Financial Institution2

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Family institution:

The institution of family is a basic unit in the society and the multifaceted functions performed by the family include, reproduction of new members and socializing them and provision of emotional and physical care for older persons and young family in fact, is an institution resolves a large number of social problems. The family has been defined by various sociologists which are 1:Maciver: The family is a group defined by social sufficiently precise and enduring to provide for the procreation and up- bringing of children. 2: Clare: According to Clare family is a system of relationship existing between parents and children.
Recently changes in Rural family:

Pakistan is the developing country of the world. majority of people in Pakistan are settled in rural areas. rural societies are considered traditional societies. The village is the most important unit in the social set-up simplicity honesty and homogeneity are considered is the basic hallmark of the rural society, rural society has own characteristics. It is isolated with limited is small in size. The members of family have group consciousness and have personal and direct relationships. Among the social institutions the family is the most important social institution in the rural plays it plays a decisive role in the material and cultural life of the people. In Pakistan the family system is traditional in its very assence Family in Pakistan is the full pledge with all functions and responsibilities. Due to the caste and kinship joint family system is considered as the ideal one where patriarchal type of power prevails. father as considered as the head of the family. Joint family comprises on father, mother, children, grand father and mother generally they live with other members having the same caste or some remote blood relationship. Cousin, marriage is most common in Pakistan. However in recent days due to industrialization and urbanization the drastic changes in the family system are observed in most part of the country. Nuclear family system is going to replace Joint family system as is happening all over the world. social values and cultural norms are deeply rooted in Pakistan. All the traditional societies of the world are strong supporter of their cultural norms values it is also noteworthy that there is a close relationship between cultural and family social norms and values. Modernization is considered as a process of adopting the modern values modern mode of living style. In its true sense it is an attempt on the part of people who usually are the staunch practitioners of their respective cultural moral and ethical ideals adapting the modernity. It points out towards a change in people,s food, habbits,dress habits, speaking styles, tastes, choices, preferences, ideas values recreational activities and so

on. people give more importance to science and technology in the process of getting them modernized. the modern scientific inventions have rationalized the society in a distinctive way. The whole web of social relationships. Got drastic changes and installed new ideologies in the place of the traditional the rural families the patriarchal system is now changed to matriarchal system. Social change has a direct impact on the basic structures and functions of the social institutions. Technology is considered as a powerfull tool of social change. It has drastically change the way of life. The institution of family has been altered modern technology has also shifted the industry household. As a result, some radical changes have been witnessed in the family organization. This is called literacy language as the social impact of technology on the social institutions.other agencies have stolen the many functions of the family - the marriage contract is going to considered not as a sacred one but a social contract. consequently divorces and separation are on the increase. No doubt, the technology has developed the social status of woman in the family. Nuclear family is considered as a direct outcome of social change. It is generally is based on three things. They are the emotional attachment between spouses, maternal love and a firm belief that the relationship between family members are more closer and affirmative than the rest of the world. Old family system and pattern of life has been replaced changed with the modern way of life. Joint family system is old system therefore, replaced in Nuclear family system. Old patterns like marriage, rituals and socialization patterns are endoved with formal type of rituals and ceremonies. The rural families in the primitive days were very simple and now rural family has changed upto great extent. All the patterns of families has changed. there were patriarchal sytems in rural areas and and now in recently days it has changed and adopted the matriarhal system. There were a joint family system in rural areas and now it has changed to nuclear type of family. in the rural families the women were not allowed to go to school and now every one permit their female to go to school. similarly, the rural female in the families were not allowed to join the jobs and now from every family the females join the jobs and also domestic works. in rural families there were a simple ways marriage,s ceremonies and now has changed to modern types of ceremonies. in primitive days there were strong bonds between the family members in rural areas and now the strong bonds between them is weakened. in the rural families there were love and sympathy among the members. and now the sympathy and love has weakened.

Causal factors of rural family change :

Modernization is the main cause of change in the family system.

Old family system and pattern of life has been changed with the modern way of life. joint family system is old system, therefore replaced in nuclear family systam. old patterns like marriages, rituals, and socialization patterns are endowed with formal type of rituals and ceremonies.

Technology is also the main cause of family system. the very basic function of the society is to meet the needs of modern technological advances for the betterment of its members As a result, social changes are basic functions of the society. all the institutions including family, therefore, need to be changed as per rate and speed of social changes. otherwise, they will cease automatically to perform their regular functions. due to the technological advancement the rural families has changed upto great extent. technology has make the rural family life easier and comfortable and modernized. and have changed the rural family life completely. due to the technological advancement the female of the rural family goes for jobs.

Urbanization is also a cause of family changes. there are many families in urban areas. there are nuclear and matriarchal types of families. similarly, when the people of rural families become urbanized the patriarchal families and joint families are changed into matriarchal and nuclear family systems.

Mass Media:

Mass media is also the main cause of change in rural family system. Mass media has changed the over all life of family life. the males and females see the televisions and adopted the patterns of foreign ways of life. and has changed rural family life upto great extent.


Education also change the life of rural family. from education they learn many ways of betterment about the families. and also due to education the females are doing jobs outside the homes.

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