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MS Excel Keyboard Shortcuts

Compiled by Harish Krishnaswamy, Head-Managament Information System, IDBI Bank

To print a copy of the shortcuts, press CTRL+P

Category Action Shortcut Example

Navigating in Excel Switch between Worksheets CTRL-PageUp/CTRL-PageDown
Navigating in Excel Switch between Workbooks CTRL-Tab
Navigating in Excel Move one character up, down, left, or right. Arrow keys
Navigating in Excel Go to end of a contiguous range CTRL-Arrow Keys
Navigating in Excel Select a cell range SHIFT+Arrow keys
Navigating in Excel Highlight a contiguous range SHIFT-CTRL-Arrow Keys
Navigating in Excel Select entire worksheet CTRL+A
Navigating in Excel Move to the beginning of the line. HOME
Navigating in Excel Go To F5
Navigating in Excel Move a Sheet/Copy a Sheet Alt-E-M
Navigating in Excel Change Zoom Sizing Alt-V-Z
Entering and editing data Complete a cell entry and select…
Entering and editing data ...the cell below. ENTER
Entering and editing data ...the previous cell above. SHIFT+ENTER
Entering and editing data ...the next cell to the right. TAB
Entering and editing data ...the previous cell to the left. SHIFT+TAB
Entering and editing data Delete cell and then get inside the cell BACKSPACE
Entering and editing data Delete cell/selection. DELETE
Entering and editing data
Entering and editing data Edit inside a cell (edit cell mode) F2
Entering and editing data Once inside edit cell mode (F2)…
Entering and editing data ...Start a new line in the same cell. ALT+ENTER
Entering and editing data ...Highlight individual characters within cells SHIFT+Arrow keys
Entering and editing data ...Highlight contiguous string within cells SHIFT+CTRL+Arrow keys
Entering and editing data ...Delete the preceding character. BACKSPACE
Entering and editing data ...Delete the character to the right of the insertion
Entering and editing data ...Cancel a cell entry. ESC
Entering and editing data
Entering and editing data Spell Check. F7
Entering and editing data Insert a comment. SHIFT+F2
Entering and editing data Fill down. CTRL+D
Entering and editing data Fill to the right. CTRL+R
Entering and editing data Undo the last action. CTRL+Z
Entering and editing data Redo the last action. F4 or CTRL+Y
Hiding / Unhiding Rows and Columns Hide the selected rows. CTRL+9
Hiding / Unhiding Rows and Columns Unhide any hidden rows within the selection. CTRL+SHIFT+( (opening parenthesis)
Hiding / Unhiding Rows and Columns Hide the selected columns. CTRL+0 (zero)
Hiding / Unhiding Rows and Columns Unhide any hidden columns within the selection. CTRL+SHIFT+) (closing parenthesis)
Selecting, grouping, inserting, and deleting cells Highlight Entire Row SHIFT+SPACEBAR
Selecting, grouping, inserting, and deleting cells Highlight Entire Column CTRL+SPACEBAR
Graphics 2

Selecting, grouping, inserting, and deleting cells Group Rows or Columns SHIFT+ALT+RIGHT ARROW KEY
Selecting, grouping, inserting, and deleting cells Ungroup Rows or Columns SHIFT+ALT+LEFT ARROW KEY
Selecting, grouping, inserting, and deleting cells Clear the contents of the selected cells. DELETE
Selecting, grouping, inserting, and deleting cells Delete the selected cells. CTRL+MINUS SIGN
Selecting, grouping, inserting, and deleting cells Insert blank cells. CTRL+SHIFT+PLUS SIGN
Copying and Pasting Copy the selected cells. CTRL+C
Copying and Pasting Cut the selected cells. CTRL+X
Copying and Pasting Paste copied cells. CTRL+V
Copying and Pasting Copy, then Paste Special Formats CTRL+C, Alt-E+S+T
Copying and Pasting Copy, then Paste Special Formulas CTRL+C, Alt-E+S+F
Formatting Data Display the Style dialog box. ALT+' (apostrophe)
Formatting Data Display the Format Cells dialog box. CTRL+1
Formatting Data Applies the general format CTRL+SHIFT+~ 1254.34
Formatting Data Number format: 2 decimal places, thousands separator,
and minus sign (–) for negative values. 1,254.34
Formatting Data Currency format: 2 decimal places (negative numbers
in parentheses). $1,254.34
Formatting Data Percentage format with no decimal places. CTRL+SHIFT+% 125434%
Formatting Data Exponential number format with two decimal places.
CTRL+SHIFT+^ 1.25E+03
Formatting Data Date format with the day, month, and year. CTRL+SHIFT+# 7-Jun-03
Formatting Data Time format with the hour and minute, and AM orCTRL+SHIFT+@
PM. 8:09 AM
Formatting Data
Formatting Data Boldface CTRL+B 1,254.34
Formatting Data Italicize CTRL+I 1,254.34
Formatting Data Underline CTRL+U 1,254.34
Formatting Data Strikethrough CTRL+5 1,254.34
Formatting Data
Formatting Data Apply the outline border to the selected cells. CTRL+SHIFT+& 1,254.34
Formatting Data Remove the outline border from the selected cells.CTRL+SHIFT+_ 1,254.34
Enter and calculate formulas Start a formula. = (equal sign) =F45*G12
Enter and calculate formulas In a formula, display the Insert Function dialog box.
Enter and calculate formulas Insert an AutoSum formula with the SUM function.ALT+= (equal sign)
Enter and calculate formulas Copy the value from the cell above the active cell CTRL+SHIFT+"
into the cell or the(quotation
Formula Bar.
Enter and calculate formulas Copies a formula from the cell above the active cell
into the(apostrophe)
cell or the Formula Bar.
Enter and calculate formulas Alternate between displaying cell values and displaying
CTRL+` formulas.
(single left quotation mark)
Enter and calculate formulas Recalculate all worksheets in all open workbooks. F9
Enter and calculate formulas Anchoring "Fixing" Cells F4 - must be in edit cell mode (F2) =$F$4*G125
Enter and calculate formulas Go to precedent cell(s) CTRL-[
Enter and calculate formulas Highlight dependent cells F2
Enter and calculate formulas Auditing Toolbar (Go to precedent and dependent Alt-T-U
Special characters Press F2 to edit the cell, turn on NUM LOCK, and then press the following keys by using the numeric key pad:
Special characters Cent ¢. ALT+0162
Special characters Pound sterling £. ALT+0163
Special characters Yen ¥. ALT+0165
Special characters Euro €. ALT+0128
Naming cells, Hyperlinks, inserting time and date Name a cell. CTRL+F3
Naming cells, Hyperlinks, inserting time and date Insert a hyperlink CTRL+K
Naming cells, Hyperlinks, inserting time and date Activate a hyperlink. ENTER (in a cell with a hyperlink)
Naming cells, Hyperlinks, inserting time and date Enter the date. CTRL+; (semicolon)
Naming cells, Hyperlinks, inserting time and date Enter the time. CTRL+SHIFT+: (colon)
Naming cells, Hyperlinks, inserting time and date Display a drop-down list of the values in the current
column of aARROW
© 2004 Wall Street Prep, LLC

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