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Helping children be the best they can be Dear Parents, Governors and Children, OUR NEXT HOLIDAY EASTER

R We break for the Easter holiday on Thursday 28th March at 3.30 p.m. and re-open on Monday 15th April at 8.45a.m. There are NO training days attached to this holiday. WELL DONE Well Done to Hannah Fletcher, who has passed her Grade 2 in Swimming. Congratulations Hannah. GOLDEN TICKET CHOCOLATE DRAW We have sent out our information on this years golden ticket draw. Donations of chocolate eggs in particular would be most welcome. Additional tickets are available from the main office priced at 1.00. Thank you for your support.

SCHOOL START TIME The bell rings for the start of school at 8.45am, and if you arrive after this time then you are running late. By 8.50am all children should be present and hard at work in class. Children arriving after this time enter via the main entrance as it is important that lessons are not disturbed. Running Late Even though we continually reinforce the importance of getting to school on time there are still a few of children who OFTEN turn up late on a REGULAR basis. We appreciate that on odd occasions, special circumstances may mean children arrive late, but the vast majority of children arrived on time every day. We are starting a new system whereby those children who are persistently late will asked to use their breaks and lunchtimes to make up the learning time they have lost by not being here on time. Hopefully this will be an incentive for children to arrive on time, as it will be the time with their friends they will be sacrificing and it will encourage children to get here early or on time. EDUCATION CITY Education City is a fantastic online Learning Environment to which the school subscribes for every child. Every Child in school has been given their own personal login details. This allows them to access their account at school but equally importantly gives them access to the site from home. The site is packed full of wonderful activities which support your childs learning in a very fun and interactive way. We recognise that children have access to computers or mobile devices to play games on, but we would like to emphasise that by directing children to this site instead of their usual favourite online games it will give them an interactive fun experience but will also improve their educational skills. Access is free via the login if you are not sure what this is call in at the school office for a reminder.

HEALTHIER PACKED LUNCHES YOUR SUPPORT IS NEEDED School dinners have, in recent years had a radical overhaul and now provide all children with a healthy, well- balanced diet. However, it is evident that what many parents are supplying in the lunchboxes for their children is far from healthy. In some cases what is being supplied is severely detrimental to their childs health. Its just as important to make sure the lunchbox your child brings to school provides a healthy, balanced lunch. This means plenty of foods that contain the nutrients that children need, and fewer foods that are high in sugar and saturated fat along with a sugar free drink to keep them hydrated. The School Governors have it on their agenda to approve a policy to support the encouragement of healthy packed lunches brought from home. In schools where there is a clear policy it is evident that parents adhere to recommendations and support the school in encouraging their child towards a healthier lifestyle. In the meantime we are asking parents to support us by making some adjustments to the food supplied and make an effort to provide some healthy options and restrict chocolate bars to the equivalent in size of ONE small kit kat if this is necessary. We will reward those children with healthy packed lunches with motivational tickets which lead to rewards. Hopefully this will encourage improvement without further action. There are many ideas for healthy packed lunches at the School Food Trust website page please log on a have look RED NOSE DAY 15TH MARCH We are offering our support for this event by inviting the children to come dressed in non-uniform and collecting coins in our buckets. The theme is Do Something Funny for Money so any colourful or comical outfit will be fine. EASTER PLANNING AHEAD We will be running an Easter egg competition with a theme linked to our emphasis to boost literacy. Therefore, eggs should be decorated with representation to characters from a book your child has read or enjoyed. These will be on display in the school hall at our next EXPRESS DAY which is scheduled for Tuesday 26th March. Prizes will be donated by Sainsburys and it is hoped that they will call and judge the entries. Entries should NOT be brought to school before Monday 25th March as we cannot store them. Thank you. EXPRESS DAY TUESDAY 26TH MARCH Parents are invited to call for coffee and refreshments at 8.45am 9.15am, when the Competition Eggs will be on display, our Golden Ticket will be drawn and then visitors can go along to the classrooms from 9.15 until 10.15 am to look at childrens work. We hope by giving you this advanced notice you will be able to plan to attend. The children will really appreciate seeing you as we do value your continued support. UPDATE TO EMERGENCY NUMBERS AND ADDRESSES We are experiencing difficulties at the moment contacting parents when their child is ill, or left behind from an after-school club or activity. Please make sure, if you change your mobile number, or even move house, that you let school know. Thank you.

CONTRIBUTIONS TO OUR NEWSLETTER We are encouraging the children to contribute to our weekly newsletter with stories, pictures and items of interest they have done in the classroom our outside school. The contributions this week are from Year 1, White & Purple classes. Look out for more class contributions in the coming weeks

Year Ones Carnival

On Friday year one did a carnival. We got drest for PE and put on our mascs. I made a snake masc. We went to the hall and dansed to viva carnival. The perants loved it. Next we did a poem and some peopol did a lion dans. The we dansed to viva carnival again. After that we gave perants biscuts and juise. Finally we went back to the classroom. by Alfie R

In February we did a carnival. We put are masks on and we went to the hall. We did a butiful lion dans. We rord at our frends. We said our animal poem then we give our mums and dads a bisket. by Ruby Before the holiday Year one performed a carnival. First we got changed into out PE kits. After that all of us put on our masks. Then we walked to the hall quietly. When Viva carnival came on we boogied throo the doors. After that the parents claped loudly. Then we did a poem and after we said an animal we made the animal noise. by Connie

First we got changed into our pe kit. Next we put our head dresses on. Then we went to the hall and waitd by the doors. Before we did the lion dance we danced and sang Viva Carnival. After that we did the lion dance. When we finished the lion dance we danced and sang viva carnival again. Finally we gave our grown ups a drink and some animal biscuits. by Alfie N First we got chainjd. Next we put our heddresses. Then we waitd at the hall. Before we danst into the hall. Next we did our lion danst. Next we did the poawim (poem) for our grown ups. by Joshua J

First we got into our PE kit. Next we lind up at the hall. Then we sang viva carnival and danced. Before we went out ov the hall we lind up. Then we went into the hall and we sang agen. When the lion danc rord at the odians (audience). by Jateara

Thank you to everyone who came to our carnival. We hope you enjoyed it Mrs Shaw and Mrs Parkinson White class and Purple class

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