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BILATERIA, nondeuterostomes

VI. Phylum Arthropoda 3. arth = _____ , pod = _____________

A. most speciose animal phylum B. Characteristics 1. most spp = _________ 2. exoskeleton of chitin -> tough; waxy outer layer ->not dehydrate but ____________ solution = ____________ 4. variable # segments, + fusion/repetition 5. nervous system = ladder fused laterally + anterior-posteriorly; includes brain, + ganglia in other segments

IV. Phylum Arthropoda 6. open circulatory system with tubular heart 7. gas exchange via branched air tubes = trachae; spiracles = openings to in sides of abdomen, thorax

IV. Phylum Arthropoda C. Classes 1. Xiphosura = horseshoe "crabs" = a. marine [b. 6 pairs appendages]

8. osmoregulatory system = [Malpighian] tubules

IV. Phylum Arthropoda C. Classes

1. Arachnida b. orders (1) spiders: (a) abdominal spinnerets (b) _______thorax +

2. Arachnida a. characteristics (1) __ pairs appendages (a) __ pairs walking legs (b) 1 pair chelicerae = mouth pincers or fangs (c) 1 pair pedipalps: sensory or sperm transfer or prey capture (2) __ antennae

(c) book lungs (d) __________ = fangs inject __________ and enzymes into prey

b. orders (1) spiders: (e) 2 of medical concern to humans in U.S. adults ~ .5" long 1. ____________ a. female: shiny black globular abdomen with ventral red hour glass b. neurotoxin, rarely fatal 2. _____________ a. dorsal dark fiddle on _____________ b. -> _______ = tissue death

1. Arachnida b. orders (2) ______________ (a) body = _______ (b) long thin legs, break off, twitch if predator grasps (c) no venom/web (3) _________: venom gland at end of segmented tail

1. Arachnida (4) ______, ______ body 1 unit, often microscopic e.g., chiggers ->____ e.g., deer tick -> ___________



III. Phylum Arthropoda C. Classes 1. Xiphosura 2. Arachnida 3. Class ________ a. chars (1) mostly aquatic (2) 2 pairs antennae b. incl: shrimp, crayfish, lobster, crab, _______ _________:_______, legs out to filter feed

IV. Phylum Arthropoda C. Classes 1. Xiphosura 2. Arachnida 3. Crustacea 4. Insecta a. most speciose animal class 50.8% of all spp, 72% of animals b. __________ = study of insects and relatives c. adult chars (1) head + _____ + _______ (2) _ pair antennae (3) _ pairs of _______walking legs (4) _ pairs of wings usually (5) 2 compound eyes = multifaceted; + ocelli

(6) most spp: complete metamorphosis: larvae wormlike internal wing dev. egg--> _____ --> ____ etc. --> ____--> adult pupa = pop-out stage: wings evaginate; sedentary

(7) some spp incomplete metamorphosis: larvae: mini adults w wing pads external wing dev. so no pop-out stage egg--> ____--> _____ etc. --> adult

Phylum Arthropoda Classes Xiphosura, Arachnida, Crustacea, Insecta 5. _________ [Chilopoda] 1 a. _ pair antennae b. flattened c. 1 pair legs per segment d. venom claws behind head 6. _________ [Diplopoda]+ a. 1 pair antennae _ b. cylindrical c. 2 pairs legs per "segment" d. mostly scavengers

This is supposed to be a _______________, but it is missing what?

You can tell from its legs that its in phylum _____________________.

Which of these are arthropods? ___________________ because ________________

subterranean termites

termites = _____________ mites = ___________ termites mites

_____________ _____________

Why is he called KRUSTY krab? Like all crabs, he is in class ____________

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