OpenSQL Exercises

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1. Write a program to display the customers by company code.

The tables used for the selection are KNA1, KNB1 and T001. Create a selection screen to take user input of Customer (KNA1KUNNR) and Company Code (KNB1-BUKRS) as select-options. The output should be sorted by company code and customer number. The output should contain the fields in the following sequence: a. Company Code (KNB1-BUKRS) b. Company Code Text (T001-BUTXT) for the logon language c. Customer Number (KNA1-KUNNR) d. Customer Name (KNA1-NAME1) e. Region (KNA1-REGIO) f. Country (KNA1-LAND1) The output should contain the respective column headings (Use WRITE statement to display the column headings in the output) and the output should be displayed in a tabular format. Z_MHPOPEN1

2. Write a program to display the sales order items and their corresponding schedule line data. The program will use the tables VBAP and VBEP. Selection Screen will contain Sales Order Number (VBAP-VBELN) and Sales Order Item (VBAP-POSNR) as select options. Sales Order Number should be a mandatory field for input. Ensure that the sales documents selected are only sales orders (VBAK-VBTYP = C). The output should contain the following fields: a. Sales Order Number (VBAP-VBELN) b. Sales Order Item (VBAP-POSNR) c. Material Number (VBAP-MATNR) d. Sales Order Item Text (VBAP-ARKTX) e. Schedule line Number (VBEP-ETENR) f. Order Quantity (VBEP-WMENG) g. Confirmed Quantity (VBEP-BMENG) The output should contain the respective column headings (Use WRITE statement to display the column headings in the output) and the output should be displayed in a tabular format. Z_MHPOPEN2

3. Create an Employee Database table in SAP with the following fields: a. Employee Number Type N length 5 b. Employee Last Name Type C length 35 c. Employee First Name Type C length 35 d. Employee Department Type C Length 2

e. Employee Designation

Type C Length 25 and case sensitive

Create entries in the database table and try modifying and deleting entries from the database table. 4. Create an Employee Department table in SAP with the following fields: a. Employee Department Type C Length 2 b. Department Name Type C Length 25 Create entries in the database table and try modifying and deleting entries from the database table. 5. Write a program to select the data from the tables created in exercises 3 and 4. The selection screen should contain the Department Number as a Select-option. The output should list the department number, department name, employee number, employee last and first names and the designation.

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