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Name: Joshua Nelson Social Class: Knight


Middle Ages Webquest #8 The Crusades Research Chart

Answer (Your research): Source Information: (*more than web address *author, date of access, copyright/update date)

1. Who are the Muslims? 2. What do the Muslims control that the Christians want? 3. Who called the Crusades? --What are the reasons we need to have a Crusade? --What is a Crusader? --What are you thoughts about this? --See this link

Muslims are people are Islam. Mr. Pennington Jerusalem Pope Urban II The Christians wanted to take Jerusalem for their own. A Crusader is someone that fought in the war. I think that the war was not needed and they could have just divided the city. You would have to travel over deserts and mountains. This would slow down the Crusades. Mr. Pennington Mr. Pennington

4. Explain the travel to the Holy Land on the first Crusade--Take a few minutes on Google Earth, or find a topographical map of Europe and travel from France to Jerusalem. Describe the land you would travel over. How did it impact the crusaders? Listen to Chapter 10 Red Blood Horse at the top of this quest. What was travel by sea like during the Third Crusades. Describe how you would feel dealing with this travel. 5. Give five to ten details about the each of the following: -First Crusade -Third Crusade. Be sure to talk about King Richard and Saladin. Use this interactive map: Notice, Third Crusade water travel is used. The following question are based on your own thinking...

http://www.worldmapsonline. com/klett_extra_large_europe _physical.htm

Everyone was sick. The ships stank and were dark. The ships rocked back and forth. I would feel miserable and wish it was over. 1. There were about 700,000 knights. 2.100,000 were mailed. 3. Pope urban II orders first crusade 4.The army marched around the walls of Jerusalem before taking it. 5. The Christians won. 1. Saladin was in charge of the muslims 2.King Richard was in charge


of the Christians 3. The Muslims won 4.There were 600,000 christian soldiers 5.Saladin was kind to King Richard
6. What did the Crusades say about the power of the Catholic Church in peoples lives? 7. What was your role in the crusades (as a member of your class)? Why did you go? What was in it for you? 8. What are 5-8 lasting effects of the Crusades--(See Reading below these questions). Think about this statement: When two cultures collide neither remains the same. What does it mean?

The Catholic Church can motivate many people. I was fighting. I went because I would get a free pass to heaven. 1. Muslims and Christians still fight. 2. Trade increased between Asia and Europe 3. Politics in Europe changed 4. Many people didn't trust each other. 5.Kings increased their power.

Mr. Pennington

Mr. Pennington


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