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Pay Scales

It has been decided to revise the existing pay scales for the employees of the Federation (excluding Industrial Units) w.e.f. 1.1.2004 as follows: Designation Peon, Chowkidar Gr.I Peon / Chowkidar / Sweeper Grading Attendant Mech. Helper, Jamadar / Daftry Clerk-cum-Typist /Jr. Field Rep. Driver Gr.I /R.O.-I / Jr.Mech. Jr.Auctioneer / Munim-I / Maint.Attdt. / Steno Typist / Jr.Asstt. / Jr. A/c. Asstt. / Tel.Operator / Proof Reader / Plant Operator / Sr. Despatch Rider / Sr. Electrician / Field Rep. Asstt. / Accounts / Audit Asstt. / MODEO / Steno / Sr. Field Rep. Chargeman Sr. Asstt. /PA /Sr. MODEO / AuctioneerII /Munim-III / Sr. Maintenance Atten. /RO-III/Hindi Translator/ Driver-III / Jr. Accountant /Supervisorcum-Foreman / Overseer (Civil) AM-II /*AM-II (Accounts)/PS / Sr. Stat. Asstt. / Sr. Driver /Junior Programmer / Jr.SSE / Jr.Engineer / Incharge Quality Control / Sr. Hindi Translator Asstt. Manager / *AM(Accounts) / EDPO / Programmer / S.E. / Asstt. Engineer / Sales-cum-ServiceEngineer Dy. Manager / *Dy.M(Accounts) / Civil Engineer Manager / Sr.C.E. General Manager Executive Director Additional M.D. Managing Director Existing Pay Scale 850-15-1000-201100 900-20-1140-251715 930-25-1480-301900 1025-25-1150-301600-35-1950 1110-30-1260-401460-50-2210 Revised Pay Scale 3850-60-4450-805650 4000-100-5000-1256875 4050-150-5550-1758175 4350-200-6350-2258600 4600-250-7100-2759850

*Designations changed vide OO No.28 dated 25.1.05. 2. The broad principles adopted for such revision are as under:
a) Five elements of pay i.e. Basic, Dearness Pay, Adhoc Allowance, Incidental Allowance and Interim Relief have been clubbed together and the minimum of the revised Pay scales has begun at the nearest higher fifty rupees of the amount arrived at after clubbing the above mentioned five components of pay. For example in the case of Peon, the figure after clubbing these five elements comes to Rs.3818/-.Therefore, the pay scale of a Peon has started at Rs.3850/- and so on. b) The slab of increment has been appropriately fixed to protect the raise that an employee got on increment in the old scale at present. c) A minimum of 20 years span in each scale has been kept to ensure that no stagnation crops up at any stage at least for next five years.

1430-40-1550-501650-60-1950-752550 1550-50-1700-601880-75-2255100-2955 1640-90-2180100-3380

5500-275-8250-37512000 5850-350-9350-37513100 6100-400-10100425-14350



3. The fixation of pay in the new scale shall be done by clubbing together the Basic pay, Dearness Pay, Interim Relief, Incidental Allowance and Adhoc Allowance presently drawn by the individual employee and his/her basic pay shall be fixed at the stage equal thereto, if there happens to be one or at the next higher stage in the scale to that amount. 4. Consequent upon the revision of pay scales, the entitlement of employees with regard to travelling / daily allowance, leave travel concession, city compensatory allowance, overtime allowance, local conveyance, various advances like conveyance advance/house



3340-190-5620 4300-200-6700 4700-220-7340 5000-240-7880 5500-270-8740 6500-270-9740

11700-650-24700 13050-700-27050 13650-750-28650 14200-800-30200 15450-850-32450 17250-900-35250

building advance etc. shall be correspondingly changed to ensure that they remain the same as under the pre-revised scales. Thus, there will be no upward revision in these entitlements due to revision of pay scales. 5. House Rent Allowance @ 30% shall be admissible to employees on the revised basic pay. 6. The amount of Dearness Allowance admissible to the employees as on 31.12.2003 shall stand frozen at 59% and shall not be taken into account for the purpose of calculation of other allowances. It has been decided by the Executive Committee in their meeting held on 7.3.2006 to revise the formula for grant of Fixed DA to the employees under the revised pay scales. As per this decision, the fixed DA shall now have a direct relation with the basic pay of employees and shall be admissible at the following percentages at different stages mentioned below:S. Basic Pay No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Up to Rs.4500/Rs.4501/- to Rs.6500/Rs.6501/- to Rs.7000/Rs.7001/- to Rs.10000/Rs.10001/- to Rs.20000/Above Rs.20000/Percentage of Fixed DA 23% 25% 27% 29% 31% 33%

salary bill, which shall be adjusted against increases in FDA by virtue of grant of future increments. This order came into force w.ef. 1.4.2006. (Ref OO NO.36 dated 31.3.2006) 7. However, Dearness Allowance announced by the Government of India w.e.f. 01.01.2004 shall be admissible to the employees of the Federation as Additional Dearness Allowance, to be computed on the revised basic pay. 8. The increment due to the employees from 01.01.2004 onwards shall be granted on the revised pay scales. 9. The above orders come into force w.e.f. 01.01.2004. (Ref. O.O. No. 11 dated 19.08.2004) II. Pay Fixation

The Rule 19 (2) of the Staff Regulations which deals with the fixation of pay of employees on promotion has been modified and may be read as under: Whenever any employee holding a post in a substantive, temporary or officiating capacity is promoted / appointed in a substantive, temporary or officiating capacity to another post carrying duties and responsibilities of greater importance than those attached to the post held by him, his initial pay in the time scale of the

However, if there is a drop in the total emoluments of any employee due to re-fixation of FDA formula as stated above, the same shall be protected by grant of personal pay in the monthly

higher post shall be fixed at the stage next above the pay notionally arrived at by increasing his pay in respect of the lower post by one increment at the stage at which such pay has accrued. Provided that where an employee is, immediately before his promotion or appointment to a
higher post drawing pay at the maximum of the time scale of the lower post, his initial pay in the time scale of the higher post shall be fixed at the stage next above the pay notionally arrived at by increasing his pay in respect of the lower post by an amount equal to the last increment in the time scale of lower post. This amendment force w.e.f. 01.11.1982. comes

cash handled refers only to payment made (in cash) excluding payments by cheques/drafts. This also excludes all receipts. The quantum of allowance is fixed on the basis of average monthly cash handled during the cooperative year preceding the year to which the allowance relates. The allowance is admissible w.e.f. the date the employee starts handling cash.
* Average monthly cash handled 1. 2. 3. 4. Cash allowance** admissible (p.m.) Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs. 180/-

Upto Rs. 75,000/Over Rs. 75,000/- and /upto Rs. 2,00,000/Over Rs. 2,00,000/- and upto Rs. 5,00,000/Over Rs. 5,00,000/-




(Ref. HO/AD/12/5/74-75 dated 07.11.1974 as amended vide O.O. No. HO/FA/A(3)/ 82-83, dated 09.02.1983) ** Ref. OO No.15 dated 16.9.2004. Proposal for grant of special pay in respect of the employees for handling cash may be sent in the enclosed prescribed proforma.
* Revised w.e.f. 02.10.1988 vide O.O. No. 37 dated 21.09.1990. # Enhanced from Rs. 30/- to Rs. 65/- p.m. w.e.f. 02.10.1988 vide O.O. No. 08, dated 18.04.1991.

(Ref. O.O. 21, dated 14.11.1983) III. Special Pay Admissibility

Special pay shall be taken into consideration for calculation of all allowances including bonus but not for ad-hoc allowance. Deduction towards PF should also be made. For calculation of HRA and CCA this pay shall be considered along with Basic, DA and ADA (Up to 320 points). This has also to be taken for determining the pay range to derive the incide-ntal allowance payable to employees. (Ref. HO/AC/15/(1)/78-79 dated 29.05.1979) Following allowances treated as special pay : (i) Cash Allowance shall be 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

Statement of details of cash Disbursed during the Coop. Year Name of Office Sl. Month No. April May June July August September October November December Amount of cash disbursed (Rs.)

Cash allowance is admissible to the employees of the Federation who handle cash. The quantum of allowance varies according to the amount of cash handled. The term

10. 11. 12.

January February March _____________ Total Rs. _____________ Average cash disbursed Per month Rs. ______________________ Also certified that the above details of cash do not include payments made by cheques, drafts as also all receipts, during the cooperative year
Acctt./AAO Head Regional/Branch Manager Sectional

7.3.2006 vide Office Order No.34 dated 24.3.2006 as per the decision taken by the Executive Committee in their meeting held on 7.3.2006.

(iii) Stenography Allowance Field Jr. Assistants/[Assistant/Senior Representatives

(Ref:HO/AD/12/5/A/87-88 dated 09.11.1987) (ii) Telex Allowance The employees of the Federation other than Telex operator who are operating Telex Machines in Bombay, Delhi, Madras, Calcutta and Ahmedabad (and Jamnagar) offices are granted a special pay of Rs. 235* p.m.# w.e.f. 15.02.1980 instead of telex allowance. (Ref. O.O. No. 14, dated 27.08.1980) *Revised vide OO No.15 dated 16.9.2004. The work of Telex operation shall be entrusted only to the employees equivalent to the rank of Junior Assistants/ Assistants, having knowledge of telex operation. All Regional/Branch Managers are, therefore, requested to keep the above decision in mind, while entrusting the duties of telex operation to the employees. All such proposals should also be sent to the Head Office in time for consideration. (Ref. O.O. No. 04, dated 20.04.1990)

(Sr.Assistants and Assistant Managers-II_ also added w.e.f. 7.3.2006 vide Office Order No.34 dated 24.3.2006 as per decision taken by the Executive Committee in their meeting held on 7.3.2006.)
who know shorthand and are at times required to do stenographic work in addition to their own duties can be allowed special pay at the rate of Rs. 235/-* p.m.# This pay would be admissible only if the duration of such duties is more than 30 days and post of the Stenographer/PA against which he/she is required to perform duties is vacant.

(Sr.Assistants and Assistant Managers-II_ also added w.e.f. 7.3.2006 vide Office Order No.34 dated 24.3.2006 as per decision taken by the Executive Committee in their meeting held on 7.3.2006.)
The Branch Manager/immediate officers should recommend such cases for special pay only if there is sufficient justification for the same. Recommendation for the past periods shall not be taken into account. (Ref. O.O. No. HO/AD/P-403/77-78 dated 02.09.1977 read with O.O. No. 47 dated 02.05.1981). *Revised vide OO No.15 dated 16.9.2004.

NOTE: The Special Pay for operating Telex Machine has been discontinued w.e.f.


Special Pay Accounts work



(vi) Special pay for Peons/Chowki-dars/working as Drivers The Peons/Chowkidars working as Drivers of three wheeler scooter will henceforth be paid special pay of Rs. 215/- per month instead of special allowance of Rs.40/- per month in addition to their own grade pay. These orders come into force w.e.f. 01.03.1976 (Ref. HO/AD/1-43 dated 27.02.1976) Ref.OO No.15 dated 16.9.2004 (vii) Special pay for operating FAX Machine It has been decided that employees who operate FAX Machine in addition to their normal duties will be granted a special pay of Rs. 235/per month. This pay would be admissible only if the duration is of 30 days or more. This allowance will be treated as pay for computing other allowances etc. This order comes into force with immediate effect. Ref.OONo.15 dated 16.9.2004.

It has been decided that Junior Assistant and Field Representative who possess accounts qualifications and are required to do accounts work in the absence of accounts personnel in a Division/ branch will be eligible for grant of a special pay of Rs. 235/-* per month. This pay would, however, be admissible only if the dura-tion of such duties is more than a month. Specific cases may be referred to Head Office for sanction. This order takes effect from 16.12.1985. (Ref. O.O. No. 42, dated 14.01.1986) Revised vide OO No.15 dated 16.9.2004. --------------------------------------------------------# [Added w.e.f. 27.09.1985 vide O.O. No. 32, dated 14.10.1985] **[Increased from Rs. 40/- to Rs. 60/- w.e.f. 01.03.1986 vide O.O. No. 59, dated 26.02.1986]

(v) Special pay for duplicating machine


It has been decided to revise the special pay from Rs. 65/- to Rs. 235/p.m.# for operating duplicating machine by the Peons, in the absence of a regular Roeno Operator. This order comes into force with immediate effect. (Ref. O.O. 49 dated 26.03.1987) Ref.OO No.15 dt.16.9.2004.

(Fax Allowance has been discontinued w.e.f. 1.9.2005 as per decision of EC dated 3.8.2005. OO No.15 dated 8.9.2005 has been issued in this regard.)
IV. Special Allowance

NOTE: The Special Pay for operating Duplicating Machine has been discontinued w.e.f. 7.3.2006 vide Office Order No.34 dated 24.3.2006 as per the decision taken by the Executive Committee in their meeting held on 7.3.2006.

This is not the pay and hence does not carry any other allowances. Normally this type of allowance is being paid as fixed amount or in some cases at some fixed percentage on Basic Pay. No deduction towards Provident Fund is to be made on this. (i) Special Allowance to Chowkidars (Night Watchmen)

The normal duty hours for night watchmen are 8 hours but under the (shop and establishment) Act this can 5

be spread over to 10 hours daily for which an allowance of Rs. 60/-** per month will be paid. For remaining hours of duty overtime allowance as per rules shall be admissible. (Ref.HO/AD/8/19/77-78 01.05.1978) (ii) (a) Dual Charge Allowance Dual charge allowance will be admissible to an employee for performing duties of another employee of equivalent or higher post in addition to ones own normal duties. This allowance will be admissible for a period not less than 30 days and for not more than 6 months, In cases where dual charge allowance has to be paid for period exceeding 6 months approval of the Executive Committee shall be necessary. Dual charge allowance will be admissible equivalent to 10%* of the basic pay when an employee performs the duties of a higher post in addition to his own normal duties. Dual charge allowance will be admissible equivalent to 5%* of the Basic Pay when an employee performs the duties of an equivalent post in addition to his own normal duties. The employees who are entitled to draw the overtime allowance will have the option to claim either OTA or the dual charge allowance, as only one allowance out of the two will be admissible at a time. Option once exercised shall be final. The dual charge allowance shall neither be treated as special pay nor shall carry any other additional allowance thereon whatsoever. The underlying idea for grant of allowance is that whenever a situation arises where it becomes dated

difficult to carry on the normal work in the absence of a particular employee, it would be specifically entrusted to someone else in the exigencies of office work as it may not be feasible to appoint a new person for short duration. In such cases, however, prior approval from HO may invariably be obtained.
(Ref. HO/AD/5/66/78-79 dated 31.07.1978 as amended by O.O. of even number dated 23.10.1978, 05.02.1979 and 24.02.1979) * [Revised w.e.f. 02.10.1988 vide O.O. No. 20, dated 10.08.1990


Hardship Allowance

1. It has been decided that hereinafter Hardship Allowance may be sanctioned only in cases, where the following conditions are complied with by an employee (including officers) of the Federation working in its different locations other than industrial Units: (i) (ii) Where employee is not paid Overtime Allowance. Where duty time begins 3 hours before the normal working hours, i.e. 9.30 a.m. or Where the job begins at the normal working hours but lasts quite late in the evening, i.e. till 9.00 p.m. or after and the assignment involves duties outside the office regularly. (iii) Where the work is of a regular nature involving reporting/ leaving time as indicated in para 2 above for a minimum period of 2 months continuously. Where the employee is also supposed to attend to the job assigned to him even on Sundays and other holidays, in addition to the above







requirements as indicated in para 2. (v) Where the duration of duty hours exceeds 10 hours per day.

This 15.9.89.





(Ref. O.O. No. 28 dated 13.10.1989 and O.O. No. 47 dated 12.12.1990) V. Dearness Allowance


The Hardship Allowance will not be taken into consideration for benefits of Provident Fund, Bonus, Gratuity or any other such benefits. The Hardship Allowance shall be drawn only for the period for which all the above conditions are complied with and not thereafter or before. This allowance shall not be admissible, irrespective of hours of duty, while on tour, where the employee is governed by the TA/DA Rules of the Federation. The amount of Hardship Allowance shall be decided only by the sanctioning authority in each case on merits considering nature of the duties and duration thereof. The Hardship Allowance shall not be paid until it has been approved by the sanctioning authority. The old cases reopened. shall not be

The dearness allowance to the employees of the Federation will be payable at same rates as notified by the Central Government for its employees. VI. (i) House Rent Allowance House Rent Allowance will be paid to the employees of the Federation at the rate of 30% of basic pay plus dearness pay irrespective of place of posting and without production of rent receipt. Income Tax Liability, if any on account of HRA shall be borne by the employee. HRA will not be admissible to those employee who occupy accommodation provided by the Federation. In such cases rent up to 10% of basic shall be borne by the employees themselves.








7. 8.

This order comes into force with effect from the date of issue of this order. HO/AD/5/145/78-79 29.08.1978) Special Allowance RM(WZ)/BM, Bombay dated to

The payment on account of HRA will be rounded off to the nearest 10 paise. (Ref. HO/AD/5/6/73-74 dated 15.06.1974 as amended by O.O. No. 47 dated 20.04.1982 and O.O. No.03 dated 24.8.1998) VII. City Compensatory Allowance (CCA) (i) Payment on account of CCA is to be made at the rates prescribed by the Central Govt. for its employee and the payment will be rounded off to nearest 10 paise. Consequent upon revision of City Compensatory Allowance, by Government of India it has been decided by the Competent 7

(Ref. (iii)

It has been decided to allow a special allowance of Rs. 650/- and Rs. 550/- per month (lumpsum) with the post of RM (WZ) and BM, Bombay respectively.


Authority that CCA will be admissible to the employees of the NAFED on the following revised rates and classification of cities: Pay Range** cities (Basic pay) Amount of CCA in Class of (Rs. Per month) _______________________________ A-1 A B-1 B-2 90/65/95/45/- 25/65/- 35/-

Rajasthan Tamilnadu


Jaipur Lucknow Kanpur -

Uttar Pradesh West Bengal

Kolkata -

(Ref. O.O. No. 31 dated 23.3.2005 ) IX. Assam Allowance Compensatory

Below Rs. 4100/-

Rs.4101/- to Rs.5699/-125/-

Rs.5700/- to Rs.7249/-200/- 150/- 100/- 65/Rs.7250/- & above 300/- 240/- 180/- 120/-

**Revised vide 23.08.2004




This is not the city compensatory allowance. This allowance is admissible to employees of the Federation posted at Guwahati Branch at the following rates w.e.f. 01.11.1973 until further order: Pay range Rate of allowance

Andhra Pradesh Assam Bihar Chandigarh Chattisgarh Delhi Gujarat Jammu & Kashmir Jharkhand Karnataka Hyderabad. Delhi -



Below Rs. 750/- p.m. 3.5% of pay subject to a Maximum of Rs. 10/- p.m. Rs. 750/- p.m. & above Amount by which pay falls short of Rs. 759/- p.m.

Guwahati Chandigarh Srinagar Jammu Ranchi Raipur

Patna -

(Ref.HO/AD/5/15/77-78 dated 03.11.1977) X. Composite Hill Compensatory Allow-ance for Shimla and Srinagar staff.

Ahme- Rajkot dabad -

Bangalore -



Kozhikode (Calicut)

Madhya Pradesh

Indore -

It has been decided to grant composite hill compensatory allowance in lieu of existing hill compensatory allowance, Winter Allowance and CCA to the employees posted at Shimla and Srinagar Branches of the Federation, subject to the fulfillment of other conditions for grant of Hill Compensatory Allowance at the following rates : *

Maharashtra Orissa Bhuvneshwar Punjab

Mumbai Pune -

Nashik Ludhiana -

[Sl. Pay range* No. month

Rate of Composite H.C.A.(Rs.) per 50/-

1. Below Rs. 3910/-

2. Rs3910/- & above but below Rs. 5775/3. Rs. 5775/- & above but below Rs7300/4. Rs. 7300/- and above


The employees whose entitlement for drawl of composite hill compensatory allowance is reduced from the existing admissible amount, as a sequel to revision of pay scales, shall continue to draw composite hill compensatory allowance as per the existing entitlement until they reach the next higher salary range prescribed for the purpose. In other words, this means that there would not be any reduction in the amount of composite hill compensatory allowance presently drawn by any employee as a result of revision of pay scale.]

(ii) The amount of adhoc allowance paid to the employees shall not be treated as pay for any other purpose such as computing of DA, Incidental Allowance, Telex Allowance, Cash Handling Allowance and for any other allowance related to salary. (iii) This allowance has been sanctioned strictly on adhoc basis and shall not form part of the service condition of the employees. (Ref. O.O. No. 16 & 17 dated 17.09.1980)

XII. Incidental Allowance(Merged with basic pay vide office order No.11 dated 19.8.2004) The Board of Directors in its meeting held on 28.10.1997 have approved the following enhanced rates of Incidental Allowance for employees of the level of General Manager and below as under: Sl. No. 1. 2. 3. 4. Pay Range Rates of Incidental Allowance (Rs.) 375/500/555/630/p.m. p.m. p.m. p.m.

[Revised w.e.f. 02.10.1988 vide O.O. No. 9 dated 24.05.1990.] Revised vide OO No.15 dated 16.9.2004. 2. The pay for the purpose of these orders will include, in addition to the basic pay in the existing scale, Dearness Allowance appropriate to that pay admissible under orders in existence on 31st December, 1985. 3. The payment of composite H.C.A. to the eligible employees will be made w.e.f. 12.10.1987 after adjusting the amount paid to them as H.C.A. and CCA wherever applicable. (Ref. O.O. No. 15, dated 20.07.1989) XI. Ad hoc Allowance (Merged with basic pay vide office order No.11 dated 19.8.2004) (i) This allowance is admissible at the rate of 10% of basic pay plus Dearness Allowance to the employees of the Federation who are in the regular scale of pay without any restriction on maximum amount w.e.f. 01.07.1977.

Upto Rs. 1650/Rs. 1651/- to Rs. 3229/Rs. 3230/- to Rs. 4539/Rs. 4540/- and above


(figures have been rounded off to the next higher Rs.

The above orders will come into force w.e.f. 28.10.1997. All other terms and conditions governing the grant of Incidental Allowance shall remain unchanged. (Ref. O.O. No. 11, dated 20.11.1997) XIII. Washing Allowance The washing allowance will be admissible to employees who have been provided with uniform at the rate of Rs. 100/-* p.m. No washing allowance shall be paid during regular leave other than casual leave exceeding 15 days.

XIV. Children Education Allowance In pursuance of resolution No. 16 (viii) of the meeting of the Executive Committee held on 25.11.1986, it has been decided to grant Children Education Allowance to employees of the Federation at the rate of Rs. 200/-** per dependent child per month subject to a maximum of Rs. 400/-** covering any two children. The other terms and conditions governing grant of Children Education Allowance are indicated below: 1. All employees in the regular service of the Federation will be eligible for this allowance.
* Amended vide O.O. No. 02 dated 24.4.97 and effective w.e.f. 01.04.97.

Nursery/Lower KG/Upper KG or KG class. The matter has been examined and it is clarified that if a child has attained the age of 4 years and is studying in any of the preparatory class i.e. Nursery, Lower KG, Upper KG, KG, Prep. etc. the Children Education Allowance will be admissible in respect of him/her.

(Ref. O.O. No. 24, dated 25.02.1993)

3. This allowance will not be admissible in respect of a child for more than two academic years in the same class. When a child is withdrawn from a school for admission to another school during the same month, the allowance will be admissible for one month only. 4. This allowance will cover all expenses relating to education of the child i.e. tuition fee, science fee, library fee, books etc. 5. This allowance will not be admissible to the children of the deceased, retired or discharged employees of the Federation. However, if an employee of the Federation dies in the middle of the academic year, the allowance will be admissible till the end of the academic year. 6. The allowance will be admissible during the period of the vacations in the schools. 7. The allowance will be admissible to employees on production of the original receipts(s) of the concerned school(s) of their child/children for payment of fees in the beginning of academic session every year alongwith declaration in the revised form at Annexure-I. In case, it is not possible to produce the original receipt for payment of fees for any reason, such employees may produce a certificate in the enclosed proforma (Annexure-II) from the Head of the school of their child/children in the beginning of academic session every year for claiming the Children Education Allowance. After scrutiny of these documents, sanction for grant of

Where both husband and wife are in the service of the Federation, the allowance will be admissible to one of them only. In case where either husband or wife is in State/Central Government service, the allowance be admissible to the employees furnishing a declaration that Children Education Allowance has been claimed by him/ her from State/Central Government. will on the not the

2. The allowance will be admissible in respect of Children of employees between the age group of four and twenty one years studying in Prep. to 12th class and further higher education in a recognised school / Institution. It shall commence from the month following that in which the child attains the age of four and shall cease at the end of academic year in which the child attains the age of 21 years.*

Note : The Children Education Allowance Rules of the Federation, inter-alia, provide that the allowance will be admissible in respect of children of employees between the age group of four and twenty one* year studying in Prep. to 12th class and further higher education. Doubts have been raised whether this allowance is admissible to a child who is studying in 10

Children Education Allowance will be issued. 8. The concerned Accounts Officer in Head Office who deals with the paybills is authorised to pass payment of Children Education Allowance in respect of employees who fulfil the requirement enjoined vide Office Order No. 29, dated 15.01.1987. 9. In respect of employees posted in Regional and Branch Offices, the concerned Regional/ Branch Managers are similarly authorised. A certificate about the date of birth of the wards of the employees from the employee concerned shall be sufficient to meet the eligibility requirement in this regard. The payment on account of Children Education Allowance may be made through the monthly pay bills to facilitate calculation of income-tax as this allowance is taxable.

Marketing Federation of India Ltd., No. 1, Sidhartha Enclave, Ashram Chowk, New Delhi 110014 Sub: Application for reimbursement of Children Education Allowance I certify that my child/children in respect of whom Children Education Allowance is claimed is/are wholly dependent upon me and is/are studying in the school(s) and class(es) as under : Name of which Child Date of birth School in which studying Class in studying



2. I also certify that my wife/husband is not in NAFED/Govt. service and that no allowance has been claimed by her/him from Government/NAFED (strike out whichever is not applicable). 3. I enclose original receipt No, dated issued by the School authorities toward payment of fees of my above mentioned child/children for April, 19.. 4. No bill/receipt is being issued by the school authorities. I am, therefore, enclosing a certificate from school of my above mentioned child/children in the prescribed proforma. 5. The amount of Rs. . for children education allowance admissible vide Office Order No. 29 dated 15.01.1987 may please be paid to me. Signature Name of the employee.. Designation. Section. Dated.. Office .. Ref. O.O.No.29 dated 15.1.1987 Ref. O.O.No.02 dated 24.4.1997 Ref. O.O.No.47 dated 6.3.1987 11

All employees may, therefore, submit their claims for payment of Children Education Allowance to the concerned Accounts Officer or the Regional/Branch Offices, as the case may be. 12. Production of original receipt for payment of School fees or School certificate during the middle of each academic year by the employees has been dispensed with, excepting in cases of transfer of children from one School to the other. Employees whose children are studying in unrecognised schools will also be eligible for reimbursement of Children Education Allowance.


Annexure-I The Managing Director, National Agricultural Cooperative

Ref. O.O.No.30 dated 18.11.1987

academic session entertained in future.





(Ref. O.O. No. 39, dated 18.12.1987) XV. Dearness Pay (Merged with basic pay vide office order No.11 dated 19.8.2004) According to the Rules of NAFED, DA to the employees of the Federation will be payable at same rate as notified by the Central Govt. for its employees, from time to time. Consequent upon revision of the pay scale for its employees on the recommendation of the Vth Pay Commis-sion, neutralising/merging the DA as on 01.01.1996, Govt. of India have announced revised rates of DA effective from 01.07.96, and 01.01.97 @ 4% each and @ 5% w.e.f. 01.07.97. Board of Directors, in their meeting held on 20th October, 1997 decided that the DA on the pattern of the rates applicable to the Central Govt. Employees may be given to NAFED employees, as indicated below: The DA on the rates applicable as on 01.01.96 on the current basic pay (w.e.f. 01.07.97 and so on) as indicated hereunder may be treated as Dearness Pay for calculating/releasing DA to NAFED employees w.e.f. 01.07.97 The revised DA shall be payable @13% on existing basic pay plus Dearness Pay to be worked out as per above formula w.e.f. 01.07.97 Subsequent installments of DA as and when released by the Govt. of India shall be payable to NAFED employees on the rates announced by the Govt. of India from time to time. Formula for working Dearness Pay for purpose of allowing payment of Dearness Allowance @ 13% w.e.f. 01.07.97.
Sl. No. Pay range DA payable as on 1.1.96 for calculating Dearness Pay (DP)

.. School (Name of the Institution & Address) Certified that Shri/Miss .. Son/daughter of Shri/Mrs... Is a student of .. class since (date from which continuously studying in the same class). He/She has paid tuition fees at the rate of Rs. . per month for the period from . to . Dated .. Principal/Headmaster/ Headmistress (Office Stamp)

Reimbursement of Children Education Allowance preferring of claims Instance have come to notice that the employees are preferring their claims for reimbursement of Children Education Allow-ance, in respect of their wards, much after the expiry of a particular academic year. This is not proper. It has, therefore, been decided that the employees should normally prefer their claims for Children Education Allowance under the existing orders in the beginning of the academic session. In case it is not possible to do so, due to certain cogent reasons, the claims may be submitted later during the session but before the close of the particular session. The claims of employees for Children Education Allowance received after the close of the particular 12

1. Basic pay upto Rs. 3500/- p.m.

148% of pay

2. Basic pay above 111% of pay subject to Rs. 3500/- p.m. & upto a minimum of Rs. 6000/- p.m. Rs. 5180/p.m. 3. Basic pay above Rs. 6000/- p.m. of 96% of pay subject to a minimum Rs. 6660/- p.m.

organising of Trade Fairs/Exhibitions within/out-side Delhi by working beyond the normal working hours as under: Sl. Duration of Exhibition/Amount of Special No.Trade Fair in Delhi Compensation outside Allowance 1. Upto one week (7 days) Rs.500/Rs.100/- per day subject to the maximum of lump-sum.

The Dearness Allowance will continue to be a distinct element of remuneration and will not be treated as pay. The payment on account of Dearness Allowance involving fractions of 50 paise and above may be rounded off to the next higher rupee and fractions of less than 50 paise may be ignored. (Ref. O.O. No. 12, dated 20.11.1997) XVI. Grant of Special Compensation Allowance to employees on par-ticipation in Fairs/Exhibitions regarding The Executive Committee in its meeting held on 21.10.1997 has modified the Rules relating to grant of Special Compensation Allowance and the rates of Special Compensation Allowance as stipulated in office order No. 24 dated 25.08.1994 payable to the employees by the Federation who actually take up the work of setting-up/

2. 8 days to 15 days Rs. 600/- plus additional Rs. 100/- per day subject To the maximum of Rs. 1000/- lump-sum. 3. 16 days to 31 days Rs. 1100/- plus additional Rs. 100/- per day subject to the maximum of Rs. 1500/- lump-sum.

The above allowance is not admissible to those employees who are deputed to attend the normal duty in the Exhibition/Trade Fairs as a Guide/Procurement and delivery of material or for the briefing purpose etc. during the timing of the exhibition. The Competent Authority for grant of Special Compensation Allowance for the said work shall be the Managing Director. This order comes into force w.e.f. 21.10.1997. (Ref. O.O. No. 16, dated 16.01.1998


Provision of Bonus payable to employees under the payment of Bonus Act 1965 for the Cooperative Year 1984-85

This is in continuation of our circular of even reference dated 1st August 1985 on the subject cited above. 2. In view of the Ordinance issued by the Government of India, provision of Bonus at the rate of 8.33% for the Coop. Year 1984-85 is to be made in respect of employees whose salary does not exceed Rs. 2500/- p.m. Since necessary provision has already been made in respect of employees drawing salary upto Rs. 1600/-, bonus may also be provided in respect of remaining employees eligible under the payment of Bonus Act. 3. For the purpose of calculation of bonus, the meaning of salary and employee will mean same as defined in the circular under reference. Also an employees shall be entitled to bonus in the accounting year provided he has worked in the Federation for not less than 30 days in the year. 4. In case of employees drawing salary more than Rs. 1600/- p.m. calculation of bonus will be made as if the said employees are in receipt of salary at the rate of Rs. 1600/- p.m. No bonus will however be paid to an employee for the period for which his/her salary exceeds Rs. 2500/p.m. 5. The detailed calculation of bonus in respect of each employee of your branch be sent to us for our record. 6. Please disburse 8% interim bonus to the employees out of provision made as advised above immediately. 7. Please ensure that entries for payment of bonus are recorded in the Bonus Register. Income Tax may also be deducted while relea-sing bonus, wherever applicable. 8. Payment advice for this purpose may be issued to the respective branches in respect of employees transferred from your office to other

locations of the Federation under intimation to Head Office. 9. In case of any difficulty, reference may be made to us. (Ref. HO/FA/21/20/85-86 dated 08.11.1985) B. No Special Pay during leave period exceeding 10 days.

O.O. No. 16 dated 16.01.1998 and O.O. No. 12 dated 20.11.1997.

In accordance with rules governing pay and allowance of the Federation, different kinds of special pay and special allowances are admissible to the employees for performing various types of duties. It has come to notice that such of the employees who have been sanctioned special pay/special allowance continue to draw the same even during their leave period/ tour irrespective of the fact that they have not been performing additional duties during these periods, for which the special pay/allowance was granted to them. It has, therefore, been decided that if an employee who is in receipt of special pay/special allowance does not attend office for any reason including tour, for more than 30* days, his/her special pay/allowance shall be proportionately reduced for such absence.

It has also been decided that the action regarding stoppage/recommencement of special pay/allowance may be taken by the concerned branch managers at the unit level. In the case of HO, similar action may be taken by the concerned Sectional Head who will send intimation to Accounts Section, HO for the purpose. Copies of the communication for stoppage/recommencement of special pay/allowance shall be endorsed to Pers. Section, HO invariably, for records. This order comes into force with effect from 23.06.2006. (Ref. O.O. No. 11 dated 29.08.1986 and No.07 dated 04.07.2006) C. 1. Minimum Wages to the Casual Employees.

In continuation of office order No.27 dated 18.01.2006, it has been decided to revise the rates of wages payable to consolidated/daily wages employe of the Federation w.e.f. 01.02.2006 and 01.08.2006 as under:



(Rates revised 1.2.06) (Rates revised Consolidated Wages Daily wages Daily Consolidated (Rs.) (Rs.) (Rs.)(Rs.) 149/3312/- 51/1

1.8.06) S.No.



Unskilled 3271/(Peon/Helper/Labourer/ Chowkidar/Waterman/Gr. Attendant/Guest-Attendant/ Gardner/Sweeper/Mechanic Helper/Packer/Cleaner/Loader/ Unloader etc. Semi Skilled (Book Binder/ Auctioneer etc.


Unskil (Peon/ Chow Attend Gardn Helper Unloa


3437/- 156/-

3478/- 58/1


Semi (Book


Skilled (Driver/Electrician/Mechanic/ Carpenter/Plumber etc. Clerical & Non-technical Supervisory staff: a) Non-Matriculate b) Matriculate c) Graduate and above

3695/- 168/-

3736/- 70/1


Skilled (Drive Carpe


4. 3464/- 157/3719/- 169/4031/- 183/3505/159/3760/171/4072/185/-

Cleric Super

a) Non b) Ma c) Gra

The above rates of wages to daily wages/consolidated employees are inclusive of variable dearness allowance as well as the payment of two weekly days of rest for which no separate payment is to be made. Further, if the daily wages employees are asked to work on weekly off/holidays they will be entitled to the normal wages, provided their working hours are same as are during the normal working days. (Ref. O.O. No. 19, dated 16.02.2001, OO No.08 dated 17.6.2005 & O.O. No.19 dated 01.12.2006) 2. As regards casual employees working on consolidated wages/monthly fixed wages on contract basis, they will be paid enhanced DA @ Rs. 107/-* per month w.e.f. 01.02.1997* thus raising the total variable Dearness Allowance to Rs. 471/-* p.m. w.e.f. 01.02.1997. * Further, if the daily wages employee are asked to work on the weekly off/holidays they will be

entitled to the normal wages, provided their working hours are same as are during the normal working days. (Ref. O.O. No. 13, dated 27.12.1996) Regarding fixation of pay in the revised pay scales it has been decided that the existing basic pay of the employees as on 01.10.1993 will be first increased by the amount mentioned below against their respective scales of pay and it will be fixed at that stage in the revised scale of pay, if there happens to be one otherwise at the stage next above the basic pay so computed: Pay Fixation Formula
Sl. No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Existing Scale of Pay Minimum increase (Rs.) in Basic 700-860 750-1250 775-1359 875-1450 950-1500 1200-2040 1320-2040 1400-2600 1640-3130

Rs. 150/-

Rs. 230/-

(Ref. O.O. No. 08, dated 02.06.1994) II. The Board of Director in their meeting held on 20.05.1994 have decided to revise the existing pay scales for the employees of the Federation (excluding the Industrial Units) in the scale of pay of Rs. 2000-3750 and above w.e.f. 02.10.1993 as follows: Sl. No. Existing Pay-Scales (Rs.) Revised Pay-Scales (Rs.)


Protection of Pay

It has been observed that number of representations from the employees for protection of special pay or its continuation even after preponement/stepping up of their increments have been received, after revision of pay scales w.e.f. 02.10.1988. 2. It is clarified for information of all concerned that special pay was granted to some employees at the time of revision of pay scales to protect the granted benefit to them. In other words the intention of granting special pay was that these employees may not get less pay than their juniors as a result of fixation of pay in the new scales. The intention of preponement of increment to certain employees is also the same i.e. senior persons should not get less salary than their juniors. On the basis of this analogy, it was decided not to protect the special pay in the event of preponing the date of increment to such employees who are getting Special pay as the protection of pay against junior employees is to be given once

only. Further preponement of pay/increment to the employees is considered under the following conditions: a) b) c) d) e) That in past junior should not have drawn the pay more than the Senior. Both the junior and senior officers should belong to the same cadre. The posts in which they have been promoted or appointed should be identical. The scale of pay of the lower and higher posts in which they are entitled to draw pay should be identical. If even in the lower post, the junior officers draws from time to time a higher rate of pay than the senior by virtue of grant of advance increments, the above provisions will not be invoked to step up the pay of the senior officers.

3. It has also been observed that employees, while making representation for protection of their pay do not visualise the above condition and submit their representation for preponement/stepping up of salary. It is, therefore, clasified that no representations should be submitted if the applicants case do not come under the above conditions. Regional/Branch Managers are also advised to please ensure that the represe-ntation of employees be forwarded to Head Office for consideration only after they examine the above factors. (Ref. O.O. No. 06, dated 16.05.1994) F. Grant of Interim Relief to the emp-loyees of the Federation w.e.f. 1 st June, 2000 (Merged with basic pay vide office order No.11 dated 19.8.2004)

The Board of Directors in its meeting of 09.06.2000 approved payment towards revision of pay scales in view of the recommendation made by 5 th Pay Commission to the employees of the Federation w.e.f. 01.06.2000 as under: Pay Scale Amount of IR

Sl. No. (i)

Employees in the scale of pay of Rs. 850-1100 and upto the pay scales of Rs. 1900-4180

Rs. 400/per month Rs. 650/per month

(ii) Employees in the scale of pay of Rs. 2325-5100 and above

The above payment shall not be treated as pay for any other benefits. This order shall not be applicable to the employees of the Industrial Units. (Ref. O.O. No. 07, dated 23.06.2000) (2) The Executive Committee in its meeting held on 25.05.2001 has approved payment towards Interim Relief to the employees of the Federation at the rates indicated below w.e.f. 01.06.2000: Sl. No. (i) Pay Scale Amount of IR

Employees in the scale of pay of Rs. 850-1100 and upto the pay scales of Rs. 1900-4180

Rs.1000/per month Rs.1500/-

(ii) Employees in the scale of pay

of Rs. 2325-5100 and above

per month

The above payment shall not be treated as pay for any other benefits. This order shall not be applicable to the employees of the Industrial Units. (Ref. O.O. No. 04, dated 25.05.2001)
Revision of rates of Addl.Dearness Allowance. In partial modification of Office Order No.18 dated 10.11.2006, the rates of Addl. Dearness Allowance admissible to the employees of the Federation have been revised as under:Rates of Addl. DA 35% Date from which payable 01.01.2007

2. As specified vide Office Order No.11 dated 19.8.2004 ibid, the Dearness Allowance announced by the Government of India w.e.f. 01.01.2004 is admissible to the employees of the Federation as Additional Dearness Allowance, to be computed on the revised basic pay.
3. The Dearness Allowance will continued to be a distinct element of remuneration and will not be treated as pay. 4. The payment on account of Dearness Allowance involving fractions of 50 Paise and above may be rounded off to the next higher rupee and the fractions of less than 50 Paise may be ignored.

(Ref. OO No.01 dated 10.04.2007)

The Board of Directors in their meeting held on 25.08.2009 has decided to enhance the rates of Daily Allowance payable to the casual employees from existing level Rs.100/- Per day to Rs.150/- per day for Class IV positions and Rs.200/- for Class III positions irrespective of class of city where they go on tour. The above rates would be applicable w.e.f. 25.08.2009.
OO No. 08 dt. 04/09/09

In continuation of office order No11 dated 26.10.2007, it has been decided to revise the rates of wages payable to consolidated/daily wages employees of the Federation from 01.08.2008 as under: Rates Revised from 01.08.08 Sl.No. 1. Category Unskilled (Peon/Helper/Labourer/Chowkidar/Waterman/Gr.Attendant/ Guest Attendant/Gardener/Sweeper/Mechanic Helper/Packer/ Cleaner/Loader/Unloaded etc. Semi-skilled (Book Binder/Auctioneer etc.) Skilled (Driver/Electrician/Mechanic/Carpenter/Plumber etc.) Clerical & Non-technical Supervisory Staff : Non-matriculate Matriculate but non-graduate Graduate and above Consolidated Rs.3683.00 Daily Wage Rs.167.00

2. 3. 4. a). b). c).

Rs.3849.00 Rs.4107.00 Rs.3876.00 Rs.4131.00 Rs.4443.00

Rs.175.00 Rs.187.00 Rs.176.00 Rs.188.00 Rs.202.00

2. The revised rates of wages are inclusive of Variable Dearness Allowance as well as payment of two weekly offs. Further, if the daily wages employees are asked to work on weekly off/holidays they will be entitled to the normal wages, provided their working hours are same as are during the normal working days.


Dated: 06.10.2008 (Chapter-13)

It is notified that the Executive Committee in the meeting held on 10.07.2009 has decided to allow a special allowance of Rs.650.00 per month to such Branch Managers who are entrusted with the dual functions of Branch Manager and Zonal Coordinator simultaneously. This order is deemed to have come into force w.e.f. 10.07.2009. OFFICE ORDER NO.05 Dt. 20.07.2009 (Chapter-13)

As per the decision taken by Board of Directors in its meeting held on 16.12.10, the following remuneration will be payable to the Consultants on engagement of their services in the Federation after retirement:-

SNo. 1) 2) 3) 3)

Name of post ED & above Gen.Manager Manager AM/Dy.M

Existing Remuneration Rs.25000/- or 50% of gross salary whichever is less Rs. 20000/- or 50% of gross salary whichever is less Rs. 20000/- or 50% of gross salary whichever is less Rs. 15000/- or 50% of gross salary whichever is less

Remuneration proposed Rs. 35000 + Rs. 5000 conveyance charges Rs. 30000 + Rs.5000 Conveyance charges Rs. 25000 + Rs. 4000 Conveyance chages Rs. 20000 total

The other terms and conditions prevailing in the Office order no. 09 dated 07.09.2009 shall remain unchanged. The above amendments have come into effect from 16.12.10.

ORDER NO. 07 3rd January, 2011 (Chapter-13)

In continuation of Office Order No. 04 dated 5.10.2010, the rates of Additional Dearness Allowance admissible to the employees of the Federation shall stand revised from 103% to 115% w.e.f. 01.01.2011. As specified vide Office Order No.11 dated 19.8.2004, the Dearness Allowance announced by the Government of India w.e.f. 01.01.2004 is admissible to the employees of the Federation as Additional Dearness Allowance, to be computed on the revised basic pay. The Govt. of India has issued separate order No. 1(3)/2008-EII(B) dated 31.3.2011 for payment of Dearness Allowance w.e.f. 01.01.2011 to the employees of Central Government and Central Autonomous Bodies continuing to draw their pay in the pre-revised scale as per 5th CPC. Therefore, Additional Dearness Allowance rates in respect of Nafed employees is being revised in accordance with this order. The Dearness Allowance will continue to be a distinct element of remuneration and will not be treated as pay.

The payment on account of Dearness Allowance involving fractions of 50 Paise and above may be rounded off to the next higher rupee and the fractions of less than 50 Paise may be ignored.
OO No.02 dt. 05/04/11 (Chapter-13)

In continuation of Office Order No.02 dated 27.04.2010, it has been decided to revise the rates of wages payable to Contract/daily wages employees of the Federation w.e.f. 01.04.2011, as under:

Sl.No. ----1.

Category ----------

Consolidated Daily Wage -------------------------Rs.6424.00 Rs.292.00

2. 3. 4. a). b). c). 2.

Unskilled (Peon/Helper/Labourer/Chowkidar/ Waterman/Gr.Attendant/GuestAttendant/Gardener/Sweeper/ Mechanic Helper/Packer/Cleaner/ Loader/Unloader etc. Semi-skilled (Book Binder/Auctioneer etc.) Skilled (Driver/Electrician/Mechanic/ Carpenter/Plumber etc.) Clerical & Non-technical Supervisory Staff : Non-matriculate Matriculate Graduate and above

Rs.7106.00 Rs.7832.00

Rs.323.00 Rs.356.00

Rs.7106.00 Rs.7832.00 Rs.8492.00

Rs.323.00 Rs.200.00 Rs.386.00

The monthly remuneration of Ms. Anju Devi, Jr. Assistant, Contract basis, CMD, Lawarance Road is also hereby enhanced from Rs. 7000/- to 10,000/- per month w.e.f. 01.04.2011.

3. The revised rates of wages are inclusive of Variable Dearness Allowance as well as payment of two weekly offs. Further, if the daily wages employees are asked to work on weekly off/holidays, they will be entitled to the normal wages, provided their working hours are same as are during the normal working days. OFFICE ORDER NO. 16 Dated: 25.08.2011 (Chapter-13) In continuation of Office Order No.02 dated 05.04.2011, the rates of Additional Dearness Allowance admissible to the employees of the Federation shall stand revised from 115% to 127% w.e.f. 01.07.2011. As specified vide Office Order No.11 dated 19.08.2004, the Dearness Alloance announced by the Government of India w.e.f. 01.01.2004 is admissible to the employees of the Federation as Additional Dearness Allowance, to be computed on the revised basic pay. The Govt. of India has issued separate order No.1(3)2008-EII(B) dated 17th October, 2011 for payment of Dearness Allowance w.e.f. 01.07.2011 to the employees of Central Government and Central Autonomous Bodies continuing to draw their pay in the pre-revised scale as per 5 Central Pay Commission. Therefore, Additional Dearness Allowance rates in respect of Nafed employees is being revised in accordance with this order. The Dearness Allowance will continue to be a distinct element of remuneration and will not be treated as pay. The payment on account of Dearness Allowance involving fractions of 50 Paise and above may be rounded off to the next higher rupee and the fractions of less than 50 Paise my be ignored. OFFICE ORDER NO. 17 19.10.2011 (Chapter -13)

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