller


difference between them is how the reference voltage is carried out. The results obtained are full of promise to use this system in high voltage and high power applications as electrical traction. The DTC was introduced to give a fast and good dynamic torque and can be considered as an alternative to the field oriented control FOC technique for any application that requires a quick torque response [8]. It is concluded that the proposed control produces better results for transient and the steady state operation then the conventional control. From the analysis of these results we establish the following remarks: 1. The SVM-DTC approach has a fast torque and flux response as compared to the conventional DTC (due to the absence of the current regulator). 2. The neutral point voltage can be easily controlled using space vector modulation technique to solve the usual problem of unbalanced voltages input in threelevel VSI.NPC. 3. The DTC-SVM scheme using deadbeat controller, witch is similar to the conventional DTC control, is simple and low cost for implementation. 4. The DTC schemes proposed can be used for different VSI topologies. 5. The novel controller equations do not involve the use of motor parameters. Motor parameters are only used in the inherent torque and stator flux estimation necessary in any DTC system. 6. The simulation results obtained with a three-level VSI illustrate a considerable reduction in torque ripple, flux ripple, harmonic distortion in stator currents and switching frequency when compared to the existing Classical DTC system utilizing switching table (due to the SVM control technique). APPENDIX
A. List of the Used Notations ( , ) : reference frame stationary with the stator winding (x, y) : reference frame aligned with the stator flux s , r : indices variables L : magnetizing Inductance Lm : mutual inductance V : voltage i : current : flux R : resistance P: pole pairs em : electromagnetic torque J : rotor inertia s : statoric pulsation Vdc : dc-link voltage Kf : friction Coefficient Te : sampling time E : error of the variables. Vrefx : x component of the voltage reference Vrefy : y component of the voltage reference Vref : component of the voltage reference Vref : component of the voltage reference K e : torque gain

K s : stator flux gain

K s : stator flux angular speed gain. r : electric rotor speed ; : = p r.
L2 m Ls .Lr


: leakage coefficient, V : rotor time response, Tr : stator time response, Ts


Lr Rr Ls Rs

B. Induction Motors Parameters Rated power : 1.5 kW Rated voltage : 220 V Rated speed : 1420 rpm Rated frequency : 50 Hz Rated current : 3.64 A (Y) and 6.31 (') Stator resistance : 4.85 : Rotor resistance : 3.805 : Stator inductance : 0.274 H Rotor inductance : 0.274 H Magnetizing Inductance : 0.258 H Number of poles : 4 Rotor inertia : 0.031 Kg.m2 Friction Coefficient : 0.008 N.m.s/rd DC-link voltage : Vdc = 514 v Sampling periode : Te = 100 Ps.

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