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Adolfo Ramirez And Adalberto Chavez Period#1 3/6/13

I Choose Questions & Answers

1.What was your first reaction when reading the title of the story? (4 sentences) My first reaction was that why would she die in sixth grade? Did anybody bully her? Was her life almost over or was she just over exaggerating? If she died how did she write about this experience? 2. After reading the story, what does the author really mean when she writes that she died in the sixth grade? Did she really die? Explain your answer using examples from the story (4

sentences). She really didnt die. She was reborn and strong to repair her self. Her heart had just stopped. The doctor declared her as half died. This was a very it was a very distinct death.

3. How does the author describe herself before she died? Go back to the story and find adjectives that describe her personality (2 sentences).
The author describes herself as an out-going person and a compassionate person. She also said she was smart, and sometimes overbearing.

4. In the second paragraph the author says she flat-lined. What does she mean? Look up the word in an online dictionary and write the definition.
Flat-lined means to die or be so near death that the display of one's vital signs on medical monitoring equipment shows a flat line rather than peaks and troughs.

5. How did The Crew influence others in school? Give specific examples that you found throughout the story (4 sentences).
It influenced other schools not to bully. For example, people should have sleepovers to get to know each other better. Dont judge a book by its cover. Another thing that The Crew influenced schools were to stop bulling because people will get hurt and schools dont want to get sued.

6. The author mentions that the girls at the sleep over were 11

going on 17 then she states that she was content to be a kid for a while longer. How is it possible to be 11 going on 17? Describe some of the things the girls wanted to do that werent age appropriate (4 sentences). They wrote a mean letter to her. They said she was a crybaby. In which everyone cries. They also said she was uninteresting. Those decisions made them sound childish. 7. What were 3 specific negative effects the bullying had on the author (4 sentences)?
Three affects were the crew didnt like her. They called her bad words such as, BITCH. They slapped her and made fun of her. They also kicked her a lot.

8. When did things finally turn around for her? What exactly happened? How did she feel (4 sentences)? Things turned around for her. When she got married. She felt good because it said she wouldve been ok if she were a gamer or a geek. She went several years without an incident.

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