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Information Society Strategic Program Electronic Government Action Plan

Improving Governance and Service Delivery through E-Government: the Case of Cape Verde

Information Society Strategic Program Electronic Government Action Plan

1- Information Society Development Strategy 2- Electronic Government Initiatives

Information Society Strategic Program Electronic Government Action Plan

Indicadores de Desenvolvimento Humano

C. Verde ndice Desenvolvimento Humano PIB per capita (PPP US$) PIB per capita rank Populao Taxa de Urbanizao Exportao bens e servios/PIB Importao de bens e servios/PIB Indstria/PIB Servios/PIB 105 5,000 93 470 000 56 % 30,1 % 65,1 % 16,4 % 72,8 % Maurcias 64 10,810 49 1 200 000 43 % 60,7 % 56,9 % 31,1 % 61,9 % Seicheles 35 18,232 33 80 000 50 % 78,2 % 80,9 % 30 % 67,1 %

Information Society Strategic Program Electronic Government Action Plan

Information Society Strategic Program (ISSP) and Electronic Government Action Plan (EGAP)

Information Society Strategic Program Electronic Government Action Plan

The Information Society Strategic Program (ISSP) encapsulates de Electronic Government Action Plan (EGAP). Both constitute the reference documents for ICT in Cape Verde.

Information Society Strategic Program Electronic Government Action Plan

The Information Society Strategic Program (ISSP) and the Electronic Government Action Plan (EGAP) adopt a framework based on the strategic goals of Cape Verde, on the relevant international experience, on previous efforts and on budget limitations.
Strategic Development Objectives (GOP) National Development Plan Government Program Poverty Reduction and Competitiveness Program Sectoral Strategic Plans

Development Strategy
National Budget WSIS

Medium-Term Expenditure Framework

Budget Framework

Information Society Strategic Program

IS International Framework


Multi-lateral and Bi-Lateral Financing

National Documents on the IS

International and National IS Programs

Strategic Guidelines for the IS

National Forum on the IS

UN National Report on Human Development

Evaluation Status Report on ICT

Strong political will to promote ICT; Strategic and operational dedicated institution (NOSi, CIISI); Practice of good governance recognised internationally; Existing National technological infrastructure; Government communications network; High number of applications developed for public administration; Tele-density index above African average.

Information Society Strategic Program Electronic Government Cape Verdeans around the Action Plan World; Relationships with relevant markets and decision centres: EU, USA, Portugal, West Africa; Ongoing projects have built high level of mobilization; Positive record facilitates international financing; Young population, receptive to digital culture.


High cost of telecommunications; Lack of financing capacity for ICT projects; Insularity makes it difficult to build infrastructure & create sustainable markets; Economic structure based on micro-businesses with low investment capacity; Weak service provision market (Infrastructure & Demand); Lack of broad band services; Underdeveloped legal framework regarding ICT and lack of competition in the telecommunication sector; Lack of policy and practice for attracting foreign investment in ICT; Weak digital culture in public administration; Low levels of digital literacy; Lack of trained professionals.

Regulatory environment still maturing; Balance between private service providers and state-owned dedicated institution; Different levels of digital readiness in each island may increase digital divide; Low levels of entrepreneurship may reduce the development of new ICT companies; Lack of awareness and knowledge in ICT by traditional sectors.

Information Society Strategic Program Electronic Government Action Plan

Cape Verde has a good potential to move up fast in the United Nations world rank of e-Government Readiness, by acting decisively on the webization component.

Cape Verdes Goals for E-Governance

1,00 0,90 0,80 0,70 0,60 0,50 0,40 0,30 0,20 0,10 0,00
0,59 0,46 0,46 0,41 0,41 0,34 0,32 0,30 0,25 0,88

Objective: Objective: Overcome world average Overcome world average Rank among African leaders Rank among African leaders Get closer to Europe Get closer to Europe World Average (0,41) African Average (0,25)


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Source: Adaptation of Global E-Government Readiness Report 2004, United Nations



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Information Society Strategic Program Electronic Government Action Plan

E-Government Readiness Index Desagregado Cabo Verde em frica


0,80 0,70 0,60

0,51 0,54


0,50 0,40 0,30 0,20 0,10 0,00

0,17 0,18 0,08 0,06 0,01 0,01 0,17 0,34

Maurcias ndiceGlobal Webizao

C abo Verde Infraestruturas de Telecomunicaes

Niger C apital Humano

Fonte: Adaptao do Global E-Government Readiness Report 2004 das Naes Unidas

Information Society Strategic Program Electronic Government Action Plan

The Information Society Strategic Program and the Electronic Government Action Plan will allow Cape Verde to leap-frog development and to reinforce national cohesion.

Themes That Provide a Framework to ISSP and IGAP

Development Themes 1. Promote good governance 2. Promote economic competitiveness 3. Develop and enhance human capital 4. Develop infrastructure and planning 5. Improve the social welfare system Themes for the Information Society Consolidation 6. Create a stimulating environment 7. Create the supporting organizational architecture 8. Guarantee sustainable financing 9. Develop a consistent monitoring system


Information Society Strategic Program Electronic Government Action Plan

The ISSP is based on seven ICT vectors, subsequently sub-divided into nine pillars of intervention.

1. Connectivity/ Accessibility Contents, Applications, Services 2. Electronic Government 3. Digital Economy

4. Social Interventions

5. New Competences

6. Enabling Environment: 6. Enabling Environment: Regulatory, Legal, Fiscal Regulatory, Legal, Fiscal

7. Organizational and Financial Architecture 7. Organizational and Financial Architecture External Factors External Factors


Information Society Strategic Program Electronic Government Action Plan

The Information Society Strategic Program contains precise objectives.

Provide Access for All: Basic infrastructure and national cohesion; Increase connectivity and universal presence; Widely accessible interactive quality public services; Improve efficiency, effectiveness and transparency in Public Administration;

Bring Government Closer to Citizens:

Create New Business Opportunities a more dynamic economy, increasingly integrated within the global economy, overcoming the limitations of insularity: Improve competitiveness through ICT; Develop a dynamic ICT sector capable of generating taxes and jobs;

Increase the Quality of Life social interventions to combat poverty and reinforce solidarity: Promote womens involvement in ICT; Support environmental and food balance; Train Cape Verdeans on ICT; Modernize the education system through ICT.

Build New Competences:

Pillar 1 Provide Access for All

Pillar 2 Bring Government Closer to Citizens

Pillar 3 Create New Economic Opportunities

A dynamic economy fully integrated within the worldwide economy, with efficient and automated businesses well integrated in the new information age Axis 3.1.

Information Society Strategic 5 Pillar 4 Pillar Program Electronic Quality Build New Increase the Government Action Plan
of Life Competences

A country digitally connected and linked to the rest of the world, promoting massified access of all citizens to the information and communication services and universal presence Axis 1.1.

Client oriented quality public services, based on interactive online and multiplatform availability

A more efficient social system capable of ensuring food security, a protected ecosystem and promoting increased womens involvement

Human capital with the necessary capacity to face the Information Societys new challenges and meet the countrys development needs

Development of Communications Infrastructures Axis 1.2.

Promotion of Accessibility and Digital Cohesion Axis 1.3. Universal Presence

Pillar 2 Pillar 3 Pillar 5 Pillar 1 Pillar 4 Bring Government Closer Business Create New Build New Competencesof Life Provide Access for All Increase the Quality to Citizens Opportunities
Interactive Public Services Improve the Competitiveness of Economy and Businesses Axis 3.2. Stimulation of the Electronic Business Axis 3.3. Promotion of New Business Opportunities Food Security ICTs in Schools Axis 2.2. Axis 4.2. Axis 5.2. Electronic Democracy Axis 2.3. Efficient Public Administration Axis 2.4. Health for All Axis 2.5. Environmental Management and Spatial Planning Axis 4.3. Women in Society ICTs in Higher Education Axis 5.3. ICTs in Civil Society

Axis 2.1.

Axis 4.1.

Axis 5.1.

Anchor Projects

National Initiative for Accessibility and Broadband (INABL)

A dynamicHuman capital with capacity economy, duly A more efficient social in system, Interactive andintegrated to the global food security, transactionalrespond to the new A country digitally connected, economy, with efficient ecosystem and quality public services, client- protected the Information a challenges of with wide access by all available on-line. fully automated its businesses, more active presence of oriented, Society. citizens to information and and networked. women in ICT. services.
Qualification of the Public Administration Human Resources Axis 2.6. Technological Capacity Anchor Projects Citizens Portal Anchor Projects Anchor Projects Anchor Projects ICTs in the Business Environment Information System for Food Security Geomatics Plan for Cape Verde Environmental Information System Environmental Observation and Monitoring System Financing Program for Telecentres and ICT Businesses owned and managed by Women Equipping Primary and Secondary Schools with ICTs Virtual Campuses Knowledge Portal Public Administration Online Program Citizens Electronic ID Number Modernization of Public Administration Back-Office Processes Presential Electronic Voting Pilot Project Internet in the Business Environment Strategic Study on the Development of an ICT Cluster Financing Program for New ICT Businesses Incubation Centres and Cyberpark National e-Learning Platform Certified Training in ICTs

Internet Access Massification Program

Implementation and Consolidation of the National System for Digital Credentiation and Certification Integrated Financial and Budgetary Management System



Pillar 6 Promote a Stimulating Environment

Information Society Strategic Program Electronic Government Action Plan

Axis 6.4. Creation of Incentives for the Development of ICTs

A stimulating environment that automatically promotes the universal access and use of ICTs at affordable prices, the accelerated growth of the ICT sector and the Information Societys sustainability Axis 6.1. Definition and Approval of New Policies Anchor Projects Axis 6.2. Creation of an Agile and Progressive Regulatory Framework Axis 6.3. Modernization of the Legal Framework

Pillar 6 Promote a Stimulating Pillar 7 Reinforce Leadership Environment Pilar 9 Measure to Develop
Renegotiation of the Telecommunications Concession Axis 7.1. Axis 7.2. Strong Political Support Centralized Strategic and Operational Coordination Anchor Projects

Reinforcement of the Regulatory Framework

ICT Legislation Updating Program

An agile, participative and highly operational institutional framework capable of promoting sustainable efforts towards the development of the Information Society in Cape Verde Axis 7.3. Reinforce the central, sectoral, intraministerial and local capacities Axis 7.4. Adoption of a Stakeholders Strategy Axis 7.5. High Communication and Reporting Level Axis 7.6. Promotion of Sustainable Financing

A stimulating environment Pillar 7 An integrated observation automatically promoting Reinforce Leadership system capable of evaluating access and broad utilization the implementation growth of ICT at low prices,of the Pillar 8 Invest to Grow ISSP sector and sustainable of ICTand of its impacts, An institutional framework allowing development of the Pillar 8 for better decisioncapable of supporting efforts making, transparency Information Society. and Invest to Grow to develop a sustainable credible action. Information Society. A 9 Measure and agile financial Pillarformalto Develop system capable of ensuring a seamless implementation of the ISSP.
Creation of an Entity Responsible for the Coordination of the Information Society in Cape Verde Axis 8.1. Building Financing Capacity Anchor Projects Implementation of the ISSP Financing Fund Axis 9.1. Axis 9.2. Organizational and Operational Capacity Building Anchor Projects Creation of an Information Society Observatory

Setting up of the Partnership for the Information Society

Training Plan for the Central and Local Public Administration and for the Partnership

Holding of Forum II on ICTs in Cape Verde dedicated to the Information Society Strategic Program

A formal and agile financing system capable of ensuring a seamless implementation of the ISSP, contributing to achieve higher levels of sustainability in the long term Axis 8.2. Financing Management and Allocation Policies

ISSP Road-show for Fund Raising

An Integrated Observation System to monitor the progress of the ISSP measures and actions and their impact, enabling support to political, strategic and operational decision-making and fostering transparency and credible action Axis 9.3. Promotion and Dissemination of Information

Integrated Observation System Design

Building of the Base Model for the Evaluation of the Information Society Development Indicators


Information Society Strategic Program Electronic Government Action Plan

The estimated investment associated with the implementation of the ISSP is 68.290 Millions Euros, over 5 years, that is, 14 Million Euros per year, or 3.8% of the National Budget (2006).

Action Pillars Pillar 1. Provide Access for All Pillar 2. Bring Government Closer to Citizens Pillar 3. Create New Business Opportunities Pillar 4. Increase the Quality of Life Pillar 5. Build New Competences Pillar 6. Promote a stimulating environment Pillar 7. Reinforce leadership Pillar 8. Invest to grow Pillar 9. Mesure to develop Total ISSP

(000 )
13% 7% 10% 23%

13.400 28.390


10.400 4.400 8.350 850 1.100 500 900 68.290

8% 13% 6% 3%

Pilar 1. Acessibilidade para Todos Pilar 2. Governao Mais Prxima dos Cidados Pilar 3. Novas Oport unidades Econmicas Pilar 4. Increment o da Qualidade de Vida Pilar 5. Capacit ar para Inovar Pilar 6. Um Cont ext o Est imulant e Pilar 7. Liderana na Aco Pilar 8. Invest ir para Crescer Pilar 9. Medir para Desenvolver

82 Projects/Activities

Information Society Strategic Program Electronic Government Action Plan

The Electronic Government Action Plan is encapsulated by the Information Society Strategic Program.

1. Connectivity/ Accessibility Contents, Applications, Services 2. Electronic Government 3. Digital Economy

1. Public Services

2. Electronic Democracy

3. Efficient Public Administration 4. Health for All 5. HR Qualification 6. Technological Capacity

4. Social Interventions

5. New Competences

6. Enabling Environment: 6. Enabling Environment: Regulatory, Legal, Fiscal Regulatory, Legal, Fiscal

7. Organizational and Financial Architecture 7. Organizational and Financial Architecture External Factors External Factors


Information Society Strategic Program Electronic Government Action Plan

The Electronic Government Action Plan is focused on six actions axes.

Axis 1 Interactive Public Services Axis 6 Technological Capacity Axis 2 Electronic Democracy

A Government A Government Closer to Citizens Closer to Citizens

Axis 5 Qualification of PA Human Resources Axis 4 Health for All Axis 3 Efficient Public Administration


Information Society Strategic Program Electronic Government Action Plan

I Interactive Public Services

1. 1. Citizens Citizens Portal Portal 2. 2. Public Public Administration Administration Online Online 4. 4. Modernization Modernization of Back-office of Back-office Services Services

II Electronic Democracy

The Electronic Government Action Plan contains 22 anchor projects, distributed by the six axes.

3. 3. Citizens Citizens Electronic ID Electronic ID

5. 5. Electronic Electronic Vote Vote

6. 6. National National System of System of Authent. And Authent. And Certification Certification

Promote a Stimulating Context

III Efficient Public Administration

7. 7. Integrated Integrated Budgetary Budgetary Management Management System System 8. 8. State State Revenues Revenues 9. 9. Registry and Registry and Notary Notary Management Management System System 10. 10. Electronic Electronic Public Public Purchases Purchases

Create New Economic Opportunities

IV Health for All

11. 11. Health Portal Health Portal 12. 12. Health Health Information Information System System 13. 13. Sanitary Sanitary Information Information System System 14. 14. Telemedicine Telemedicine Program Program
Increase the Quality of Life

V Qualification of PA Human Resources

15. 15. Training Training Program for Program for the Central the Central Public Admin. Public Admin. 16. 16. Training Training Program for Program for the Local the Local Public Admin. Public Admin. 17. 17. Human Human Resources Resources Management Management 18. 18. Public Admin. Public Admin. And Civil And Civil Servants Servants Portal Portal

Build New Competences

VI Technological Capacity
19. 19. Government Government s Network s Network 20. 20. Data Data Warehouse Warehouse 21. 21. Equipping Equipping Central and Central and Local Public Local Public Admin. Admin. 22. 22. Optimization Optimization of Public of Public Admin. Admin. Software Software
Reinforce Leadership

(Expansion and (Expansion and Consolid.) Consolid.)


Information Society Strategic Program Electronic Government Action Plan

The estimated investment over five (5) years is 23,66 Million Euros, representing 46% of the Information Society Strategic Program and an annual investment of 4,7 Million euros.

Axes of Action Axis 1. Interactive Public Services Axis 2. Electronic Democracy Axis 3. Efficient Public Administration Axis 4. Health for All Axis 5. Qualification of the Public Administration Human Resources Axis 6. Technological Capacity Total EGAP

(000 )
17% 31% 4%

4.700 1.060 7.730 4.180 1.650 9.070 28.390

6% 15%


Eixo 1. Servios Pblicos Interactivos Eixo 3.Administrao Pblica Eficiente Eixo 5. Qualificao dos Recursos Humanos

Eixo 2. Democracia Electrnica Eixo 4. Sade para Todos Eixo 6. Capacidade Tecnolgica

71 Projects/Activities

Information Society Strategic Program Electronic Government Action Plan

The success of the efforts towards the development of an Information Society and Electronic Government in Cape Verde require a structural approach.

Base for the Sustainability of Results

Critical Success Factors:

Participation and commitment of key players Awareness of key decision makers and society Alignment with the national strategic plan and national budget Guarantee of financing and reinforcement of organizational capacity Constitution of a Steering dedicated exclusively to the implementation of both plans

Widespread social participation Strong political support Organizational architecture Sustainable financing


E-Gov Initiatives

Information Society Strategic Program Electronic Government Action Plan



National network

State of the Art IT


Information Society Strategic Program Electronic Government Action Plan

ISSAT Certified


IGIS-Integrated Government Information System


Other Systems


Saude Eleitoral








Information Society Strategic Program

Information Technology Infrastructure Network Management

Electronic Government Action Plan


App. Data Bases Sistems Communication

Nation wide Harmonization



Voip Project

Information Society Strategic Program Electronic Government Action Plan

Portugal Embassy

Ministry Health Media Gateway

Content Switching (SIP)

Central Network

Local PSTN

Government Directory LDAP Server Toll GW

Ministry Finance Media Gateway

Local PSTN

PSTN Collab oration

Technological convergence



Information Society Strategic Program Electronic Government Action Plan

More than 50 sites developed and published


WWW The Highway

Information Society Strategic Program Electronic Government Action Plan

Web Oriented Access (n tier Architecture) PKI Infrastructure


National Network
On-Line Institutions Presidencia da Republica Assembleia Nacional Supremo Tribunal Todos os Ministrios Municipalities: Sal, S. Vicente, Praia Projecto Municipios Interior de Santiago Institutes
3.000 Computers in 20.000 Public servants

Information Society Strategic Program Electronic Government Action Plan

10.000 Computers by 2010


Communication Infrastructure

Information Society Strategic Program Electronic Government Action Plan

Completely managed by NOSI


Fixed Wireless

Information Society Strategic Program Electronic Government Action Plan

Mt. Tchota



Sta. Cruz S.D


Fiber Optic Infrastructure

Information Society Strategic Program Electronic Government Action Plan

South America

ATLANTIS II Intercontinantal Fiber Optic Network


Network centrally managed

Information Society Strategic Program Electronic Government Action Plan

500 ns Monitorizao Estatsticas Ver em aco. 150 Dispositivos Routers, Switch, APs, Radios


SIGOF Architecture Central & Local Gvt

Sistema de Preparao do Oramento

Information Society Strategic Program Electronic Government Action Plan

Previses Macroeconmicas Sistema de Informao de suporte

Definio de Limites

Quadro Despesas mdio prazo (QDMP)

Preparao do oramento sectorial


Oramentos anuais

E-Loan Sist. Inf. para gesto de financiamentos doaes e Participaes E-Procurement

Budget Approval Nucleo das Funes da Gesto Financeira

E-Budget execution Receitas Pagamentos Fluxos de Emprstimos e doaes Central Bank


Gesto do Oramento e relatrios E-Accounting (central) Registo de Transaces e Balanos

E-Human Resource Mgt


E-Accounting Sectors

E-Monitoring and Evaluation


Fiscal planning & management

Information Society Strategic Program Electronic Government Action Plan

NOSI implementation

Financial cost US$ 5m Time and effort 7 years

External audit and external review Information feedback

Budget preparation & enactment

Transaction accounting, recording and reporting

Budget execution revenue raising, expenditure, loans


Budget Preparation

Information Society Strategic Program Electronic Government Action Plan

Plafond Macro

Introduo Plafond (DGO)

Publicao de Mapas e Intranet

Introduo proposta (Ministrios)

Negociao e Homologao


Budget Execution

Information Society Strategic Program Electronic Government Action Plan

Inline Agencies


Docs manual expedition

Docs manual expedition

Paper Payment order

Srv1 Accounting Treasury

Central Bank



Unefective archiving

Paper response

Budget Execution

Information Society Strategic Program Electronic Government Action Plan



Financial Controller
Compensa Liquida



Paper free Execution

Phisical Archive

Information Society Strategic Program Electronic Government Action Plan


Document imaging availabe E-Docs

Srv1 Accounting Treasury

Central Bank




Electronic Relationship

DGCI Tax Database

Information Society Strategic Program Electronic Government Action Plan


DGCI / Police Tax Database

Information Society Strategic Program Electronic Government Action Plan


DGCI Tax Database

Information Society Strategic Program Electronic Government Action Plan



Information Society Strategic Program Electronic Government Action Plan


Human Resources

Information Society Strategic Program Electronic Government Action Plan

Administrative management Servants E-File Salaries Budget Integration TAX Integration Social Security Integration

Meter imagens dos RH e salarios


Information Society Strategic Program Electronic Government Action Plan

Sistema Nacional de Identificao e Autenticao Civil

Carto Nacional de Identidade

SGM Servio de Gesto da Mobilidade

Modelo de Recenseamento

Carto Nacional de Identidade

Information Society Strategic Program Electronic Government Action Plan

Facilitar a vida dos cidados, atravs da agregao fsica de vrios cartes (carto federador);

Garantir maior segurana na identificao do cidado Alinhar o sistema de identificao civil dos cidados nacionais com as recomendaes Internacionais e harmonizar com as melhores prticas

Instrumento fundamental para o Sistema Nacional de Identificao e Autenticao Nacional Potenciar o uso dos servios electrnicos, com recurso a meios de autenticao e assinatura digital Contribuir para a melhoria da prestao dos servios pblicos, alinhando a modernizao organizacional e a tecnolgica Potenciar a competitividade nacional por via da reengenharia e da simplificao de processos e procedimentos Racionalizar recursos, meios e custos para o Estado, para os cidados e para as empresas Viabilizar a criao de novos paradigmas para a prestao de servios pblicos




Information Society Strategic Program Electronic Government Action Plan


Information Society Strategic Program Electronic Government Action Plan


Information Society Strategic Program

Modelo Actual de Atendimento

Electronic Government Action Plan

Criar uma empresa?

Servios Pblicos Registos Impostos Municpio Comrcio Industria Turismo

Mltiplos Atendimentos Repetio de formulrios Pouca consistncia Duplicao de esforos Perda de tempo


Information Society Strategic Program

Modelo Actual de Atendimento

Electronic Government Action Plan

Servios Pblicos SA Registos Impostos B R Municpio O K Comrcio E Industria R Turismo

Mltiplos Atendimentos Repetio de formulrios Pouca consistncia Duplicao de esforos Perda de tempo

SS www



House of the Citizen A new paradigm

Information Society Strategic Program Electronic Government Action Plan


One Stop Shop

Information Society Strategic Program Electronic Government Action Plan


Information Society Strategic Program Electronic Government Action Plan


Information Society Strategic Program Electronic Government Action Plan


Information Society Strategic Program

Acesso ao domnio Privado

Electronic Government Action Plan


Information Society Strategic Program Electronic Government Action Plan


Information Society Strategic Program

Integration the main factor

Electronic Government Action Plan


the commitment

Information Society Strategic Program Electronic Government Action Plan


Information Society Strategic Program Electronic Government Action Plan


Information Society Strategic Program Electronic Government Action Plan


Information Society Strategic Program Electronic Government Action Plan


Information Society Strategic Program Electronic Government Action Plan



Information Society Strategic Program Electronic Government Action Plan


Information Society Strategic Program Electronic Government Action Plan


Information Society Strategic Program Electronic Government Action Plan


Information Society Strategic Program Electronic Government Action Plan


Information Society Strategic Program Electronic Government Action Plan

Our Opportunity
Cabo Verde Front Offices Departments Information Systems Data Bases Operating Systems Communications Net. Inf. + advanced ctys


Information Society Strategic Program


Electronic Government Action Plan


Information Society Strategic Program Electronic Government Action Plan

Improving Governance and Service Delivery through E-Government: the Case of Cape Verde

Thank You


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