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Charles L.

Feinberg Center

1. Q. What is the Fienberg Center? A. The Feinberg Center is a graduate level series of courses designed to prepare a person for effective ministry to Jewish people. The courses lead to a Certificate, or a Masters of Divinity Degree depending upon your length of study. 2. Q. What courses are offered? A. Some of the courses offered are: Hermeneutics and Bible Study Methods Survey of the Old and New Testaments Theology of the Siddur Evangelism and Follow Up Foundations of Pastoral Care and Counseling The entire list of courses is on the website. Go to 3. Q. How will this benefit me? A. You may benefit in a number of ways depending on your current or future role in ministry. In your personal witness, you will have a better grasp of key aspects of our faith and be able to communicate them to people you meet. In teaching in the local congregation, your depth of knowledge will inspire others to believe, to live out their faith and grow deeper in their walk with God. As a leader, you will develop key leadership and preaching skills through the teaching of the experienced professors that lead the courses. 4. Q. What are the requirements for acceptance into the program? A. A Bachelors degree at an accredited college and a calling to Jewish ministry are two requirements. We also ask for references. 5. Q. How much does it cost? A. The program costs are supplemented by Chosen People Ministries, which has a commitment to ensuring the program is affordable. The portion that the students pay is very low. Most students graduate with little, or no tuition debt. 6. Q. Where are the courses taught? A. Two-Thirds of the program is held in New York City. In the summer (for 6 weeks), students attend courses at Talbot School of Theology near Los Angeles. 7. Q. Is the program offered online? A. We have no online classes at the current time but we are initiating the approval process for putting some of our courses online, with our accrediting agency.

Charles L. Feinberg Center

8. Q. Who teaches in the program? A. Our professors are some of the most well known in their fields, and we have guest professors who teach in their areas of specialty. Some of the professors include: Dr. Michael Brown, Dr. Mitch Glaser, Dr. Michael Rydelnik, Dr. Darrell Bock, and Dr. Arnold Fruchtenbaum. 9. Q. Where would I live? A. You will live in Brooklyn, NY home to 900,000 Jewish people. 10. Q. What are the housing costs? A. Because the school is in Brooklyn, we ask the students to get their own housing. However there is room for a few single students to live at the school and in some cases, students can apply for a housing subsidy.

For an application, or more information, contact Racheal Ndei at Chosen People Ministries. Call (212) 223-2252 x 1204 or e-mail:

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