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Course Plan Business English 3

1 session = 2 periods (90 mins) Participation Progress Tests Mid term Exam Final Exam Completion Criteria: a) Pass=Total score 5 and Final Exam score 4 (of 10) b) Each part of final exam must be >0. After the first final exam: 1. If not meet a), student must retake all parts of the final exam. 2. If meet a) but not b), student must retake the failed parts only. ME parts Listening (25 min) General-Vocabulary-Reading (40 min) Writing (25 min) FE parts Listening (25 min) General-Vocabulary-Reading (40 min) Writing (25 min) Speaking (5 min/student)
Progress Test Student Homework's Material Student's book and CD, Workbook, Online resource Student's book and CD, Workbook, Online resource Student's book and CD, Workbook, Online resource Student's book and CD, Workbook, Online resource Student's book and CD, Workbook, Online resource Student's book and CD, Workbook, Online resource

10% 20% 30% 40%

25% 50% 25%


Session #############

Content Course Introduction Unit 1: Companies

############# Unit 1: Companies (Cont) Week 1 ############# Unit 2: Leadership Fri (11/01/2013) Unit 2: Leadership (Cont) ############# Unit 3: Strategy ############# Unit 3: Strategy (Cont) 1

############# Unit 4: Pay Unit 4: Pay(Cont) Guide Unit 5

Week 2


Student's book and CD, Workbook, Online resource Student's book and CD, Workbook, Online resource Students must study Unit 5 by themselves Student's book and CD, Workbook, Online resource Student's book and CD, Workbook, Online resource Student's book and CD, Workbook, Online resource Student's book and CD, Workbook, Online resource Student's book and CD, Workbook, Online resource Student's book and CD, Workbook, Online resource Student's book and CD, Workbook, Online resource Student's book and CD, Workbook, Online resource


Review units 1-5

Fri (18/01/2013) Unit 6: Marketing ############# Unit 6: Marketing (Cont) ############# Unit 7: Outsourcing Week 3 ############# Unit 7: Outsourcing (Cont) ############# Unit 8: Finance Fri (25/01/2013) MIDTERM EXAM in CLASS ############# Unit 8: Finance (Cont.) ############# Unit 9: Recruitment Week 4 ############# Unit 9: Recruitment (Cont) ############# Unit 10: Counterfeiting Fri (01/02/2013) ############# Unit 10: Counterfeiting (Cont) 4 3

Student's book and CD, Workbook, Online resource Student's book and CD, Workbook, Online resource Student's book and CD, Workbook, Online resource Student's book and CD, Workbook, Online resource Student's book and CD, Workbook, Online resource Student's book and CD, Workbook, Online resource Student's book and CD, Workbook, Online resource Students must study Unit 13 by themselves Student's book and CD, Workbook, Online resource Student's book and CD, Workbook, Online resource Student's book and CD, Workbook, Online resource Student's book and CD, Workbook, Online resource

Review units 6-10

############# Unit 11: Markets ############# Unit 11: Markets (Cont) Week 5 ############# Unit 12: Lobbies Unit 12: Lobbies (Cont) Guide Unit 13 5

Fri (22/02/2013)

############# Unit 14: Logistics ############# Unit 14: Logistics (Cont) ############# Unit 15: Innovation 6

Week 6

Week 6 ############# Unit 15: Innovation (Cont) Fri (01/03/2013) Review Final Exam on Saturday, March 02, 2013 7 Student's book and CD, Workbook, Online resource Student's book and CD, Workbook, Online resource

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